Newsom Calls Hollywood to Boycott Red States
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Newsom Calls Hollywood to Boycott Red States
CA Governor Gavin Newsom has threatened Hollywood. suggesting that their tax credits rely on what states they work with.
From Breitbart. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) demanded Wednesday that Hollywood studios boycott states that pass pro-life laws and restrictions on abortion, as he backed a five-year extension of a $1.65 billion state tax credit to the entertainment industry.
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Newsom announced his support for the tax credit, and in an accompanying public advertisement titled “Hollywood: Your Values, Your Choice,” Newsom said that it was “time to choose” between California’s liberal values, and those of conservative states (original emphasis):
Over the past several years, the legislatures of states like Georgia and Oklahoma have waged a cruel assault on essential rights. Now, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s abhorrent decision overturning Roe v. Wade, those same states are moving quickly to strip reproductive freedom….
So to those in power to make decisions about where to film, where to hire, where to open new offices, we in California say: Walk the walk….
Newsom’s message suggests that the state is willing to impose its own ideological views… — and that the “freedom” the industry enjoys in the state, including its access to tax credits, depends on conformity to the state view….
What do you think of Newsom’s demands? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Newsom doesn’t know who is governing all those ideas he has , it is the spirit of Satan , doing all of this, I hope he comes to his senses and ask The Lord to forgive him before it is too late and then he will face hell in itself.
I pray that he would have a revelation from The Lord and will change his life.
Hollywood is facing a choice of morality vs the money. Liberalism is not about freedom but taking away true freedom, to worship Yeshua, to value life that he blesses us with, instead of destroying it, and for speaking out against injustices being done to the whole of our society, not just ones liberals use to further their agendas.
Lord, let not their will but yours be done, let us continue to speak out against the tyranny going on, and cause more discernment to reach the hearts of those who do not recognize evil for what it is. I ask in Yeshua’s name,
I believe that he is oblivious to the fact that his cocky confidence is beneath the Most High and Godly Confidence that would be most suited for him as a political leader. My prayer is that he would humble himself and quit trusting is this arrogant behavior that is a tool of the enemy of God and his enemy as well that blinds, deceives and exposes the foolishness of his heart. I would be afraid of a Praying people with the favor of God resting upon their heads than such threats that are diabolically spawned and freely flow from a tongue that pours forth words of death and threats and in a position such as Mr. Newsom’s . In thinking one stands, he falls, in thinking one is deep, he is shallow and in believing one is wise, he reveals himself to be foolish. Because, he’s in this position this year, does not mean that he will be in it next year. I delivered a Word from the Lord many years ago to such a man and the following year he was SUDDENLY removed. The Lord has a Ways and Means committee, BUT, I did deliver the warning a year in advance, plenty of time to repent and to put Our Christ back on the throne of his heart. As I’ve watched the dying transition for years, the strong , the bold and the beautiful, they weaken, they emaciate to less than nothingness. They are smitten with infirmities that disfigure them and few come alongside of them to comfort them. But, when the heart is pure and their hands are Holy, their appearance is Glorious and they have a Radiant end. While their is time GAVIN, REPENT. Our days are numbered and I believe and I pray that you humble yourself. Pride does come before a Great Fall. We don’t want you to learn the hard way and by SUDDENLIES. When you do, I believe you will be a great political leader as you turn from shame to the Favored of the Lord, whose desire is to make you great. Save His babies ! Blessings
I sincerely believe that hell has divisions, and that there is a special slot for those politicians who determinably demand the death of unborn infants to the point where they are blackmailing millions of people. with threats to their livelihood and way of living. A word of advice: Newsom, you and other evil baby slayers like you should consider yourselves warned. and begin to say your prayers. I wouldn’t be in your shined-up shoes for anything!
Pure bribery to push the devil’s agenda! Makes me sick, but God isn’t through, and I know His heart is broken. He hears are prayers, and He is grieved over this evil. We must contend for His righteousness to prevail and for evil to be exposed and taken down. Father, in Jesus name, we come against these evil schemes and crimes in our nation and trust for Your will to be done.
Why can’t he see the light and not dark days in this Nation? How does he sleep at night with hate for a baby that he was one and now what does he do. The devil has his soul and it will leave him with out the God that loves him. God help
Lord, save this man. In the meantime, let his own traps fall upon him. Amen.
All Mighty God,
I call upon you to change this mans heart, pierce through the darkness and depravity of his soul with your light. Drawing him to you, rent his heart, cause him to confess his sins and seek your forgiveness. Recognizing you as sovereign and the only reason he has a seat of authority. Let your praise leave his lips everyday as he seeks to do your will for the kingdom. If his heart can not be changed Lord you will know, and so I ask you to protect us as you slam shut the door of opportunity for re-election of any kind. Cause his constituents to become disgusted with his deeds and refuse to go near him. I praise you and thank you for your hear to save and for your desire for us to pray for our Leaders. I thank you for the righteous leaders you are raising up for such a time as this. I ask you to show them your favor swinging open doors of opportunity for them to move into these seats of authority, ultimately turning us into a God fearing, honoring state and nation. To you be the glory!
I haven’t read this yet. I plan too. But I’m inclined to comment to the headline. Hollywood and Newsom are abominations that need not spread their filthy agenda to the public. Hopefully they won’t be broadcasting their filth anywhere. What an asinine statement to hear from a government “leader”. Sick sick people. Father God it’s a good thing you know what to do with this situation and these people. The fly over states they hate so much don’t buy into it.
New9som is a com6munist who works for Ch)ina, just like Bid=en and Har1ris. The former governor Bro5wn before New^som in California spent decades turning that entire state into a com4munist country. When I was there in 2012, you could feel the imprint of com;munism on everything. Then I talked to a businessman there who’d lived in LA his whole life. After he described the transition in Los Angeles over the past 70 years, there was no denying it. They are doing the same thing to Oregon and Washington. I believe New”som was put into place by the DS to see to it that the whole west coast is handed over to Chi=na when the time comes, and you know their war ships are going to land in Long Beach.
Is THIS where our country is headed?
Either you believe in killing babies or you follow God-the creator of life?
Well then SO BE IT!!
As for ME and my HOUSE we WILL follow the LORD!!!
I pray to GOD, for HIS constant protection of President Trump , as he fights an Evil , and Satanic enemy of America ,
The Democrat Party must be DESTROYED as a political party forever as of the mid-terms and 2024 elections, they aer the biggest threat to the survivial of our Demcrcy !