A leaked email from a federal government agency reveals that the White House is playing word games to downplay Joe Biden’s occupation of the White House. Language is being used to elevate Kamala Harris in all official White House business.
The mandatory directive, the leak from Outspoken reveals, came from a high-ranking White House communications team member. It forces all agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the “Biden-Harris Administration.”
“Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” the directive reads, with “Biden-Harris Administration” accented in bold.
. . .
The @WhiteHouse Twitter account now reads “Welcome to the Biden-Harris White House!” This unprecedented move was unseen in the Trump and Obama administrations.
The new language requirements now appear on all 15 executive departments. . . .
Outspoken reported that the leaker wishes to remain anonymous to avoid being targeted or harassed by the “Biden-Harris Administration.” . . .
Joe Biden frequently appears dazed and confused in public appearances. He is often seen with his wife Jill Biden, who appears to give him cognitive support.
Kamala Harris has been taking calls with foreign leaders, which is highly unusual for a vice president. Most recently, Harris took a call with the Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, without Biden present. She has also taken calls with French President Emanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Some leaders see Harris’s interference in world affairs as unsettling. “World leaders expect to hear from the President of the United States, not the Vice President,” former Ambassador to Germany and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said to Outspoken. “There are certainly times when the Vice President has to step in but not for the introductory call.”
“The fact that the White House is instructing federal agencies to replace ‘Biden’ with ‘Biden-Harris’ after less than 60 days is indicative of the struggle Joe Biden is already having being President,” Grenell said. “This is a signal that he can’t do the job alone.” . . .
Here are a few more details from TrendingPolitics.com:
- According to a report at the website Outspoken, a leaked email shows that “top White House communications team member” is directing that official correspondence at all federal agencies include mentioning Vice President Kamala D. Harris.
- “Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” the directive reads.
- President Biden has not given a press briefing in over two months in office. He has not yet given a State of the Union Address — one of the latest first-time presidents to do so. He is tripping going up stairs and often refuses to take unscripted questions.
- On Thursday, while delivering a statement on the coronavirus pandemic, Biden let it slip once again who he thinks is the President of the United States.
- We have also recently discovered the former President Obama and President Biden are in close working cooperation with one another. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted this at her press briefing on Monday.
- It only further corroborates what the American people know: The “shadow presidency” has already begun. . . .
What do you think about this leaked email? Share your comments on this below. . .
(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Article by The Scoop. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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I’m not surprised. It’s obviously that Biden is incompetent! I’m expecting the Democratic party to kill him off quietly so Harris can be president.
Any proof of this “White House” e-mail claim? Reliable proof.
This whole administration is being “run” by everyone but Biden!! There is immense deception going on, right in front of our eyes! Biden is extremely ill! As a country, in my lifetime, we have NEVER had such a mentally unstable person in the Presidency!! This is so obvious and so frightening! It should have, and probably does, have every believer on their knees!! We NEED God’s mercy and His intercession desperately!
Lord we praise You for being Sovereign over all things. You are King of kings, and Lord of Lord’s.
May the TRUTH be exposed to those who voted for them. Open the eyes, heart,(Hos. 10:12) mind and spirit(awakening) of each one and expose the lies. May Your purpose and will be accomplished for the Church and may the Church share the Gospel with those who are searching for Truth. May we be Zealous for Revival.In Jesus name. Amen
Wever sad what is going on. Feel we do not have a president but Harris and Obama are calling the shots.
Lord help the USA if Harris steps in as President. Our election was a fraud in the first place and if it had been legal we would not be where we are today. I pray that there will be a miracle and this mess we are in, will be eliminated. The Bible says in Heb. 9:27 “That they be prepared to give account to Almighty God.” This is what the whole Democratic Administration must answer to. According to what the USA voted (???), it was the Biden Administration, not Biden-Harris.
Very sad to see what is going on. The Lord showed me that Mr. Biden is a puppet & others are pulling the strings. He does as told & when they are finished with him, they’ll replace him with Kamala Harris.
Father reveal all that is going on behind the scenes. Let truth concerning this administration be exposed for what it truly is. Uncover every plot & plan & let it come to naught in Jesus Name Amen. Thank you that you’re already moving to unmask the deception that is going on. Unravel it all before those who are pulling the strings are ready do what they have planned so that all can see what truly is going on & has been going on in Jesus Name Amen.
Obama in an interview regarding himself having a third term behind the democratic president elect, man or woman, talking to them through an ear piece. Well, his 3rd term is Biden. Harris is right there.
Common sense knew what was happening when Harris dropped out and became a part of the Biden/Harris ticket.
New in the world now I call ‘facade politics’ where elected leaders are not actually calling the shots but people behind in the shadows. Lies, cheats, deceit and hunger for power and money are their trademarks. Let’s pray for it’s end in all countries.
This was their plan all along. They were very disingenuous when they put Biden on the ticket. Not to mention the fact the election was stolen. Proof positive has been established. Not only does this make us look weak in many levels but it makes me wonder why they are still carrying out this charade. I did some research prior to the election and found that she is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. I think they are trying to skirt that issue for as long as they can. Note these people have insidious plans for our country and Satan is behind it all
This confirms commonly expressed predictions that ,“Harris will be President in 6 Months“
Nothing surprising here. Biden will be pushed aside by Harris sooner or later. We all knew that would happen if they got elected. The shadow presidency is only going to last so long. She is a ruthlessly ambitious person. Nothing is going to stop her from assuming the role of President of the U.S. Lord, we need honesty and transparency in our government. Please, bring Biden and Harris to a saving knowledge of You. In Jesus’ name we pray.
I pray the Lord steps in and wakes them to his truth. We are in a battle in the spiritual sense and I pray that we come out victorious sooner than later. However, all in our Lord’s timing
Perhaps He is allowing us to reap what we have sown?
This is very disturbing and unsettling. Joe Biden was elected to be president and now he cannot handle the responsibilities and is handing them off to Kamala Harris this is wrong on so many fronts.
The Left has DIS informed us and decided to ‘install’ him as the President. He didnt even win the primary, he didn’t carry democratic strongholds, and he certainly didnt carry battleground states – was behind 700,000 votes 63% reporting going into Trump territories in PA on election night). But anyone refuting it gets censored/disciplined? Facism. We are allowing ourselves to be controlled at this point by lawless, anti-American Facists. That fraud aside, putting him in was a miscalculation of the Left. His removal must be via criminal charges-they knew he wasnt capable of governing, yet faked/lied/frauded the American public into a lie-, Kamala, every media spokesman and every person involved in defrauding the American public should be charged. EVERYONE knew he was not of sound mind, but they covered and lied and continued to jeopardize our security and stability by installing him. Game Over. We dont reward criminal fraud by allowing their next fraud ‘pick’ to ‘take power’. Criminal fraud charges should apply for multiple schemes here, instead our fraud ‘representatives’ allow it instead of challenging it. What did they know and when did they know it? They have allowed this global order beast to become so strong and now the cost to stand up is large. What happened to the ‘freedom caucus’??? In bed with China, Radical Islam, Globalists/CIA,
All part of communist democratic party agenda to ease harris into being Americas fraudulent president.If Americans refer to her or obiden as PRESIDENT you are going along with the dishonest corrupt criminal activities.
Lord God Almighty,
This memo changing the title of how to address any and all correspondence connected to the role of our current President is disturbing, but we know in our hearts and claim as Your children; You and You alone are on the throne! Help us not to be fearful but rather to continue trusting You. We may not like this or understand it, but yet You are the powerful One who can use every situation in order to bring about Your plans. Grant us a spirit of peace and perseverance as we wait upon You.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Kathy, the IFA prayer guide entitled “Praying for Wicked and Evil Politicians” has been a great help for me in praying for this administration. I hope it is helpful to you as well when you don’t want to pray or aren’t sure where to start.
To me this is extremely unsettling, America voted in Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris. Is Biden just a patsy for the extreme left, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. President Biden’s signing of the bezillion executive orders tells so much. Who wrote those up? Did he even read them.
The executive orders were written before he took office . AG BARR wrote them.. it was all revealed some time back. I think it’s pretty sad that a Presidential appointee would stoop so low as to jump ship in mid stream. Which shines light on why he denied there was any real evidence of systemic fraud from the left and foreign countries during the election. Justice was NOT SERVED, and definitely a satanic spirit was present. All branches of our government were complicit. It’s very sad that so many have basically sold their soul to Satan for profit.
That comment has no place here.Not appropriate at all.
I am standing in agreement.
Most of us know the removal of Biden is coming. The worst part is Harris is someone that even the democrats did not support as indicated in the presidential bid, her being an early drop-out.
Father God, I pray your wisdom to permeate America. I pray for the delusion of evil be removed from the eyes of those misled for so many years. Prepare each of us to know the actions to take and give us courage to do them. Release Holy Spirit in our land to give our nation your power, strength and determination we on which were founded. Pray for love for one another in Christ to become what binds us.
Very well said!
With the current Congress make-up, who knows what will come next- probably invoking the 25th amendment and then Pelosi VP? Confusion and chaos- the theme of the Democrats.
After reading background information on Ms. Harris I am greatly concerned about the security of our country as we all should be. It is horrible how Biden/Harris came to be in the White House and the many behind the scenes who are influencing decisions impacting our country. The prestige of the White House was so great that Joe and Jill agreed to this “set up” and it is so sad.
Installing Harris isnt an option. They have knowingly, willingly attempted to FRAUD the American public. This is a crime that needs to be fully litigated, prosecuted and WE THE PEOPLE need FULL remuneration!!! That means New election, in-person only with valid ID (as even non-industrialized nations demand). Fraudsters subject to prosecution and punishments commensurate with attempting to defraud the American people. If any non-cooperation with investigation, immediate waiver to due process and guilty verdict assessed and entered.
so what do we do about it?
Pray to the Lord for his mercy on America.
What they are doing to Biden is elder abuse. He needs to be spending his remaining days at his home in familiar surroundings and with his family. His wife and family should step up and say enough, especially after his fall.
I don’t want Harris to be President or anything else but I hate seeing anyone being abused.
I’m not surprised by this leak the hand of God, is moving upon this nation his timing is better than ours, justice will come when God is ready. Amen
The Democratic/Socialist Party is and has been for some time a demonic machine hard at work in our political system. Biden has already stated that if there was some disagreement between Harris and himself he would just contract some disease and basically go away. Those were words out of his own mouth in an interview. The White House is now occupied by a Socialist/Marxist/Communist Regime know as the Democratic Party which lacks everything that Democracy and a Free Republic stands for. It shouldn’t be a shock that Bidden will be pushed aside and the real controlling person the far left wanted in the White House takes over, which is Harris.
There is a reason why a shepherd stands watch over the flocks…. there are wolves standing ready to devour the innocent. Well the wolves are in the White House now. Be ready to defend everything you love and stand for because the Socialists are poised and ready to take it all away.
I dont think Harris is the real controlling person, I think she will just be a puppet too. Many believe Barack Obama is the controller. He is actually on video stating he’d love to have a 3rd term with someone else as the frontman.
Obama is the puppet of the global elite! He is not the puppet master.
Oops 😬 Forgot! Biden is reportedly being played by actor James Wood! I’m researching this!
According to some pundits(Charlie Ward) Biden has been executed! Many anomalies related to Biden/Harris you might want to be aware of! (Biden not occupying WH! We’re in a period of military continuity until Trump sworn in! See interview by John Chambers and C Ward At American mediaperiscope.net or com
Oh I hope and pray this true. We need our President Trump GOD’s choice for president. GOD has already won this. I pray for the army of GOD to keep fighting for us. Thank you GOD 🙏 We love you!
How & when can we get rid of Biden, Harris, peloci & Schumer. There should be something & someway we can blot out this evilness & our country will be more Christian again.
Praying is the way to go – but God also expects us to act at times as well. I found this article when doing research the other day. It is something I do not suggest lightly but our founding fathers were in very similar circumstances (dealing with a tyrannical government) and did what they had to do for the circumstances. They were Godly people and much prayer and dialogue went among themselves and the King of England… read this and understand it is our right to self defense and preservation of our country- it explains exactly where our founding fathers intentions were…
Suggestion: Go to Give Him 15 by Dutch Sheets. Look in the archives for January 21, 2021, and read the dream that was submitted to Dutch Sheets.
I am praying for the Biden Camp and actually having a very hard time praying for this eveil demonic enemy. I know that GOD has a plan, he is in control. However, I pray many times a day that he will stop this demonic hate-filled group that is literally murdering AMERICA 24/7. They have won some major battles however; GOD will win the war. I pray that GOD will help me to pray more for my enemies.
Father God,
I pray for our precious country.
I pray You would raise up Conservative leaders who can and will do all that is possible to protect our country and our Constitution.
We have turned away from You. We beg forgiveness — and I pray 2 Chronicles 7: 14 — . . healing for this land. Amen
I also pray for our Conservative Leaders however; so many have pulled away from their faith in GOD and country. Thank GOD we know who holds all of our tomorrows. Just heart broken to see Biden slowly murdering AMERICA daily.
I think most of us have seen this coming. It’s only a matter of time that Harris will replace Biden. He will probably be removed by the 25th Amendment and then Harris will succeed him. Also the American people are seeing the proof that Trump was not a liar. I also believe that Obama is running a lot of things behind this administration. Biden is only a puppet, others are really running this show.
Yes Obama is involved! He ran the shadow government during Trump’s term
Who would have thought..
Does anyone here agree Biden seems like an unwilling president?
That he was pressured into running?
He’s a store front president..you see him but others are running the business
This isn’t a surprise if your paying attention
Yes he was pressured, they are using him as a puppet because they really had no options other than other communist like Sanders. I think his family, staff , etc. will be held accountable for using him. He’s a sick man, that being said, he has raped AMERICA for years and today doesn’t know his right had from the left. GOD HAVE MERCY
Everybody knew this was gonna happen. All the more disturbing as it seems evident the Presidency was manipulated. Lord help
The American people are getting proof that Donald Trump is NOT a liar: When he questioned Joe’s cognitive ability, when Trump said that this election was stolen…on and on….the press calls Donald Trump a liar.
Yet Donald Trump KEPT his campaign promises, and served our country with courage and in truth. President Biden KNOWS that he is not cognitively able to handle any portion of the job—that is why Kamala Harris is at his elbow constantly as he signs Executive Orders, etc. This is sooooo sad: Kamala Harris is NOT qualified for the Presidency, any more than Joe Biden was.
Father, please have mercy on our country. Please protect us from ineptness and perfidy. We have been praying for the entire Cabinet to have Damascus Road experiences of you, and to know that YOU are the One to Whom they will give account.In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Someone mentioned elder abuse..
I said this when he was campaigning!! I feel sorry for President Biden and our nation. But the Lord is showing us our need for Him and Repentance!!! I am praying for the Holy Spirit and Fire to descend upon us all
The late Rush Limbaugh warned us too many times to count Obama stayed in Washington DC to be able to keep Trump from destroying his fundamental change. No former president has stayed in Washington. Rush also warned; Obama is the behind the Biden Administration. God rest Rush’s soul. Poor Rush in his last days he lamented that he hadn’t done enough to warn Americans the danger Obama was capable of. Now the Chickens have come home to Roost…
Like the profit Joel; Rush warned us.
Joel 2:1 NKJV
[1] Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand:
Joel also brings good news of God’s mercy. May we heed God’s warning.
Lord have mercy on us for we are sinners. May these trumpets awaken Americans to the truth. Amen.
This has always been the end game. Only a matter of time before Harris replaces Biden. How uninformed so many Americans were in this whole process….
i agree BUT GOD is Already on the move behind the scene bringing people to justice and the TREASON GANG all over the world to be convicted and brought to PUBLIC justice. This isnt just about america god is freeing the people all over the world. Its not just the voting fraud its about all kinds of child sacrificing . greed power and control oh and did i not mention steal kill and destroy satan is behind all the evil whether people know it or do not believe it. God is shaking the whole world ‘ including the church-hes not necessarily angry at the believers but god is setting a whole new spiritual normal for a whole new era
Go to RegentUniversity.edu and watch the webinar put on by Michele Bachmann. There are MANY great American’s working on the evil that occurred during the last election. We must not “just move on” we are close to losing our freedoms!!
I curse the agenda of the occupying regime with total and complete failure! I pray that the voter fraud continues to be exposed and the rightfully elected President be reinstated promptly. Father, have Your perfect plan fulfilled, even if You have to end this Earth age prematurely. So be it.
Thank you Father, Adonai for the opportunity to pray today. We lift our nation to us. And maybe unusual this might be, I will do this following prayer. Because I need it, our nation needs it, the whole world needs it!
“Lord Jesus, I choose to forgive the wicked men and women (figure heads) in the government that are causing us all this troubles. I choose to forgive them because In Your word you tell us that we must forgive; so today I forgive them and now I ask you to bless them. I call that you let them have a Damascus road experience, and they see you. We will not grow weary. Gal. 6:9. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen.
In 2008, Kim Clement prophecies about 2 presidents operating at the same time. I’m not, by any means, an expert in this area. But I wonder if the prophecy by Clement then was revealing the evident “dual role” of Harris (illegitimate VP) in what should be the president’s (illegitimate pres.) normal duties OR is it the well known fact that former president Obama is running the everyday duties of the nation. (have we noticed that we rarely hear from him since Joe “took office”) [literally took the office]. Since the former president loved to parade in front of the camera during & after his presidency but now is nowhere to be found, one has to speculate that the illegitimate election, present cabinet picks, policies, etc. are no doubt the work of a devious shadow government.
**God, nothing is hidden from You. You alone Lord reveal secrets and raise up or bring down kings and nations. All power is in Your hand. We ask for You to bring all the truth forward. We ask humbly for Your mercy and that You would save this nation for Your glory and purpose. Have mercy on us Lord. Hear the prayers and cries of Your people as we look to You for salvation. Deliver us from evil leaders and replace them with godly leadership that will help lead this nation on paths that honor and please You Lord. Amen.
Berean Study Bible Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
May GOD’s Will be Done!!! HalleluYAH !!!
“If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.” Much like Wayne Wakefield’s prayer, I have also been praying that the Lord would protect President Biden. It is apparent he is simply a tool and I do not mean disrespectfully…easily manipulated and in this case, to the grandest degree.
Father, You know our thoughts and motivations before we do. I pray in this time, You would show President Biden favor and like President Trump, You would use him as a wrecking ball. May He be aware of Your leading and move forward with YOU. I am praying with the greatest humility and KNOW we deserve nothing. But I believe You sent salvation into the world through Your Son Jesus Christ. I do believe He is Your Word Made Flesh and He demonstrated Your Fullness in His time among humanity. I believe Jesus died for the sins of the world but was raised by Your Mighty Will to return to His Kingdom where He is ruling and reigning until the time He returns to claim ALL..I appeal to You in this faith and conviction and simply ask for you to save President Biden. Make his words and actions Your own. ASTOUND THE WORLD with a Godly demolition and I pray You would allow NO ONE to get in the way. I love You Father, I love You Jesus, I love You Holy Spirit. Amen
Proverbs 29:12
I praise you Lord God Almighty! I agree with “VEE”in his/her prayer and thank you that you are revealing the things of darkness and bringing them into the Light so that your warriors can pray. Expose the wickedness Father, that all may see and perhaps some wake up from the deception and manipulation. Move in the heart of Jill Biden; convict her, so that she will speak truth in how her husband is being used (and she is allowing it). He needs help, and we, as compassionate members of the family of God want him to be taken care of, certainly not running this vastcountry we call home. For those in Washington who are standing strong and persevering in their places of appointed authority, bless them mightily so they may continue on in the unrelenting battle they face as believers in Christ. Be their/our strength every morning, our salvation in times of distress. We are clothed in our armour and trusting in you alone, Oh Lord. When Jesus comes back, may we be found faithful. And bless the work of IFA as they expose the enemy so we may do our part to bring the Kingdom of God to the hearts of men. Our eyes are in YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Amen and Amen.
And who was surprised by this!
This administration is doubly illegitimate in that Biden did not truly win this election,( but everything was done to take it from President Donald Trump, who is the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential Election) and Obama is operatively running a 3rd term as President through this current administration. Honestly, I am asking God to remove these all of these evil doers from office and put our rightful President Trump back in. Perhaps it has never been done before in our history, but I am going to keep on asking. A scripture that has come alive to me in the past few days is Isaiah 59:19: ‘When the enemy comes in like a FLOOD the SPIRIT OF THE LORD WILL RAISE UP A STANDARD AGAINST HIM.’
God is still in the miracle business
With Him ANYHING ❤is possible
As we’ve seen ,in places, lawsuits are still pending…
Praise God for continued exposure and evidence of absolutely disgraceful election
Oh Father, help us! Oh God of Heaven’s Armies we cry out to you. Our enemy is to strong for us. But yours is the victory. Raise your people to pray- to stand in the gap. We want to witness YOUR intervention. You alone can take what’s wrong & make it right. We praise you for YOUR power & your plan. We cry out for YOUR mercy. We know your promises are true- they are for all time/ they are for our time! Renew them in our day in our time make them known. In wrath remember mercy Oh Lord- we know this world is yours & everything in it & the people that are in it belong to you. I pray we will resist the Devil & he will flee from us. I pray you will send the demons out of our country in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God & send them to the place you’ve appointed for them. I ask for your Spirit to pour out on all flesh- take every thought captive & make it obedient to Christ – we ask for you to move this mountain on our behalf- move the wicked out & the righteous in. Move the lies out & the truth in! Uncover, expose, remove, so that Truth will take its stand & the guilty convicted & the innocent restored. I pray this in Jesus name- the one who shed His blood that all may go free!!!!!!!! Set us free (& our precious persecuted brothers & sisters around the world) from this wicked government, strongholds & witchcraft & God shed your grace on Thee. “ Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord… His Truth is marching on!!!!! “
Father, in the name of Jesus continue to expose all the hidden agenda that is against You. As it says in Psalm 27:12, do not deliver the USA to the will of its adversaries, for false witnesses have risen against her, and such as breathe out violence. Wake up church and take a stand !
In the Hebrew biblical language the word witchcraft means manipulation. Obviously witchcraft is satanic. We are now under a very satanic administration and nothing that they say can be trusted. We must pray. I believe our country is under God’s judgment.
God help us!!
Nothing is out of bounds or off limits when you steal and cheat to gain public office and power to destroy us as a nation. It’s similar to 9-11-2001 where people who hate us used our ways to kill us. Now people who hate us are using our ways of freedom and education to destroy freedom for us and the world.
Elder abuse, really sad if not criminal and a really dangerous precedent.
I pray the people of America would wake up. And turn back to God. Exposure of all evil in our government. In JESUS mighty name. AMEN
Amen 🙏
Lord have mercy on us as your people we crying out turned down the giants that seek to destroy our nation. Expose the corruption and bring the Biden administration to your justice. In Jesus name 🙏
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Please let your anointing saturate the US of America, let every lie be exposed and please remove those from the office of President & VP. They are illegitimately and shouldn’t be there. These people are evil and have a evil agenda for the USA, but God has a master plan and he will reveal it soon. Glory unto God.
Pleased email was leaked because it substantiated this was the plan all along. I really don’t understand why it appears to be a surprise to so many. It was obvious Biden was not physically nor mentally up to the challenges and demands as President plus his move to the far left. His appearances were all staged and his wife a willing participant. The appointees are a mirror of Obama’s Whitehouse. The appointees to Cabinet positions are not based on knowledge and or experience but only on ideology and the transformation of America-Obama’s goal. We managed to survive 8 years of Obama but it will be only by God’s grace we survive this. Dear God please forgive our apathy, the neglect of many churches to teach your Word and not a watered down version more acceptable to society. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and send a great Revival that will awaken the spiritually dead. Christianity is under attack. We need you. Give us strength, wisdom, and direction and in your mercy give us another chance. Forgive the gullible for this is the door for the anti-Christ. In Jesus name.b
What is happening is outrageous. Lord I pray for Your intervention over the whole situation as it unfolds.
Dear Heavenly Father, bless those in the Biden Administration with the truth of Jesus Christ. Expose the lies of what is going on around President Biden. Protect him from those who want Vice President Harris to have more power over Biden and perhaps make her Present. Bring in advisors who follow Jesus and can give him righteous advice. Amen