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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that You would bless every campus in our nation. As revival floods Asbury University in Kentucky, God, we pray that You would touch every other college in the same way. Strengthen our future leaders and call the lost back to You!
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Did you know that for 200 years, Christians have prayed for colleges on February 23? Intercessor, are you praying for colleges and universities across the nation? These schools house the future leaders of our country!

IFA is streaming the simulcast event tonight! Watch at IFApray.org/watch/ at 8 p.m. ET.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


As the students go, so goes our nation! If we win the spiritual battles across our nation but neglect our college campuses, all our progress will be undone in a generation. Therefore, students today need our support and earnest prayers. However, college students don’t just need more prayer, they need our UNITED prayer. Without a greater degree of genuine, unified prayer, our hopes and dreams for this generation may never be realized.

According to Matthew 18:18–20, the greater the number united in faith and prayer, the easier the battle for this generation can be won.


For centuries now, major universities and denominations have set aside a day each year to pray for campuses across the nation. This year marks the 200th anniversary of united prayer for colleges, and we are inviting you to pray alongside us.

Join us on Feb. 23, 2023, for a united, multigenerational day of prayer for revival and awakening on college campuses in America.

For more information about the Collegiate Day of Prayer, check out the ministry’s website here.

Will you be participating in this year’s Collegiate Day of Prayer? Share your prayers and scriptures for colleges below.

(Photo Credit: Canva)

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Carolyn Lilley
February 27, 2023

Father God, I ask Your Holy Spirit’s presence as colleges across our nation as Your people pray for our colleges and universities to open their doors for you to have entrance to hear the good news of Your gospel and to influence lives for salvation through Jesus Christ! I bind the enemy of their souls from the lieswith which he has deluded these student that the truth will become preeminent in their lives and they will turn to You in repentance and surrender their lives to You giving You glory and honor and praise!!!

Avnel Hogan
February 26, 2023

My wife works for GCU in the college of theology az a DR. OF biblical Theology, Phoenix Arizona. I know she wants God to flourish at GCU as it is in Ashby. Please pray that the revival will also show up hear. We also want to be pleasing and warriors for God. I pray God will unleash his spirit on GCU.
I ask this in the name of Jesus.

Melissa McIntyre
February 26, 2023

Thank you, Father, for what You are doing and answering the cry of so many hearts. Thank you for each and every precious young person who has come to really know You through this outpouring of Your Spirit. We pray this continues, and grows, and touches every heart in this Nation, and indeed in every nation, bringing repentance, humility, salvation, and the healing and freedom that only can be found in Christ. Thank you for the gift of Your Great Love, which was and is given in Jesus. And here we are, too, Father, here we are – use us to glorify Your Son. Bless these young ones, Father, and thank You for this mighty work by Your Spirit that has changed these lives. There is no greater time and need – for every precious soul to come to know the truth, to walk as Jesus walked and to follow where He leads, to fulfill Your plan and purpose for their lives. May The Lord Jesus Christ be magnified and exalted in all the earth! Romans 8:28-39.

Diane Hammett
February 26, 2023

Thank You, Lord, for answered prayer in humbling Your people this season. We ask that you continue this revival throughout America. Please expand it to Your churches throughout Your Kingdom here on earth. Thank You for the awakening in Your Church. In Yeshua’s Mighty Name, AMEN!

February 25, 2023

We pray in agreement over all students on campuses and universities to be overwhelmed with your presence to draw them to yourself, to empower them to resist the devil and to walk according to your Holy Spirit and not the flesh. That all will be overcomers in you dear God as Jesus becomes their Lord!

Paul Kkenesrud
February 24, 2023

I prayed watched and got filled with renewed vigor for Lost and Most of all for Jesus commitment to stand against sin rely on his Grace and Let him be first in my life in all things

February 23, 2023

Praying for Bryan college Dayton Tn to be revived encouraged
Strengthened blessed with an outpouring of T
Your spirit !

Cynthia Dorn
February 23, 2023

May the Lord’s Hand be with every college student, guiding, protecting, strengthening, providing, and molding them into the image of Christ. Thank You Lord for all You do for them and that Your will would be done in their lives and in the world. You are an awesome God Who cares about us more than anybody else; To You be the glory! In Jesus Name, amen

February 23, 2023

Praise GOD! Perfect timing and what an astounding answer to our prayers. Nothing is impossible with our GOD. This revival seemed to come out of nowhere. We must all join in on this awesome revival. It’s time.

February 23, 2023

Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, come— and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send us your Spirit and we shall be created; and you shall make all things new. O God, for you, nothing is impossible! There is nothing that is hidden from you. There is no place that we can hide from your presence because you, O God, are everywhere! Bring forth revival in us O Lord! Help us start a holy movement of love and grace with the fire of your love. Guard us and protect us from evil. In Jesus’ name! Amen!

Teri Spray
February 23, 2023

How perfect is God’s timing!

February 23, 2023

Praise God!

Teressia phillips
February 23, 2023

Father in heaven I come to your throne of mercy and grace. Thank you for the revival in Ashby college, but I ask that you send revival not only to other colleges and universities but all over our country. Send revival in the churches and draw our sons and daughters who are following the world, draw the lost souls to you. Please help people to understand that abortion is murder! Revive this nation to be “One nation under God” again. I love you and trust you! In Jesus most precious name I pray! Amen and amen.

    Laura Molloy
    February 23, 2023

    Amen 🙏 I agree with your prayer in Jesus Precious Name Amen and Hallelujah

February 23, 2023

We lift up all students, faculty, and support personnel on the campuses across our nation, that God would be honored and His will be done. Convict, forgive, and renew all in your love, mercy , and forgiveness, O Lord. Draw us all back to you so we may know, love, and serve You, Almighty God, in this world and the next! Amen, Alleluia!

Russell Evenson
February 23, 2023

i agree that revival fires, repentance, humility and a hunger for righteousness of the Lord will increase on College campuses and across the nation as a result. Father, deliver us from the “wokeness, and brokenness of our times!

Maria Fillyaw
February 23, 2023

Dear Father God thank you for intercessors for America for informing us and letting us know what is going on across our nation. Bless them and give them wisdom Direction and strength and power and courage. Help us to join in and not grow weary. And we lift up all our universities and colleges be there with them, students and faculty Lord and may the Holy Spirit take hold of all their hearts reveal to them the truth and don’t let them be deceived by evil. We pray all in the name of Jesus and we thank you Father God we love You amen

February 23, 2023

Please Father come to California and that we repent. I need a fresh I filling

Rona Maynard
February 23, 2023

This is so powerful

Shawntee Day
February 23, 2023

Thank you Lord for moving so mightily in our young adults across the nation in different colleges in everywhere.

Beth Smith Bryant
February 23, 2023

I prayed
Thankful to God for answering our prayers🙏

Frances Consuelo Bailey
February 23, 2023

I have been praying for quite some time. It is a privilege to pray for my children’s and grandchildren’s Alma maters. I will continue to pray for revival.

February 23, 2023

Abba,Father, I pray for your hoover presence on the College campuses in our nation. I pray for an exchange of hopelessness for True Hope in You; exchange of Fear for Full Trust in you; and exchange for Confusion of Identity to Supernatural Knowledge of Identity in Christ. I pray specifically for the students who are struggling with mental illness or suicidal thoughts, that you will overwhelm them with your Love, Hope and Healing. Give them your Wisdom and Understanding. I call forth you Angelic Hosts to fight for our young adults and bring them to a saving knowledge and healing in Christ Jesus. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering. Amen!

    February 23, 2023

    Amen 🙏 Renee I agree with your prayer in Jesus Precious Name Amen 🙏

Darlene DeAngelis
February 23, 2023

Father God move the older generation to also do what we’re supposed to be doing instead of just being quiet father God this younger generation is showing this older generation what we were supposed to be doing a long time ago Shake our churches as hard as you can Lord these younger people are hungry for you but it appears as an older Christian how many older Christians are lukewarm father God we need a tremendous shaking now to wake up to get out there into a dark dying evil world and Shine the Light on everyone that is lost we are not doing our job father God that you’ve assigned we are supposed to be an army but there is too much Spirit of timidity that the devil keeps planting in people’s minds father God when I became a Christian my question was what are these churches doing why are these churches shutting down because the government said so that showed the world how weak we are and how displeased you are with us you are giving us a second chance a reset in every Christian no matter how old needs to get out and start showing the world who you are and how much you love your lost children in Jesus name I

Aileen Dyson
February 23, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father we come to you in Praise for this revival breaking out for the young
people in our Nation. May this revival continually spread all over America and the entire world. Glory to God! Amen!!

Michele T.
February 23, 2023

Father we collaborate our prayers today on behalf of our college students. Set a 🔥, fan the flame of revival. Holy Spirit blow and let it billow forth throughout this Nation of America as to the world. Sold out lovers commissioned by you!!! Come Jesus Come!!! Oh how we need you!!!

Sue Trigg
February 23, 2023

In the Holy Name of Jesus bless and enlighten all young people in the truth, in Your Will and guide them daily in their spiritual journey

David Locke
February 23, 2023

How exciting and MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES is this, His Holy Work! The Spirit of our Most High God is mightily pouring out on campuses here in the United States!

Lord, we beseech Thee, may nothing or no one thwart or stifle this anointed work from above that we so desperately need! The Spiritual Armor You’ve provided us we put on and secure tightly, wielding Swords of The Spirit and holding, in Your Power, Shields of Faith.

Against the enemy an unbreachable bulwark is formed and victory is certain. We surround these many sacred revivals and awakenings in prayer, as it were, locking our Shields together in protection & perfect unity. Marching @ Your Command Jesus we reclaim in Your Name the many years and territory we’ve surrendered and locusts have devoured.

All glory to You, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, King of kings and Lord of lords. Father of The Only Begotten Son, Messiah Jesus, Lamb of God for sinners slain, Most High we ask this in the Name Above All Names,

Jesus Christ The Lord Eternal,


    February 23, 2023

    Hallelujah David what a beautiful prayer 🙏 I agree with your prayer in Jesus Precious Name Amen 🙏
    God Bless all our children and God bless America 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤️

    Hala Whitley
    February 24, 2023

    I love your prayer David. Whew what a time to be living in! I thank God for the outpouring of his Holy Spirit at Asbury and many other colleges across this land! God is lighting fires of praise, worship, and prayer at Asbury. I’m so thankful that I got to attend last Saturday at Asbury! What an honor to be just a small part with these young adults! My youngest twin daughter was there also! I have never seen anything like this! 3 chapels were full, 2 churches had taken on the overflow, and the campus lawn was packed. My heart has rejoiced to see what God is doing there! My prayers are for our young and old alike! People from all walks of life, many different countries, from all over the U.S. joined in unity with prayer and worship. Testimonies of healing, redemption, repentance, and deliverance from addictions were given.

Susan CC
February 23, 2023

And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Revelation 5:8

I just read and prayed over each prayer. May the Heavens be filled with the beautiful aroma of our prayers. Amen IFA!

February 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, agreeing with all that has been prayed and now we ask You to breathe Your Breath of Life and pour out Your Holy Spirit over college students on campuses all over our nation. We speak dry bones come alive! Alleluia!
Lord, we ask You breathe Your Spirit upon boards of education, administrators, educators, workers, and families. Awaken the body of Christ at colleges and universities to seek Your face and follow You. Release the Spirit of salvation, healiing and delilverance. Revive us O’Lord! Revive Your people whom You have called by Your Name. Revive the USA, Revive Israel, Revive the nations! Breathe Your Holy Spirit on them all! I pray these things in Jesus Name. AMEN (John 20:22, Ezekiel 37:4-14, Job 33:4, Acts 1:8 )

Susan CC
February 23, 2023

“Lord, we pray that You would bless every campus in our nation. As revival floods Asbury University in Kentucky, God, we pray that You would touch every other college in the same way. Strengthen our future leaders and call the lost back to You!” Amen!

How can they call on the One in whom they have not believed?
How can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard?
How can they hear without someone to preach?
How can they preach unless they are sent?
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:14-15

Dear Lord, I agree with this prayer and the prayer You put on my heart, as we walked together this morning. I ask again for You to be personal in the lives of students from Alabama to Wyoming…for those who have never known You….for those who have doubts…for those who believe the imposters preaching a gospel contrary to Yours. I praise You for the vision of Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. How beautiful are You Lord, it is You who is bringing the Good News! Amen, in the Names of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen!

February 23, 2023

Lord, I pray for CIU, Gordon, Messiah, Masters, HGU, and so many other colleges. May students seek you. May professors teach truth. May you turn this Nation toward you!

Paul Klemesrud
February 23, 2023

for St. Olaf college in Northfield Mn. for University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and for NIACC Junior College in Mason City Iowa and University of Iowa,iowa State, University in Cedar falls Iowa that Eph.1:16-19,Ephesians3:16-19, and Acts2:17-21, and Acts4:29-31 revelation 21:5-7 is manifested upon them with a Firey Zeal for the will and ways of the Lord Transformation of many many students especially those that dont believe in you and also those that are of a false religion that believe in you but dont follow you in Jesus Name Amen

Glenda Lewis
February 23, 2023

Father we thank You that Your hand is not to short to reach America and our college campuses. W thank You that students are waking up and being revived by Your Spirit. We thank You for loving America and having a plan and purpose for her. The enemy would like to think that it is too late for America but Father we say what You say, he is a liar and the father of lies, there is no truth in him. Thank You for not only awakening the youth of America but for setting them aflame with passion and a new understanding of what has been going on as people have been sleeping. Father let Your people everywhere cry out to You. Save us Lord from our wickedness. Forgive us for our many sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In the name above all others Jesus the Christ, Amen!

David Ortiz
February 23, 2023

Our God, I am praying especially for City University of New York, for Baruch College, Hunter College, College of Staten Island, and other colleges within that CUNY system. I am praying specifically for the students. And I’m praying most especially for those students among them who are now as I myself once was: seeking Your hand and mind and heart in their college experience, and needful of Your presence, Your provision, Your direction, Your BLESSING. Do all of that for them. You did it so long ago for ME. Please, now do it for THEM — so that they will be able to pursue YOUR purpose for them in these college years. Please hear me. Answer me, O God. Amen.

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    “Please hear me. Answer me, O God. Amen.”

    Lord please exceed David’s expectations….for Your Glory and the good of us all. Amen

February 23, 2023

Father- I ask that Your great love overwhelm the college students at Oberlin College and the community colleges in Ohio. I pray that Your love seize every student in upper school campuses. You are faithfully showing Your mercy and compassion, and I ask that You open hearts to receive Your outpouring. Open blinded eyes that they may see You, the needed Truth of today. Thank You for how You will be answering the prayers of Your people. Our expectation is of You only.

Wanda Roam
February 23, 2023

I especially pray for revival to break out at Drury University in Springfield, MO where my grandson is. Hear our prayers Lord and send a mighty outpouring of your glory and the power of the Holy Spirit that cannot be stopped. In Jesus name. Amen

Mary Lee
February 23, 2023

Dear Lord, please bless ALL of our young adults as they embark on their future journeys and help them to glorify YOU in the process. Whether it be college or trade school or work, show them Your power to overcome adversity and align their hopes and dreams with Your will and plans for them. With You on Your throne, they can stand up against the evil in our country and change it for Your good. I pray this in Jesus’s precious name, Amen!

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    ” align their hopes and dreams with Your will and plans for them.” Mary Lee, Yes and Amen!

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 23, 2023

I prayed for: Roosevelt University- Schaumburg, Lindenwood University, Belleville, Pima University, Southeastern Illinois College. It was a honor to pray for the schools and the student body who attends these schools. My prayer is to impact lives that has a seed of forgiveness and Salvation for a walk in their lives of a Faith walk that will bring boldness in Jesus name.

February 23, 2023

Father, I lift up our college campuses to you today. Our students have been filled with misinformation and lies regarding so many things, and they need You, the Truth, to dispel those lies. Thank You for what You have already done in Asbury and Lee and other campuses. Continue to overwhelm them with Your love for them. Draw them into a deeper, more intimate relationship with You that will transform their lives by renewing their minds with Your Word. Holy Spirit, bring conviction of lifestyles that are not pleasing to You and give them a desire for holiness in their minds, words, ,and actions. Bring them to repentance and then restoration from their brokenness. In Jesus’ precious name.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 23, 2023

God heal our Schools, heal our land, heal our History. Isaiah-61:4 Title is : The year of the Lord’s Favor! “ They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.“ Father God we have seen the devastation in our States, Cities, in our schools, our History . We have listened to many who are walking in Jesus footprints to help SAVE our children at all levels. God hates wrongdoing, God has made a Covenant with His people and He will reward those who Believe. Jesus as we cry out today on “ Collegiate Day of Prayer” God as we Unite and acknowledge these schools with prayer and as we reach out to thousands of Universities, Colleges there will be a New restoration in all schools as broken relationships, broken lives are mended, as they acknowledge that good History has been left out of their lives. God we need the professors, the teachers, the Deans of these schools and school boards to align themselves back to the God given principles,. God we see sin has breached and caused interruptions by the removal of Prayer, Bibles, and the American Flag from schools. Jesus our History needs to be restored and healed.. God we need to rebuild up the foundations so they will be a solid repairing, healing, declaration of Gods purposes for our schools. Jesus as we release prayer on this Important Day. As we seek His face in humility for repentance for all of Gods love and the restoration that is beginning to heal our lands. We pray and ask in Jesus name to bring back the Importance of the Constitution, The Preamble where God is mentioned., Jesus these are some of our foundations that has power of thanksgiving and Praise that must be acknowledged. God we ask today for the restoration of your Holy Spirit to move upon ALL of these schools today so that they may feel and see the Presence of our Holy Father.. God we boldly ask you to bring a sweeping revival that will awaken every school and every student that they be touched in a special way, as they reach out to incorporate the History of our Foundation in their learning – that God put His stamp upon. We ask for theses things in the name of Jesus. “ We decree that we, the people put our Trust in Almighty God and honor His ways and His will. I pray this day will be ingrained in the lives of students in all (50) states. Thank you God for your ways, that they be our ways. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✝️✝️

Eugene Deuschle
February 23, 2023

God here’s answers if we ask in His will. May our younger generation bring America back to God
I pray that even the liberal
University’s will be touched by God’S spirit

Lavonne Bowman
February 23, 2023

Lord, my prayer is let your Glory invade our college campus’ throughout our nation. Holy Spirit convict the hearts of the young, and old to place their faith and trust in you.
Lead them in the way of righteousness!!! Give them a hunger , and thirst for you, that only YOU can fill.

Peg B
February 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, we give You praise with thanksgiving that You still desire to have a close relationship with us. We draw near to Your throne with a grateful heart. Please keep Your presence ever near our students, faculty and all other employees at the colleges and universities. I specifically am asking for Your fire in Grinnell College, Mt Mercy College and St Luke’s College in Iowa. LORD THERE IS NOT ONE LIFE that we would not ask for Your redeeming grace to encounter, we ALL need You. Increase Your footprint within every college campus, spring forth a new thing in every student’s heart. Have Your way among this next generation as they fulfill Your plan and desire for them. Holy Spirit counsel all students, faculty and staff with wisdom from above. Let revival and reformation span across this nation and around this world. We give You all the praise and all the glory, it is truly Yours! Prov. 14:26 In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence and His children will have a refuge. Thank You LORD for answered prayers and Your faithfulness. We love you. Amen.

Victoria Lynn Pierson
February 23, 2023

Dear Lord I pray that You flood every single college and university with marathon prayer today! We pray for Jesus Revolution begins TODAY and sweeps our nation overwhelmingly. Oh Lord touch every heart please. Amen

Clydia Akins
February 23, 2023

Holy Father God, we repent for what we have allowed to be taught to our children, Not only in our words , but also how we have lived our lives in front of them. Lord if You would replace all they have learned from us, to Your heart of love we would be grateful.

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    “…but also how we have lived our lives in front of them.” Amen Clydia!

Brian lynch
February 23, 2023

Yes I am. Lord, please, put a hedge of protection around each college campus in America. Keep all students safe. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Linda Fusco
February 23, 2023

Yes, what a wonderful reminder to pray today for this revival to spread to all the
students and universities in our country. Oh Lord, thank you for what you are doing at
Asbury. Please send out your light, truth and the power of your Holy Spirit to bring
revival to every university and college in the US. And may it not stop there, but spread throughout
this land to bring salvation and glory to your Holy Name.

barb m
February 23, 2023

Holy Father God, Lord Jesus & Helper Holy Spirit –

Hear our urgency as we cry out to YOU, united in praying biggg prayers for every campus in America & across the world! Let every heart be transformed by Your Presence!

What an absolute privilege it is to pray for each other! Abba, we adore You, Your perfect Timing and Will for each and every one of us!🔥✝️🔥

Jeremiah Soto
February 23, 2023

Almighty God, our Father, I lift up Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso College, UTEP, and Marshall University. Lord You see what moves on these campuses. Lord, place Your angels as guardians, block evil that seeks to take advantage of the vulnerable spark of life in our young people. They are searching for purpose, seeking education for their future, connecting with others, uniting behind ideals, and working hard to become contributing members of society. Cover them with Your protection and pour out Your spirit in this time! Ignite the fire within each young person and make it burn for You first. Holy Spirit come. Place Your leaders on these campuses and give them a desire to pursue You in their own lives first, not denying Your spirit, learning from Your word, and convicted to share the Truth with all. Thank You almighty God for every provision, and especially today for Your presence on these campuses.

February 23, 2023

Yes let’s all join in collegiate day of prayer. My partner prayer campus is University of Michigan. I encourage you all to go to the collegiate day of prayer website and pray!

February 23, 2023

I am signed up for prayer for Berry College in Rome Ga and the University of Central Florida for revival to break out in mass . LORD Jesus bring life to the students, the administration. For professors to speak life over the students AND TRUTH-may hearts and minds turn back to you. May the hopeless and lost find YOU . Bless our young people! Prayng the blinders and barriers come down. You are the only answer for their searching . I have a young college age son who has lost his way and thinks he has discovered the answer to his searching in islam . Jeremiah 31-15-17

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    Kimberlee, I pray you son has no peace in his present search for truth. I am asking the Lord to direct him, lead him and convict him of the One Truth, Jesus Christ. A smile erupted on my face as I typed that, may it be so Lord! And as you wait, love him BIG! Love conquers all. Blessings upon you, your son and all who you love.

Keith Hill
February 23, 2023

Abba, restore the years the locusts have eaten! Have mercy on us! We deserve judgement but we know You are longsuffering. Multiply your Kingdom. May Asbury the seed that multiplies 30,60,100 times In Jesus name!!

February 23, 2023

God I thank you, you are such a good father. I ask in Jesus name for christian laborers to start a fire in the hearts of college campuses in the NW. There’s been such an oppression over the states of WA, OR, CA. Our kids are being fed lies from the enemy. I pray for campuses in Seattle, Portland, Olympia, and all over California where strongholds by the enemy have roots in the ground. I pray those weak roots are severed. I pray for eyes to be open to the lost, let them have ears to hear truth, may they know your heart, love, goodness. May these students turn to you for a refreshing, to be washed anew. May it not be a flash-in-the-pan but a stronghold on them. May you turn around these cities with these new leaders awake in you to fight in Jesus name to have a revival that rivals the likes of the draw Billy Graham had years ago in Seattle. I pray the upcoming medical students: nurses and doctors undo the negligence in the medical field. Through you may they break the chains of control by big pharma. Thank you father. Release that refreshing over these schools in the NW and across the nation. Fan a contagious fire. Release Christian laborers to save students at Columbia and Yale give them a strong foothold in to these campuses. May these Christian’s take Academic positions to change the culture on these campuses. Make hearts repent in the administration and faculty on these campus. God keep your hand over Charlie Kirk who stands firm on your word fighting the good fight at campuses across the U.S. May TPUSA grow on every campus. Heal the pain in the hearts of our kids. Your word never returns void. In Jesus name, Amen.

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    Yours is a profound prayer Holly. “Fan a contagious fire.” May it be so Holy Spirit!

February 23, 2023

Along with the Collegiate prayers, I am so pray for our own personal revival. 2 Chro. 7:14

Lana Kristal
February 23, 2023

On Monday, Feb 13 during the nightly Michigan prayer call (it was the 831st consecutive night of prayer with people joining from all over the nation) we received word of the shootings on the Michigan State University campus. Immediately we declared LIFE over our state. And I declared then, as I do know, REVIVAL IS BREAKING OUT ON THE MSU campus! While we await the manifestation of this prayer, revival is happening at Radiant Prayer center in Kalamazoo. More Lord!

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    “More Lord!” Amen to your bold statement Lana and All Praise to our God, The God of Abundance!

Paul Fishman
February 23, 2023

Lord I ask as this movement has started in Asbury may it go to other colleges and universities along with the local churches to spread and not stop in this location. We need this to spread even when the services stop in Asbury. May this fire continue to tear down strongholds from other colleges and universities that are anti God, anti Free Speech and promote hatred and violence through identity politics. May this revival tear down the walls of the Luciferian woke leftists and turn their world upside down to acknowledge the Jesus Christ the Son of God is great than their rule.

Sharon Peare
February 23, 2023

Praying for Oberlin College today and the great legacy of revival, restoration, and reformation that came from that school. Lord Jesus, release that fire of revival and societal reformation that burned in Charles Finney and Oberlin College.
This legacy is passed to another generation who can build on that foundation.
Let Your Kingdom Come and Your Will be Done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Bless everyone today!

February 23, 2023

Lord God, Be with our college students today and everyday. May they that know you grow in you and share the faith with others, and those who don’t know you find you. Continue to bring revival to college campuses across the nation and the world. We need you so badly to bring your goodness and salvation to our hurting world. Heal wounds in both the body and soul we pray!
In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen.

Michael Robert Blevins
February 23, 2023

Bless the campuses of all the Nations…..

February 23, 2023

FATHER GOD I lift up to YOU, Miami University, Ohio; Ohio State University; The University of Cincinnati; Central State University; Wilberforce University; Oberlin College; and all of the other Colleges and Universities; technical and regional colleges in Ohio! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect each facility, students and staff and grounds! Please send laborers to each campus and let repentance and salvation and revival be on each Ohio campus in JESUS NAME! Thank YOU for saving every college student and faculty and administrators in this Great State of Ohio that YOU have Blessed in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

February 23, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and our advocate, Holy Spirit – today we declare the promise of your WORD – that the Kingdom of God is within us – and that you have sent Holy Spirit to come upon us. May true revival sweep across this nation, beginning at our campuses. May we remember that true revival must always begin with confession, bloodwashing and repentance. May Holy Spirit convict and free so true revival begins at every college campus in this nation… and spreads so that the “love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us” all across this hungry, broken nation and this world. May this revival be just the beginning. May it turn to reformation. We bind the spirit of fear, and the religious spirit, that seeks to control, manipulate and criticize the move of God.
We speak revival to come to Massachusetts ahead of Satancon and declare that no weapon formed against us will prosper, for there is victory in the camp of the Lord. We declare a fresh outpouring and annointing of the Power of Holy Spirit to fall on and across this nation, beginning at our Colleges, and declare the truth that Satan and his minions are already defeated foes. They are counterfeits. They are liars who have no authority other than what we, the sons and daughters of God allow them. We declare WE ALLOW THEM NONE, in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus. We speak conviction, repentance, revival, restoration, reformation and the JOY OF THE LORD to sweep across the Land beginning with our College Campuses. We fan the flames that have begun. We fan them all over the land. We fan them right here to Boston and to Cape Cod, the very birthplaces of this nation. Come Lord Jesus. Come Holy Spirit, we invite you here, we are on our knees, standing in the gap, and inviting you, receiving you, releasing your presence into this place. We love you Lord. We Praise you. We magnify your Holy Name. Come and fill us and overflow us with the Power of Holy Spirit to be your voices and hands in this critical hour.

    February 23, 2023

    Hallelujah! I agree in JESUS NAME!

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    “We speak revival to come to Massachusetts ahead of satancon…” The Lord put this on my heart this morning. I asked that He recharge His church in Boston, there is NO satancon….ever! Amen Sister!

Aaron Joiner
February 23, 2023

FathFather in the name of Jesus. I lift the colleges in. The United States, and in every nation. That your spirit would dwell in every college, and university., you have also said. You are drawing the nations., and you are after the sinners. In Jesus name.er In the Name of

Kathy Gizowski
February 23, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father I lift up NC State and I cry out for your spirit to flood this campus. There has been too many suicides. These students need You Lord. I also lift up Gaston College in Dallas NC. I pray your spirit Lord will inspire students to pray and have Bible studies. I ask Father that this revival will spread to college campuses across our nation. In Jesus Name Amen

kerrin hester jr,
February 23, 2023

America Needs a Great Revival,Lord Jesus send Us a Great Revival and let it Start with Me’ in Jesus Name Amen

February 23, 2023

My husband and I are in Israel right now praying for our nation and our universities. We were at Asbury as Freshmen in 1970. We live in Lexington now in semi-retirement years. We were there at Asbury two weeks ago to worship with those precious university students! We have many family members who graduated there. We have prayed for a movement of God in our Universities for years. We are seeing God raising up a new generation to complete the Great Commission before our very eyes! Thank you for your amazing and faithful work inspiring and informing many to prayer. Shalom!

February 20, 2023

Our team of college ministries will be praying for Kent State University!

Helen Phillips
February 20, 2023

I have adopted several campuses and am participating in Collegiate Day of Prayer 40 days of prayer and fasting.
Praying for awakening of America and all the nations of the world.

February 20, 2023

The Francis Chan YouTube is just an image, not a link.

February 18, 2023

Thank You, Father, for 200 years of campus prayer warriors joining voices over the ages to bring You glory and praise and hear Your voice. Continue to speak to individual hearts this week, this year, to draw them near to follow You. Bring a spirit of repentance to every campus in North America and around the world. Assure students of your good plans for their lives and your ability to reveal and lead. Thank You for the tender hearts in Wilmore, Kentucky. Multiply their worship across all fifty states and revive us again.
1 John 4:4 – you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Mary Beth Phillips
February 16, 2023

Lord God, I thank You for sending “fresh wind, fresh fire” to Ashbury University. We thank You for hearing our heart cries. May this be the tip of the iceberg, the first fruits of revival and Spiritual Awakening. We declare and decree our children from infancy to young adulthood are being saved; they are returning to their Christian roots and remembering the Truth they learned at the bent knees of living parents and grandparents. They are turning away from sIn and its emphasis on “I”. They are turning to You, Your mercy, grace in repentance.
We pray with and for those in Kentucky, as well as those traveling to receive the fire and take it home to other campuses. America’s campuses SHALL be saved and America SHALL be saved Heal our land and spread the Light of Jesus Christ from here around the world. I pray a Holy Reset starts here to Gods glory!

    Susan CC
    February 23, 2023

    “We declare and decree our children from infancy to young adulthood are being saved…” When I read this statement, it charged my heart. Amen Mary Beth!

February 15, 2023

I praise you Lord for your presence in this place Lord. For reviving hearts to your heart. Thank you for your Holy Spirit sweeping across this and many more campuses in Jesus name. I praise you Lord for who you are and who we are in Christ Jesus. Transform these campuses Lord by your spirit. You are mighty to be praised. Holy is your name. Open more eyes Holy Spirit, more hearts to know you and to feel your presence. That your word will go forth and not return void in Jesus mighty name..

Christina Johnson
February 15, 2023

Lord God we thank you for your Holy Spirit that is sweeping across our land, our colleges, our churches and wherever you choose Lord. Thank you Lord for hearing our cry’s. You are so good Heavenly Father for your love never fails. Thank your for your heart and your grace that is being poured out upon these kids. Just like your word says Lord not by might, not by power but by your Holy Spirit. Lord I pray for you to move on all college campuses. To continue to bring souls to repentance, healing and deliverance in Jesus name.

Roxanne Rice
February 14, 2023

O Father, today I have Michigan State University on my heart, where last night a shooter killed three people and critically wounded five others. Everyone there is reeling with shock and sorrow.

I ask You, Father, that while their hearts are open and tender, You would pour out Your Spirit upon them, and wrap Your arms of love and compassion around them. Thank You that You know how to bring great good out of great evil. Let this tragedy be the tipping point, bringing revival to the whole campus. And let revival spread from there into all of Michigan and this nation. Amen.

February 14, 2023

Yes Lord declaring Ephesians 1:17-19 that you would open the eyes of their understanding as you open up their hearts to wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You Lord JESUS, amen 🙏

Pastor Geri Gustin
February 14, 2023

Father, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, I come to you as a Shepherd and You are my Shepherd and the Bishop of our souls, to ask You, Lord, for the students in colleges and universities across the United States to send the Fire of the Holy Spirit onto campuses everywhere that the students can feel Your Presence as they go about their day.
Father, I ask You to save our students, to save their souls, to bring to their remembrance that You are God and there is none other.
Thank You, Lord, for what You are now doing and what You will do tomorrow and in the days to come.
AMEN in the Name of Jesus

Bob Huseby
February 14, 2023

In 1972 I was that confused college student just like on th campus’s of today. That Revival spread the Holy Spirit even through rural east Texas. Lives were transformed and Jesus came to change hearts and souls.

So be it in this day, we decree oh Lord!!! In th precious name and by th cleansing blood of our only savior Jesus we pray. Hallelujah!!


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