Next Generation Needs You!
Next Generation Needs You!
I saw thousands of young people surrender their callings to Jesus at the Send conference in Kansas City last weekend.
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“Send me, I’ll go!”
I also sat in more intimate meetings with young leaders from around the nation that same weekend. They brainstormed on how we could take the places of influence for the Kingdom of God.
In many ways, I was encouraged. But I also have a warning, and a call to pray for the Intercessors of America.
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As I reflected on the weekend, one theme emerged for me: we cannot do it alone. This seemed particularly true when I sat in a room at IHOP University with other young people working in the heights of influential places around the country, whether it be big tech, politics, business, etc.
The young leaders in that room feel sent by God to bring the Kingdom to all spheres of society. This is an important calling.
However, my fear for those young people who feel sent, either to the nations or to a place of influence, is that they would try to do it alone.
I believe God is calling younger generations to walk arm in arm with like-minded believers. In fact, our success may depend on it.
This is not easy. In many ways, it is contrary to the spirit of this age. Our youth today are siloed, social-distanced, and too selfish to consider one another. Our interactions are often on social media and dating apps more than in person.
That’s why we need the intercessors. If you feel burdened to carry Generation Z and Millennials in prayer, this is a key prayer point.
We need our youth to learn to work with others, not to try to do things alone. We need the exponential impact of the body of Christ activated in Gen Z and among Millennials.
It will take a group of young Christians, not an individual, to take Capitol Hill for Jesus. It will take a group, not an individual, to bring the Kingdom to Silicon Valley. It will take a group, not an individual, to take Wall Street for the Kingdom of God. And of course, the same is true for the nations of the earth.
We need the Holy Spirit’s help if this is ever going to become reality.
We need intercessors like you to contend that selfishness and isolation would be replaced with 2 Timothy 2:22:
Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (Emphasis added)
This week, the Lord brought to mind Exodus 3, where God sends Moses to Pharaoh, the beginning of his journey to lead the people of God to the Promised Land.
One thing was highlighted about this passage: God didn’t just send Moses to the Promised Land. He sent an entire people to take the Promised Land. It takes a people, not a person.
We have too long looked to the person with the microphone, the leader on stage, to go to the Promised Land God has for us. In reality, we all must go…together. We can’t do it on our own. We need the whole people of God to go with us.
With that in mind, let us pray.
-Father, we ask that you would break down the isolation and selfishness that separates the youth from one another in this hour. We need you to uproot division and replace it with brotherly affection in the young Christians, particularly leaders, Lord.
-Father, bring unity to your children in this hour. Cross racial lines, gender lines, economic and personality differences. Bring us together with humble, selfless, and loving hearts.
-Lord, we ask that you would take the nations and every sphere of society for your Kingdom. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, Lord!
Verses to press into as you intercede on this issue:
Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)
Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” And He said, “Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.” (Exodus 3:10-11)
How are you praying against isolation and selfishness? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
Casey Harper is a writer in the Washington, D.C. area covering national politics. He has worked for The Daily Caller, The Hill, and Sinclair Broadcast Group. A graduate of Hillsdale College, Casey’s work has also appeared in Fox News, Fox Business, Washington Examiner, and USA Today. Follow him on Twitter: @CaseyHarper33. Photo Credit: Photo by adrianna geo on Unsplash.
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great insight…for all generations…some want credit and promotion when things seem to be successful, which seems ok but may not be ok
Lord God, thwart these evil globalist plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset
Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it. We ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area, throughout the world
Lord I lift up to you the young people of our country.. starting in preteen years through adolescence ..Lord., Lord give us-“and myself especially- a humble state of mind -that I could be sensitive to your leading, that your Holy Spirit- Lord ..would be a flood.. and every church service and in every rally and in every Christian broadcast -,and that you would supernaturally cause the young people of our nation.. to be in the pathway of these messages- and then their hearts would be tendered as we pray- and as we encounter them..and we can just be willing vessels that you would speak through- even in the slightest way -,Lord to turn them in the right direction.. and I pray and thank you that I’ve heard reports of so many young people- that in the innocence of their youth-,and in the compassion,Lord you give young people- that they are seeking righteous standards-,that they are seeking truth.. and that they are seeking leadership-, Lord let them not grow weary in their Search-, Lord.. but let them find you-,and find hope, Lord.. and let us be there for them-,in Jesus name, Amen
Father, we are so isolated in today’s world, fearing attacks from those who disagree with us. I am so guilty of shunning conflict and staying safe. Father, may we band together for Your cause and to do Your will and may we, as Your people, change the direction and atmosphere of our nation. My You be our guide and buckler, Jesus. Amen
Lord, I thank You for what you’re doing in the Youth of America even now! I praise You that You have seen the need for this generation to rise up despite the enemy’s attempt to thwart the coming generations. You revealed to me a few years ago in prayer that REVIVAL would come through the Youth, and just recently you confirmed that through a sister in my Bible study, and for that I thank You, Lord of Heaven and Earth. I ask Lord, You would fill them to overflowing by Your Spirit, anoint them, and unite them together with others of the same mind and heart to take the Gospel to all who will hear. Give them Boldness and let your purposes drive them as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission. Bring such UNITY and LOVE amongst them and others in the Body of Christ that they will move like a mighty Army of God. Protect them as they minister and share with those who will rise against them, those who are enemies of the Cross. I pray for a ring of fire around them and much favor as they GO in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Father! We await to see Your Goodness!
Father, I pray for our young people that they would see they need others in bringing the gospel to the world. May parents encourage this in their children. May youth pastors have your wisdom in dealing with young people in their groups that the young people may be drawn to you and each other. May there not be cliquishness in our church groups but love and unity. May our young people see how important it is to band together rather than stand alone.
Thank you for this article. I have been praying for our youth for many years (my oldest is now 48) and I have more faith and hope than I ever have had because of the prayer movement and so many prophecies, and words to me from our Heavenly Father. His love is so much greater than we can imagine. Father, may Your great love overwhelm those whom You know are being called to lay down their lives for Your Kingdom. You made it clear we are to consider the cost, but no cost is too great.
You also know the time is short and we ask You Father to do a quick work in our youth who yield to You and bring into their lives just the right mature believers who know how to mentor them with discernment from Holy Spirit.
We pray this in Jesus’ Name knowing You will do much more than we ask or imagine according to Ephesians 3:20.
One of the most important ways e can come isolation and selfishness in the younger generations is to work together inter-generationally. My husband and I are in our 70s. We intentionally seek out people in their teens and 20’s to pour into. The generations working together are far stronger that apart.
I have long sensed that Christians in America need to wake up and stop being deceived. This gives me hope that young people are being called to make a difference, to be salt and light in a world that is growing more dark and depraved constantly. Let these young Christians be an example, Father God. Let them rely upon You, not themselves, for the strength that they need to accomplish Your purposes. I pray that You will use them to wake up the Christians in America who have been lulled to sleep by Satan. In Jesus’ name.
Father in the Name of Jesus we pray for You to raise up an army of King David’s on this earth to slay Goliath! Our youth need Your wisdom like the wisdom of David! Like the fearlessness of David! Like the dedication and devotion of David. May they dance and sing praises unashamedly to Your holy name Lord Jesus/Yeshua! Our youth need You Lord and only You. Take away the snares of this world that tempt them. Heal their hearts and minds from all the harm that has come to destroy them. Cause the youth to denounce all the snares and trappings that have led them astray so that they can devote their hearts and minds to You completely! We read and understand the heart of David from your Holy Bible so we ask for the same spirit to capture our youth for Your kingdom and Your glory! Hallelujah in advance for this answered prayer! Thank you Lord for your perfect timing in all matters pertaining to Your Kingdom Come! May it be ever so quickly!
Baruk ata Adonai Yeshua HaMessiah!!!
This summer, thousands of youth will gather in New Orleans to be part of the Lutheran Church’s National Youth Gathering. Youth from other nations will join them. At this conference they will pray and worship together. They will hear God’s Word,; the witness of believers who are in ministry; gather in small groups to share how Jesus and the Holy Spirit might be calling them; and to do projects of service in New Orleans, Please pray for these young people, their leaders, for the power of Christ to transform lives, and for safe travels .
Yes you are exactly correct. Just imagine that if all Christians would manifest Christ thru them and with that degree of action
How God would bless this nation more than we ever have seen in our lifetimes.
We just need to Pray and live to the extent of power that God has given us.
Things will change more and more
Indeed, it takes the whole body of Christ working together to carry out God’s kingdom agenda – we were not meant to serve God in isolation but as parts of the whole body – “there are many parts, but one body.” We each have a part to play as a part of the greater whole – we were never meant to fight for the faith alone. “As iron sharpens iron” we draw strength from each other and we “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” I wrote about this in post “the job of a hand holder” at – (March 2022 archives)
With information presented by Christian organizations I share that with family and anyone willing to listen. I sing praises to God daily for the Holy Spirit to come and set His followers on fire to fight for the Kingdom. And I cry out in prayer using Scripture at times for a great revival
I have noticed a trend and it’s on mainstream media and the social networks. Gen X is being “ canceled “ / ignored . The Gen X is still young enough and energetic enough to be powerful for the Lord and not be put out to pasture. Please pray The Lird would raise up Gen x ers who have wisdom to lead the millennials and z and they would have humble hearts to respond !
Father God,
I see this isolationism amongst out young people in that they stay to themselves playing video games and don’t even want to come out for dinner with their families. I ask that you break this spirit and bring them back to a loving relationship with their families. Also that the parents would recognize the danger that their children are in. In the mighty name of Jesus I command that the AI platform would be broken and all of us would turn one to another to pray together and not live in isolation
We love you Jesus. Help us to love one another as you have loved us. Amen
Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing
Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset
I am praying with you. I am also praying to be a positive influence that is a living testimony that we do not have to be who we once were. We do not have to be what or who our ancestors were. We do not have to choose to be selfish or unkind. Hurt people can also be HEALED people. I pray, I’m the name of Jesus, that we will be healed people and help others to become healed as we listen for Gods leading and take souls out of hell. We cannot do this alone. I pray that the hearts of our leaders will turn to God, back to God, and live uncompromising lives.
In Jesus name. Amen
It is imperative that the lines of generations also be dissolved … that the younger generations realize their need of the elder seasoned believers who , like Caleb , can fight the Philistines in their older stages !!
This is also my prayer .