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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, only You could have planned Jesus Revolution’s opening within hours of the final service to be held at Asbury University! May the flames of revival spark in theaters all across America!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jesus Revolution is opening in select markets on Wednesday, February 22, and coast-to-coast on Friday, February 24. In the film team’s prayer call on Friday producer Kevin Downes said:

People ask me a lot how long is it going to last in theaters? And we don’t know the answer to that because…all the movies compete with one another that weekend, and then the actual locations have the decision about what movies they want to hold over for the next weekend as well as the new movies that come out for the next weekend. And so that’s why we push everybody: “Go opening weekend.” Because we want the movie to last as long as possible so that it’s competing at a high level with all those other movies that we may not agree with. And it puts Jesus in the spotlight…as long as possible.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


Downes prayed that “prayer gatherings would actually erupt in theaters across the country.”

On Friday, February 24, Jonathan Roumie (Jesus in The Chosen and Lonnie Frisbee in Jesus Revolution) and Andy Erwin (producer of Jesus Revolution) will be on the team’s prayer call at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, and you’re welcome to join: www.JesusRevolution.movie/prayer-team.

Cameron Arnett (actor in Overcomer, I Still Believe, Running the Bases, and founded Christ Over Career) joined me to talk about how we see the Lord using this film to carry the torch from the Asbury Outpouring:

Here’s last week’s article about Jesus Revolution: Prayer Is Fueling Jesus Revolution.

How are you praying over the release of this film? Share your prayers and scriptures below!

Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. Hes performed in more than 45 film projects, and he and his bride Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, have 39 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com. Photo Credit: Jesus Revolution.

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Roxy W
February 28, 2023

I saw the film today and cried. Very well done as it shows the events following the beginning of this awakening of the Jesus People. I was not Born Again until 1983 and spent a good part of my 20’s much like the hippies in the film. But. Thanks be to God for never giving up on me and later calling me into the sheepfold.. hallelujah to the King

Gary Gentile
February 28, 2023

Saw the movie Friday. I laughed. I cried. I applauded. I was living in Southern California in the sixties and seventies. Praying for revival. Do it again God.

February 25, 2023

From Ashbury to Asbury and wherever He, the Sovereign

Blessed be the laborers as the task is continued in His name.

Thomas P. Danese
February 25, 2023

It was a great movie of a true life example of how our great God can draw the lost. I pray He uses this movie to soften hearts and grow His Kingdom!

February 25, 2023

Bring more hungry souls to the theaters. Raise up workers of the kingdom in Jesus Name. Amen.

Rose Rocha
February 24, 2023

Lord, let you revival pour out even using this showing of this movie. The name reflects prophetically what is going to happen. A Jesus Revolution. IJN

Gretchen Carter
February 24, 2023

Amen! Let Jesus Revolution flood all theaters for weeks. Holy Spirit, have Your way, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Steve Parks
February 24, 2023

My wife are going to see the movie this Saturday. I am encouraging the people in my small group, men’s Bible study and public ministry to do the same.

Sarah Anna Norris
February 24, 2023

Yes Lord Jesus we Thank You for providing a way for many to learn and repent. Now is the hour for our next generation to see true repentance from their parents and friends. May it lead many to confess and be brought to you I pray that the leadership of the USA will comes to you. From the President down to the constables. Thank you Jesus. Please take my prayers to ‘OUR FATHER. AMEN

Kathy Sorensen
February 23, 2023

I am going to see this movie tomorrow night with friends. Then on Sat I am hoping to take my family to see the movie in an other town nearby, Most of my family are not believers so I hope that they will see the movie and give their hearts to the Lord.

Patricia Garrison
February 23, 2023

Amen and amen

Carol Reed
February 23, 2023

How can I find where it is to be showing?

    February 23, 2023

    Put the movie title into Google “Jesus Revolution’s” and Google will show the theater times near you.

Andrea Saltray
February 23, 2023

Yes Lord!!!!🙌
We are from that era! He is and has been faithful all these years! Yay God!

Archa Hill
February 23, 2023

I can’t wait to see it. I lived it & got saved met Jesus in Jan 1970 in SanDigo then went to S. VietNam for 4.5 months later that year. God is good!

Todd Buranen
February 23, 2023

My wife and I saw the movie last night at the world premiere. It was fantastic. The production value is on a very high level. The acting, locations, costumes, sets were very professional. And the acting was also on a much higher lever than the average Christian film. This is a movie that a non-christian movie goer can appreciate. I urge you to tell everyone to see this. I’ve been attending Calvary Chapel for 15 years and had no idea how little I knew about the church and how it started. It was so good! Praying this will spark a new Jesus Revolution in America!

February 23, 2023

Lord, again we ask you to make a revolution in America. We need you to transform all of us by your mighty power. Lord, if this film is your tool, I pray that thousands would see the film and be moved to live for You!

February 23, 2023

LORD GOD of the Universe, your timing is perfect!
Praise YOU from Whom all blessings flow.
May their be break out
Prayers and declarations in the theaters as this movie comes to an end.
May those who are meant to pray, prophecy, sing, or do respond to you no matter how hard it is.!
It is time to do the impossible or unexpected among GOD’s People!!!!

February 23, 2023

Father, bless your gospel. Let the film reach even more than expected and make it effective in the hearts of those who see it. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Peg B
February 23, 2023

Dear LORD, thank You for this witness and testimony of Your Great Love! We stand in one accord that a move of Your Holy Spirit at each showing of this movie will occur. This is part of our nation’s history and we praise You for it. Redeem the lost, restore the broken-hearted, heal the sick, cast out fear and destroy every wicked act that would exalt itself against You. Let Your voice be made known. We raise a Hallelujah over every word and every thing! We invite YOU and YOUR kingdom come. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

February 23, 2023

Oh Lord, You said in your Word, “Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good!” May your goodness, love, gentleness, and freedom-producing TRUTH overcome every evil that has invaded our land and is attempting to destroy America!
Awaken Your Church – the Body of Christ – to come together in unity to seek your face, to repent and lament over our sin – individually and as a nation. Forgive us for neglecting so great a salvation for so long! Revive us again – fill our hearts with Your Love!

Brian lynch
February 23, 2023

Lord, please use this movie to help to spread the much-needed revival in our nation. We ask for a double portion of your anointing to be on this, and that lives will be changed for You. In Jesus’ name.

February 23, 2023

I am praying that God will show us our hearts. It is only when we see our hearts that we are prone to repent.

I am praying the same for Putin and Biden.

Lord, cause both men and us to come to you.
Do what we/they cannot do for ourselves: Convict, change, convert, sanctify.
Call them/us to think of eternity and the shortness of our lives.

Cause us to come to you, Lord.
Cause us to pray for members of Congress in the U.S. and other legislative bodies around the world.
“No man(woman) comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them/us,
Separate us from the pull of mammon, the world, the flesh and the devil.

We, like the importunate widow ask, like beggars (and we are) for you to come in power.

February 23, 2023

My husband and I traveled on extreme wintry roads when the temp dropped from -5 to -11 to see “Jesus Revolution” early access and loved the movie! We were so glad our youngest child, 15 years-old., accompanied us. as she REALLY liked it! Thank You, Lord, for bringing to light what You did to draw the young people to You 50+ years ago in our country! May today’s young people, once again, be drawn to You and passionately love and serve You! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Stanley Reahard
February 23, 2023

We went last night to the pre release showing. Fantastic! Please, everyone can go this weekend, so we can keep it in the theaters as long as possible. It is very powerful… God is in it, all the way through it, you will reap, and you will laugh, and you will leave so thankful.

Beverley McCrary
February 23, 2023

Going to see the movie tonight! Praying the theater keeps it running. Also praying and praising God for what is going on at Asbury.

Betsy West
February 23, 2023

After seeing the movie last night I was amazed at similarities in the Asbury movement. It all begins with one man who is willing to breakthrough the status quo and listen to the Holy Spirit and then act on His plan. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Dave Strzok
February 23, 2023

Lord, in this world of palpable evil, give all people of good will the wisdom, the courage and the means to resist and overcome it. [attributed to Ira Kutz]

Donald B Pike
February 23, 2023

Father, I pray this movie, depicting the Jesus Revolution of the 70s, will bring families together around You. That was my time – the summer of ’74. So unexpected, so divine. Father, here we are again. Come again w Your ferocious love, over the mountains, over the seas, You come running, come running to me. Do it again Father. So many are lost and have no compass anymore… adrift in a sea of confusion and controversy. You love them passionately. You made them to look like You Father. You know each one by name and You want them home. Come Holy Spirit, seek after them. Bring them to their senses. Cause them to call out loud, Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! And welcome them home carrying them on Your great big shoulders. Holy Spirit, gather them from the East, the West, from the North and the South. Gather a bride for Your Son, Your wedding day awaits You. Delay no more! The Spirit and the bride say, Come Lord Jesus, desire of nations, Come! The world languishes for You, their maker. We have no other hope but Thee. Reveal Yourself, or we die. Amen.


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