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Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing this information forward so that the truth is revealed about the corruption that has taken place.
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New email reveals FBI failed to document four Clinton probe witness interviews; reaction from South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.

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Joan Arpin
June 19, 2019

Im in full agreement for protection of the righteous trying to bring the guilty to justice. Make the crooked places straight for this endeavor. It is time for victory Father in our fight for good to overcome evil. Let the news be different soon. Let the righteous triumph.

Cathy Heaston
June 11, 2019

Father, I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus that the evil spirits that have been assigned to protect the Clintons and their cohorts from receiving due justice for their many crimes would be bound and incapacitated. Continue to expose the evil works of darkness! Muster your army of intercessors to do battle and win! You promised in Isaiah 61:11 that you will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations.

June 8, 2019

War god protect Senator Graham and anyone associated with him! So that evildoers will not continue to squelch the truth but will have your will done in them!

John Books
June 8, 2019

Lord, we proclaim that whoever was part of this evil pay for play in 2016 and earlier in the deeds, to be exposed totally, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison, for their crimes against you our Lord, and the people of the United States of America. The voters in good faith voted into the offices believing the person(s) would uphold their oath and not becomes treasonous to the people of our country. We truly understand who is actually behind this act, satan and his evil party…but those people who volunteered to be part of the system, will pay or repent of their crimes or spend eternity (hell) remembering the memories of what they did…you are the supreme judge Jesus and the only one who can make that decision. Amen.

Annette Parish Hunt
June 7, 2019

Hillary actually did commit obstruction of justice, deleting 30,000 e-mails and then breaking subpoenaed phones with a hammer, and scrubbing computer servers with bleach. Our just and righteous heavenly Father, please bring the guilty to judgment. Please protect and shield the innocent. We ask for your continued guidance of our country.
In Jesus strong and mighty name

Alan K Veasey
June 7, 2019

Jehu is closing in on Jezebel.

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