I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we do not want any further corruption to take place in our government. Bring revival to our nation and may we be one nation that seeks after truth, justice, and aligning ourselves with You..
Reading Time: 4 minutes

An independent translation proves Iranian Minister Zarif did not know about covert Israeli air strikes until Kerry told him. Kerry denies this but the tape proves it. Why is the Biden Administration unlikely to do anything about Kerry? Would you be surprised to find out that Kerry’s stepson cofounded Rosemont Capital with Hunter Biden? Scroll down to read the interesting excerptĀ  . . .

According to The Washington Free Beacon, “Leaked audiotape of Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif indicates he had no knowledge of covert Israeli military strikes before former secretary of state John Kerry provided him with the information, new details that contradict the State Department’s recent defense of Kerry.

These details are likely to further fuel calls from leading Republicans for Kerry’s firing or resignation. TheĀ New York TimesĀ reported that Zarif said on the tape that Kerry told him Israel launched 200 airstrikes against Iranian interests in Syria. TheĀ TimesĀ did not provide further details on that issue. But an independent translation of the audiotape commissioned by theĀ Washington Free BeaconĀ shows that Zarif went on to clarify that he had no prior knowledge of these Israeli strikes before Kerry told him.

“Kerry told me that Israel had launched 200 airstrikes against you [Iran],” said Zarif. “You didn’t know?” asked his interviewer. “No, no,” he replied. . . .

“If you go back and look at press reporting from the time, this certainly was not secret, and governments that were involved were speaking to this publicly on the record,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Monday during a press briefing.

The following day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the strikes “were all reported in the press at the time, so it is utter nonsense.” He also accused Republicans of trying to “play politics with this.”

Kerry denied the allegations in a Twitter post earlier in the week. . . .

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), who is spearheading efforts to pressure Kerry into resigning, said, “If this tape is verified, it would signal catastrophic and disqualifying recklessness by Envoy Kerry to Foreign Minister Zarif that endangered the safety of Americans and our allies.”

“John Kerry must resign immediately,” Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told theĀ Free Beacon earlier this week. “The investigation should be retrospective.” . . .

“The State Department must investigate the massively alarming allegations that John Kerry leaked information to Iran on covert Israeli military operations. If it’s proven that Kerry actively undermined one of America’s staunchest allies, he needs to resign from the Biden administration immediately and have his security clearance revoked,” Zeldin said in a statement. . . .

Why Kerry will never be fired:

According to The National Pulse, “The Biden White House has been steadfastly silent onĀ leaked tapesĀ revealing that Climate Czar John KerryĀ swapped secretsĀ about Israeli military operations with Iranian officials. It seems the former Secretary of State is getting off scot-free for briefing a country designated by the U.S. government as aĀ state sponsor of terror. . . .

The Biden White House has been steadfastly silent on leaked tapesĀ revealing that Climate Czar John KerryĀ swapped secretsĀ about Israeli military operations with Iranian officials. It seems the former Secretary of State is getting off scot-free for briefing a country designated by the U.S. government as aĀ state sponsor of terror.

The tapes should play out to be a major international scandal, even constituting grounds for Kerryā€™s termination, as Iranā€™s Foreign Minister divulges that Kerry ā€œinformed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times.ā€Ā 

But when pressed on the matter, Press Secretary Jen Psaki didnā€™t even sputter a promise to ā€œcircle back,ā€ instead sternly responding withĀ ā€œweā€™re not going to comment on leaked tapes.ā€ And three days into the scandal, mumā€™s still the word. . . .

Biden and Kerry are long time buddies, to be sure. But Kerry has ā€œinsuranceā€ when it comes to his freedom within the Biden regime, and it leads back viaĀ anotherĀ leaked tape: the one from Hunter Bidenā€™s hard drive.

The tape,Ā published exclusively by The National Pulse, reveals the presidentā€™s sonĀ boastingĀ about being ā€œin businessā€ with foreign adversaries including the ā€œf*cking spy chief of China.ā€ The confession, along with countless emails, text messages, and financial transactions, cast Hunter Biden as a repeat offender when it comes to corruption, foreign collusion, and compromise.Ā 

And who had a front-row seat to all these blackmail-prone business dealings?

John Kerryā€™s stepson, Christopher Heinz. . . .

The billionaire heir co-founded Rosemont Capital, an international private equity firm anchored by Heinz family cash, with Hunter Biden in 2009. And the multi-billion-dollarĀ firmĀ had offshoots including Rosemont Seneca Partners, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and even Rosemont Realty. The Managing Director of the firm was none other than Heinzā€™s Yale roommate, Devon Archer.Ā 

And unsurprisingly, these names are as commonplace on Hunter Bidenā€™s hard drive as the lewd images, drugs, and prostitutes. . . .

In addition to leveraging family memberā€™s political connections for high-paying domestic contracts and consulting gigs, Rosemont Seneca Partners also joined theĀ infamousĀ BHR Partners investment fund.

This $1.5 billion deal ā€“ birthed less than two weeks after Hunter Biden accompanied his father on a trip to China ā€“ had already come under scrutiny, as it wasĀ underwritten and controlledĀ by Chinese Communist Party-run banks and officials. And Rosemont Realty suffered a similar fate. In 2015, a Chinese military-linked company acquired a controlling stake in the venture.

But even without the Chinese Communist Party ā€“ whose modus operandi is, of course, compromise ā€“ the billions of dollars sloshing around between Kerryā€™s stepson and Hunter Biden would ostensibly give the former copious amounts of leverage. . . .

Heinz distanced himself from the Rosemont brand after Hunter Biden and Devon Archer opted to join the board of the scandal-plagued Ukrainian gas company, Burisma. HisĀ spokesperson toldĀ The Washington Post that ā€œthe lack of judgment in this matter was a major catalyst for Mr. Heinz ending his business relationships with Mr. Archer and Mr. Biden.ā€ . . .

Hours after the $50,000 per month board appointments went public in 2014, HeinzĀ emailedĀ two of his stepfatherā€™s top aides at the State Department: ā€œApparently Devon and Hunter both joined the board of Burisma and a press release went out today. I canā€™t speak why they decided to, but there was no investment by our firm in their company,ā€ he wrote.Ā 

Heinz and Kerry have the dirt on the Bidens, and theyā€™re not afraid to use it. . . .

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(Excerpted from The Washington Free Beacon and The National Pulse. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)


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May 27, 2021

This article makes it sound as though Christopher Heinz (John Kerry’s step son) as being innocent. He is not. Everyone should have to read Peter Schweitzer’s book about the Empire of dirty polical families. Heinz/Biden/Archer’s dirty, criminal dealings. But also, Mitch McConnell. After reading that book and understanding how connected Mitch is to China through his Chinese wife and there shipping company, truly he should NOT even be allowed to be a senator or any politician much less the head of Senate. It also covers Jared Krushner’s family.
Every one of these families are crooked, but Biden/Kerry/Heinz/Clintons/Obama are the absolute worse! Peter covers them all.

May 1, 2021

These are bad people, evil people, disgraceful people, they are despicable and belong in prison yet, who among us has not sinned? Yes, our government has completely lost its way. Our hope is in Jesus, as it always is. Thank you, Lord, that our time on earth is limited and our time with You, eternal.

14Ā if my people, who are called by my name,Ā will humbleĀ themselves and pray and seek my faceĀ and turnĀ from their wicked ways, then I will hearĀ from heaven, and I will forgiveĀ their sin and will healĀ their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    May 3, 2021

    Yes, Augie. Weā€™re all sinners as you say, but hopefully we are repenting of our sins and being renewed by Godā€™s grace. But if the manipulative individuals referenced in this article fall in the ā€œreprobateā€ category, they should be worried.
    Online dictionary description of reprobates:
    ā€¢ a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person:
    ā€¢ a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation.

      May 4, 2021

      Well said, Carol. Reprobate is the appropriate term. It is a pretty toxic descriptor for some extremely toxic individuals. Although we all fall short of the glory of God, reprobates choose to do nothing about it.

May 1, 2021

John Kerry committed TREASON! The climate change chief architect flys around in his fossil fueled jet; hypocrisy! He gave false testimonies (lied) to Congress about atrocities in Viet Nam.
Dear Lord- we pray for courageous government leaders to take action against the evils of John Kerry and others like him.

May 1, 2021

Father, please expose the corruption that exists in the halls of power of our government. Please soften the unrepentant hearts of our leaders and turn them toward you. Thank You Lord.


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