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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we know that the government is Your servant to enforce Your rule on earth. Give us hearts to pray and serve accordingly.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

On IFA’s Pray With America’s Leaders webcast, government-relations consultant Terri Hasdorff shared her heart on the importance of praying for the government. Terri has served in the White House, the House of Representatives, and various government agencies. As a resident of Alabama, she ran for Congress in 2020 and operated a super PAC after that. Terri understands the breadth and width of what it takes to be in public office, and on the webcast she explained why it’s crucial to pray for those who hold or will be running for office.

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If you have been on the fence about praying for our government on any level, I pray that you will prayerfully reconsider.

Generally, when people think of governmental officials, there tends to be a perception that “it’s all corrupt.” And while political corruption certainly does exist, many Christians — intercessors included — are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Fear, anger, and mistrust often outweigh our desire for prayer.

Terri disclosed that while she was in public service, prayer affected her life greatly: “Every decision was made after a time of fasting and praying. God has guided and directed me every step of the way. I can’t recommend it highly enough.”

Speaking with host Kris Kubal, IFA’s chief program officer, about these outcomes of prayer, Terri said: “I have seen prayer be a significant force in Washington. I have personally seen prayer impact legislation. There were things that looked impossible, and they came through and succeeded. I’ve seen things stop that needed to be stopped. I have seen the way prayer has been the foundation for our country. I believe that God pays attention to government leaders, especially those in government who pray.”

Asked to share any surprising things about prayer and politics, Terri lit up. She said that many Christians would be surprised to learn just how much prayer occurs in Congress: “The biggest surprise is how many Christians there are in Washington, D.C. There are weekly Bible studies happening in the Capitol building and in the House and Senate and offices all over Washington. People need to realize there are good and honest people serving in government. It’s not at all like the media portrays it. It’s actually amazing. Those people need more support and reinforcements. That’s where groups like IFA come in and not only get behind them, but give opportunities in different ways to get involved.”

Terri was asked to relate faith-building stories about events she has witnessed in which there was no shadow of doubt that God had worked, and which reveal that He truly does care about government. She replied: “Our country was founded by men who believed in biblical principles until this day. We have withstood so much evil and have been able to survive; I have personally seen members of Congress get down on their hands and knees in prayer in times of crisis. This is one of the things people do not see behind the scenes, but it does happen.”

Here’s how we can pray into what is currently going on in our government, according to Terri: “We must pray for justice to be restored where it has been broken. Justice is a critical part of our democracy. It’s the only foundation on which a society of free and independent people can exist.”

And the Scriptures do attest to that: Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you (Psalm 89:14).

“We can also pray for hidden things to be revealed. Not just for things to come out, but that they might be dealt with. Pray that righteousness would prevail in our justice system,” Terri said.

Again, Scripture bears that out: For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all (Luke 8:17 NLT).

“As Christians, we are called to walk in faith and not fear. There is hope. With proper training, we can do amazing things in politics,” said Terri.

Here are some practical things we can do that can have a great impact — beginning with the most important one first:


“Pray for the right people and candidates to get involved. Pray God to show them clearly, and that the candidates would hear Him for themselves. If there are no good candidates, maybe you need to pray and consider if God is calling you to run. Maybe you know someone who would make a great candidate. Go and recruit them.”

If we are concerned about the integrity of our coming elections, now is a great time to think about ways we can make a difference. We can’t wait until the last minute and then get upset when things go wrong.


Terri recommended getting to know the election officials in your county. You can also find out what it takes to be a poll worker or poll watcher. Know when the events are coming in summer and into the fall. Sign up and find friends who are willing to help.

Get and Stay Informed

Do your homework. Get to know the candidates personally, or ask around. Go to their websites, or attend a town hall meeting or campaign rally. Find out where they stand on important issues. “Don’t wait until right before the election. Treat it like a job interview. These people will be making decisions that impact your life in many ways,” Terri said.

Consider Local Elections to Be as Important as State Elections 

It’s not just the “big” elections that require our prayers and attention. We must be equally informed about and get involved on the local levels as well.

“These people will make decisions that directly impact where you live. This is your backyard — the schools in your area and community are affected by local elections. Many state leaders are now speaking into issues like abortion and other critical issues that we used to let the federal figure out.”

And maybe the “small” isn’t really so small. According to Terri: “There are 3,000 counties in the United States. There’s a spectrum of people in these offices who need our prayers. Maybe you can’t make a difference on a larger scale, but you can make a difference in your own county. Get to know who your county officials are, because they will often go on to run for higher office, like a state official. Sometimes what happens in a county can have a larger-scale effect. It’s critical we get involved on every level.”

Our Call to Action

Terri concluded with an urgent exhortation to all Christians. “This is your call to action. Now is the time! We are in a place in our nation where you are needed. Sixty-seven percent of Americans are Christians. If that voting block rises up, I know it could make a difference, and our voices would be heard. Right now, 41% of Christians aren’t even registered to vote at all. What happens this November will be indicative of the next year, when we are in full election mode. Take advantage and learn what you can do now; it will serve you well.”

Following her extensive time in public service, Terri was led to write a book titled Running Into the Fire: Why More Christians Need to Be Involved in Politics. She wrote this book specifically for people who do not understand the process, the behind-the-scenes work that goes into elections, or the needs of candidates who run for office. It is a hands-on guide for anyone who wants to participate but has no idea where to begin. If you want to take that first step to learn more, visit www.GodOverGovernment.com. There you can sign up for emails, purchase the book, or find podcasts. The site offers a wealth of resources we can benefit from.

Now let’s pray together:

Thank You, Lord, for godly men and women in office who have Your heart for our nation. Please raise up even more such men and women as godly candidates. Let those who know they are called and have that desire come forward now with Your backing. We pray that all believers will exercise their civic duty to vote. Give every one of us the desire to see just, righteous, and holy changes in this land, especially in our own counties, where every facet of our daily lives will be affected. Lord, give us Your heart for government. Open our eyes to see the good in government too, and not to maximize the bad that we see. If this matters to You, Lord, then let it matter to us too. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

If this article inspires you with fresh passion to pray for government, share below!

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Michele Orallo on Unsplash.

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June 2, 2023


Betty Beardsley
June 1, 2023

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the mighty name of JESUS our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, I thank and praise You for all of the Christians who are serving our country. I ask You to put a hedge of protection over each one and their families. I asked You to give them wisdom to know what to do and revelation on how to do it. Jesus told us to pray “Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” That is our prayer. We also ask You to deliver us from the evil planned by those who do not serve You. I ask You to provide financially, spiritually, physically, and for the families of all the Christian government leaders.
We thank and praise You for all You are doing and have done for our country. May we continue to “One Nation Under God” and trust in You forever. You are the Power and the Glory forever. Amen.

Grant Windholz
June 1, 2023

Lord God Almighty, our Government has been corrupt and evil for years as we all know. Through continuing prayers we know that your always in control and through you and your power, ANYTHING can happen 🙏! Since there is so much evil, please bring hope and inspiration to the minds of people who lead this country!

Marsha Bashor
May 30, 2023

Dear Lord God, I pray for a righteous government to replace the evil one. I lift up all the leaders from President down through the Congressional members, to take heed of you, to repent of their wrongdoing, turn from their wicked ways, and instead let the Holy Spirit guide them in their decision making, in their thinking and planning. I pray for the ones who are following you, Lord thank
you that there are Christians in our government who are praying about critical decisions concerning our country. Lord give them your wisdom and guidance. Hover over them and give them success. Oh God turn us around to your ways.🙏✝️✡️💟

Ann Shaw
May 28, 2023

Almighty Father, I thank you that you have instructed us to pray for our government leaders. I will continue to ask for you to woo hearts and reveal truth. In Jesus’s name Amen

Kathy Casillas
May 28, 2023

Fellow believers..Dutch and Tim Sheets have been the major mouth pieces of God in my life. I encourage you to look them up and listen to what God is say ing about His Justice being released over America. They are as stable as anyone could be. Blessing to all!

Kathy Casillas
May 28, 2023

It’s important to know there are people in government who love God and country so we can encourage and pray for them. Appreciate you Terri and those like you!

Rose Rocha
May 26, 2023

IFA I thank you for the ZOOM study you had a few weeks ago on why we should prayer for the government and the leaders according to 1 Timothy 2: 1- 4
“1First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 2 for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. “

Christine Stott
May 26, 2023

Lord, we know that the government is Your servant to enforce Your rule on earth. Give us hearts to pray and serve accordingly.

Jeannette taylor
May 26, 2023

Father how I pray you will bring America to her knees..and bring many righteous ones into offices to run our country this fall and 2024..May America Bless God again..in the name of Jeshua our Lord Amen

May 25, 2023

Praise God, thank for this article. It’s so refreshing to hear about the good that’s in the midst of evil. It gives us strength to keep praying and to pray more fervently.
Lord I pray that more of our leaders will stand for justice and righteousness and we will see America saved. Amen!

Diane Courie
May 25, 2023

Thank you so much for this article and commentary. I have been praying for government and have the 10 for America prayer list and have been doing that every day. But I have found it difficult at times when I have seen so much injustice,, corruption, and hypocrisy, in our government… that I find it hard sometimes to pray. This article really helped to open my eyes in better ways to pray. I also know the Lord wants us to pray for our government and Christians need to stand up to that calling and be in prayer! Again, this article really made a difference in my outlook, and how I can pray. Thank you and may our Christ reign and all that we do.

Lisa Bell
May 25, 2023

Praying for God’s will in all matters of State and personal. Prayers sent.


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