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Heavenly Father, please give wisdom to the ongoing investigations now taking place.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Download this special report!

Special Counsel by the Numbers.

After two years, 25.2 million dollars, 19 lawyers,40 agents, analysts, accountants and staff, 500 witnesses, 50 orders, 13 requests for evidence and information from foreign governments, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 230 communication orders, the Special Counsel resulted in no indictments on collusion. In fact the Mueller Report found no collusion, interference, or obstruction of justice by the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election.

Does that mean that justice has been served?

While we didn’t learn of any grand plot by President Trump to collude with a foreign government or illegally interfere with the 2016 elections, we did learn some interesting things through the course of the Special Counsel. We learned that real, actual crimes by persons within the government who did attempt to interfere with the 2016 elections, by submitting false information for illegalsurveillance, unethical behavior, misuse of power, and more. Who? Not Donald Trump, but Strzok, Page, Brazile, McCabe, Comey, and even Clinton.
Now that we know these facts, will we see justice?

How can we pray for it?

Where is justice?

What did the Special Counsel process and media sideshow really uncover?

After hours upon hours of testimony, much of which became public by provided transcripts, adjunct Congressional testimony or leaked by insiders, what we learned was that the target of the investigation— President Trump—was not the lawbreaker. However, the process of pushing the narrative of Trump/Russian collusion was in itself a breach of law on multiple fronts. An illegally-funded and obtained false dossier.

A false claim to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for the permission to surveil the Trump campaign. Illegal leaks that perpetuated the narrative that the mainstream media spent hours and hours reporting. Former DNC leader Donna Brazile, a thenCNN analyst, shared presidential debate questions in advance with candidate Hillary Clinton—a clear FEC ethics violation. and much more….

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