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Lord, we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. We pray for their safety and their freedom.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The global persecution of Christians has reached unprecedented levels: “260 million Christians experience high levels of persecution” around the world, notes the recently published Open Doors World Watch List 2020, an annual report that ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith.

Additionally, “2,983 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons. On average, that’s 8 Christians killed every day for their faith”: “9,488 churches or Christian buildings were attacked,” and “3,711 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned.” (Note: All quotes in this article are from the World Watch List 2020 report.)

Dictatorial paranoia continues to make North Korea (#1) the worst nation. “If North Korean Christians are discovered, they are deported to labor camps as political criminals or even killed on the spot.” — World Watch List 2020, Open Doors.

Otherwise, as has been the case in all statistics and reports on the global persecution of Christians, not only does “Islamic oppression” remain the chief “source of persecution” faced by Christians in seven of the absolute ten worst nations, but 38 of the 50 nations composing the list are either Muslim majority or have a sizeable Muslim population.

The targeting of Christians around the world has become more widespread than ever. Part of this is because “persecution against Christians has taken a technological turn.” ….in India (#10) — where “Hindu radicals often attack Christians with little to no consequences” — “the government plans to introduce a national facial recognition system. Similarly, China (#23)….” — World Watch List 2020, Open Doors.

Perhaps the most disturbing trend is that the number of persecuted Christians continues to grow year after year….

Will this trend ever stop and reverse, or will it continue to get worse — and possibly even spill into those nations that, for now, enjoy religious freedom and equality?

The global persecution of Christians has reached unprecedented levels: “260 million Christians experience high levels of persecution” around the world, notes the recently published Open Doors World Watch List 2020, an annual report that ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith.

Otherwise, and as has been the case in all statistics and reports on the global persecution of Christians, not only does “Islamic oppression” remain the chief “source of persecution” faced by Christians in seven of the absolute ten worst nations, but 38 of the 50 nations composing the list are either Muslim-majority or have a sizeable Muslim population.

The overwhelming majority of these Muslim nations are governed by some form of shari’a (Islamic law). It is either directly enforced by government or society or, more frequently, both, though societies — family members in particular — tend to be more zealous in its application. Brief summaries of the seven Muslim nations making the top ten follow:

  • Afghanistan (#2) is “an Islamic society where Christianity exists in secret.” Not only is it “illegal for an Afghan person to leave Islam,” but family members are often first to attack or kill them.
  • In Somalia (#3), “[c]onversion to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal”; ” family members and clan leaders will harass, intimidate and even kill” converts. Al Shabaab, “the youth,” an Islamic group, slaughters Christians “on the spot when discovered.”
  • In Libya (#4), “There is no freedom of speech, no equal treatment of Christians, no recognition of the church and no churches being built.”
  • Pakistan (#5) “is afflicted by numerous radical Islamic groups,” which “regularly target” churches. More generally and in the eyes of both government and people, “Christians are regarded as second-class citizens. Also, the country’s anti-blasphemy laws are disproportionately applied against the Christian minority — making it difficult and dangerous to live out one’s faith in public.”
  • In Sudan (#7), “the government has arrested or intimidated many Christian leaders, and numerous churches have been demolished. Extremists have attacked Christians, especially in the Nuba Mountain region, where thousands of Christians have been killed or displaced.”
  • In Yemen (#8), civil “war has allowed radical Islamic groups to expand their operations in certain areas, leading to Christians being abducted and killed. Open church activities are forbidden and leaving Islam is forbidden. Muslims who decide to follow Jesus could face the death penalty.”
  • In Iran (#9), which “is governed by Islamic law,… the rights and professional possibilities for Christians are heavily restricted…. [I]t is illegal to produce Christian literature or hold church services in Farsi. Converts from Islam face persecution from the government.”. . .

(Excerpt from Gatestone Institute. Article by Raymond Ibrahim.)

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Cristobal Campos
February 15, 2020

Thank God that we born again believers still have a voice; we must not be afraid to share the love of Christ. We must take the gospel out of the four walls of the church and reach out to those that need the gospel. Thank God that the body of believers are still here; may we have boldness to proclaim the word of God with force and value. Amen.

Chuck Miller
February 14, 2020

Prayer to Action in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, Amen🙏🙏🙏

Lawrence Unger
February 12, 2020

Pray earnestly, binding up and canceling “The Hunt” movie to be released by Universal, Friday, March 13, 2020, portraying the legal tracking down and brutally killing Christians / deplorables all in the name of entertainment, in the powerful name of Jesus. Pray loosening protection from our Father’s Heavenly Host, in the powerful name of Jesus. 11 For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11 KJV

February 11, 2020

So, why do we give the persecutors of Christians sanctuary in the USA instead of the Christians who are being persecuted?

    Catherine Ladd
    February 11, 2020

    We must pray fervently against the rising tide of Islam in America. Judeo-Christian values are being shoved out of our schools while Islam is being let in the front door.

    Chuck Miller
    February 14, 2020

    Islam and Sharia Law is against our American Constitution and Laws, yet the DemonRats stand with iIslam and Sharia Law against US!!! Only vote for Faithful Republicans and vote the rest out the door, the lives of Christians are under attack right here in our beloved America and it must be Stopped ASAP!!!

February 11, 2020

Father God,
I lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Please surround them with Your love and protection. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit. Give them courage, wisdom, and Your peace that passes all understanding. I ask that You send ministering angels to them. Provide for all their spiritual, emotional, physical and mental needs.
I lift up those who are persecuting them and pray for their salvation, that You will grant them repentance and the gift of faith in Jesus.
I ask all this in His Name. Amen.

    February 12, 2020

    Liberate Your people from their strongholds. Reveal yourself like You did to Saul who persecuted Your saints, but if they don’t repent, rebuke them Lord. Let them suffer Your righteousness judgement. Let their nations suffer demise so that then they will have the holy fear of Your wrath and repent. In Jesus’ name.

February 11, 2020

We who know the Indwelling Presence Of Christ are confident in His compassion and strengthening in our Brothers and Sisters in these 10 countries… they know the Transformation in their lives and we join them in praying for God’s Mercy on those who are lost and fearful without Christ and yet could turn to Him.🔥


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