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I Prayed have prayed
Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Tomorrow could be the day that America surrenders its sovereignty to the World Health Organization with a provision instigated and proposed by our own President.

Connect with Others in your State in Prayer.


“Do not waste a perfectly good crisis” is a progressive saying and certainly it applies here. This is the strategy that has been used for decades for ambitious leaders with an agenda to take control. We saw this during the pandemic and now we are seeing a global push for control as populations are more willing to give up their sovereignty, privacy, and freedom for collective safety.

The WHO’s power grab could be stopped by our current administration, but instead our president is actually facilitating the transition of U.S. sovereignty to a global organization led by a Marxist. President Biden actually crossed out protections that were in the original WHO treaty, foregoing the option to allow our nation to decline to follow the mandates and penalties for noncompliance. That is the sovereignty handover right there.

You are going to want to read more about this issue in the Special Report we have prepared. Click here to download. 

I looked over the guiding principles in the WHO’s constitution. They read like a vague global manifesto. Here are just a couple of the bullet points in the constitution. I have added some thoughts after each bullet point in italics, to illustrate the problematic nature of these sweeping principles. (We include much more about these guiding principles as well as the leadership of the WHO in our special report, The WHO’s Global Power Grab.”)

  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
    Who determines what the crisis is, and what constitutes global health issues? If health is not just absence of disease, but encompasses mental and social wellbeing, that could also include “mental health impact” of “misgendering” people, gun ownership as a health hazard, and of course climate change.
  • Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such development.
    For years, globalists and leftists have been usurping the rights of parents to make decisions for their child. This position statement is classic globalist, giving the determination of what is good for a child to the governing authorities and not the individual parent.

It also occurred to me that with the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, it may not matter that national abortion is removed from our nation. If the WHO has determined that abortion is women’s healthcare–and judging from the policies of WHO and their statements of values they will–we could see abortion forced on us from a body outside our own nation. If the WHO has health authority, we will be forced to submit to their values of healthcare.

Will we see healthcare rationed and subjectively prioritized by “equity” (stated as “critically important for global health, both as a principle and as an outcome”)? Do you remember how some communities were providing the COVID therapies and vaccines based on race to provide “equity?” Imagine that on a global scale, out of the control of our legal and legislative systems.

The WHO makes it clear they are seeking “equitable and effective access to vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics and essential supplies and for clinical trials” and “health care workers and the most vulnerable will have priority access.”  Those are direct quotes from the WHO itself. Those values and ideals fly in the face of what doctors and healthcare workers pledge to uphold in our nation.

How many of you remember the sweeping (and ongoing) censorship and vigorous de-platforming that happened on social media and the internet in relation to information on COVID, government actions, and proposed and banned treatments? Calling information “disinformation” was the excuse that gave immense power to these online platforms, and we saw a Stalinesque clampdown on dissent in our nation–from the President, his administration, the media, and other surrogates. If the WHO is successful in this takeover, one of the provisions in its constitutional statements gives authority to global censorship as determined by the WHO.

Friend of Intercessors for America and former U.S. Senator Michele Bachmann has been sounding the alarm on this move of the WHO and the Biden Administration. She recently shared some thoughts with me that bear sharing and praying about:

  • “The proposed Biden amendments to the WHA [World Health Assembly] strengthen the WHO by allowing the Director General to unilaterally declare a public health emergency of international concern, or intermediate, or regional without the consent of a UN member state.”
  • “Congress didn’t pass mask mandates, or vax mandates or lockdowns. Congress didn’t pass laws to close private businesses, or churches, or impose a moratorium on the payment of rent, leaving landlords with no rental income to pay their bills. These barbaric actions were imposed on the American people simply because Dr. Fauci or Birx or the CDC made a recommendation.” That amounted to law by press conference. Imagine this on a global scale.
  • Changes in our laws won’t be required when emergency declarations are treated as law by formerly sovereign states.
  • “In the U.S. we have lived under emergency orders from Presidents, Governors, and Mayors for 2 1/2 years. These emergency orders destroyed lives, businesses, our American healthcare delivery system, and our ability to speak an opinion that differs from the WHO. The American economy was destroyed by Covid profligacy. We suffered devastating losses lasting a lifetime.”
  • “The U.S. operates TODAY under a Presidential executive order state of emergency as declared by President Biden, with no ending date attached.”

I asked my friend Pam Pryor for a statement on this issue. Pam is the former acting assistant secretary for international organizations at the State Department under the Trump Administration. She says, “The WHO under Trump was weak and ineffective. Under the current administration it is dangerous. The weak leadership is no match for the multilateral system.”

Sounds grim, doesn’t it?

But wait, I want you to know that we are not powerless. God still has plans for our nation. We see His hand moving. We have an army of intercessors, more of whom are being awakened and sent in for prayer and action. While we know we are in perilous times, God has given us what we need to complete His mission for us, for the Church, and for our nation. The watchmen on the wall sees the trouble coming, discerns the signs of the times, and then sounds the alarm. We are sounding the alarm. Will you pray and take action?

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Narlda Meyer
May 26, 2022

An watchman & intercession leader, I have passed the urgent request on to several churches on L.I. to thwart, stop this evil plan to give control to W.H.O. Declare God will intervene, & carry out His plan!

May 25, 2022

Father, we appeal to You and Your heavenly host to war for us. Break down the strongholds that are keeping us captive with the corrupt government that is in place. I would despair unless I had believed that I would see Your goodness Lord in the land of the living! I wait for You, my heart takes courage knowing You will not allow the wicked to rule. Justice will prevail! Jesus, at Your name every knee must bow, I speak Your name over WHO, have them bow to You. Save America and other nations to not allow this evil to destroy and take over the health of every individual. In Jesus name ! Holy Spirit turn their hearts of stone and give then a moldable heart for Christ. Amen

Priscilla Sullivan
May 24, 2022

Yes I have been praying. I am from MN I contacted the White House switch board & left messages & talked to my senator & representative

Frances Livesay
May 24, 2022

Almighty God
Please forgive us for our many sins. We need your guidance to know how to bring the message of salvation to America. We have utterly ignored your teachings and gone our own way. Without You America is lost. Thank you for those who sound the alarm about the world Health Organization and give us wisdom in knowing how to stop this insanity. Thy will be done.

May 24, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the Great Reset and the New World Order

May 23, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Cathryn True Varlet
May 23, 2022

“Let Your Kingdom come, Lord
Let Your Will be done
on earth, AS IT IS in HEAVEN!”

CM Brown
May 23, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, We DESPERATELY need Your divine hand on our nation. Things are going haywire, although this has not taken You by surprise. Please help us, Lord. Please do not let this WHO Health takeover come to pass!!

Thank You, Father.


Angela Standige
May 23, 2022

Father God,
We come together in agreement in the Mighty and Matchless Name Of Jesus that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that you confuse and dismantle the authority being given to the world health organization as we know Father God that you are still in charge as you still sit on your throne! Father God we give you all the Glory in advance as you dismantle any evil plot, plan and scheme of the enemy because you Father God are the Alpha and Omega The Beginning the End The First and The Last and The Author and Finisher of our Faith. We Glorify, Honor and Bless you Father God in the Mighty name of Jesus
Amen 🙏

Paul j Fishman
May 23, 2022

WHO is going to have a backfire on their globalist plan to unite the world. Their totalitarian dictatorship order will close the open borders by imposing health mandates to close the open borders loopholes around the world. This means international travel will be restricted and each country under this totalitarian mandate will NOT allow foreign exchange much anymore.

Stephanie Grey
May 23, 2022

We must remain united in love, and prayer, as this is a form of One World Order! Satan is infiltrating these leaders to carry out his deceptive plans….under the guise of public health and safety, equity for all! America has the power to manage their healthcare, resources and people. We cannot lose that freedom now! Jesus, is our refuge and strength.

Nichola Campagna
May 22, 2022

We are in a day of decision and we must act like it’s all or nothing! We must be vigilant in our prayers and know that with God nothing is impossible! We must never seem defeated for our enemies are watching!!

May 22, 2022

Yeshua, yeshua, yeshua, over our nation and the world. No weapon shall prosper. Email the complaint department of the WHO and state what you have just stated. We say no to this over taken of our sovereignty. Someone in congress needs to check and constitution and have Biden arrested for treason! Amen!

Stan Suleski
May 22, 2022

How can you trust an organization like WHO who failed to confront China regarding the lab. In Wuhan which created the covid. Virus because China was its biggest contributor to its organization.

Jim Jess
May 22, 2022

I’m all for praying. I pray for this kind of thing all the time, But Christians need to WAKE UP and ACT. Everyone should call their U.S. Senators and tell them to stand up to the Biden Administration. The amendments that Biden proposed constitute a treaty, regardless of whether they call it a treaty or not. Constitutionally speaking, it’s a treaty. In order to go into effect, a treaty needs a 2/3 majority approval by the U.S. Senate. These amendments need to be fully debated on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Everyone should be calling their senators and DEMANDING a vote on the Biden Amendments to the WHO. Biden would not submit the amendments as a treaty because he wants to ignore our Constitution and circumvent a legitimate constitutional process. He knows it won’t get a 2/3 majority vote. SPEAK UP PEOPLE, or you will lose your nation.

Penny Barnes
May 22, 2022

AFter I sent the messages to our US Senators, etc., I listened to Robin Rowan’s Truth to Policy informative talk about this subject. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/robinlrowan/videos/719288422746846vv
The date is
May 17 (You have to skip forward a few minutes to get the proper details.)

Pat Lipper
May 22, 2022

I am devastated about abortion in our land and have been for yrs.. It is the root of transgender, euthanasia, CRT, our voting crisis,. and more.. We have had blood on our hands!! Abomination! Isreal also has a rise in abortion due to their need for male/ female army to protect their nation.. I believe that ISRAEL needs to be included in our nations prayers, financial help, and moral concerns.

g L L
May 22, 2022

The critical issue is “What does our Constitution say about surrendering national policy to an “outside” entity”?

YES, WHO is bad for the world as we perceive it through American eyes, but the MEASURE of its validity is not what it can do, but rather, what enables Congress have to give away its authority?

Susan Harris
May 22, 2022

I have become aware as a middle aged adult and a maturing christian that the enemy, Satan, has woven very complex, devious plans to separate as many people from each other as possible. It’s a fact that we are stronger together and what I see is elaborate efforts to keep us at odds with each other. I ask you God that You will help each of us to seek You and Your peace and Truth in the evil works of the enemy. God I pray that You will deliver the deliver the political leaders who are currently doing the work of the enemy. May they come to know the Truth, You, through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Help us believers to remember that You are in control and still seated on Your throne. Help us too, to encourage and love each other, with the love You have taught us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. In Your holy name I pray, Amen.

Vern Karnstedt
May 22, 2022

Thanks for your work.

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil globalist plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Detra Lory
May 22, 2022

I vote no for what WHO is trying to do and I am praying that God’s will not man’s will is done

May 22, 2022

Father, we pray that You would stop the changes that the WHO is trying to implement. Stop this globalist plan dead in its tracks, God. Do not let the World Health Organization take away the sovereignty of the USA or any other of the nations in their sights. Thwart this globalist plot

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans that are commencing TODAY. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 22, 2022

Lord God, thwart this plan today.
Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it. We ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area, throughout the world

Jodi Calderon
May 21, 2022

This is an out rage I as an American citizen and the constitution gives me the right to choose my health I oppose this global health

    May 22, 2022

    They likely will abolish the constitution and make up their own rules. Obviously we need more than articles and prayers to overcome thing thing!

      May 22, 2022

      Lord, please raise up/stir political leaders and citizens to stand against these eveil plans and block this power grab.

Linda Stewart
May 21, 2022

In the mighty name of Jesus I speak that No one will have control over us. Our God gives us Freedom to choose. We choose life and no evil will prosper. Thank you Lord for your Word and our Constitution that guides us not a non governing body for us.

May 21, 2022

I demand the WHO to stop making evil plans and that they all repent and turn from their wicked ways & I declare and decree no one in the US will be controlled by the WHO or the government and their planned meeting for tomorrow in Switzerland will be ruined & no one will attend in the name of Jesus!

May 21, 2022

Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name today that You would bind, hinder, frustrate, and destroy the New World Order and all plans to implement it. We ask You for righteous leaders who will protect and enforce and re-institute FREEDOM in every area, throughout the world

Nancy Randolph
May 21, 2022

Heavenly Father, It is time for You to work, for they have made void Your law. Lord, these globalist oppose You, they oppose Your Son, they oppose Your Word and Your Church. Lord they even oppose Your babies in the wound and the innocence of Your children. Father we ask You to destroy, O Lord and divide there tongues, work against, and show Yourself strong on our behalf. This we ask and give thanks for, in Jesus’ mighty name.

May 21, 2022

God, of course!….I know, you mean ‘ politically ‘ I don’t know who will rule or ruin our country, all I know is that satan, is having a field day, ravaging through our country/ the world, ( not for much longer though.) Jesus is coming back and will obliterate the evil and its supporters!

May 21, 2022

Joining in prayer

Sheila Dunn
May 21, 2022

By the grace of God, I will continue to thank the Lord for intervening in this situation. He is the only one that I know that can put a stop to the plans of the devil. I can’t see someone else ruling over us other than The Father. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we have that will change any situation that we may encounter. Also, whatever the Lord leads us to do I am open to His direction.

May 21, 2022

My state senator and congressional rep do not interpret the WHO’s power in the same way as IFA does. I think IFA is reading things into the WHO’s role of recommending actions. That said, it is necessary to remain vigilant against any actual encroachment on our sovereignty.

May 21, 2022

The WHO takeover of our health care could be part of God’s will. Need to be careful how we pray. “Not my will but yours be done. “There has to be a one world government at some point for God’s clear plan to happen. Also this may be a sequence of events leading to Jesus’ s return and the reign of AntiChrist. Nan🙏😊❤️

    Dr. Alma Van Nice
    May 22, 2022

    We pray for God’s will to be accomplished with America. Prayers have been earnestly offered since the first Pilgrims set foot on these shores. A covenant with God was made for America to be a light bearer of the gospel to the world. This covenant has been broken by our faithlessness when we dismissed God from our government, schools and communities. We disregarded the sanctity of life and marriage, and dishonored the image of God that we were created in as male and female but through our prayers of repentance God is reaffirming His faithfulness with a fresh anointing of revival. We are in the last days of a great reawakening, we are praying for our destiny as a nation to be fulfilled and for this we need our sovereignty. Our Founding Fathers enshrined our sovereignty in our Constitution. We pray that our Constitution will be upheld by our Judicial and Legislative branches of offices. We pray that God will help us over rule this power grab and act of treason. In Jesus Amen.

Clay Rooks
May 21, 2022

I’m under the impression that international agreements and treaties cannot be entered into by the United States without the approval of Congress. The President does not have the authority to do this on his own. Pray this scheme fails.

Iris Maurer
May 21, 2022

Can Biden be sued for this?

May 21, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil globalist plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms and sovereignty, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

May 21, 2022

It is important right now to realize that the evil cabal that is pushing this agenda needs cooperation from the masses. DO NOT for any reason agree to implement the satanic religious rites that they have put in place: masks/PCR tests/isolation/jabs. If you think, “OH, it is just a mask….Oh, it is just a test…..” think again. It was FEAR and the fraudulent use of the PCR test for diagnosis that allowed this cabal to state a “pandemic”, which was just a renamed flu bug, that was not treated in a timely or correct manner, causing unnecessary deaths. It was a pandemic of false positive PCR tests or a “casedemic.”

They will be trying this same scenario this fall…stating a NEW bug…..a number of companies are currently hiring people to give the fraudulent PCR tests… If you do not want to be herded into a repeat of the last cycle….IGNORE the main media, the mainstream medical system etc.

Vote for people who will stand up to this cabal.

Carolyn Thoensen
May 21, 2022

Heavenly Father we as your church agree to stand together to come against this plan for the WHO to take over ruling our country through the deceit of health care. We agree that deceitful leaders will be replaced by leaders that have the enthusiasm of King David, the wisdom of King Solomon, and the strength of Sampson. Lord, we are asking You for these leaders because You know the hearts of men, and we ask You to bring this to fruition. We repent for taking our wonderful country for granted and we will change our attitudes towards our responsibility for the United States of America. We pray that every church that teaches Jesus is the the Son of God, will get the courage to stand up to the deceitful-ness of a few evil men who plan to take over the ruling of our country for monitory gain an control. You know who each of these people are. They think that their money can buy them success, but we are asking You Lord to bring them down and to replace them with the men and women that will do Your bidding. With Your help, Lord, we as your church will stand up and follow Your commands. Please make Your voice heard by Your church and give us all courage to stand up for this country that we have almost lost to the Evil one and his followers. We have one leader and that is You Lord. We choose to follow only You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Jacqueline B
May 21, 2022

Father God, I come to you in the Name that is above every Name, that at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow of things in heaven, of things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Hallelujah!!!!! Father, as you confounded the languages of Nimrod and the people with him, I pray you will do it again to the World Health Organization and all those who are in league with them. I pray that the sovereignty of the United States of America and those of the other nations will remain. Father, I tear down all the high places, that the enemy has erected in this land such as: One World Gov’t, Abortion, Wokeism, Control, Deception and all manner of evil. I pull them down in the Mighty, Powerful and Majestic Name of Jesus!!!!🖐️🖐️

Kirk Laskowski
May 21, 2022

YES! We must and will take action. Do you have a handout/brochure to print out and give to our church membership to inform the people of this?

Ana M. Villarreal
May 21, 2022

Holy Lord, in Your name I come, and in agreement with me brothers and sisters in Christ, that You would EXPOSE all the evil inclinations of this administration and the plans that include the WHO and its agenda. Lord, our hope and trust are in You alone to bring this nation back to God Almighty and we know it’s not too late for that. We look upwards to You for mercy and for Your goodness to once again. No weapon formed against Your church will prevail, Lord, and many of us are praying diligently for a move of Your Spirit. Take down those in positions of leadership that You know will not turn their hearts to you for salvation and take them down replacing them with men that fear the Lord, men of integrity that will NOT be swayed to evil. Lord, Your Throne is established in Truth and Justice and Righteousness, so we ask You to shake this Babylon system with its depraved people ruling and begin again, in Jesus’ name we pray! Thank You, Lord for answers! All the Glory is Yours only!

Georgia Thomlison
May 21, 2022

So very grateful for IFA and Michele Bachmann, for sounding the alarm!!!!for Flash Point! It’s so hard to keep up on all the fronts that we are being Attacked on. Please please keep us informed and tell us how we can be used to take action!!! Thank you, with all my heart, Georgia Thomlison

Nancy B Bryda
May 21, 2022

In Jesus name, I bind this evil plan of global heath takeover connected to WHO and UN and loose resistance to demonic forces in back of this. I bind greed, pride, antichrist spirit, deception, hatred, and lust for power. I decree exposure of one world order plan and communism forces and disruption of their networks. I put a holy ghost conviction on the delegates representing all countries and speak confusion, disruption, and defeat of this plan. No King but Jesus and this is a plan thinking that man is more powerful than almighty God. Who can stop the Lord Almighty, King of kings and Lord of lords? One God with all power and Lord of the hosts reigns. No weapon formed against American sovereignty will prosper. One nation, under God and righteousness and justice reigns in this case. I plead the blood of Jesus over this illegal action by our government and I decree our leaders will resist this plan and citizens across the land will stand for the blueprints of heaven. Our administration is out of order as does not have the support of the people on this issue but most of all, it is a violation of the government of God, and this is a higher authority.

    Georgia Thomlison
    May 21, 2022

    I agree with this prayer 100 % America shall be saved!!!

    May 21, 2022

    AMEN!!! Lord we plead Your Blood over America. Over our leaders, especially the captives. Bring conviction of sin and conviction of the truth, that Jesus Messiah is Lord, to salvation, especially for that insidious group of women who hate Israel. Lord let them renounce the lies they have spoken and written in the past few years and heal our land of the rabid anti-semitism. Protect our sovereignty from WHO corruptions, heal our land from them. Father forgive us for listening to Fauci and others so mindlessly during the early days of the pandemic. Forgive our venomous bitterness toward him and others who have done us, our whole nation wrong. Maybe they really were trying their best, but we’re we doing ours? No, we are being honest Lord, holding to Your promise to hear us, forgive us our sin and then You will forgive us and cleanse us of our unrighteousness and heal our land.
    Oh Lord, our land so needs healing. We look to you for it, ready to be the people, Your people, for such a time as this…thank You Jesus for letting us live now, as hard as it is, let us be found faithful to You, Your will, Your way.

May 21, 2022

Heavenly Father You are sovereign and You are good. Thank You for the watchmen who stand on the wall to call on the Name of the Lord. Lord just as You made an oath to come to the relief of Your beloved Zion we ask for You to meet us here, restore us to the covenant You made on our behalf and allow the United States to enjoy the fruits of her labor in Your perfect peace. Dissolve any and all agreements that do not meet with Your design. We pray Lord for Your will to be done in America as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name AMEN

Linda Vaughan
May 21, 2022

I am praying Psalm 2, Psalm 46 & Psalm 140 over this situation.

We know God is in control & He’s NOT giving that to anyone else!

May 21, 2022

Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing. Preserve our freedoms and sovereignty in every continent, nation, island, country, etc. worldwide

May 21, 2022

Heavenly Father,
I pray for your almighty power for intervention in this evil evil plot to give the WHO global power over our health and freedom. Please protect us your children from Satan’s schemes. Lord we need you you desperately!!!
In the precious name of Jesus, Amen

May 21, 2022

Biden has an agenda to destroy the United States, and so far, he is doing a very effective job of it. Giving power to a Marxist is nothing surprising, considering his radical position on many issues. Lord Jesus, You alone are ultimately in control. We come against this power grab by the WHO in your powerful name. Please, frustrate and short-circuit these dangerous attempts. Thank You Jesus.

Rui Vasconcelos
May 21, 2022

WHO Will Rule America? THE DEVIL, of course.

Linda Morton
May 21, 2022

Lord, keep America’s sovereignty in America, and tell our leaders that we are the land of the free and the brave, and live by our constitution.

Marta Gallegos
May 21, 2022

One thing I know Our Founding Fathers Dedicated this nation to Father God I believe there is a big Rock recording this Historical Event This is God Father’s Nation not even ours. We have the privilege of Him giving us USA Citizen if living in it. ASK you a question, If it’s HIS Who Who can take it away from Him Not I, Us Or even the devil himself (evil) AND IN THIS I REST AND TRUST JESUS IS LORD AMEN ✝️🙏🛐🗽🇺🇸

    Rebecca Thornton
    May 21, 2022

    God has called us to be the Ekklesia and pray against evil so that is what we should do.

      Georgia Thomlison
      May 21, 2022

      Yes we must govern as Christ’s Representatives on this earth until he comes. It’s our responsibility to pray the kingdom of God come and the will of God be done in this earth both in prayer and actions.

Kate Coatney
May 21, 2022

Thank you!

May 21, 2022

What we are seeing is END TIME BIBLE PROPHECY being fulfilled.
We (the BODY of CHRIST) through prayer can can offset this being fulfilled but only if our prayers are in line with YHWH perfect will.

    Georgia Thomlison
    May 21, 2022

    I agree, we must pray with God’s will in this, it’s our job to forbid the kingdom of darkness from taking over the earth until God removes us from this earth. I don’t believe we will be the Church defeated but we will be the Church Triumphant.

May 21, 2022

While I don’t understand all the ramifications of this governmental action, I recognize the danger in having a global organization having more power over the American people than our own government. I realize this is a first step in world-wide globalism, as prophesied in Scripture, and I am alarmed. I don’t want our legal rights usurped by a socialist organization, so I will be praying against this.

    Janet P
    May 21, 2022

    Do not be alarmed. We were warn of these things taking place in the last days throughout the Bible. Lean not unto your own understand, but trust God and the blood of Jesus. Those of us that do will have no fear. Thank you Father

Donald Primrose
May 21, 2022

Whom in the administration wrote & put this forward? Departments or outside consultants & think tanks? IF treaties have to be approved by congress & senate . , how can changes be made to a treaty without our approval? Surely we must have power to stop immediately.

May 21, 2022

The Lord brings the counsel of nations to nothing, He frustrates the plans of the people. Ps 33
We thank you Father God, that You alone can do that this weekend.

May 21, 2022

“ 1 John 4:4 encourages us in this, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

It is time for the Ekklesia to capitalize on this opportune time God has us in. We were born for this! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, square your shoulders and declare: “I am ready. Here I am, God. Send me. I will be a voice. I will be the light. I will be what You need me to be to turn this nation into a place of revival and awakening.”

Listen, family, when you don’t know what to do – fear sets in, people stay still, chaos erupts – the enemy invades and his agenda takes root. We are seeing the majority of the church experiencing this today.” I was listening to GH15 and I thought it was appropriate for today and powerful understanding of what has given us to be winners over ANY Power Grab agenda. Believers Gods know what they are trying to do, are we going to keep on following their Controlled Rules with the Evil agenda takeover Declaring it is all about Health. You may fool me once, but not Twice I have MY GOD Hat on. Jesus I pray for further believers as well as All that will be representative in this WHO meeting. I Declare in The words of Christ Jesus when he says You have Authority That I leave with you. We need to unite and take Authority over that meeting using the Authority God gave us. I believe this meeting will fail, because God is going to expose their hidden agendas, I believe and I will not stand down while We are being Lied to and Mocked. I believe Jesus will expose more on this Fake President that is tied to His puppeteers that wanted a Third Term. We have more power than all of them, because The False President has NO Authority to pass mandates, threats, we have set passively by and allowed a Fake and more Fakes in Health care Place fear in us. We must stand and Fight with Gods words but still do as He asks is pray for them. John says: from The Father I am going away unless I do this the advocate will not come because I am giving you a gift ( tool) to help you prove the world is wrong about SIN and righteousness and judgement about sin. Also he said the prince of this world “ now stands condemned.” The gift of the Holy Spirit will guide you, “ He will speak only what he hears” So it clearly says we must Believe, declare what we want from Jesus- Jesus leaving meant he could be present to The whole world through the Holy Spirit. Jesus I pray today as we pray we will set aside all fears of WHO, they are nothing we can pray with authority through the Holy Spirit who is demonstrating Christs judgement over Satan. John-v. 23 says ask: very truly I tell you My Father will give you whatever you ask In My Name” Ok it is up to US to go And be In The Flash Point Army as they suggested flood your Offices of Gov. Congress, Senator to say NO, No we will not stand for this Global takeover ( 202: 224: 3121 ) The lines may be full but leave messages, use the State information that Dave K. Has left at our disposal to contact them by e-mail it works, I use it frequently and sometime I get e-mails back flood the air waves with Righteousness calls, prayers, E-Mails. We must lift up our voices and ask zGod to send His Angels to speak to hearts at this Global meeting so we can have back up with extra power from God. Psalm: 81 says Whiever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord He is our refuge and our fortress, my God in whom I trust. 5 you will not fear 11 for He will command his angels to guard us in all his ways 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, these are Satans Minions 14 God says He loves us- “ I will rescue Him (us) for we acknowledge His Name of Jesus. Our Father says : I will be with them, us, him – in trouble. Father God we are sending requests to you for the battle before us Which I know we HAVE Won. I praise your Holy name and ask that your will be done. Love u Holy Father our Savior. America will Be Free, we will see many salvations, great worship services, people filled with The Baptism of The Holy Spirit/ evidence of speaking in Tongues, Glory filling our churches, homes, work places ——school’s, Christian Media!!!!

Susan Fann
May 21, 2022

Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that the plans of the enemy be cancelled. I pray psalms 91 be held over us, Father you are the only one who we rely on, not the government. Father we serve you and only you. We put on our armor and we ask that the plans of the enemy be cancelled and send Angels to surround and protect us. Father put your hands upon these meetings and confuse the enemy let them make no progress. In the name of Jesus we ask and pray. Amen

May 21, 2022

Thank you for sharing and staying on top of emerging issues that impact our God given freedoms. We come against all plans of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus. We pray our Representatives and Senators in Congress would have the courage to stand in unity against this evil. In Jesus Name ~ Amen

Salem Zahn
May 21, 2022

Lord Jesus please hear our cries regarding this battle for our nation. Set watchmen on our walls. Turn the enemy in their own tracks so that they will fall on their own swords. Sound the shofar from every corner of the earth for the battle is Yours dear Adonai. And You Adonai reign victorious from the manger to the Cross and not even the tomb had any power to keep You Lord from Your awesome victory! Hallelujah to our Lord of glory! If we forget to praise your holy name, you will cause the rocks to cry out. May we always remember to praise You no matter how dire the times and seasons become. There is no fiery furnace that can consume us as long as we put our trust in YOUR saving grace and YOUR great and endless salvation love and Shalom! Lion of the Tribe of Judah … We pray … Sound Your Roar against the enemies of your bond servants and we will claim the victory in Your mighty Name! No weapon formed against us shall prosper! In Christ Jesus/Yeshua all powerful and majestic name we pray! Amen

Ruthie Jankowski
May 21, 2022

I am against WHO in taking our freedoms and rights away. This should NOT pass. No one or organization should have this kind of power. Please do whatever you can to destroy this notion or idea. May God reign supreme!

Angela Noel
May 21, 2022

Jeremiah 32 I prayed to Adonai, saying: 17 “Ah, my Lord Adonai! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm—nothing is too hard for You! [a] 18 You are the One doing mercy to thousands, but repaying the iniquity of the fathers into the lap of their children after them. Great, mighty God, Adonai-Tzva’ot is His Name! 19 Great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to all the ways of the children of men, to give each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds. [b] 20 You set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, and even to this day in Israel and among mankind, and made Yourself a Name, as to this day. 21 You brought your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, and with great terror. 22 You gave them this land, which you swore to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey. 23 They came in and possessed it. But they did not obey your voice nor walk in your Torah. They have done nothing of all you commanded them to do. Therefore you caused all this evil to fall on them. 24 Look, the siege ramps have just come up to the city to take it. The city has been handed over to the Chaldeans fighting against it, because of the sword, the famine and the pestilence. What You have spoken has happened. Here it is, You see it. 25 Yet You said to me, my Lord Adonai: ‘Buy for yourself the field for money and call in witnesses’—even as the city is handed over to the Chaldeans.”

26 Then came the word of Adonai to Jeremiah, saying: 27 “Behold, I am Adonai, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?”

Oh Lord God Almighty, your arm is not too short to save us and deliver us from this destructive and unwise amendment. We look to You to dismantle and destroy it in Jesus Name. Thank you for faithfully watching over America to protect and deliver us from the evil one!! Thank you Father for fighting for us! In Jesus Name AMEN

May 21, 2022

Oh Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I stand in agreement with other intercessors as we pray about this immoral health group. I stand in agreement that God will bind all demonic forces in the WHO Administration and in Biden’s Ad. I Jesus name, I denounce all powers of Satan, his demons of Baal, AntiChrist Spirit, Jezebel, Leviathan, Python and other demonic strongholds and principalities attacking America now!
Oh God send us a Mighty “David” to defeat our Goliath, Satan and his demons! Cover our country with your Blood and surround your children with your angels.

May 21, 2022

Isa. 42:13 The LORD shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a Man of War! He shall cry out, yes shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies!
To those who kill, steal and destroy, that which belongs to you Great God of all, take your place as the LORD of harvest.

May 21, 2022

Awaking the people to the evil movement at hand to bring a 1 World Order not the intended for our nation!
We who are truly holding back the darkness creeping across the world! With the Holy Spirit unguents-bring down strong holds through the power of Jesus Christ.

Jill Carrero
May 21, 2022

Amen thankful you are here giving us a group platform and voice to shine light and love for The Lord in a dark and dying world! we are expecting a mighty move of God in Jesus Name Amen

Jill Carrero
May 21, 2022

Father God we praise You for Who You are!! and we thank You for being the reason why the USA was founded in the first place in courage and commitment to You!! Help us to continue to be salt and light to the world Lord God. Put a hedge of protection around USA in this great struggle Lord and send mighty angels of peace to minister and encourage global family of
believers Lord God touch us with hope, healing and give him Your peace Lord! You gave us the Authority to open and shut, bind and loose so Father God we boldly come to Your throne of grace like You tell us You gave us the Authority to do so! You have given us Watchman who sound the alarm ! We believe and declare we Close ALL Doors to evil and wicked influences , blatent power grabs ,dictatorship, censorship of our Freedom, purposefully created problems, chaos, turmoil, war, strife, hatred, division, depression, anxiety, stress ,worry, addictions of all kinds of self abuse and abuse of others, lack of mental focus, insomnia and lack of food ,housing issues, homelessness, Lord.You had Paul point out to us we do not wrestle w flesh and blood but in the supernatural realm evil powers and principalities we Cancel and Cast Down to the ground DEAD and Utterly powerless as dust crushed under our feet Lord we Cancel Every evil assignment and plan of the devil and his minions to kill, confuse, stifle Freedom, allow corruption and greed to rule in every sector, running amok with violence and property damage, disregard for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness, funding planned chaos and violence, imagining ” some” are above the law or better than another and scheme and conspire evil and imagine and encourage others to steal and cheat they get away with it ? calling good evil and evil good!?! creating illnesses designed to destroy and kill, surpressing Free Speech? messing with our food supply, allowing chemicles and additives in our food making us sick! bent on breaking and destroying Freedom and Sovereignty of USA impacting our daily life and faith , family joy and distract from You Lord. Quarantining the WELL not the sick?? you evil spirits , powers and principalities are utterly defeated!! have NO Authority over us and we Bind you and every negative word spoken or curse over USA and every bad report Cancelled and Cast down to the ground Nullified, Impotant and Obliterated as dust under our feet by The Authority and Power of The Blood of Jesus Christ you principalities and evil powers you chose poorly, foolishly, pathetically you chose to follow Lucifer and you know your are utterly eternally doomed and defeated! We have total Authority over you! so we who have a living hope and future cast out of our lives, let our people go!! individuals, families, homes, apartments, blocks, neighborhoods, counties, states, and entire culture and nation!!! you Must Leave the soverignty of USA to us!! you have NO control and our Christian families Never to return, with No new substitutions trying to sneak or wedge in and creep back! You are absolutely forbidden to return and banished into the field mice by The Authority and Power of The Blood of Jesus Christ Amen!! Thank You Lord! we declare and believe The Lord who loves you tremendously The Name that is above All names will Open All Doors that No One Can Shut!! We believe and declare You send Your holy angels assigned and dispached to intervene in a moghty way Father God as we humble ourselves and repent we are far off course waywardness how far removed from who we were founded to be Lord forgive us …we hubly see the great absurdity of our current situation we call on You and Your Sovereign Power and boldly intercede for this nation Lord Remove ALL STUMBLING BLOCKS and Open Eyes ,Minds and Hearts to Your love, forgiveness and truth!! TRANSFORM LIVES that we lift up to You our friends, family and coworkers, neighbors and those those spiritually blinded by the devil Give sudden supernatural clarity, wisdom and understanding , wake us up Lord!! You dearly love every single person in this nation !! from the smallest to the greatest You love us each one perfectly and completely!! You provided Your very best gift for us: Jesus as His perfect sin sacrifice on our behalf to give us each Peace with God! but like any gift it if we must choose to accept it! and believe this amazing gift of eternal life and be saved, and follow You Lord ! Whosoever is Anyone!!! no matter who they are, where they are from or what they did! John 3:16 is for EVERY Tongue, Tribe and Nation and No one is too far gone, no one is beyond Your reach Amen! Intervene and STOP the World Health Organization from this blatant power grab we pray!! Make it obvious You said No!! Touch USA Lord with an undeniable move of God intervene and send help, hope and revival Lord God King of the universe!! erradicate false gods and false ideologies prove they are false and You are Holy, Righteous, The God of Justice, Mercy and Forgiveness for Anyone who humbly asks! You know the motives of our heart Lord God You can see in the dark! You do not sleep.You are not far off You are near and ever present! The God of Restoration Lord we need a touch from You nothing is too hard for You!
even when we don’t deserve it You make a way when there seems to be no way!! we have a lot of issues in this nation Lord pride : self importance over God , cultural pride and political party pride and injustices that may have keep people from putting their faith and trust in You Lord! We declare and believe You are REMOVING ALL STUMBLING BLOCKS! in Jesus Name! help us to be United States once again Unified! That as we each purposefully pray Psalm 91 over our life and daily choose to put on The Full Armor of God the Helmit of Salvation to protect our mind, thoughts, what we hear and say. The Breastplate of Righteousness to guard our heart,The Shield of Faith to stop ALL the firey darts of the enemy ( devil) the Belt of Truth in being honest , The Shoes of Gospel of Peace to be at Peace with everyone and The Sword of the Spirit the Bible The Word of God is our Only Weapon Lord The Name of The LORD is our strong tower of refuge and strength the Righteous run into Him and are safe! prepare us for each day God will protect and guide us with His Favor, wisdom and compassion and Justice every day of our life!! that You will teach this nation to walk in the ways that are pleasing to You Lord! you will help us speak positively and gain a new eternal perspective and show kindness even when times are hard, help us gain wisdom, understanding and be overjoyed in alligning ourself more and more with who You want us to be as a men and women of God! Holy Spirit send dreams and visions like you are in closed nations for every single person is important to You Lord God!! open eyes, mind and hearts to Who You are and intervene on our behalf!!I know You love each and every person unconditionally! You Are Love You did not make us robots YOU gave the angels and the humans Free Will! Because You are not a dictator You ARE Love! Love= Freedom to think and choose You or reject You. You encourage us to Choose Life!! But Lord God of the universe our Creator we need You to act on our behalf!! Change the mind of our President and USA on national and state levels. Do not allow USA to surrender our Sovereignty to a foreign power hungry organization ! Nothing is impossible for You Lord God! We need Your swift intervention to foil their
plans for taking over USA and the world! Loose Your Holy Spirit and send a wind a sea change of Hope, Faith, Renewal and healing of our bodies,minds and spirit all accross this nation Lord ! Help us to be to be strong and courageous! Open Scripture to all to and Grow in Grace and Knowledge of The Lord! encouraging Your people Lord let us know it is You working to help us. Help Us Choose Life and to bless. Send praise and worship music that will lift our heads and shift our focus Lord! put a song in our heart to praise You knowing You ARE with us!! Raise up exceptional strong leaders in every community that love and follow You Lord! We need good examples Lord! Raise up our youth to be strong and corageous for You Lord! Help us be a light to others and other nations still Lord! point them to You while there is still time !! before the Antichrist takes over for the 7 year Great Tribulation is yet to happen…but..it is not yet his time!! We trust You Father God and know You still have good plans for USA !Thank You Lord do what You are famous for and We thank You for making a way where there seems to be no way!! we give You All the honor praise and glory in Jesus Name Amen

Susan M. Nofziger
May 21, 2022

Praying for Jesus to be Lord of our Land and not the WHO!

Andrea Meador
May 21, 2022

We just finished up a prayer Zoom call here in Texas. We were reminded of Esther, the decree made by Haman and the decree Mordecai made to offset or destroy the evil decree. STAND FIRM BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    Amen! glad to hear it. We had Friday night Intercessory prayer for our nation…we expect great things in Jesus Name Amen

Deborah Rackliff
May 21, 2022

Our women’s worship and war group have definitely been praying about this and will continue. May God continue to arise and frustrate the plans of the wicked and may his boomerang affect come right back upon them in Jesus name!

May 21, 2022

I prayed

Rhonda Bond
May 21, 2022

Me & my husband, yes, are praying daily with you on this matter.

Flora McGittigan
May 21, 2022

Is it possible that the anti-christ we read about in revelation is not a ” one man ruler” of the earth but an evil government & an organization like WHO?? Having the authority to rule however they might want would lead to controlling the people as to how they should live……please pray psalm 91, God’s promises for protection !! also psalm 2 says, What fools the nations are to rage against the Lord!! How strange that men should try to outwit God!!….verse 4.. But God in heaven merely laughs !! He is amused by all their puny plans. And then in fierce fury he rebukes them & fills them with fear !! Please pray about the future of America…..have faith & hope in Jesus !!

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    hi well I think the Bible is clear and literal in that area Antichrist is a actual one person, man a Hashimite descent who is a brilliant speaker ” appointed” to power ( “who me? you sure?? well, Since you insist!”) . I think the WHO is a type of Antichrist in that they are demanding complete control of our personal lives! but they certainly are acting that way! ( parts are easy to discern: if says ” like” = figurative as in Revelation : a 1st century Jew trying to describe someting from future astonished at what he saw. And when says ” as” =take it literally) Be blessed

G. Sensenich
May 21, 2022

Everyone needs to relearn the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights as inspired by God in the hearts and minds of our founding fathers who created the USA as the best country in human history. World Heath Organization a destroyer of USA sovereignty under the sovereignty granted by GOD. GOD thwart the evils of WHO.

C and C Nelson
May 21, 2022

Lord, we humbly yet boldly ask You, the great I Am….to intervene on our behalf. Raise up a multitude of fierce opposition to this immoral giveaway. Let leaders, men, women and children rise up , in prayer and voice – to oppose this. Let those in our government and medical community, regardless of their political beliefs, stand firmly against this. We ask that in Your holy name. Amen

Marsha Bashor
May 21, 2022

Yes, praying against this move. Please put Biden in his place, he is ruining our country as best he can. We trust in you Lord, that you see and know what is taking place, we ask that you cause this to fail!! Please remove these wicked leaders in our government, cleanse Washington DC of its wickedness and corruption. Replace with godly men and women who love our country. Let us be a country that exalts you in every way!! Thank you!!

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022


    Nancy Berkey
    May 21, 2022

    There is the head of the snake in this effort to destroy our country and the world. A top head of the snake. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ that He will destroy this head of the snake and any of his followers. I pray our country gets back it’s sovereignty. I pray for these politicians in both parties to come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior and protect this nation from foreign and domestic enemies. In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.☦️

May 21, 2022

There is no question that the United States of America should not give WHO the authority to dictate actions that will affect the health and well being of the world! Have we forgotten that WHO protected China in hiding its release of COVID-19? For a so-called World Health Organization to have done such and to continue to serve as China’s puppet, it would be ridiculous to grant such power to them! If this were done, our citizens would no longer be able enjoy the protection/benefits allowed under state law. Our collective prayer should be that God would touch/change our president’s heart and bring restoration to his soul!

Carolyn Barry
May 21, 2022


May 21, 2022

Holy Father, You are the faithful ,good Father who is the all-knowing,all-wise, and perfectly just. We cry out to you. We believe that we are in the last days and there are things that have to happen but we still cry out to you for mercy. First- as they prayed in Acts- you see and hear the threats- give us great boldness in preaching your Word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your Holy servant Jesus. We are on the edge of a precipice and we cry out together for your divine purposes to be fulfilled. We ask that you would stop this from moving forward. Would you raise up people in the halls of Congress who will stand and not let this be completed? Would you cause the church across this nation to rise up in prayers of repentance for the sins being perpetrated on babies, children and the family as a whole. Every virtue is under attack – we are completely surrounded. But you are the God who surrounds your people with songs of deliverance. You are the God of Gideon, David, Moses, Elijah and ultimately the Lord Jesus who you raised from the dead. Nothing is too hard for you. Be glorified in this dark hour. We praise you – for you are worthy!

Julie Bloom
May 21, 2022

Holy Spirit has been speaking to my heart over the last two years the following phrase, “ I will make of you a great nation.” Sometimes it was hourly. I asked Him finally, • what do you want me to do with this?” And I heard Him clearly say, “ so you’ll say it OUT LOUD!!!” So I’m decreeing today that God is making of us a GREAT NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙌🏻 Just watch what God does. The body of Christ is being activated and there is no power in hell or on earth that can stop us!! Amen!!

    Terry delsole
    May 21, 2022

    amen there is no power greater than he! He sees what they do! And hears our prayers! Please father you are all good and we all desperately need you the almighty father now! Amen

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022


May 21, 2022

Father God, I pray confusion and disorientation to the enemies of Christ. May what they have planned backfire in their faces. May they turn on each other and come to nothing. I declare in Jesus name and by the power of His resurrection, America shall be saved. All praise, honor and glory be unto You, our only wise and all-powerful God! Hallelujah!

Joyce Neeley
May 21, 2022


May 21, 2022

If this happens, isn’t this treason by current admin.? Now is time to lock them up and throw away the key.

May 21, 2022

I haven’t read the comments here, but I wonder if anyone else has thought of this: What is to keep the WHO from simply declaring that elections are unhealthy, should this provision be adopted?

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    if they decide all our choices at their whim…wrong for USA wrong for the world

Kirk Bailey
May 21, 2022

I understand no treaty may be signed by our president unless ratified by 2/3 of the Senate which in the current environment would be highly unlikely. As intecessors we should know this. There are many things to pray about and this is one, however, we need to know when an issue is dire or not.

    May 21, 2022

    Apparently the rules are different because these are “amendments” that are being changed….

    May 21, 2022

    What has been honored in the past, even as law or policy, has been thrown out by the present administration. They simply say nothing & proceed with newly and internally created laws, policies that rules….of which they hide or say nothing. That’s just 1 way they operate.
    My continuing prayer each day is “exposure at any cost”. I firmly believe & sense that as we are faithful to ask God for this, He will answer is. Satan knows full well that his evil actions “must hide” in secret & darkness. Let us continue to ask our great God to rescue us, expose every evil scheme and that as it happens, people across our nation will awaken to foul stench of hell that is so evident in the present administration.

    May 21, 2022

    I believe that we are under a “state of emergency “ because of the plandemic.

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    I had not heard that…encouragement

Linda k Rice
May 21, 2022

God to Rees Howells: “Get victory!”

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    praying for USA and whomever this person is to get victory

May 21, 2022

Please Lord God…don’t allow this government to turn our precious country over to who. These people will be taking people out of their home if they come down with a sickness caused by who and ship them off away from their families like they do in china and other 3rd world countries. Please stop biden from destroying us and all of Your people, Lord, and do not allow biden to harm us in any way…in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

May 21, 2022

Jesus, we pray that every plan to implement global control, including the plans of the World Health Organization, would be frustrated, destroyed, and come to nothing

May 21, 2022

Thank you Father that you have a plan and a purpose in this. Thank You that people in this nation are having the scales removed from their eyes and they see the demonic forces on this earth. Thank you that You cause all things to work together for good to those that love you and are called according to Your purpose. We pray for a revival like the world has never seen. I pray that in every pulpit tomorrow Pastors will preach like never before. We need You Father and we repent hear our prayers. In Jesus name amen.

Mary Davis
May 21, 2022

Look at NDR, National Day of Repentance, online. Read today’s
Word that was given it is powerful and true. We are crying out but We desperately need to come together United in fasting and repentance. Get out your sword of the Spirit Now and cut down the enemy’s plans against us!

Rich Swingle
May 21, 2022

On Tuesday Judy McDonough called for on-site intercessors to pray while the vote happens in Geneva. Last night I met two people who are flying to Zurich. I challenged them to pray while they’re in the country. It was an encouragement to me that the Lord is moving.

Praying for international repentance that will deliver us from this Babylon!

May 21, 2022

Lord God, thwart these evil plans. Do not let the power that has been misused via the pandemic continue to be perpetrated. We pray that increased vaccine mandates will not stand. Do not let Biden cede United States health authority to the World Health Organization. Make all ratified, freedom-stealing amendments and treaties, worldwide, become null and void. We pray that all global health magnates would not have consensus in plans they may seek to make. Let all other related, and unrelated, plans harmful to sovereignty and freedom fall apart, fruitless. Annihilate the World Health Organization’s ratified Pandemic Treaty. Preserve our freedoms, worldwide. Destroy the New World Order and the Great Reset

Bill R
May 21, 2022

Father your servant David, in 1 Chronicles 29:11, declared “Yours Lord is the greatness, the power, the glory, the majesty and the splendor for EVERYTHING in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours Lord is the kingdom, You are exalted as head over ALL. We thank you Father that you are Sovereign and are seated upon your throne. You know the beginning from the end, nothing has taken You by surprise. Your will be done, vanquish the evil plans of Your enemies. We praise you in the name that is above all names, our Lord Jesus the Christ. Come Holy Spirit!

Pamela Derrer
May 21, 2022

Dear Jesus,
You have revealed the TRUE heart of these evil people and how they want to destroy America and our civilization.
But the Bible says that greater are You, Jesus. Than he that is in the world.
So we ask that you would forgive the US of ALL our sins and cleanse US of any unrighteousness.
I am asking for REAL Christians to get into our Government,city, county, state.
May they seek Your face, wisdom , directions , obey you, and bringUS back to one a nation under God.
In the mean time, any rule, regulations, directions, like the WHO, any law, anything in our government that is evil, wrong, please destroy that program, organization, and the one world government., destroy. In Jesus’s name.
May you destroy also the Russian government. And the Taliban in Afghanistan are evil.
Please don’t wait too long. In Jesus’s name Amen

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    Amen Yes Lord protect Israel in Jesus Name Amen

    May 21, 2022

    We all must implore our Pastors to be courageous and speak truth regarding the evil of this administration and encourage their congregations to VOTE THEIR FAITH. Many Christian’s are not registered to vote. Now is the time…RISE UP SAINTS AND BECOME PATRIOTS! Our voices must be heart at the ballot box.

    Patty Porter
    May 21, 2022

    We all must implore our Pastors to be courageous and speak truth regarding the evil of this administration and encourage their congregations to VOTE THEIR FAITH. Many Christian’s are not registered to vote. Now is the time…RISE UP SAINTS AND BECOME PATRIOTS! Our voices must be heart at the ballot box.

Jeannie Huppert
May 21, 2022

I believe that we NEED: Scriptures & prayers to speak, command, decree, & NOT back down. Founder of IFA: Derek Prince’s book”Shapint historn thru PRAYER & FASTING . . .”, pg 28, bottom of 2nd paragraph: “(JEREMIAH) YET ON THE SPIRITUAL PLANE TO WHICH GOD ELEVATED HIM THRU HIS PROPHETIC MINISTRY, JEREMIAH EXERCISED AUTHORITY OVER THE VERY RULERS TO WHOM HE WAS IN SUBJECTION ON THE NATURAL PLANE”!!!

Noel Fuller
May 21, 2022

We better wake up real soon, or the US will NOT survive the onslaught of equity insanity. Greed and corruption has ALWAYS led to destruction! Babylon, Rome, and Britain WERE empires! Lord, please send revival.

Jane Syren Langston
May 21, 2022

I rest in the assurance that God Almighty is in control and sits on the throne of His creation!! (Read Psalm 2). If the United States of America comes under the authority of the World Health Organization, we will have just shredded our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments with this blatant evil move supported by President Biden.

Wake up America!! I firmly believe the leak of the possible overturn of Roe versus Wade was purposely done to serve as a distraction to the evil and wicked scheme of this upcoming vote where the United States of America will lose their sovereignty to the New World Order of the World Health Organization that is run by a Marxist if this comes to fruition!! All out persecution of American Christians will soon follow. Keep your faith and trust in Jesus the Christ alone and stand firm for Him no matter what it may cost you!!

    Jill Carrero
    May 21, 2022

    Yes I agree timing was obvious and they are thinking they are master distractors.
    And they imagine they’re getting away with it. Blatant disregard for the law and rule of order…We do need to Repent, Pray , Believe and Decree into the atmosphere All the secret plots and twisted plans Will be exposed so ALL will know and have to acknowledge the rotten corruption and greed of our government and be disgusted and end the cycle of downward spiral! let it lead to a mighty move of God in USA is transformed in Jesus Name Amen

May 21, 2022

Father God, we ask that YOU show Your sovereignty at this summit meeting of nations. Lord, You and You alone are our ruler, truth, justice and power. Use this gathering of nations to demonstrate YOUR SOVEREIGNTY!

May 21, 2022

Father, we come before you and we thank you for your children for sounding the alarms and coming together in prayer to defeat this demonic agenda. We praise you for what you are already doing to restore this nation to freedom and for saving souls despite these extremely difficult times. Holy Spirit, increase our wisdom and give us the words to speak and pray as we battle against this evil. I pray in the name of Jesus that this agenda be destroyed and come to nothing. That the wicked will fall by their own devices. Father, when we cry out to you, you hear us. We are crying out to you for your hand of justice to appear and to protect your children. We stand in faith knowing that you have already won this battle and we thank you that you will turn this situation for your good and glory. In the name of Jesus, I pray these things. Amen

May 21, 2022

Don’t forget how the angel of God slew the Assyrian army when King Hezekiah prayed for delivery. The Assyrian army had better technology and were better equipped. They felt that their god was superior to God Almighty.
The same is occurring today with the NWO UN/WHO WEF cabal. They are spitting on Christianity, God and God’s creation. They are satanic and are moving the world towards a ungodly mix of natural humanity/animals/technology. They are trying to recreate in satan’s image, what God has already deemed “good.” We need to REPENT of our sins and ask God to move in this situation.

    May 21, 2022

    So true…well stated the evil we see today is to destroy God’s creation and “re-design” humanity into Satan’s image, I.e. transgender, trans-humanism, child sacrifice/abortion, what was considered evil is good etc. 🤯 it just occurred to me.

Tom Norton
May 21, 2022

We continue to pray that You O Lord will cause this amendment to fsil.

Carlos Aguirre
May 21, 2022

God has a plan and we need to trust it. We can not give in to this devilish plan. Praised the lord Amen. 🙏

Maria M Fillyaw
May 21, 2022

Thank you for sounding the alarm, and for all the information IFA gives us, so we can pray. God bless you!

Cheryl Jackson
May 21, 2022

As we continue to prayer that God would bind the enemy in all areas of our lives, we must continue to lift up the United States of America to be protected against the schemes, wiles and threats against us even from within!
And believe and and know that, God will work all things out for the good …

May 21, 2022

Thank You Lord that Your Word says that You will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. Our hope is in You and You alone. You are Yahweh Sabaoth The Lord of Host who fights our battles for us and hands us the victory! You are sovereign over EVERY army both earthly and spiritual. We praise You Lord that You have NEVER lost a battle. So in Jesus’ Mighty Name, The Name Above EVERY OTHER name, we declare victory over the outcome of the WHO Summit, May 22 – 28. Amen

A. Stansbery
May 21, 2022

So many people do not believe this is happening. I’ve known this has been coming for a long time. The left kept this very quiet so they could sneak this over on the American people, If they, the American people, had known there would have been a revolution!


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