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I Prayed have prayed
Dear LORD, we declare that every abortion law, facility and provider pipeline in our nation and the states will have their funding severed and decree their access is denied. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we contend in prayer for the final end of the altar on which more than 63 million infants in America have been sacrificed through Roe v. Wade, the Church faces new challenges through state-level pro-infanticide bills. Democrat legislators in states like California, Colorado, and Maryland spent the better portion of their 2022 Session advancing the death culture agenda while labeling it social justice, women’s health care, and health equity.  If reports are accurate, their efforts seemed increasingly focused on changing State Constitutions to codify abortion on-demand.

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Until recently, the idea of taking action to negate the laws passed during the legislative session probably did not break the Top 50 on our list of things to do.  However, facing anti-God and anti-constitutional antics against our liberty, intercessors sense the call to action.  Following the model of our Founding Fathers, we choose to exercise our civic duties and rights to oppose tyranny and we pray that these actions become normative again.  For example, in Maryland, despite surviving the governor’s veto, Article XVI Sec. 3 of our Constitution allows voters to force the egregious Abortion Care Access Act/HB937 to a referendum in November.  A referendum occurs when proposed legislation or recently passed legislation, as is the case with HB937 in Maryland, is put before the electorate for vote.  Referendums are both nouns and verbs, because in the true fashion of our Founders’ intent that States are governed by the people, referendum protections provide “the power to approve or reject at the polls, any Act, or part of any Act, of the General Assembly”.

Still, there are some requirements.  Forcing the Abortion Care Access Act (HB937) to referendum in November requires the petition of 3% of the total number of registered voters during the most recent gubernatorial election.  In Maryland, 3% equals 118,621, because state data reflects that there were just over 3,954,000 registered voters in 2018.  The Campaign to Protect Women has taken up our cause for life. However, the first one-third or approximately 39,540 petitioners must do so on or before June 1st, within thirty days of the General Assembly’s passage of HB937.  Once successful, The Campaign to Protect Women will have an additional thirty-days to secure the remaining 2%.

The synopsis of Maryland’s Abortion Care Access Act (HB937) summarizes the intent of the bill, repeating language that assures funding of Planned Parenthood and NARAL,  “Establishing the Abortion Care Clinical Training Program in the Maryland Department of Health to ensure that there are a sufficient number of health professionals to provide abortion care…”   The bill removes any of Maryland’s current loosely regulated parental notification rights for minors and mandates that health insurers cover the costs of abortion.

The floor debate on this bill centered on social justice and a person’s right to quality healthcare. However, this bill does the opposite of what was promised. It ensures compromise of “quality healthcare” by expanding who can provide abortion services. Essentially, this bill negates the requirement for a Medical Doctor’s training, degree and licensure. Not only that, this bill mandates that Maryland taxpayers fund an annual appropriation of $3,500,000 to provide training opportunities for others in the healthcare or medical profession who wish to perform abortions.  Frighteningly, during debate in the state chamber’s references about the opportunity for Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Medical Assistants, and others were referenced. Can you imagine the negative health care and safety impact on these women and girls? Not to mention suffering babies, who in Maryland may likely be left to suffer and die after botched procedures. That is if the provider does not choose to finish the job post-natal. It is clearly codifying the protection of the likes of Philadelphia-based Kermit Gosnell’s so-called medical practice and is the farthest thing from quality women’s healthcare.

If you live in or know pro-life people in Maryland, please join me by signing the petition with The Campaign to Protect Women at https://www.campaigntoprotectwomen.org/.  Clear instructions for printing, signing and returning signed petitions are online.  Interestingly, unlike our votes, Maryland requires all referendum petitions be completed, submitted to the State and verified with paper petitions. Please also share this petition with Maryland pro-life family, friends, churches, neighbors and Senior Centers. Take time to help those who may need assistance signing, because every eligible voter’s signature has the potential to save thousands of lives.  We must act by May 29th to allow sufficient time for the righteous warriors at The Campaign to Protect Women ample time to compile and present the necessary 1% by June 1st.

Isaiah 1:17 (ESV) says, “learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, please the widow’s cause.”  With Roe v. Wade crumbling at our federal gates, the windows are open for us to seek justice and to correct the oppression toward women and preborn babies at our state gates as well.

For those in Colorado, California, Rhode Island, and other states, people like us need to oppose the radical pro-abortion legislation surely to be proposed in the wake of Dobbs. IFA’s state prayer groups are a great way to start getting involved in each of our states. Find out more here.

Let us pray:

Dear LORD, Your children have humbled ourselves, confessed our sin regarding the worship of Baal and the sacrifice of children, and have turned from our wicked ways. We trust and believe that You will heal our land and that our battle against abortionists in the States will be victorious. We declare that every abortion law, facility and provider pipeline in our nation and the States will have their funding severed and decree their access is denied. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

What are you doing to fight abortion in the states? Share this article to encourage others in the fight for life.

Mavourene Robinson is a homeschool mom, author, and intercessor. A former Senior Professional Human Resources, Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and public policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in the areas of government, education, religion and domestic policy. Photo Credit: Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash.

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May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the COVID pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Brenda Simmons
May 22, 2022

I am working at the Pregnancy Center to help offer women hope and resources to have their babies.
It’s a beautiful way to support women in pregnancy crises and love on them and their babies/children! I’d encourage you to look into volunteering or applying for a job to be a part of our fight in “the right to life”.

May 22, 2022

Father God, I lift up Mavourene Robinson and her campaign in District 12 in Maryland to You.
In the name of Jesus I pray for victory, so that she will be a voice with great influence and authority in Maryland’s legislature for Your Kingdom in that state.
I ask for Your provision of wisdom and guidance and all the financial resources she needs. Bring people of integrity to form a strong network of volunteers who work diligently.
I praise You and thank You,LORD, for all the men and women who have stepped up to advance Your Kingdom in our government. May You bless their efforts with great success and equip them to overcome every obstacle.

May 21, 2022

Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it. We ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area, throughout the world

Herb Johnston
May 21, 2022

Lord-,I pray that the plans of the evil one will be frustrated as we stand against abortion ..and the ground we have gained will be irrevocable- and never lost.
Lord I Thank you for girding our loins with strength and continuing to fill us with your hope- as hope is the thing that seems to be depleted the quickest,.. I thank you for your loving kindness Lord and that you are ministering to our souls in this time.
Please let your Holy Spirit fill each and every woman as she walks the path of righteousness for your namesake and even for all the rest who have not known you-, yet.. ..Lord, that any introduction to any scheme of the devil or any manipulation or any lie about rights or anyting else designed to create confusion-,,in a person’s mind..would be disregarded and struck down- and those moms ..”potential moms’ would care for themselves and expect with joy the arrival of their child. Blessings to all , and amen, in the mighty name of Jesus. Herb Johnston

Salem Zahn
May 21, 2022

Father in the name of Jesus we pray for an end to abortion by any means whether it be by surgery or a pill! We pray for Maryland and it’s leadership to stand AGAINST any laws that promote abortion. It’s not unlike the enemy satan to desire innocent blood on his altar but we know it was the innocent blood of our Savior and King Jesus/Yeshua Christ that has redeemed us into Himself. By His shed blood we pray that not another drop of innocent blood from abortion be shed and that He restore the years that the locust have eaten from the years of this sinful and perverse practice. You Lord Jesus/Yeshua are faithful and true to forgive us of all our transgressions no matter how great they are. We need You Lord to set us on the paths of righteousness for Your namesake! Hallowed Be Your Holy Name Forever!

Sharon Hummel
May 21, 2022

I totally agree. Abortions must be stopped! I worked at a center where we helped pregnant women. . May more of them be established .

    May 21, 2022

    Sharon, Thank you for all the work you did helping pregnant women. Women suddenly facing an unplanned pregnancy are at perhaps the most vulnerable they ever will be, and many have no family support. Pregnancy Help Centers are a lifeline for them, and who knows how many lives you enriched with your precious work! I’m with you, may many more centers be established! (I read where there are actually more Pregnancy Help Centers in America now than there are abortion clinics! Praise Jesus!)

    God bless!

May 21, 2022

Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing


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