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I Prayed have prayed
Father thank you for the lives of these men, who in their relationship with you, found release from anger, and a path to be used greatly by you, Lord. Bless them!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In today’s volatile environment, rage is taking center stage. Anger is something that comes from deep within – seemingly uncontrollable. How can a hot-tempered person possibly rid himself of indwelling hatred and become a person who, rather than stirring up strife, calms a dispute (Proverbs 15:18)?

“I saw what I had become, lashing out at every single thing. And I asked God, ‘If you take anger out of my heart, I’ll never hate again,’ Justice Clarence Thomas reminisced in Created Equal, an auto-biographical, feature-length documentary distributed by PBS.

Thomas is perhaps best known for the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1991 and the explosive sexual harassment claims by Anita Hill. If ever there was a time to be angry – to lash out in defense, it was then. But God had already answered Thomas’s prayer. The hate was gone.

As I listened to Thomas tell his story, Dr. Ben Carson came to mind, who also struggled with anger and called out to God for healing. Now U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Carson has led a successful life as one of the world’s most renowned pediatric neurosurgeons, a man marked by a kind and gentle demeanor.

After attempting to stab one of his friends at age eight, Carson spent two hours in the bathroom crying out to God for help. When he read Proverbs 16:32, it felt as though it was written just for him: “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

“At last I stood up, placed the Bible on the edge of the sink,” he wrote in his autobiography Gifted Hands.  “I washed my face and hands, straightened my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom a changed young man…I’ve lived more than twenty years since that experience. I’ve never had another flare-up or even had a serious problem of needing to control my temper.”

Without question, these two men have become mighty men of integrity – free from the anger and hatred that once shackled them.

Both men grew up in poverty, were without their fathers, and faced discrimination. The obstacles were seemingly insurmountable.

I’ve known these things about Carson for over a decade, having read his autobiography Gifted Hands and watched Gifted Hands, the 2009 inspirational movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr.

But I did not know these things about Justice Clarence Thomas.

I reluctantly agreed to watch the documentary on a Friday night with my husband – not thrilled about surrendering that precious end-of-week recovery time to the viewing of a political commentary. But once the cameras began rolling, I discovered it was neither dull nor distressing, but, rather engaging and insightful with captivating photography and story-telling.

It is through the words of Thomas himself that I now feel I’ve come to know this Supreme Court justice as more than a political figure, but I’ve been endeared to a man who has victoriously overcome hardship with grace and humility.

I knew nothing of his seminary training, his falling away, and participation in the Black Power movement. As he thought critically about racial issues, his views began to change and return to the ideals his grandfather had instilled in him. But then, he began to face another set of issues.

He described the onslaught of discriminatory attacks and the prevalence of antagonism concerning his conservative views: “It’s stereotypes draped in sanctimony and self-congratulations. There’s a different set of rules for different people. If you criticize a black person who’s more liberal, you’re a racist. Whereas, you can do whatever to me or to, now, Ben Carson, and that’s fine. Because you’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect black people to do.”

But he, like Carson, continues to show us how God can change a heart, how forgiveness brings clarity and peace, and hard work and resilience brings prosperity.

The question isn’t “Is my anger justified?” Rather, it’s “Will I allow my anger to destroy lives including my own?” Thank God for these two Americans and the choices they made.  We should follow their lead.

(Excerpt from AFA.)

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June 15, 2020

Thank you Lord for these 2 men and the incredible work you have done and continue to do through them. Continue to shower them with your discernment, wisdom, guidance and favor as they serve you daily. In your name we pray… amen.

virginia blakeman
June 15, 2020

Jesus, You are the DESIRE of the nations and You have set people in nations, cultures, and ethnic groups to find You – You’ve given them time to do that (Acts 17:26) – I pray the knowledge of this reality would be increased in this and other nations – stir up this truth to be reality to each person. You are nearer than our next breath. Thank You. We acknowledge our need for You, here in the United States, Eternal One. You, Jesus, justify us with Your blood. I pray the just get involved with the poor and know their issues; I pray the wise know how to put out the mockers fire that is stirring up our cities and inflaming passions and ease tensions. (Prov. 29:7,8) Thank You. I pray the just find a way to help the honest, bring resolution to issues (Prov. 29:10b); and that wise leaders, individuals, hold back their temper – remain quiet – peaceful (Prov. 29:11b). You created the poor and oppressor, provide both with light and life (Prov. 29:13b). I pray the just will surely see the destruction of evil people and lawlessness will not flourish (Prov. 29:16). We will adhere to Your instruction and know genuine happiness (Prov. 29:18). I pray we would be ones of a humble spirit (Christ like)having a firm hold on honor and respect (Prov. 29:23). Thank You for genuine justice, and wisdom that proceeds from You, Eternal One and is being apprehended by wise people seeking truth. Thank You for the life witnesses You’ve placed in Supreme Court Justice Thomas and Ben Carson – they color our lives with the grace of who You are to us in this time we live in. I pray You increase their freedom and influence and allow their character and integrity be a light to this nations citizens to influence our tomorrows with Your life message. They are blessings to us from You.

Mary D
June 15, 2020

Thank You Father for being faithful to establish these men and keep them from evil, 2Thessalonians 3:3. Only You Lord God can rule in the human ❤️ and bring in Your perfect Shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken, totally whole! We rejoice!

Michael Guidera
June 15, 2020

I think God is bringing us to another level of our Christian experience, where persecution is ramping up against us. Jesus talks about persecution as inevitable. They will hate you, because they hated me first, He says. Something inside me wants to fight against all I am seeing in our country today. It sickens me to watch all the lawlessness being unleashed and the destruction. What the media is doing is just plain evil. It’s like God has given these people over to a debased mind. It seems they are set on destroying our country. I see all the chaos as a diversion. I struggle with figuring out how to deal with it. I have been speaking the truth in love to all I come in contact with. I am not hiding my beliefs. There are negative reactions when speaking the truth. I accept that, but am weary in the battle. I believe God has a plan for our country, a plan to restore us. I believe it is His will for us to turn back to His ways. I have been praying for 5 years about this, an have seen some progress, but the onslaughts of the enemy have been relentless.
One thing I hold onto is the concept of never giving up and trusting God that no matter what happens, I am under his wing. We are here on this earth a short time. In eternity, I believe there is no time, just the presence of God, a just reward.
Dear Father, show me Your Way through these troubling times. Sustain me, strengthen me. I pray for all those fighting for true justice, all those in Congress, and our government. Give them a conviction to stand in this frey, and the wisdom an fortitude to uphold our constitution. Dear Lord, wake up the American people from their slumber and shake them to open their eyes to see the difference between right and wrong, evil and good. I pray Lord you wake up the church to recognize it matters who our leaders and representatives are and it is important to be informed. May our church leaders get a fresh word from You that makes it clear what they are to preach from the pulpits. Father teach us how to live in these days. Show us how to deal with our anger and resentment toward those that persecute us and want to destroy what we have worked so hard to attain. Show us how to love others , even the ones that hate us. That is difficult for me , as at times , I feel helpless to understand how. I petition You Almighty One to bind the forces of deception, fear, hate, and greed, that has gripped our country. Neutralize the influence of this evil spirits and principalities over our nation. Release the people from its grip in Jesus name. Father, only by Your Spirit can the hearts of man be revealed. I pray you expose the sin in all of us and that we as a country would repent and realize that our sin has gotten us to this awful place in our history. I pray for Your Spirit to be poured out to call everyone to the knowledge of Your son, and the message given that their is a solution to all this division and chaos. Lord raise up people to speak this message of reconciliation between You and the citizens of this country. May we all come to the saving grace You give freely and receive the power that comes after salvation to change hearts. Father, we need your You back into our country again.

    John Lemley
    June 15, 2020

    Amen! Thank you Michael. You expressed perectly the words I have been crying out to God. I am getting weary in this spiritual battle, like you. And, like you, I pray for strength, wisdom and divine help to persevere. Not by might, not by power, but by God’s Spirit. We are on the winning side. Though, oftentimes, I feel like God’s army is very tiny. God accompished a great victory with Gideon’s small army. I pray for a like miracle today.


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