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God, we pray against the trafficking epidemic at our southern border. Give our leaders wisdom, Father, as they seek to protect children.
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The Biden administration will stop DNA testing that has been used to prevent child trafficking at the border.

From The Daily Wire. The Biden administration plans to end a family DNA testing system at the U.S.-Mexico border that authorities use to prevent smugglers from trafficking migrant children across the southern border, according to a leaked memo obtained by Just the News.

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials were notified that familial DNA contract with BODE Technologies, a DNA testing service contracted with law enforcement and identification markets for over 25 years, will end on May 31, 2023, and all familial DNA testing will conclude on that date.

CBP authorities began implementing the DNA testing program under the Trump administration “following a court order related to the separation of migrant children from their families and evidence drug cartels were using children to create fake family units to sneak illegal immigrants across the border,” according to the outlet. …

Derek Benner, ICE HIS executive associate director, said the goal of Rapid DNA testing remained twofold.

“First, to protect children from being smuggled across the border by ensuring they are with their parents and not being used as pawns by individuals attempting to exploit immigration loopholes,” Benner said, according to Defense Daily. “Second, to identify and stop the criminal organizations that are generating false documents and supporting child smuggling.”

“It is clear on-site DNA testing has a strong deterrent effect, as HIS agents witnessed multiple instances of individuals confessing to faux families prior to being tested as well,” Benner added. …

How are you praying about the trafficking epidemic at the border? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Tim Tebow Foundation on Unsplash)

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William Stevens (Bill)
May 29, 2023

“All that is required for EVIL to triumph is for good people to do nothing”
~Be part of the solution- Pray & speak out!
~ paraphrased
Edmund Burke

Ann Shaw
May 28, 2023

I believe the DNA testing should be continued. We need to protect our border, especially the children.

May 26, 2023

My father in Heaven, it seems to me that the only reason anyone would stop the DNA testing is to more easily allow criminals into this country, and to make sure they cannot be tracked. This destroys our country and the devil is the one that comes to steal kill and destroy. Father, in the name of Jesus, i ask you would you please see to it that this DNA testing does in fact continue and is indeed quite effective in stopping criminals. Father I pray this in the name of Jesus, and I thank you with all of my heart for hearing our prayers. Amen.

    William Stevens (Bill)
    May 29, 2023

    All Gods children say Amen!!
    You are the Lord most high…
    You reign in heaven…
    You reign on high…
    You are the worthy one…
    The lamb that was slain…
    You bought us with your blood…
    The we may also reign…

Shelba Brooks
May 26, 2023

We still need to do the DNA testing to protect the children from being smuggled.

Christine Stott
May 26, 2023

God, we pray against the trafficking epidemic at our southern border. Give our leaders wisdom, Father, as they seek to protect children.

May 25, 2023

Father God You are King of the Universe! The earth is yours
& You rule and reign in Righteousness! May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us pray without ceasing to protect the innocent! I believe in obeying the law. But, if I saw someone being abducted I would intervene to save them! Keep DNA testing & save lives!!! He doesn’t know what going on at the border. He’s never been there? He’s a pawn in the hand of evil forces! Pray for Biden to know the Way, The Truth & The Life…His Name is JESUS!

May 25, 2023

Heavenly Father in Jesus name we come boldly before your throne of Grace to obtain mercy and grace for this situation on our borders and all over the world.Children are being sold into sex trafficking and all manner of evils.Send ministering spirits of God all ranks and devisions to protect these children and parents that are in harms way.Dismantle the plans and plots of the evil one at our borders of sex trafficking human trafficking and other schemes that they will fall in their on pits and not prosper in its intent to harm any of these children and families at our borders.You are the miracle working God you make a way where there is no way.We thank you that the enemies plans will not be successful and will not prosper because you the great I Am is in the way !!!We serve a mighty God and we ask for you to have mercy on this situation at our border and heal our land.A nation is blessed whose Lord is their God.And we are One Nation Under One God and no other and we Praise you God Almighty!!Amen

May 25, 2023

I just reported to my prayer group about this plan by this false administration. We prayed that this plan would be killed the idea would be killed and the because it is a diabolical plot against the children the families.

May 25, 2023

It appears in the natural that all protection is being removed from the American people. Thank you Jesus that you have provided supernatural protection as we stand in agreement that the blood of Jesus covers us as we repent of the sins of this nation and corrupt leadership. We continue to declare, “Let God arise and his enemies be scattered!”

Laura K
May 25, 2023

I am so disgusted with the things that Biden does words fail me.

Lord God hear the prayers of those who are Your own and answer from Your holy hill. Send Your warrior angels to wage warfare in the heavenliness and Your guardian angels to protect those who are Your own, bought by the price of Jesus blood. Let YOUR WILL BE DONE IN ALL THINGS. Amen

May 25, 2023

This is beyond belief as to what is occuring at the border. This current Administration is bent on destroying our borders and those that cross illegally. As US citizens, we have no country with no borders. May God have mercy on our Republic, our citizens, and our Border Patrol as they valiantly attempt to do their jobs.


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