The Democrat-led House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump on Wednesday.
The final vote of 232 to 197 marks the second time the House voted to impeach Trump, who has just seven days remaining in office. Trump is the first president in U.S. history to be impeached twice.
Would you like to send President Trump a message? Click HERE.
Unlike the effort in 2019, House Democrats proceeded to a vote without the months of investigations and hearings. No House Republicans supported Trump’s first impeachment in 2019.
The impeachment resolution argues that Trump incited an “insurrection” among his supporters ahead of the riot at the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday.
The House voted on the “rule providing for consideration” of the impeachment resolution and it passed 221-203.
(Excerpt from Just the News.
Intercessor, why do you think the Democrats in the House pushed for impeachment at this time? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.
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It’s seems that madness reigns… we though know that God’s will be done. He hears the cries of his children for President Trump and our cries for those who are in darkness persecuting him…
May Jesus intercede mightily for Gods Glory…amen
I hope this isn’t “off” but with this situation and these dynamics I would consider it a badge of honor. Praise God President Trump isn’t one of them.
Pure evil hatred of a decent man.
May God have mercy on them call them to his love, repentance and salvation before it’s too late for them.
This impeachment is not so much about rejecting President Donald Trump as it is rejecting God Himself. They are not fighting against a man, but against the God who placed this man into the office of the presidency to advance His kingdom in this nation. They are fighting against God Himself. That will not go well.
I think they hate President Trump because he stands up for truth.
They are afraid of President Trump because can reveal the truth about them, causing them to lose control of their grip on American‘a freedoms.
With all due respect, no. President Trump absolutely did nothing wrong. Listen to his speech.
First of all the rioting started before it was physically possible for anyone listening to the entire rally to make it to the Capitol by the time the riot started.
Many evaluated the speech and he said nothing wrong, in fact he mentioned to “peacefully” gather.
Compare President Trump’s speech to Maxine Waters many calls to congrontatation and violence this past spri g and summer. Also, Kamala Harris commenting on the BLM/Antifa rioting…”They won’t stop.They shouldn’t stop. They should never stop. Ever..”, Nancy Pelosi, and many others on the left during that time. If anyone has incited violence it is them and their colleagues. America had to deal with months and months of violence because people like them were encouraging it.
There is also video footage of some Capitol police waving people up the Capitol steps and allowing them through.
There is a picture of Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law with the “Viking” rioter before the riots happened.
Some Capitol police have come forward in regards to how they got the impression that there leader were trying to understaff the Capitol during that time. Some police were asked to go home right before the riot.
Antifa members are pictured in the Capitol. Hard evidence. A couple of them were already arrested.
Some have alleged that this was all set up by the left. I have admit that that with everything I’ve seen, I absolutely agree.
Take a moment for yourself in the quest for truth to search of the things mentioned.
I used to watch CNN, but when I started challenging myself to look into some things they were saying, I was shocked and angry how much they decieve people. I will never trust them again.
It is not my intention to be disrespectful to you in my reply as I truly wish everyone here God’grace, guidance and love.
God Bless.
This song is on my heart: He is Lord, He has risen from the dead and He is Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Times Square church NYC singing it:
Lord we proclaim that you are Lord over the House of Representatives, over the Senate, over President Trump and you will get all the glory. Lord every idol will be torn down, everything that people have trusted apart from you will be shaken. Only Jesus will remain.
Thank you that you are exposing the enemy’s plans to destroy the nation, the church and your people. Lord pour out your Holy Spirit and get rid of all the dirt. You ask us to Come let us reason together, though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
In Jesus name.
The Democrats do not want President Trump to ever be able to run for President again; therefore, the rush to impeachment. The evil liberalism that has overtaken the Democratic party is a danger to our nation and many of the top leaders, including some Republicans need to be prosecuted for the crimes against our nation.
I believe God is waiting until every human effort is shot down so that He can step in, and ALL will know that it was God and be a witness to His great power. Trust in God, not man. I still believe He will do a miracle. Keep praying!
And because he isn’t on of them, their club.
He was not actually impeached either time because Senate did not do it. News wants us to think he was. We must continue to stand and believe our God for breakthrough. 🙏🙏
I understand the vote was to impeach him but he has not BEEN IMPEACHED… this has to go to trial as before… He also was not impeached the first time.. there is more process to go thru for final impeachment… am I wrong… ? We need to keep praying to stop this process & against the Jezzebel spirit…
Along another line, we need to thank IFA Pray for removing the false article about President Trump claiming some responsibility for the riots.
My deepest respect to you. Praying for you with fervor… It appears you are being crucified (dying to self) Hold fast to Him sir…..I am crying out….(not a religious nut) but Spiritual. Trust HIM in the “resurrection” of your purpose, Sir. I clearly see the deception and the obvious steal…Many do…
Draw near to HIM, Sir!
Please hear this, from GA. The impeachment has nothing to do with preventing him from running for office again. NOTHING. Everyone who lives in Georgia understands that there will never be another free election again. Voting is rigged.
We did everything we were asked to do by the various Christian organizations. We gave up celebrating the holidays from Thanksgiving through Christmas because we were told that mailing postcards, writing texts, making phone calls and even looking up false voters for True The Vote would help. None of it helped. The information presented about false voters was presented to election boards and completely shot down. It was not even looked at. Nothing mattered in all the efforts that were made because it was never a free election. It was rigged and all future elections will be rigged as well.
I believe God is waiting until every human effort is shot down so that He can step in, and ALL will know that it was God and be a witness to His great power. Trust in God, not man. I still believe He will do a miracle. Keep praying!
Ana, THANK YOU for all you and other responsible and Patriotic voters did to support election integrity in Georgia. Even though, sadly, these heroic efforts failed, please know that true Americans owe you a debt of gratitude for trying. I agree with you, I don’t think there is anything that anyone could have done about these rigged elections. We’ve had voter fraud in America before (Obama’s election) but this year was election fraud, not just voter fraud, and I can’t think of any way Dominion voting systems could have been stopped from switching votes in such massive numbers. The same thing happened in Venezuela, and that country, the 3rd richest country in the Northern hemisphere, was completely destroyed in less than 25 years, economically and with out of control crime, once the Marxists took over. Same people, same tactics. It’s such a sad time, but please know we are all thankful for true Patriots like yourself. God bless you.
Just because the House voted to impeach President Trump doesn’t mean he is convicted. It still has to go to the Senate for a “trial”. But the Senate isn’t in session. So if my understanding is correct, it will probably go nowhere because you can’t impeach a private citizen which is what Donald Trump will be after Jan 20.
Unless they are somehow afraid that something will happen that he does get a second term now….
God said a second term… I am still STANDing, so then there could be an impeachment trial. perhaps that is one of their backup plans.
Two things, they are operating in fear and are afraid of what he might do against them in the final moments of his presidency and they do not want him to be able to run for office in the future. They want to continue to cast him into negative light and further promote the false narrative into the future and give the media more talking points long into the future. This will also give them the justification to undo as much as possible as soon as they get into office. Many hope he has some tricks up his sleeve in these last few days but the more time passes the more grim the possibility seems. We will soon see. God is with us no matter the outcome. Even if Daniel 7:25 comes upon us, He is with us. He will remove all fear and dread from our souls during this time in such a way that we actually welcome it. He is the prince of peace!
So he could never run for President again.
I believe the Democrats want to remove his ability to run for President again! They are so afraid he is going to uncover and expose all their lies and crooked traitorous acts. Not to mention how they have stolen from the American people to line their own pockets!
I heard the quotes from Trump’s speech and from believers that were there. I do not believe that anything Trump said called for the violence at the Capitol. What you are hearing is the lies from the mainstream media saying Trump incited a riot. One of their main tricks is to quote people who were there who are spewing lies. I suggest that you find a recording of the entire speech and listen to it. If you can find quotes that you honestly believe called for this violence, then please share them with me/us. I would like to see the evidence before I condemn the man.
I watched the speech. I did not accuse President Trump of inciting violence per se, but of inciting his supporters to attempt to block the lawful transfer of power to a legally elected President. He did this on many occasions, both in the speech and in many other settings.
Unfortunately many have fallen for the distraction tactic that those who are corrupted use to deceive since President Trump spent the majority of the time speaking about the overwhelming evidence that legitimately calls into question the “fairness” of, really the lack thereof, the illegally elected Joe Biden…that was the part everyone wants people to be blind to…the great deception (2 Thessalonians 2)
May God arise, may His enemies be scattered; may His foes flee before Him. May You blow them away like smoke— as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.
Psalm 68:1-3
It’s a fearful thing to speak and act against God’s chosen. Hold your tongue or lose your peace. “Vengeance is mine” saith the Lord” (Romans 12:19).
The righteous rejoice in God’s judgement of evil. Though it delay, it will come suddenly, at the appointed time, after the faithless have soiled their souls. God’s justice is forthcoming, you can be sure. God tests the hearts of all people to see what’s in their hearts. Will they believe the truth or lies? Deception is a plague. I pray deliverance from the deception for America. I bind all the lying, hateful spirits of delusion, and release God’s truth. Watch and see the glory of God, whether you believe it or not, it’s coming!
I am sorry, but the election was not “legal.” With all the evidence of fraud – we cannot say that this election was legal. I am an American, I want a fair election. I want to preserve democracy. And I pray that our Father will reveal the evil, deceit and lies that are hidden.
Everything looks gloomy, but God gives us hope – nothing to Him is impossible. And God is NEVER late. God is asking His people to return to Him, repent and live righteous lives. Our fight is for God to honored in America.
They wanted to make sure Trump couldn’t run for President again. So sad!
I have a question. This article has a link to send President Trump a message, and I’ve received emails from IFA Pray to send encouraging emails to him. Which I have done three times. But does President Trump actually get to read these? All three times I’ve just gotten a generic thank you for emailing reply from the White House. I wonder if they (White House) just add the writer’s email address to it, send it, and delete the message to President Trump. Due to the fact that probably thousands arrive.
The Democrats pushed for impeachment because (1) they hate the President more than ever, and (2) they are trying to keep him from ever running for office again. I will never understand how no Democrat was held accountable for incitement all last summer, and no perpetrator was arrested. I believe still that Donald J. Trump was and is God’s choice for leader of this country. God help those who stand in His way.
As Derek Prince said in years past, behind every kingdom, every nation, every great city, there is an invisible rulership. There is never a breakthrough in the kingdom of God until these spiritual powers have been brought into subjection by prayer. Lord, give us discernment to know the precise name(s) of this rulership so that we can pray against it and cast it from our country. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
The rulership is satan. That is enough information that any intercessor needs to be able to pray effectively.
Thank you. You are right, the evil one is the ultimate ruler, with his “henchmen” in many places. It is always interesting to note that our Lord did address various spirits by name and command their obedience to Him. But I am with you — let’s go after the ruler, clothed with the blood of Jesus and in His victorious Name.
This is one of the worst spiritual battles that I have ever seen. The enemy is using so many people to achieve his ultimate goal to destroy the church and Israel. That is what all of this is about nothing else. He wants to bring in his timetable for new world order. So yes, we need no other info. But when the enemy comes in like a flood, the precious Holy Spirit raises a standard. Praise the Lord that He has not left His people as orphans. We have the mind of Christ and if anyone lacks wisdom, and that includes President Trump, our Heavenly Father will give it. Hooray!!
Thank you Jesus that you are the one who is in complete control. You laugh at those who plot against your son Jesus. Lord pour out your Holy Spirit and save many.
In Jesus name.
You have spoken excellently. As they say, “Preach it!” I, too, have been meditating lately on the fact that the Father laughs at those who plan against Him. Blessings!
A Jezzebel spirit is at work here…
Not just a Jezebel sourit. Anti-Christ spirit and satan himself is the inspiration
Sorry typos on my device: spirit not sourit
They are afraid. They know they have been found out and all is about to be revealed showing them to be the wicked, deceitful people they are. They are afraid of what will happen then.
Let them fear, but we fear not. We stand strong in faith.
President Trump is exposing some very powerful entities in his fight against corruption and wickedness. They want to ensure that he never again holds a position of political power.
Let them shake but we proclaim President Donald John Trump is victorious like his name.
Yes, God is using Pres. Trump to unmask evil. Absolutely no coincidence that his last name is Trump!!!
The entire way they’ve come against Trump and up to now….lies, jealousy, every manner of attack, hate, yes… even a murderous Raca spirit (Matthew 5:22)… made me think of the irrational crowd shouting “crucify, crucify” against Jesus. The cry has been “impeach, impeach”…to “get rid” of Trump. For reasons we don’t yet know… and short of physical crucifixion, our Father has allowed Trump to likewise be irrationally hated and despised…and is suffering for righteousness sake (1 Peter 4: 16, 19)…But, Jesus “rose” and got the glory… I pray Trump and the Father will too. Amen
They are afraid of Trump and want to take him out no matter what. I was in Washington DC for the rally. It was a peaceful event of which Trump never indicted any violence. This was all a setup of the left being played out! Is all evil vs good. God will prevail !!!’
Prophet Kim Clement said, “They will cry impeach, impeach, impeach, but it will not be…” He said Trump will serve two years.
It doesn’t matter what the fraudulent electoral votes say, what matters is what God says.
2 Chronicles 20:15-22: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful… Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever…As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy who were invading them and they were defeated.
One reason would be to prevent him from running for President four years from now. Secondly, they are acting out of fear as their unrighteous is about to be exposed.
Those lying democrates are trying to bully their way through by this impeachment. All who have been involved is an act of Treason.
Stand your ground President Trump don’t back down!!!!
Appeal to the Court of Heaven
In “Two Treatises of Government,” John Locke stated that “…where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment.” Have we forgotten that our nation began with frustrated people who were not being heard by Great Britain?
Even the ACLU has officially condemned Big Tech censorship of conservatives. The hypocrisy of allowing hate speech TOWARD Israel and U.S. conservatives contrasts with their outrage and censorship of conservatives that would dare to suggest that the election was not properly conducted. Even when I told a Christian friend (who supported Biden) that I was praying for the truth to come to the surface, she blurted out, “I don’t want to know the truth!” In the minds of the deceived, the ends justify the means. We are coming against powers and principalities, but nothing is greater than the name above all names, Jesus, our Beloved Redeemer!
In the midst of this, I believe we must raise judicial prayers that appeal to the Court of Heaven. The following prayer is modeled after Jehoshaphat’s and Daniel’s prayers (2 Chron. 20:6-12; Daniel 9:4-19). It is important to note that both came to the Lord in humility with fasting.
Lord, You are righteous, but this day our nation is covered with shame because of our unfaithfulness to You. But the Lord our God is forgiving, and Your people have and are repenting, proclaiming the name of Jesus as our Savior and Champion. We rejoice that we can come before You with bold confidence and legal standing in the Court of Heaven because of Jesus, even though our own courts have refused to listen to provide for redress; even though our own media bars us from even speaking.
Lord, God of our fathers, are You not God over all the earth? You rule over all nations; power and might are Yours, and NO ONE CAN WITHSTAND YOU. Oh Lord, did You not say that THOSE WHO BLESS ISRAEL WILL BE BLESSED? Did You not say that Donald J. Trump is Your servant chosen to be President of the United States for two terms? Did You not say that if we cry out to You in our distress, that YOU WILL HEAR AND ACT on our behalf? Does not Your Word say that You watch over Your word to perform it?
But now here are many in the Congress, in the media, in other meddling nations who have taken a stand against You and Your Word. Remember all the good President Trump has done for Israel; how he stood for the unborn; how he brokered peace in the ME; how he resolutely dealt with evil invaders on the southern border and swiftly dealt with invisible invaders from China; how he fought for American workers. See how they have repaid him for the good he has done. Oh Lord, will You not now act and expose the evil intentions and their works of darkness? We have been stripped of conventional avenues for redress and time is bearing down on us. For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us with their words, policies, and political tactics and maneuvering. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.
Give ear, our God, and hear; open Your eyes and see the desolation that is at the door. We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy and the blood of Your Son, Jesus.
Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For Your sake, my God, do not delay, because this nation and its people bear Your Name. In Jesus’ name we petition the Court of Heaven, Amen.
The Lord answered Jehoshaphat’s prayer in 2 Chronicles 20:15-17. The Lord caused the three armies that came against Israel to destroy one another so that not one escaped. And it took three days to collect the vast amount of plunder left behind. On the fourth day, Israel celebrated and honored the Lord for His intervention and the great victory He brought them.
Amen, in agreement!
Bullseye prayer! So be it! Amen.
Thank you KT for clearly writing the prayer that is on many of our hearts.
Dear Infinite Heavenly Father, all things are possible for You. All You have to do is say the word. So we humbly pray in Jesus’ name that You would hear from heaven our prayer and supplication, and maintain our cause. (based on 2 Chronicles 6:35)
The opposition is terrified of Trump! He never played their game and they want to severely punish him and those who stand with him. Psalm 140 we insert the name of President Trump. Lord, protect President Trump from these evil ones! Rescue him from these violent schemed! They concoct secret strategies to divide and harm others, stirring up trouble one against another. They are known for sharp rhetoric of poisonous, hateful words. Keep President Trump safe Lord, out of reach from these wicked and violent men, guard him, God, for they have plotted an evil scheme to ruin him and put him down. They are proud and insolent; they set ambushes for him in secret. They are determined to snare him in their net like captured prey. O Lord you are President Trumps God and his saving strength. You are his God-Hero, you wrap yourself around him to protect him. For he is surrounded by your presence in this battle. Lord Yahweh, hear his cry and show him mercy. Don’t let the wicked triumph over him, but bring down their every strategy to subdue him or they will become even more arrogant! By the blood of the Lamb of God and in the name of Jesus we decree and declare this word for President Trump.
The right will never be forsaken. Father in heaven we believe that your servant president Trump and family and the body of Christ will not be forsaken. We praise God for exposing the corruption in the capital. God is in the business of cleaning the swamp. We o
Love president Trump and will continue to uplift him and the nation to God. No stone will be left un turn. Amen
they are terrified he will run again…and they are trying to discourage the people from supporting the platform he stands on. It is a fear and intimidation tactic. it is completely disgusting praying God cleans the house!
Maureen, Amen and Amen, dear sister in Christ.
I think they are doing this to insure that he can never again run for president. I fear our freedom is gone and what is being done to Trump is unforgivable.
Dear Maureen we are all disgusted and angry at the corruption but not afraid for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind [self control] (2 Tim 1:7). Fear stands in opposition to faith. Fear not dismayed. “Then David said to his son Solomon, Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished” (1 Chronicles 28:20). Believe that God will not fail. The work of the House of the Lord is higher in authority than any earthly power and He will certainly finish what He started, clean the house of government “I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you iwill bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). God’s timing is not ours. Trust and believe. The trying of our faith is more precious than gold. 1 Peter 1:7: “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” His appearing, revelation or intervention will happen. Believe it.
Dear heavenly Father. Please help us to combat evil in the House and Senate. God, we love you and it is your love that have made us in love with the United States of America. God, we are being blamed for events on January 6th that we had no part in. Our President had no part in it. We are being wrongfully convicted while the evil ones are being allowed to do this evil. God, we know you will correct all of this and we are comforted by this. But, during these times, we ask of you to please give us a sign or correct this today.
The glory goes to you our God. We humbly await for your judgement. Do with the evil as you will. Please use us to overcome the evil that is running loose in our nation’s capital. We ask of this in the name of your son Jesus. Amen
Daniel, Amen and Amen, dear brother in Christ.
The most important thing that we must do as Christians, is to trust. It looks bad for Christians here in America after all we have seen during the past year. Sometimes it seems like God isn’t listening to our prayers.
I see the same thing, but the fact that I am unable to stop praying is encouraging to me. I hope everyone here is unable to give up. I am certain that we will have the victory.
I am unable to doubt that we are going to see God move for us who believe and trust him in miraculous ways. Everywhere I go, I see signs that God has not abandoned us. The awful things that we have gone through during the past year will come to pass. God doesn’t want to punish us, God wants to lead us. We are being led. We are being guided. We are being strengthened. We will be better after God is finished with the “Shift” for us. Our correction in our country will set us free. Maybe after this is done, we will eliminate much of the awful things we face today. Abortion, regulations, control, lies and the ungodly tactics that they use. What hardships and struggles would we go through, if we knew that was the reward?
So, please everybody, don’t give up fighting for what is wonderful here in America.
God bless America.
Daniel, Amen and Amen, again and again!
Yes, I am so full of hope it’s incredible. I eat cake with the Lord every morning to celebrate the victory that has already been won but that we don’t see with our eyes yet…it’s coming. Still praying but not dismayed or discouraged. We will see the salvation of our Lord! The angels are warring as we pray. Be strong and courageous.
I shall not give up interceding for God’s will and praying into His purposes. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. We are at the Red Sea with vicious enemy forces bearing down on us. What will HE do? The Lord’s arm is not so short that He cannot save. We appeal to Almighty God. My complete trust is in Him. Always.
Father God, it is a sad day in America when a president is impeached in a few hours with no representation, no investigation, and no rule of law… what a sham…a third world government.
The democrats are showing the evil within and that there is nothing low enough that they won’t stoop to. They care nothing for our constitution, our freedom, our people.
They have so much to hide from all their schemes and plots and taking dirty money. They are full of hate. And our president has been calling them out and the enemy is trying every trick to turn the blame. It is not working.
OUR God Almighty is all Knowing, TRUTH AND LIGHT. He is revealing the evil and corruption for all to see. Many in government will be arrested for treason. President Trump has been anointed and appointed for such a time as this. He is not going anywhere.
I keep hearing “a Red Sea moment”. Watch as our God does an amazing work to open a path forward for Pres Trump and our country when it appears all is lost.
We are blessed to be apart of this time in history. Pray without ceasing. Pray for our president and Our country. Pray with the intercessors around the world. Pray with the angel armies fighting the spiritual battle. We have the victory through our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ,EMMANUEL. Thank you Jesus.
Praise God. Hallelujah. Amen.
Please watch Joni Lamb’s Table Talk this week. Go online or on Roku (the Daystar channel) to view the episodes from this week. The episodes with Pastor Jimmy Evans and Tom Horn will explain the current events.
**Thank you to the people on the IFA prayer call last night who were explaining all this information.**
Recently I read of the vision George Washington had in 1777..he was praying for encouragement to continue the battle. AN angel gave him a vision of the future of America: the Revolutionary war, the Civil War that would happen and the great FINAL war. It seems to coincide with the Biblical prophecy of Armeggeddon…perhaps the end war will be against the USA AND Isreal. The RED army will attack the USA..the vision was about bombs BUT back then there was no way to explain to G.W. about computers and modern technology…perhaps ARMEGGEDDON is via TECHNOLOGY and is happening NOW..?!
JOvan Pulitzer who INVENTED the scanner technology just put out a 26 page forensic report of how the Election was stolen…but will anyway listen?!
the RED ARMIES of the world are destroying the USA via this election! China, Russia, Iran ALL had access to our ELECTION!!
Because he knows who the real criminals are and is going to expose them and they are afraid… very afraid. I pray:
Guide Donald Trump and give him your wisdom, insight, understanding revelation knowledge and descernment. Help him know when to speak and when to refrain from speaking. Place a hedge of protection about him, his family, staff, VP Pence. Help them to know when to say yes, no and to just be still and know that you are God. Hinder them from making decisions against your plans. I know it is written in Your Word in Isa 54:17 that says No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue [that] shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] of me, saith the LORD. We stand upon the 91st Psalm that no evil shall befall President Trump,VP Pence, and all the body of Christ, neither shall any plague come nigh their dwelling. The 91st Psalm also promises that Your holy angels have been given charge over President Trump, and VP Pence, all the body of Christ, and their families to keep them in all their ways. Jeremiah 32:27 NKJV states: “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? I say NO!!! I thank you in Jesus name.
I don’t know why but it seems a rush to condemn him based upon fear and anger underneath the apparent hatred. I do think they fear President Trump and his popularity, leadership and courage. He is a threat to their status quo and comfort.
These verses have been on my mind since the Sunday before the capital incident: Oh the depth of the riches, and the wisdom and the knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! Rom 11:33
Perhaps God will use this platform to expose the lies and demand a correction to the 2020 elections
Mr. President, do not forsake the Lord. He will never forsake you. Seek Him to find out what He would say to you at this time. It’s always a personal issue before it’s a public issue. Bless you!!
Please watch Joni Lamb’s Table Talk this week. Go online or on Roku to view the episodes from this week.
Ana, I watched, but just caught half of it. It’s unbelievable!!
The Democrats act the way they do because satan has a strong hold on them and because they have rejected our Lord Jesus Christ. They are prisoners, trapped in his web and have become fools because they have rejected Truth. So my prayer for them is;
“Lord Jesus set the captives free. Open their eyes, bring them back to life, appear to them just as you did the Apostle Paul. Only then can our nation heal, be restored and become One Nation Under God. May it be so my Lord before it is too late for them. Amen & Amen.”
I believe that the Italy information will be of value to saving the Republic. They do not want this to happen. Only God knows what He has planned, but I still have faith that He will show up and many will come to believe in God.
In my morning prayers and devotion this morning this is what I read the chapter of
Luke 18:1~8
Jesus spoke of a
Parable of the women that was a widow and went to the ungodly judge said avenge me of mine adversary because she would not give up the ungodly judge. God will avenge evil speedily!
We must continue to pray keep the faith and know that God will have the last say!
He never loses he always wins! No matter what it may look like. God is not done with American! Keep praying and never give in and never give up!
They want to make sure he cannot run for office again.
It is very sad. It raises the question why is there such a hatred for him that those seeking impeachment cannot rest at having him out of office in less than two weeks. They must erase everything he did. That is certainly suspicious. I pray for God’s help in this matter.
I believe the reason the Democrats have gone into a raging hissy fit is because President Trump was born again during the course of the last 12 months and the Devil can’t bear it. What comes next, as for Paul, is 3 years training in the desert which will be right on time to emerge for the next election.
It often gets worse before healing and restoration begins because to be somewhat graphic, like an infected wound you have to get the puss out first before healing can start.
That is exactly what they want!
They simply want to embarrass and shame him and to stop any progress in righteousness which they know nothing about so that they can have full control.
They impeached this President because of his strength and patriotism! He saw their corruption and knew he would do anything to bring them down! My chagrin is how almost every republican, including Christians close to him didn’t defend him. May God forgive them.
We must pray for all parties involved rather a Republican or Democrat . The only side we are called to is the Lords side. America has to Repent!! For all their sins, past , present and future. Love is the only thing that will help America, not the Government’, for the Government is upon his shoulder.
It’s hard to believe the depth of evil and wickedness in their attempts to destroy President Trump. They want him removed forever so they can continue unchecked in their evil agendas to enrich themselves and destroy our country. It’s God vs Satan and God had sent us a warrior! Pray for God to win this fight and put down this evil in our government. Pray for Grace to heal all those who have been hurt by this regime of lawlessness. Let’s pray for our President and for those who do stand for us (at great personal cost) for righteousness In government.
I keep hearing during prayer time that noise is a smoke screen to distract from the real truth that the Lord is revealing to us through His Word. For Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. This has shifted to a battle of error orchestrated by the enemy when he begins to lose . Press in to break this off and turn this completely in the hands of Jesus, our Lord of the battle directing the angels. Spend time humbly before the Lord giving him Thanksgiving, Praise, and worship as he Alone is worthy to be praised and worshipped because “This WITNESS is how we Christians FIGHT. Our battles” because this battle belongs to the Lord!! Be not in fear nor be dismayed, put your hand to the plough, stand and rest don’t pull. Rest standing but press moving forward do not let up an inch!!cross cross! the Delaware.Don’t let cursing nor loud distract us. Keep your heads down deflect all arrows Mr. President! Amen!
AMEN! Your words are affirmation to my spirit.God IS in control.
Press in!
Amen, the BATTLE IS THE LORDS!! He calls us to be “Warriors of Prayer.” That and only that is how the enemy is defeated!!!!
AMEN My mantra /prayer lately all day is to pray “Jesus Lamb of GOD, I love you, YOU ARE THE TRUTH! ”
and I direct that towards Congress, the neighborhood, etc.
History will not be kind to the current corrupt Democrat party and their kangaroo court impeachments.
This is so sad for our country. So sad for what they are doing to our President and rule of law.
It is a spiritual battle for sure. Satan knows he is defeated. God loves to work at the last minute and bring deliverance.
This is shocking, unbelievable action;until you realize it is done by the reptile that crawls on the ground. Those that ride on the reptiles back will soon fall of into the hot desert sand.They will slither thru the rest of this life.
Meanwhile, we as children of the King of Kings, will dance, sing and praise our King thru night and day. We already have the victory.
Mr. President, you did not get here on your own. Your King wanted you for this age and time. All the peoples owe you a debt of gratitude and support.
Thank you for what you are doing; that which few people can endure!
They are full of evil and vile.They have so much hatred of America. President Trump stood up for America and Americans and exposed their wickedness and corruption.They live in fear that he has God on his side.They sold their souls to the devil for money,power and greed.They can only hope that God is a God of Mercy
My thoughts are also that HATRED made them do it. It has seemed to me that if Biden’s election holds, then HATE has won this election. So many people I know have proclaimed how much they hate President Trump. But even so, our duty is to forgive. And I will keep rejoicing in the Lord and praying for TRUTH to be irrefutably revealed.
George Washington’s vision for America in 1777 implies that Armeggeddon will be against the USA (perhaps Isreal and USA combined) his vison was about the Red Armies of the world coming against the USA with bombs BUT of course G. W. could not even imagine what modern technology would be like. Jovan Pulitzer (who invented Scanning tech) just put out a 26 page report proving that our election was INVADED by China, Russia, and Iran (All RED FLAGS) perhaps THIS is ARmeggedon! America being destroyed via computers tech and hate…not bombs
It’s a spiritual battle..Satan trying to win!! But we know who wins in the end…the victory is the Lord’s!!!!!
Angels armies all around.
It was based on misinformation. President Trump’s speech ended at 1:11 pm. The breech happened at 12:40 pm. In that crowd it took 45 minutes to walk there. The people at the Capitol would have needed to be time travelers to travel into the future, misinterpret his remarks, then travel back in time full of rage and breech the Capitol. Besides it has now been reported that the Capitol attack and subsequent impeachment were planned by the Democrats thus making it an illegal and seditious impeachment
Chris, all 4 years of his Presidency the only thing we heard from the Democrats were lies and misinformation. Everyone should know about Saul Alinsky and his book, Rules for Radicals. It’s pure evil.