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Growing evidence of advance planning and coordination of the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol undermines claims that the rioters were responding spontaneously to former President Trump’s speech to supporters about a mile and a half away, according to legal and intelligence experts.

As Senate Democrats mull their options for convicting or censuring Trump and banning him from future public office for allegedly inciting insurrection, experts said their incitement case against him was dealt a severe blow this week when federal prosecutors charged three men in the Capitol attack, alleging their communication and coordination dated back to November.

For speech to meet the threshold of incitement, a speaker must, first, indicate a desire for violence and, second, demonstrate a capability or reasonable indication of capability to carry out the violence, according to Kevin Brock, former assistant director of intelligence for the FBI. . . .

In an interview Thursday, Brock told Just the News he listened to Trump’s entire Jan. 6 speech. “I didn’t hear a single word about — or anything that would trigger a reasonable person to believe that he was inciting— violence,” he said. “He even used the words ‘peaceful’ and ‘respectful.'” . . .

Still unanswered are questions about how much House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell knew in advance of the potential for violence and when they knew it. Also unresolved are lingering questions surrounding the Pentagon’s pre-attack offer to send National Guard troops to reinforce the Capitol Police.

Brock, former principal deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), noted that Trump did use the word “march” in encouraging his supporters to march to the Capitol and voice their dissent during the floor proceedings to formally certify the 2020 Electoral College vote.

“But ‘march’ — we’ve had peaceful marches as part of our history — doesn’t necessarily indicate automatic, violent response,” Brock said. “So I think they’d be hard-pressed to prove that he was using words that were inciting violence.” . . .

Brock, who is now consulting at a firm he founded called NewStreet Global Solutions, said such use of words urging “strength” to “take back our country” is far from uncommon in political speeches.

“Every other politician in this country uses those kinds of words and that kind of language,” Brock said. “So I think to convict him on those words would open up politicians across both parties for future examination as to whether or not their words are inciting violence across the country. Frankly, I think a lot of them are exposed in that regard.”

In a Senate floor speech, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) cited other examples that he said further undermine Democrats’ claims that Trump incited the Capitol Hill riot. . . .

Brock said based on his assessment of Trump’s claims questioning electoral integrity in key battleground states, Trump’s language in the weeks and months leading up to Jan. 6, following the Nov. 3 election, “purely from a predication standpoint, for a federal investigation, those words would not be significant.” . . .

Constitutional law scholar Alan Dershowitz told Just the News that a successful case by Democrats would depend on whether Trump knew about the planning of the Capitol Hill assault but that there was no evidence of that.

“If you didn’t know about it, they had planned it without him, then you’re missing the causal relationship,” said the longtime Harvard Law School professor. “It would have happened without his speech as well. So that would be relevant on the issue of causation.” . . .

Even while he personally disagreed with Trump’s content, he said legally there was “nothing wrong, it’s constitutionally protected, clearly” under the Brandenburg test established in Brandenburg v. Ohio, a court ruling used to determine whether inflammatory speech is intended to advocate illegal action.  . . .

“The Bible has caused violence, the Koran has caused violence. [Karl Marx’s] ‘Das Kapital’ has caused violence,” Dershowitz noted. “You can’t be held responsible for making constitutionally protected arguments that lead others to engage in violence. Jefferson wrote about that in 1801. It goes way back in our history, we punish the actor, not the speaker.”

Senate Democrats say they are considering whether or not they can utilize the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to bar President Trump from ever holding public office again. The 14th Amendment, passed in the wake of the Civil War, in part directs that no individual may hold any public office in the country if he or she “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. after taking an oath of office in support of the Constitution. . . .

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Carrie Sheffield. Photo Credit: Getty images.)

Share your thoughts on what the experts have to say about the capitol’s assault being planned and how it has weakened the incitement case. . .

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February 7, 2021

Dear Fellow Prayer Warriors,
Our God is a God of Order and He is very strategic! Since November, the Holy Spirit has been “honing and polishing” how I strategically direct my prayers as an offering before the Throne of Grace. In addition
to “eating the scroll” (constantly feasting on God’s Word), I have been trying to wrap my brain around all
the senseless violence from BLM and Antifa and well as the disinformation culture in which we now find ourselves living. “Live Not by Lies” by Rod Dreher is proving to be an IMMENSELY helpful book to understand the minds of those who seek to destroy our beloved nation. What we are currently experiencing is known as “soft-totalitarianism”, and make no mistake, we are being pushed through the stages as quickly as they can in an all out assault against “We the People”. Our best ammunition is to daily re-consecrate ourselves to Christ.
Allow Jesus, through the Holy Spirit to circumcize our hearts afresh so that He can use us as purified vessels for His Glory. We are so abundantly blessed to have a God Who wants intimacy with us, Who has revealed Himself via His Holy and Unchanging Word. If we know Scripture, truly know it, because it is the Living Waters which move within us, and Christ Jesus is the daily manna Who provides our sustenance, then Yahweh, The LORD of Hosts will be with us during this time as we wait upon Him. We have the incomparable gift of Jesus being Our Great High Priest interceding on our behalf! Think of that! Our beautiful Messiah by Whose PRECIOUS and ATONING BLOOD we are covered and protected! We have the matchless gift of The Spirit of God dwelling WITHIN us! I marvel at God’s Graciousness. Doesn’t He just leave you awed at how He DOES protect His Children, even in the storms of life? Let us continue to pour out our hearts to Him in prayer; don’t look to the right nor the left–but gaze upon HIM via HIS WORD. We are HIS and HE is ours-for we have found the One we LOVE (Song of Solomon). When I pray, I lately often hear the Spirit quote, “David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the NAME of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied! Remember, Goliath was cut down by HIS OWN SWORD!(1 Samuel 17:45) Our God is NOT to be mocked; “they are blaspheming the Noble Name of Him to Whom we belong”. You better believe HE SEES and HE HEARS and HIS ARM IS NOT TOO SHORT TO SAVE and HIS EARS ARE NOT TOO DULL TO HEAR! He doesn’t share His Glory with anyone…so let us wait upon Him strategically girded in the Armor of Light and run into the spiritual warfare battle like David…falling to our knees in humility and PRAY for our spiritual weapons are capable of destroying strongholds!

Karen Secrest
February 7, 2021

Twitter just closed another “right wing news source that has fake news and ‘hate’ speech”. We revert to Psych 101 and know you can’t use rational thought against the irrational But only the Word. Our WAR
Room is active. May it remain so. AMEN

February 7, 2021

First of all concerning President Trump’s speech. With all the accusations, I kept waiting for the news sources to play clips of the parts in the speech they were referring to that incited violence- no clips ever played. This is a favorite among politicians. I guessed: no clips, no evidence. Just to be sure I listened to the speech. I was amazed at how calm, controlled and respectful it was. No clips no evidence.

Calling his speech incitement will set a dangerous precedent for all of us, especially for politicians. Is a violation of free speech.


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