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Father, bless this event and help them to encourage us in our faith.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A band of praying evangelical Christians say they will quietly walk around the Supreme Court on Wednesday, hoping to accomplish something that hasn’t happened in 48 years: a ruling overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision giving women the right to legal abortions.

The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Group, involved an abortion provider who is challenging Mississippi’s 2018 law effectively banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. . . .

“We find that men and women of faith reach out to God, and cry out to God, and God hears their cries,” said the Rev. Dave Kubal, president and CEO of the 300,000-member Intercessors for America (IFA), which is organizing several days of events surrounding the high court hearing. “And he changes events, he changes people’s hearts, and he changes the course of history.”

The night before the oral arguments, Mr. Kubal said, IFA will host a reception honoring former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who signed the measure into law; Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi Republican; and state Attorney General Lynn Fitch, who will argue the case before the high court. . . .

Mr. Kubal’s group is squarely in the anti-abortion camp. Along with the prayer events, IFA filed a friend-of-the-court brief arguing from a position of Christian faith that the Mississippi statute should be upheld and the standards set in Roe v. Wade struck down.

“What our [brief] did, for the first time in the history of our judicial system, was to provide a biblical argument for life to the Supreme Court that represented the men and women of prayer from around the nation,” Mr. Kubal explained. Added to the brief was an internet link to the prayers of many of those who supported the IFA brief, he added.

Mr. Kubal said “the crux of the argument” is the Roe standard of viability of a fetus and when the state has a compelling right to restrict or forbid abortions. He claimed the Roe justices “elevated science and man to determine when the beginning of life is, and we reject that principle.”

“We say that it is God who determines when life begins,” he added, asserting the group’s filing merely outlines “the difference between a pagan worldview and a biblical worldview.”

Asked why it’s taken nearly 49 years since Roe for the Supreme Court to come close to overturning the controversial ruling, Mr. Kubal replied, “I wish I had an answer to that.” He suggested that perhaps the long period has helped those opposed to the ruling gain influence in society.

“We’ve watched our culture progressively become more and more anti-God and more and more valuing life less,” he said. “In the unborn, our culture’s seemingly getting more coarse and more violent and it seems as if that’s really had an effect in our culture. I think God is just waiting to turn and it feels like now is the time.”

Along with the “Reception for Life” event taking place on the eve of oral arguments, Mr. Kubal said the group has seven hours of continuous events scheduled for Dec. 1, beginning with an 8 a.m. prayer meeting to be streamed on the internet and “prayer walks” outside the Supreme Court building and in downtown D.C.

“We’ll have 100 or so here in D.C. prayer-walking,” Mr. Kubal said. The livestream “watch parties” around the nation mean “there will be thousands that will be involved,” he added.

That audience, he said, will “be listening to the Supreme Court oral argument feed through our webcast as they’re praying. The prayer walk will be multi-generational. We’ll have many students there who will be involved in addition to folks all the way up into their 60s and 70s.”

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(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo by Canva.)

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Darlene Estlow
November 30, 2021

Thank you Father, for providing for our voices to speak to the Supreme Court justices about life and babies. Give favor to those who argue against the death sentence for the preborn and confuse the voices of those who argue for death. Thank you for hearing our prayers. May we be faithful warriors.

Gloria Robles
November 30, 2021

Praying in agreement with and for every Intercessor. They are leaving a mark for all to see and hitting the mark in intercession. I see God’s hand all over everything, every pro life effort. To be featured in the Washington Times is a huge blessing, there are also many pro life movements getting attention.
Live action has also taken much ad space with the 2363 campaign. People are searching to find out what it is and are seeing the heartbreaking facts about abortion.
Stances like these are ruffling feathers, but either way the truth is being exposed and truth will prevail. Lord we plead your blood over America forgive us for the sins of our nation, the sins of our leaders who fight to keep abortion legal, and forgive your church for refusing to get involved for the sake of being “politically correct”. We pray for the Supreme Court to be overcome and overwhelmed with the truth as this case is going on. We thank you for the power of agreement. You said if two or three agree on earth about anything, my Father in heaven will do it. (Matt. 18:19) We join our prayers with hundreds of thousands of Intercessors crying out to see the ending of abortion. Prayers have no expiration date. Mingle our prayers and tears, with those who have already passed on but prayed to see the end of abortion. Lord hear our prayers, fill the bowls with incense until it overflows and pours out.
We want to see your kingdom come and your will be done, in America as it is heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.

Brian Lynch
November 30, 2021

Praise God for these committed intercessors! Walking around the Supreme Court, praying for the justices to hear what Holy Spirit has to say to them. There is such power in praying in agreement. Look at how the walls of Jericho came down! Lord, There are many familiar spirits in Washington, D.C. I thank You and praise You that you go before these courageous intercessors. In Your precious name, we bind any and all demonic activity that would hinder the efforts of intercession on Wednesday. We loose the power of Holy Spirit upon the atmosphere, and all of the efforts of these saints serving You in this important endeavor for Your Glory. In Jesus’ name we pray.

    Gloria Robles
    November 30, 2021

    Amen Brian, I had the same thoughts about agreement as well.


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