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Heavenly Father, give Your wisdom to the Supreme Court justices who are ruling on several important cases before the court that need final adjudication.
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As the Supreme Court sprints to the end of the 2018-2019 term this month, it is facing decisions in cases that could fundamentally rewrite the way elections are conducted.

The justices also have high-profile cases on a World War I memorial cross on public lands, a controversial trademark claim and a challenge to federal sex-offender registry requirements.

All told, the justices heard arguments in 72 cases this year, and have released rulings on 44 of them, leaving a massive amount of business still be conducted before they close up shop at the end of this month.

Though the term hasn’t had as many high-profile cases as last year’s legal battles over the president’s travel ban and whether a Christian baker can be forced to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, this year’s disputes could have significant impacts on political representation.

The two most anticipated rulings still to come are somewhat intertwined, and involve whether the Trump administration acted too rashly in adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census, and whether political parties in state legislatures have gone too far in looking at political advantage when they redraw their legislative district maps….

(Excerpted from The Washington Times article by Alex Swoyer)

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June 9, 2019

Lord Jesus, why is the donkey (democrats) party who 40-50 years ago was a force to reckon with when it came to borders and citizenship for the people of the United States? Today, we have the same party who has allowed the porous borders of letting in terrorist into the homeland who eventually will do evil against our people. And the last 5 years, marriage of the same sex is becoming the norm among the people. The old testament showed, You destroyed Sodom and the region, cause it was an abomination to you God. If only you could have located five to ten righteous people to delay the destruction? Has God changed His mind of the same sin of that day, or soften His view cause we live in modern times and supposedly more educated? This actually makes us dumber and more evil to the word, since the spirit of God doesn’t live in the people who choose to live in the sin or who ignores the laws of the land. Forgive us Lord and please be long suffering so we can see the truth, and live the truth…in Jesus Name!

Teresa Daigrepont
June 8, 2019

Lord we pray that our Supreme court will do all they can to ensure that our election process is sound and fair. May they uphold the citizenship question on the census. Thank you for our citizenship in Heaven, which ultimately matters most, but may we all live each day walking worthily in the light of eternity. Thank you for this Country, and restore its judicial process to the spirit that our Founding Fathers intended. In Christ’s name I pray, amen.

Melinda Johnson
June 8, 2019

Father You are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. We pray that You would continue to place godly men and women in our court system to make decisions that are for our welfare and are according to truth and righteousness.
We pray for the remaining decisions that the Supreme court has to make as well as all lower courts that Your wisdom and Your will are reflected in those decisions. We know that all human authority is allowed by You and we employ our responsibility to pray for those who are in power that You are their influence and guide. Continue to have godly men and women placed in all levels of our court system.

Ken Budz
June 8, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. Lord I pray that our Supreme Court’s Justices have the wisdom courage strength and whatever else they need to do Your will regarding these court issues. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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