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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, please change hearts and minds in America to rightly value the sanctity of life. Please help us to know how best to protect the most vulnerable mothers and prenatal children among us. We pray the scourge of abortion-on-demand in our nation would be defeated.
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Roe needs to go. But that won’t be the end.

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Like many IFA readers, I pray that the infamous 1973 Roe v Wade ruling — so long an anchor for largely unfettered abortion in our country — will finally be overturned. A hope for a culture that honors God’s gift of life is what drew me to public policy decades ago, and the end of Roe would be a great legal victory in that quest.

However, Roe did not start the battle over abortion, and its demise won’t end it. In many ways, Roe short-circuited our nation’s grappling with this serious matter, and without Roe the debate will likely intensify.

But signals show that is a conversation worth winsomely engaging.

Media and political professionals often paint the public’s views of abortion in simplistic terms. You have a binary choice. You’re either for it or against it. You’re either “pro-life” or “pro-choice” (actually, many in the media reveal their bias by preferring to say “anti-abortion rights” or not). Yet the debate in the hearts and minds of Americans is much more complicated.

I was reminded of this when viewing of the results of a non-scientific poll conducted by a publication in my community. It found that of the 260 readers who responded to its quick open-access survey, the vast majority supported Roe (for the record, I was a respondent and wasn’t among the majority). That by itself was not particularly surprising nor interesting to me. What I did notice was the split among those who did or did not favor abortion restrictions in the various trimesters of pregnancy. Specifically, 80 percent of the 260 respondents said abortion should be legal in ALL cases in the first three months. But then that abortion-on-demand number dropped to about 30 percent in the second trimester. Most saw a need for limitations in the second trimester, and even more in the last three months before birth.

Again, remembering this survey was not scientific, the specific percentages are not as important to me as the underlying pulse they suggest. In particular, I wondered about those who jumped between all-out support for abortion to a caveated support later in pregnancy. My own pro-life resolve flows from my belief that life is a precious gift and that all people are made in the image of God. What was their logic?

It’s puzzling, but in a way encouraging. If trimesters made a difference for these Roe supporters there must be a sense in them that the child has value. There must be room for conversation and heart-change here.

By the way, this also appears to be the case if you look into scientific polls willing to explore beyond simple questions about Roe. For example, an annual Marist Poll has regularly revealed a desire among many Americans for abortion to be restricted to at most the first trimester of pregnancy. In 2022, 71 percent of respondents indicated as much — including 93 percent of Republicans, 69 percent of Independents, and 49 percent of Democrats.

Similarly, a Pew Research Center survey from March 2022 found that “relatively few Americans on either side of the debate take an absolutist view on the legality of abortion – either supporting or opposing it at all times, regardless of circumstances.”

Similar to other surveys, Pew found 61 percent of respondents believed abortion should generally be legal. But Pew dug in more deeply and then found that more than half of that “pro-choice” cohort also believed that how far along a pregnancy is should matter for its permissibility. Like the unscientific survey of my local publication, Pew’s statistics show that support for abortion generally erodes as trimesters advance.

Pew also found that 47 percent of respondents believed abortion is morally wrong in all or most cases. And, perhaps even more striking, nearly a quarter of those in the pro-choice cohort at least somewhat resonated with the idea that “human life begins at conception, so a fetus is a person with rights.”

Again, this is remarkable — even puzzling. But it’s also encouraging. The complicated view of this serious matter among so many gives me hope. It suggests to me that we are a people who deep down know that all lives — including prenatal children — have intrinsic value. It gives me hope that hearts can be won to the cause of embracing a culture honoring God’s gift of life.

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Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.s public policy arena. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the coronavirus pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Salem Zahn
May 21, 2022

The proverbial statement: give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile, describes the pro abortion movement. We are learning about their marches and the vile the spew with their signs and slogans and their vitriol and violence! They used the term blob to describe a baby in the womb, they chant that it is about choice, they chant they are proud they murdered their babies in the womb. First the baby was called a blob and now they boldly claim it’s murdering a baby and their proud to be murders. Now they want to continue the murder streak to outside the womb in the same barbaric fashion. These are blood thirsty vipers and they’ll stop at nothing to get their blood lust desires filled. They worship at the altar of baal and baal has an unquenchable thirst for innocent blood! Lord Jesus we pray for a permanent end to these blood thirsty vipers! Blot them out before they do any further harm. You Lord Jesus call this evilness a great stench in your nostrils and we agree the stench is overwhelming. Turn us from our wicked ways and heal our land Dear Adonai Jesus/Yeshua
Only You and You alone have the power and wisdom to destroy the abortion mill industry in the whole world and we pray for the day that no more innocent blood will be shed because you have rendered the pro abortion movement defunct and dismantled never to rise again in any manner or form conceivable to mankind. Thank you Lord Jesus/Yeshua for rescuing the all babies that are created in your image. John the Baptist lept in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary entered the home of Elizabeth because Mary was carrying the Christ Jesus/Yeshua child in her womb!
John the Baptist being an unborn infant met Jesus/Yeshua an unborn infant and John lept for joy! All inside these mothers’ wombs. Life does begin in the womb! The giver of life came into this world, that He created, through the vessel of a Woman via her womb.

Darlene Estlow
May 21, 2022

Father, it is encouraging to see these figures and the divergent attitudes among those who say they are pro death. Touch many hearts to see the importance of this tremendous gift of children you have given us. May the realize that if life starts at conception that in any abortion a living child is being murdered

May 21, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil globalist plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms and sovereignty in every country, island, territory, and nation, worldwide.

Betty Burgin
May 21, 2022

I am praying that a love will come into the hearts of these to-be mothers that they won’t want to destroy their babies. A love only God can give, God can change hearts.


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