I Prayed have prayed
We ask You, Father God, to protect our minds and thinking, individually and in our nation. We ask You to release us and our nation from the deceiving spiritual powers that would desire to control.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The great blues/rock guitarist Eric Clapton broke from the usual entertainment industry parroting of mainstream media messaging after hearing about the concept of mass hypnosis. I believe his statement, recorded in a recent Real Music Observer interview, is a prophetic quote:

ā€œI started to realize there was really aā€¦guy, Mattias Desmet [professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium], [who] talked aboutā€¦the theory of mass formation hypnosis. And I could see it then. Once I kind of started to look for it, I saw it everywhere.ā€

Not only did this statement contradict the mainstream, but also raised to a higher level the concept of ā€œmass hypnosis.ā€ This secular concept describes a spiritual condition I have been talking about for months. Our nation ā€“ and many nations ā€“ have fallen under the influence of a deceptive spirit in ways we have never seen (see my article from May, 2021). Clapton referred to a centuries-old theory sometimes called ā€œmass formation psychosis.ā€

I researched people who developed this theory and investigated the following question: why do large numbers of perfectly intelligent people believe bizarre ideas and commit incredible atrocities?

My research uncovered a fairly consistent process:

  1. An event that creates anxiety and fear;
  2. Isolation of individuals;
  3. Authority figure (leader or government) offers a solution;
  4. Repetition of a constant, controlled message of why people should be anxious, coupled with the specific, particular message of the group narrative.
  5. Censorship of any information or questioning of the ā€œapprovedā€ message.

To quote Mattias Desmet,

ā€œIf underā€¦ conditions a narrative is distributed through the mass media which indicates an object of anxiety and provides a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the free floating anxiety might be associated to this object and a huge willingness might be observed to participate in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety.ā€

This process of isolation, daily bombardment of anxiety and fear, along with the presentation of only the endorsed truth, creates an environment where people begin to lose the ability to see lies and think for themselves. As the level of fear and anxiety is ratcheted up, those ā€œhypnotizedā€ become more and more committed to the leader or governmentā€™s solution, creating zealous individual propogandists in every corner. These zealots become very passionate and as a group devise effective ways to work together. They increasingly become unable to see beyond the lies and think for themselves. Their passion and arrogance are blinding. They will become intoxicated by any authority.

As I was reading about this, the Lord seemed to trigger this thought: ā€œDave, this is how territorial spirits gain control of areas.ā€ This makes such perfect sense! This is how spiritual warfare works its way out in the natural: spiritual forces of darkness using natural events to convince people to believe lies.

The Covid pandemic is the perfect scenario for mass hypnosis, for people across the globe to come under the spell of a grand illusion. Step one: A very real virus with unknown effects. Step two: a world forced into isolation. All of us were scared and afraid to some degree. We were isolated. We looked for a cure from the experts. Step Three: The ā€œexpertsā€ become tremendously powerful authority figures. Step Four: The media bombards us with messaging of fear and anxiety every day. News outlets, such as CNN, used fear to drive traffic.

Step five: Censorship of alternative messages. Joe Rogan, one of the most popular podcasters in the world, hosted an episode on the pandemic with a guest who contradicted and questioned the mainstream narratives. Demands to ban Rogan from Spotify topped the news for days.

Green Bay Packers Quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, described this process when he tweeted, ā€œIf science canā€™t be questioned, itā€™s not science anymore; itā€™s propaganda and thatā€™s the truth.ā€

Studies of mass hypnosis indicate 30% of a population group will become brainwashed by the indoctrination, 40% will be persuadable, and 30% will fight the narrative. Does this ring true to you as you consider whatā€™s happening in the world today?

Letā€™s look at this with spiritual eyes:

  1. Spiritual forces use natural occurrences to increase their territorial influence.
  2. The theory of mass hypnosis is a secular description of a spiritual battle.
  3. We are seeing people come out from under this hypnotic spell.

How can we accelerate this process of coming out of this ā€œhypnoticā€ (deceived) state? (Download this as a prayer guide.)

1.Personally pray God would reveal the truth to you.

Scripture is clear. There is a structured authority of spiritual forces attempting to bring us into captivity. The power of God is more than able to protect us from these forces and to reveal the truth of circumstances to us. We can choose to cooperate with the work of the Spirit, who leads us into all truth (Jn 16:13).

Pray through the following scripture:
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental (structured) spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. (Col 2:8)

Lord, I am relying on the power of your Holy Spirit to protect me from the spiritual forces attempting to deceive me. I rely upon the promises of scripture as I seek you for the truth.

2. Fast and pray for our nation.

Daniel provides a great example for us as we pray for our nation. In Daniel 10:2, we read that he was greatly concerned about the nation he lived in, so he fasted (the original Daniel Fast) and prayed:

I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

For an extended period of prayer and fasting, he saw no results. Then he experienced breakthrough. An angel appeared before Daniel (verses 12-13 and 18-19):

[F] rom the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. . . [O]ne having the appearance of a man touched me and strengthened me. And he said, ā€œO man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.ā€ And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened . . .

From this passage in Daniel we learn a method to pray for nations under spiritual oppression. Each point is hyperlinked to an IFA resource offering more help and encouragement.

1. Set your heart to understand Godā€™s ways.
2. Humble yourself before God.
3. Fast. (IFA Founder Derek Prince taught that fasting is one of the ways to humble yourself before God.)
4. Pray with perseverance.
5. Receive strength from the Lord.

3. Pray for release from the spirits that desire to control.

As we pray for protection, individually and for our nation as a whole, letā€™s pray for the release from the deceiving spiritual powers that would desire to control.

The truth is that, although of course we lead normal human lives, the battle we are fighting is on the spiritual level. The very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in Godā€™s warfare for the destruction of the enemyā€™s strongholds. Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defense that men erect against the true knowledge of God. We even fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of Christ. (2 Cor 10:5 PHILLIPS)

4. Fuel your mind with God’s truth that displaces deception.

The more familiar we are with God’s Word, the more we can instantly arm ourselves with truth when lies and deception come our way. Speak the truth. Proclaim the scriptures that defeat the lies and deception we see around us. There is power in proclaiming God’s Word aloud. Remember to suit up daily with the armor of God, as Ephesians 6:11-18 tells us to do.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilā€™s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lordā€™s people.

I believe that God is speaking to you, intercessors all across America, and around the world, about what is happening. Please share your insights in the comments.

(Article by David Kubal, IFA President/CEO. Photo by MK Hamilton on Unsplash.)

Download this as a prayer guide: CLICK HERE!

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Carolyn Stingo
March 9, 2022

Great article!! Iā€™m hoping I can share it with a lot of people who need to know whatā€™s happening. But isnā€™t it wonderful to know our God always provides the way for us if we will just get out of His way and allow Him to?

Mary Jo Coleman
March 6, 2022

Mario Murillo gave a word of knowledge about a year and a half ago regarding this. He said that Biden had a hedge of protection in a evil way that was around our country and even the world. The scripture that was mentioned was 2 Corin10:3-6. We need to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ for the pulling down of strongholds. So important we must pray this every day until this hedge comes down. He also mentioned that The media was part of the deception as well as woke billionaires.. Even though we are facing a horrible monster we have Jesus as our comfort and he will take us through it. Letā€™s keep our face like flint and pray pray prayā€¦.

February 25, 2022

Revelation 1823-pharmakeia will deceive the Nations-and it has. It is sad that the world and sadly Christians have become part of the world in that they worship and Trust pharmakeia first and have no clue that God made his food and herbs and all of our surroundings to heal us. Working at a raw juice bar-I saw and experienced wheatgrass juice and alkaline Raw vegan diet-God’s food – knocked out cancer, AIDS, hepatitis C, Etc. I’ve seen Wellspring prayer which is following the Bible’s instructions of confessing repenting and forgiving many times instantly healed people of all the above and more also. Sadly I rarely see any churches teach about the cleaning and building up of God’s temples but in Stead pastors ignore God’s warning that we reap what we sow and that we are enemies of God that make our stomach Our God that our end is destruction as our mind is on Earthly things and we Revel in our own iniquity. You can look around and see that most people worship the stomach god with your own eyes. God also provides for food insecurity in a major way-through wild edible plants and also through Sprouts and microgreens which cost pennies per serving but provide not only super nutrition but also electricity and healing frequencies which God created to restore and regenerate our cells. The church is afraid because they don’t know that God really does have the answer to health healing food insecurity oh, the environment are finances and everything! I I’m encouraging everyone to buy seeds for sprouting and microgreens in large 50-lb bags and the price goes drastically down and you can literally live for over 6 months on one of most powerfulsuperfoods on the planet for only $25 worth of sunflower microgreens seeds that you can buy at your local seed and feed or Tractor Supply! It’s time people learn how God really provides and give hope to people instead of going into fear like the rest of the world we could be the center of Hope and healing and fighting food insecurity

Rev. Ronald Roland
February 21, 2022

What did you think would happen when America rejected Christ. Jesus said “you are either with Me or against Me.” There is no “safe” neutral “secular” ground. If it is not of Christ, it’s of the devil, who is always trying to sneak in with his lies.
As far as “A very real virus with unknown effects,” real, scientific, medical doctors, and researchers on America’s Front Line Doctors (.com) said this was not a crisis, it was not as serious as the communist propaganda machine presented it, and we had the ability to control it. Obviously, politics controlled the situation against the tax-paying citizens of America (and the world).
And we will be suffering into the future with more of the same, unless we, as a nation, REPENT and turn back to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, no one has ever turned to Christ on their own without the Holy Spirit.

Shirley Frisbee
February 19, 2022

Thank you for this important messge. We read scripture and although we believe it, we don’t always know how it actually plays out in the natural realm. We need those with prophetic insight to open our spiritual eyes of understanding. I will share this message. Stay strong in the power of HIS might and keep sharing the uncompromised truth!

leah miller
February 18, 2022

AMEN, AMEN,AMEN. I feel like people are under a cloud of deception all around. Common sense seems lost. I pray all the time that God use me to light the truth to all I come in contact with. We really are in the midst of constant spiritual battle.

February 17, 2022

I feel all Christianā€™s need to know about Spiritual warfare. One person can fright everybody fight. We need to discipline the Christian that are in our church. Even if you donā€™t this goes on it does.

Tina Price
February 15, 2022

This is a Wonderful Resource which I will be sharing with my bible studies and prayer groups. We are praying for God’s Truth to be revealed and for the spirit of deception to be cast out by the blood of Christ.

Joan Fowinkle
February 15, 2022

I sent this to the ladies In my neighborhood prayer group so we can arm ourselves against spiritual deception and fight this spiritual battle effectively

February 15, 2022

It is my personal opionion, that there is nothing wrong with American evangelicals that adding prunes to their morning breakfast could not cure…

February 15, 2022

Ever since Tammy Faye Bakker died, I have considered Eric Clapton to be our greatest living theologian…

February 14, 2022

My heart is thrilled! For many years, I have prayed for Eric Clapton to be saved! He was babysitting his toddler when the child fell to his death off a balcony and Clapton feels he cannot be saved for some reason. Guilt? Part of Rockā€™s hypnosis? Please pray for him! This is a brilliant article that leads into incredibly deeper things as you look at world history and geography! Has anyone heard Putinā€™s testimony and personal history? It puts a deeper understanding in prayer. I found an old picture of Fauci and he looked black. It too would make a different cast on the Covid issue. God is opening our eyes in so many ways. It is like the Bible says…get wisdom, knowledge and understanding!

    February 15, 2022

    Sometime in the 1970s, Clapton reportedly told Scott Ross that he had become a Christian…

Martha wenger
February 11, 2022

I like your report and am in agreement with you. Sometimes you stand alone but God is always there with us.

Judy Orr
February 10, 2022

Last week during the night I awoke and thought about all the things going on in our nation and the world. Then I felt the Lord pointing out to me that this was actually spiritual and that the spirit of deception was blinding people, keeping them from seeing the truth, and deluding them. I have been praying against this spirit of deception, and have spoken to some prayer warrior friends, a few of whom agreed. I have not been fasting, however, so thank you for encouraging us to fast and pray.
Lord, please open our eyes to You and help us to follow You. Nudge those who have turned away from you, and restore them in their walk with You. Lord God, please awaken those who have never considered You, and do not acknowledge You as the Creator and Savior of the world. Help them to see the light and deliver them from deception. We so need You!

Catherine Hooper
February 10, 2022

I have been praying prayers for the last two years like mentioned above. But this is from last night/this morning:

Up on and off all night praying for this situationā€¦something is cracking!! I could hear sirens and shoutingā€¦wondering how to pray but the LORD is over all the HOSTS and we are on the Lordā€™s side!!

Also felt to pray for Israel.

Lord, thank You for Sending mighty warrior freedom angel armies to Canada,!USA, New Zealand, France, Australia, Israel- all around the worldā€¦.wherever freedom fighters are standing for Your gift of freedomā€¦for us and our children and childrenā€™s children!! Amen!

We plead Your BLOOD Jesus. Help our governments to turn their hearts toward freedom! Amen

We decree that freedom and justice is rolling through our landā€¦to the nations of the earth, with a wake of revival and awakening in the Church swinging its mighty waves throughout the earth.

Jennifer Hecker
February 9, 2022

Thank for putting this in print. We have talked about this deception for months. How could so many intelligent people fall prey to lies. Totally the enemy and principalities and powers of darkness.

February 8, 2022

Thank you for the words of encouragement in these dark times!

Carol Ann Smith
February 8, 2022

You guys are sooo on target!! I appreciate everything you publish here! So helpful!

David Scott
February 8, 2022

Hitler understood mass hypnosis well enough to use it to get control over Germany. Hitler was also a member of the Illuminati, who put him into power for the purpose of motivating Jews to return to Israel so that once they were all in one place, they could be nuked. What I know about these things goes back to 1962 when the FBI director did something for me that got me started investigating communists. After becoming a Christian in 1966, the Lord began teaching me about spiritual warfare. I’ve had enough confrontations with satanists to know how they can mesmerize people like Hitler did. I was once in a church meeting where a false prophet tried to use a spirit of mesmerism to seduce everyone. I was amazed at the number of people, who prophesied under that spirit of mesmerism.
The Bible teaches that when a Christian preaches or teaches, the Holy Spirit goes to work convicting the hearers of sin, righteousness & judgment. However, the opposite is also true. When someone, who pays heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of devils, the words they speak are used by demons to entice the hearers to follow them.
The Bible also tell us to open the gates for the Lord of glory to come in. However, the opposite is also true. Uncensored Magazine in 2009 had a photo of Barrack Obama taking his oath of office standing upon the seat of Satan. When he did this, he opened spiritual gates to the hordes of hell to invade our nation. Billy Graham was also in that photo with a look of total horror upon his face. That same issue of Uncensored Magazine also had 2 photos of Michele Obama displaying satanic hand signals with each hand on the front cover of 2 US women’s magazines.
We’ve had 7 satanists in the White House since 1932 – FDR, LBJ, Carter, Bush HW, Clinton, Bush W & Obama. Three generations of the Bush family are/were Skull & Bones. Sen. Prescott Bush helped Wall Street finance Hitler’s rise to power. Sen. Bush was also involved in the assassination of Sen. Joe McCarthy. I have 2-4 witnesses against every one of those satanic presidents, 2 of whom were Christian, former FBI agents and military intelligence officers.

Marta Gallegos
February 7, 2022

Yes I agree You feel anxious for no known reason First thing to do is cut down on what you listen Negative news (which is more than positive) Pray constant in the Spirit (Tongues) Constant declare out loud Psalm 91 Talk to My Heavenly FATHER And My Lord Jesus. Peace surrounds me Pray for all people that are going through bad situation Like right now for the Canadian Truckers Amen

February 7, 2022

Hello! I wanted to let you know that several of the links cited —
From this passage in Daniel we learn a method to pray for nations under spiritual oppression. Each point is hyperlinked to an IFA resource offering more help and encouragement. — do not work, particularly 2 and 3, Humility and Fasting.
Wonderful article! Thank you so much!

February 7, 2022

This article makes perfect sense! During this time period, I have looked to the prophets, for God does nothing except he speaks to his prophets. I have spent more time reading my Bible, my devotions, I pray with others for or nations, and I pray more in tongues, even at work, under my breath. And we also pray for our divine protection, and I listen a lot to ministers that I know and trust. This is what is called; ACTIVE DUTY!

jeannie Peninger
February 7, 2022

Yes, I have been praying for some time basically the Light of Jesus shine down and illuminate the darkness and reveal the truth to many who are deceived and especially in positions of influence. I believe I am not the only one praying this way. I am also praying for the positions of influence be vacated by the evil and filled with those who will carry out the good. from the least to the greatest.
The schools, state school boards(they have been adulterated) media, political, judicial..etc.

Sharon Wilson
February 7, 2022

Thank you for this information and prayer guide. I have sent this to many fellow believers. I pledge to ā€œstand in the gapā€ daily for this nation and many others across this globe to fight the tactics and strategies of the enemy. In Jesus name! āš”ļø

carolyn billington
February 7, 2022

Thank you for the clear teaching on how to stand in this time in our authority as children of God and having done all to stand.

victoria mizerak
February 7, 2022

WOW! Thank you for writing this!

Jim Alseth
February 6, 2022

This article tracks the main dynamics pretty well.

Here’s what the Lord impressed upon me. Once we follow the remedies outlined in the article and come to a more solid place, there is good news.

The King is in the midst of bringing judgment on the unholy elohim that are fuelling the paranoia and control (Psalm 82). We, His co-adjudicators, get to participate in that judgment through our intercession (Psalm 149:5-9, 1 Cor. 2:15, 1 Cor. 6:3)…

Kris C
February 6, 2022

We ask you Father God to expose the wicked deceptive plans of the enemy. Let blind eyes see and deaf ears hear in the name of Jesus! Let the truth be spoken and let your name be lifted up that all men women and children will be drawn to you! In Jesus name, amen!

Karen Secrest
February 6, 2022

I recall two years ago a politician laughing and saying,” you never waste a good crisis.” Today media had reported of “highest number of hospitalizations ever.” The Chicken Little headlines remind us when we defeat in one are, the Spirit shows us another to contend with, i.e. Put in is in China for Olympics, etc.
Th a nk you for your action direction. May we be Faithful as HE is merciful.

Patrick Lemmon
February 6, 2022

Pray like me. How is that not the same brainwasking? Think for yourselves people. Pray to Mother God & Father God, however you worship, whenever you worship, by God!!!!!!

    February 9, 2022

    …at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11

    March 6, 2022

    There is no Mother God! I pray for your spiritual eyes and ears to be opened to GOD’S TRUTH in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Glen H. Kippel
February 6, 2022

The eminent theoretical physicist Richard Feynman said, “I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” This is more true now than ever, since any questioning of the approved COVID-19 dogma is called “anti-science.” Feynman also said, “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.” I believe that what we are seeing now is evidence of the Bible verse 2 Thessalonians 2:11 – “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Unfortunately, when trying to convince people of the truth, I am branded a “conspiracy theorist.” We just have to keep on keepin’ on with the truth. Maybe people will pay attention – before it’s too late.

Cynthia Snyder
February 6, 2022

Dave, what the Lord showed you about mass hypnosis and psychosis is huge, and extremely helpful to all of prayer warriors. I thank God for you and IFA and am blessed and greatly appreciate this ministry. I am sharing this with other intercessors and pray blessings of increase and expansion in your ministry and in the kingdom. God Bless you and all the IFA staff with even more wisdom and understanding, provision and protection. It is obvious that IFA displays integrity, the fruit of the Spirit, and Gods heart for all of his creation.

February 6, 2022

Read this entire article. Very good ideas to pray for release from these territorial spirits who are trying to run this world! There is only one GOD, the Almighty & Jesus being His son along with the Holy Spirit= the Godhead. None of these evil spirits have any right to this world, being technically that God Himself is the CREATOR.

We pray Father, to help us pray to overcome these spirits who dishonor You in every way, and succeed in removing them, in Jesus name amen.

February 6, 2022

I believe you are right on. Since the inception of this “pandemic”, even the brightest minds and the scientist have been so “off” on what they are telling the world. We need God’s truth the reign in and on the world.

Anne Snyder
February 6, 2022

Great article, written well. I haven’t read all comments, so the following comment may have already been made. On point #3, “Pray for release of spirits…”, can I add that Jesus gave us the authority to deal with demonic strongholds. Jesus has been given authority over all creation, heaven, and under the earth, everything. He then instructed us to use his authority here on the earth. When we pray, instead of asking God to do something, we need to take up our position of authority (Jesus’ authority in us.) against these strongholds. We have the responsibility to take the authority Jesus purchased and use it. God’s already done his part in Jesus being the second Adam and regaining the authority the first Adam abdicated. He then left us with the responsibility to use this God provided authority through the name of Jesus.
So, let’s together take a stand against this deception and the lies people are held hostage to, and bind any and all demonic strongholds operating against this nation. Satan is a bully, and we are told to actively resist him and he will flee. Let’s rise up together and resist these demons and their strongholds in our nation and watch him flee.

    March 6, 2022

    Thank you Anne! So true! We have been given authority over ALL the power of the enemy by JESUS CHRIST! I bind every demon loosed on this earth by wicked men and women, and command them (demons) to go to the deep and not return! I decree that eyes and ears be opened to the Gospel of CHRIST and that many souls be saved in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Olivia Wyatt
February 6, 2022

Yes, prayers and fasting are a powerful šŸ™ weapon šŸ™ against the power of darkness.

February 6, 2022

The basis for deception is love of the world. If Eve had no love of the world in her heart she would not have desired the serpent’s lies (Gen 3:6). Deception is a temptation which, like any other, is fueled by our own lust (Jas 1:14). This is why the Bible says our heart is deceitful above all things (Jer 17:9). Above the serpent? Yes. Our deception merely takes occasion by the devil’s appeal, but it originates in our own heart. This is why it’s necessary to “purify your hearts you double-minded” (Jas 4:8).

Thus, the way toward becoming deception-proof is to follow Spirit-designed trials toward the “loss of all things” (Php 3:8), letting patience have its perfect work (Jas 1:4). Don’t resent your trials, but let them cut the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life (1Jn 2:16), out of your heart. It’s a detailed process that requires the passage of time, so be patient. But do test yourself regularly to make sure you’re not at a standstill.

Many Christians think the path to becoming deception-proof is by studying the Bible — but the most deceived of all beings knows the Bible a lot better than you or me. The issue is not studying the Word, but submission to the Word.

Kathleen Haak
February 6, 2022

Yes..the darkness has been falling gradually as we see its effects..The Bible says in last days men’s hearts would fail them from fear..I’m so in agreement to fasting and praying to break the hierarchy’s of evil..GOD WITH USā¤

February 6, 2022

Eric Clapton was talked into getting the shot. Said he got sick as a dog 20min later, turned sev shades of green. Later began to lose feeling in his fingers, may NOT BE ABLE to play guitar anymore. Got taken in by the vaxx mob!! Regrets it now!

Judy Dalton
February 6, 2022

Excellent article. Thank you for spelling out the truth and the strategy so clearly. No, to just get people to see the truth in this and actually pray in faith and trust. Fear is a terrible stronghold.

Norma Koxlien
February 6, 2022

Thank you for this pointing to, ‘The Rock that is higher than we’. It contains a spirit of HOPE that breaks through hopelessness.. We need to be open to & focused on the wavelength of heaven! Wisdom to know how to. “Stand” with confidence & strength (in the power of HIS might!) & not be overwhelmed. On the offense. Not wringing our hands at seeing the diabolical deception & the masses falling, but linking our “shields of faith” together & STANDING in concerted prayer quenching the forgery darts of the enemy!

Sammie Davenport
February 6, 2022

A-MEN!!! This is so encouraging, affirming, and puts so much light on ajar going on! More and more I’m seeing evidence of both this “hypnosis” and people finally waking up.

February 5, 2022

I feel the urgency in this message. Now is the time to ramp up our prayer, even though people are being released from the spell and coming to see the truth, we can’t let up our fight in this spiritual battle. I attended church tonight and the Holy Spirit was in the room, I could feel the glory and power of God, as we prayed and worshipped Him. Prayer is the answer to break this hypnosis over our land and the world!

Vashti Monica Ford
February 5, 2022

I appreciate this message. I wish it was preached in our churches. I see so .any people so fearful about the virus. We must trust God to keep us healthy and should we become sick, He is still the Great Physician. L

Michelle Craven
February 5, 2022

Agreeing with this prayer in Jesus name! Our pastor was just preaching in col 2:8 so itā€™s confirmation to what God is telling me. Thank you for courage and boldness to share this article.

    Kim Newell
    February 6, 2022

    My pastor is is also teaching this scripture now! Col 2:1-10 are our verses this week! God is working!

Sandra Coward
February 5, 2022

Thank you for this information. It makes sense to me. Also, I have been wondering how to pray for our country, the United States of America? Now, I know.

Toni Kushner
February 5, 2022

Your words are those of encouragement and truth. My prayer is that “My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and Pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear form heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” Daniel learned that repentance for God’s people and confession to God was to be the key that opened the eyes of the people to Truth. “Give ear, O God, and hear; open Your eyes and see the desolation of the city {The Nations} that bears Your Name. We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great Mercy. O Lord listen! O Lord forgive! O Lord hear and act! For Your sake, O my God do not delay”. I pray that the eyes of the hearts of those who are His and have drifted from faith, will Hear, Repent, seek Your face and be healed. Let the generation who has followed Eric Clapton in early and later years return to the one True God. Holy Spirit draw them into Your Word and deliver, set free and heal them from the spirits of deception. Raise them up to be a living testimony of the power of the risen Christ. Many have grown up on Clapton and continue to follow are sitting in our churches and have been drawn into the lies. May we pray for the cleansing of their mind and establish themselves in the foundation of Jesus Christ, by the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Ann Migliore
February 5, 2022

Thank you David for this message. Everything you shared rings true with me. Praying!

February 5, 2022

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! This is so needed! Standing with you all in prayer! America Shall Be Saved!

February 5, 2022

So let us Intercessors pray for those 40% who still can be persuaded. There are brave Christian doctors, advocates and researchers who are spreading the truth about the damage done by the vaccine, mask mandate, social distance and extended lockdowns. It is up to us to disseminate the information that we receive that can open up the eyes of their understanding and open their ears to the truth. We should also pray for protections upon our Christian brothers and sisters who are literally risking their lives and their livelihood to search for the truth and share with others. Father God, we plead the blood over them and their families as well as their staff. We now are seeing a deeper meaning and understanding of the scripture. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Not knowing and recognizing the tactics of satan can kill you and many have gone to their grave early. We have authority as righteous believers to break this stronghold through the Name of Jesus. Holy Spirit will open up the hearts of the 40% persuadable but we must petition and declare it done NOW! Thank you Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

    tammy elam
    February 7, 2022

    This is so true! Even the main scientist who helped create the MRNA technology says it should not be given to children. We continue to pray for truth to be revealed, and pray against the spiritual forces that are holding people captive to the lies of the enemy. This is a condensed version of a hearing with doctors and scientists ….

Bob Johnson
February 5, 2022

I have been praying these topics for years, since the Obama was president. I sensed that people were hypnotic state. As I watched Obama speak when he won the election, the audience eyes seemed to be glazed over.

    February 6, 2022


    I saw the same thing with Obama. It becomes more evident when you hear these elites have spirit cooking parties and the media talking about white witches and curses on president Trump. Furthermore the current president talks about a winter of deathā€¦. What president does that? Tells the American people the country is going to have a winter of death?

    Lord have mercy on America. Father forgive us our trespasses and lead us not into temptation, deliver us from the evil one. In Jesus name amen.

    March 6, 2022

    You are correct. I worked at the polls the night obama first became president and when we left that night after counting votes there was an unholy blackness and stillness to the night! (And it is still in the world influencing people!) Then a prophet said that demon on obama unleashed a spirit of violence across America and it has increasingly gotten worse! FATHER GOD we bind every spirit of evil and violence across America and the world! We take authority over them and command that they cease and desist all maneuverings against people! We bind every demon and loose the anointing of JESUS CHRIST over America and the world in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!

Betty Ford
February 5, 2022

We believers in Jesus need to read the Bible daily have special time to spend with our Lord in prayer. He want to speak to our heart.
Do not live in fear. Jesus has conquered ALL things when He died on the cross for our sins. We have all power in Jesus’ Divine Holy Name.

    Karen Vaughn
    February 5, 2022

    YesšŸ›keep our eyes, minds, hearts fixed upon Jesus !!!

Ann Tubbs
February 5, 2022

Lord, I pray for even the Christians around me that have been seduced by deceiving spirits because of fear. Father, forgive them and release them from this control, in the name of Jesus! Give them spiritual eyes to see you as higher than any other spirit. Free them from all fear and help them to be the head and not the tail!

February 5, 2022

I am so thankful for this info. I trust my God. Every morning I wake up and say good morning President God! What can I do for you today ? And I have the best day ever helping as many of Gods Children as I possibly can and all my animals.

Waldo Church
February 5, 2022

Thank you.

Kim Dillon
February 5, 2022

In the midst of a thousand different voices, all claiming their own authority and clamoring for our allegiance, only one Voice will tell us the truth. That Voice? The written Word of God, given to us by God to tell us what we are to believe and how we are to live. As the Psalmist said, ā€œ The entrance of Your words gives light.ā€
(Psalm 119:130)
Three words… ā€œLet God Work.ā€
In Jesusā€™Name, Amen.

Sharon Anderson
February 5, 2022

God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind. Praise God that He is God with us, the author and finisher of our faith. As we walk in love and look to Him daily, He will guide our steps. Christians need to watch and pray daily, not only for their personal interests but for one another. Nothing is impossible with God, He can do all things well. His amazing grace is for all who will call upon the name above all names JESUS.

Dewey W Whitworth
February 5, 2022

I cannot speak for anybody else, BUT I was not afraid, did not stay home cowarding in fear, and listening to reams of LIES cranked out over and over ! I had a few dust ups with the mask nazis and karens around my home turf, Contra Costa County Calif. I rejected video on line church services, and did not go to outside church services when that was the norm, simply because open the churches and I will go. IF you ARE fearful and afraid, STAY HOME ! Wear a red, green, or blue wrist band before going into the church building, Each color indicated it you DID NOT want to hug other believer, ot you would bump elbows instead, or you were okay with hugs. I refused to have temperature readings and just walked into the service, after two attempts at that they quit that. When they brought out packets of grape juice with a wafer under the seal I refused to take communion that way, and still refuse that. Bring out the tray with crackers and trays with grape juice in the small cups or not at all !

Nancy Bryda
February 5, 2022

Speak the truth in love. Stand and be a speaker of truth as the Lord leads. Do not get discouraged but encourage yourself in the Lord. Righteous anger has a place in this. I declare and decree the ecclesia is unifying for the purposes of Christ. We are territorial takers because of resurrection. Jesus is resurrection and he is in us. Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. I bind the lying and manipulation spirits in Jesus’s name and loose truth across America, Canada and the world. Devil – you are a liar, and the truth is not in you. You are being exposed for being a counterfeit toothless lion who is under the feet of the Ecclesia. Exposure is and will continue on an epic scale. Thank you, Joe Rogan, for asking good questions and exposing an alternate view on covid treatment to the public on Spotify with interviews of intelligent physicians knowledgeable on early covid treatment. I bind fake news, false narratives from the government on covid, the border crisis and integrity voting. I decree righteous people will continue to rise up in both parties and confront lies and false narratives. America is awakening. The truth of God’s Word is setting up free from demonic ineffective warfare. He is a loses and the ecclesia is becoming more unifies and effective every day. We have a 2-edged sword in our mouth which is an unstoppable and lethal weapon. Jesus is our commander of this army.

Linda Kupec
February 5, 2022

This is well written, coherently consolidating whatā€™s been happening around us since 2020. The only thing missing is a need to get out the message of repentance and turning to God, Who oversees everything and has allowed this Covid to spread all over this earth. Personally, I believe 2 Chronicles 7:13,14. And Isaiah 24. That God is trying to get our attention,as Intercessors, to stand in the gap, as Daniel did, beseeching the Lordā€™s forgiveness and to open eyes to realize that our lives on this earth is not all there is and to help us see our desperate need of forgiveness and reconciliation back to our Heavenly Father through admission of our sinfulness, and by asking His forgiveness, appropriating Christ Jesusā€™ sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and receiving freedom from fear and all hinderances of His, peace, hope and joy that await us in our eternal home. (John 1:12; John 14:1-14; 2 Corinthians 5:20,21)

February 5, 2022

This full blown Plandemic has attacked the basic needs of humanity by attacking Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” for each individual . These needs are basic for each and every human being . The distinct areas for which Maslow had pointed out , PHYSIOLOGICAL, SAFETY/SECURITY, LOVE/BELONGING/SOCIAL, SELF- ESTEEM, & SELF-ACTUALIZATION have all been attacked, and it seems by design to bring humanity to the lowest psychological level possible. From the very young, to the very old , male or female, all nationalities and races , ALL have been harmed by this warfare placed upon the world. Although, it may warrant very deep investigation as to whom or what has caused this abomination, it is clearly a humbling fact that only GOD can help us repair the damage brought upon us.

February 5, 2022


Barbara Sonin-Robbins
February 5, 2022

Thank you for this insightful article. From the beginning I have been in the 30% group, PRAISE GOD, He told me 5 years ago these words REVEAL TO HEAL. At the time I wondered why, then it became clear. ONLY IN AND WITH GODā€™S AUTHORITY AND PEACE, will I livešŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø

Grant de la Garza
February 5, 2022

People are like sheep and when in fear and confused they will follow their shepherd. Just as our God grants freewill, many who have the inability to critically think for themselves follow the wrong shepherd and are lead astray. Evil no longer hides around corners and lurks in darknessā€¦it has reared its ugly head and believes itā€™s his time to harness the reigns and control the narrative of this lost world. Every thing transpiring in this world today is orchestrated by so very few who are hungry for wealth and power. The Bible lays this all out. Divide and conquer mindset is taking place around us all, and is working in evils favor. If only the flock would follow the true shepherd they will be saved from harm. Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and a close walk as he commands with him will bring strength and vision to not be lead astray. I pray for myself , those I love and those I do not even know for their salvation and turning from evil . God will deliver us that choose to follow.

Sharon Spieckerman
February 5, 2022

Seek the Lord with all your heart , lean not unto your own understanding in all ways acknowledge him and he will direct our paths.
Peace and deliverance I pray for this Nation šŸ™

Susan Bales
February 5, 2022

In the very first paragraph you said that “This process of isolation, daily bombardment of anxiety and fear, along with the presentation of only the endorsed truth, creates an environment where people begin to lose the inability to see lies and think for themselves.” Shouldn’t that read “where people begin to lose the “ABILITY” to see lies and to think for themselves”?

Herb Johnston
February 5, 2022

Dave,,thank you for all your work.. I will be using your prayer guide links, under Step 2. What I have found that I have to be honest with myself about,- is.. that an article that is this in-depth, will be about, all I will be concentrating on ..on this website- at least for today and maybe tomorrow. So I am blessed to offer this prayer now until then.

Lord, there is much deception afoot in our land,..- and in our world. However, that is not new-,there always has been.. the difference now is that it is not concealed. First thing that comes to mind for me,Lord, is that your Christian Soldiers and prayer warriors need your physical support in our minds hearts and souls.. I confess that while I did not enter into a deception any longer than maybe three days ..in the beginning of this phase of warfare -after 3-13-20 , I have to admit that the onslaught of subterfuge and deception being revealed- has caught me unawares. at first..as to the level of intensity,that I did not expect. My initial skepticism, which is, and was ..healthy concerning the behavior of world systems, was fueled by almost 25 years of Christian radio- starting in 1988-,up to 2012 . .. your guardians in heaven, guided by your omniscience, have been warning us and educating us since way before then, but that was the time when I became aware of your speaking to us.. so as soon as it was announced that the initial 2 week phase would not end.. I will confess that I had a sense of foreboding,-that eventually became somewhat of a depressive state .
So-, similar to the dross is risen to the top during the forging in the furnace of our affliction.. by your Holy Spirits process of refining us … …I have persevered enough-, to stay in the battle..and I am asking You, for myself and all of us-,Lord.. that we could continue to maintain vigilance and even accelerate,in our determination to seek you and move forward in battle,..that our eyes can remain open and our mind’s could remain enlightened..and our hearts could remain encouraged ,and you would gird our loins continually with truth and our spines could remain steel straight and strong,..in facing the enemy… as all of us are different in our ability level-, and pace of execution.
So Lord, ..I bless you and I praise you and I thank you for all that you are and all that you have provided and all that you have sacrificed.. And I thank you that you will continue to go before us and after us- like you did with the Hebrews in the desert.. Cloud by day-, Fire by night… thank you for all of the eloquent prayers from my scholarly brothers and sisters here in the IFA prayer section.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

Robert Mitchell
February 5, 2022

Thank you. Thank you for these prayers.

Deeann Gang
February 5, 2022

Really good . Feel this is spot on . But the good news itā€™s the truth that will set us free. How we need this truth to guide us and how we need greater discernment. Thank you for sharing.šŸ˜Š

Herb Johnston
February 5, 2022

From the article above- this from Colossians 2:8
which depends on human tradition and the elemental (structured) spiritual forces of this world –
This can get confusing -when I’m reading the word and praying-, or what I’m just praying… I may be thinking I’m praying in the spirit ..but it might be structured Special Forces of the world.. as stated in the article above

February 5, 2022

I saw no mention of Jesus, the name, the blood the authority.
You donā€™t want to go toe to toe with these powers without Jesus.
He is the authority we walk in.

Debbie Johnson
February 5, 2022

We must continually bind the forces of darkness (bind the string man first ) all principalities powers rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places including witchcraft and the occult deception twisted speech murder abortion strife division separation everyday. The blood of Jesus is against Satan and he is a defeated foe. Do not forget to tell him

Kevin Staniszewski
February 5, 2022

Satan’s biggest lie is coming through the mouth of the church in the same manner that God allowed Ahab to deceive himself. God is HOLY alone, and cannot lie. But when Ahab would not acknowledge the Lord’s instruction, The Lord “allowed” a lying spirit to go forth through the mouth’s of ALL the prophets. (1 Kings 22:22) John Nelson Darby introduced the lying spirit of “rapture” in 1830, and it still carries the same lie today for the purpose God is allowing it. Jesus NEVER said “I will remove not mention you between Rev 3-19 but will remove you and “keep you from the hour of trial”. But He did say “because you have persevered, I will keep you from the hour of trial…” This he spoke to a portion of the church’s in His Revelation. I am of that portion that has read chapter’s 3-19 and “realized’ that I am one of the saints “having an ear to hear” the truth of Rev 13:9&10. We have but to reject the lie sent forth to those who “do not love the truth”, so that the Truth will set us free of Satan’s deception. Hidden manna is held out to us every day. We have but to receive it from Him and Him only. He inspired ALL of the word to reveal the truth to us. It is “due season” for the “solid food” referred to in Matthew 25:25. The first woe is, has or is happening right now.

Sharon Wilson
February 5, 2022

Amen! ā€œThe god of this world has blinded the minds of them who would believeā€¦ā€. ā€œIf my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray then will I hear from heavenā€¦.ā€ ā€œFinally be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might!ā€œ

    Herb Johnston
    February 5, 2022

    So you and the gentleman above you are saying there is no rapture what about 1st Thessalonians 4:17

    “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

      February 9, 2022

      I can certainly agree with 1 Thessalonians 4:17
      But what about Matthew 24, and the sequences our Lord clearly lays out with “then” (v 9, v 10, v 11, v 14, v 16, v 21, v 23, v 30).
      “He who endures to the end shall be saved.”
      …seems to me that 1 Thessalonians 4:17 fits right in with Matthew 24:31.

February 5, 2022

Yes this is confirmation I’ve seen this for a few years now and am writing about it! I would love to use a few quotes if I could it confirms everything I have already written!

Judy Cotter
February 5, 2022

Wow!! This is what weā€™ve been living through all this time ! Thatā€™s exactly how weā€™re to do ā€”- the only answer is the word and believers praying in the Spirit and engaging united in Christ Jesus !! God is working He needs His voice to speak out in the earth now!! Thank you for the article n the great tips of engaging we can do .

February 5, 2022

Wonderful article, and I pray that more eyes are opened around the world about this as people are brought to Jesus, truth, and light.

February 5, 2022

Great article Dave really helps understand the spiritual battle.

Jeffrey Spangler
February 5, 2022

Father we know by Your word that as in 2nd Thessalonians You would cast a spirit of delusion upon those in the latter days, we in Jesus name rebuke all attempts by the enemy that his powers be removed from Your children so that they see the truth and once more turn back to you. Amen

February 5, 2022

Thank you. God bless and empower you in the best ways in Jeshuaā€™s Name.

February 5, 2022

Wow th a k you for this!! Sampling is for this battle!

George Myers
February 5, 2022

Well, this explains why Leftists are so stupid.

Roxie Crews
February 5, 2022

You nailed it!

Joe Pugh
February 5, 2022

For several weeks now and strongly this morning between sleep and a wake praying for my son’s, grandson’s and grandaughters and then the people on earth. The word delusional kept coming into my thoughts. I questioned God as to what and how to pray about this.
Then the memory of a tongue interpretation from decades ago came to my mind. The battle is in the mind. Pray that the delusional spirit will be broken and for sound minds. Then I read this article this morning. I am a witness to the truth of this message.

Brian lynch
February 5, 2022

This all makes sense. We bind the effects, and presence of, the territorial spirits which are behind brainwashing. we loose a spirit of fearlessness, clear, critical thinking, and of a sound mind. Thank You, Jesus.

    February 5, 2022

    Last summer after hearing some disturbing evidence and testimony by some scientists and Drs about what they found was in the “vaccines”…and I had already had a rough day, someone I trusted had betrayed me. I went to bed with a very heavy heart, thinking of all of this and also the division that has occurred between me and my family because of different views on the “vaccines”. I think I cried myself to sleep. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a very loud destructive thunderstorm, thunder that was right over my house. I’ve never seen lightning so bright or heard such loud thunder. I sensed it was the Lord telling me that he was angry that these lies and deception were being pushed on His people. I felt a sense of awe and then peace come over me. A very loud crack of thunder hit and the lightning had set off my son’s metal detector in his closet. It had been turned off, not used in years. I felt this was a warning for me, I still felt an immense sense of peace. The next day we could see that lightning had hit a neighbors tree and broke off a very large branch. Now when I need reassurance I look out my window at the branch, half of it missing and it reminds me of His mighty power and protection over me.

    Herb Johnston
    February 5, 2022

    We won’t be in the tribulation-,
    1st Thessalonians 4:17
    “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

      February 5, 2022

      I am aware, I also believe the bible teaches rapture before tribulation. But I do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that what we are living through right now is the enemy using Covid to prepare the masses for when the anti-christ comes on the scene.

      February 9, 2022

      As I commented, above, I see 1 Thessalonians 4:17 fitting right in with Matthew 24:31, which follows a whole series (at least in NKJV) of “then” BEFORE the Son of Man comes to gather His elect.
      We have work to do before the rapture!

Michael Madia
February 5, 2022

Dear God I do pray for our leaders, men women and children that you will awaken them to the truth of your word and deliver them for the powers and principalities of darkness in Jesus name amen.

    Susan CC
    February 5, 2022

    Michael, right and straight to the heart of the matter, AMEN!

Steven Howard
February 5, 2022

A Very good article.
GOD is preparing, alerting HIS Bride. Be Watchman, be watchful.

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the electā€™s sake those days will be shortened.
Matthew 24:21-22

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=2%20Thessalonians%202:3-4&version=NKJV

Brittany Landrum
February 5, 2022

I am standing in agreement and praying for this nation! God has been so patient and merciful- allowing time for repentance and change. Praying protection for my Kingdom fam in the days to come! Shine bright in this dark and broken world and love like Jesus!

Avril Blackwood
February 5, 2022

Father God, we look to you to protect us from the evil one and his evilness. Father clothed your children with your armor to protect our mind, heart, Truth, faith and gospel. Father unleash your power within us to withstand the lies, deceptions, fear, and intimidation and control of the satan. Father, bring your body together, unite us in Your Truth and Love. Give us courage and boldness to stand speak Truth to those around us, to give them hope and pray for their deliverance from sin. Amen

Linda Dieter
February 5, 2022

I usually do not read the IFA post till later in the day but this article caught my attention. Many of us have been praying Luke 12: 1-5 and We are seeing these things hidden in the darkness being exposed. Hope many read this article . Ephesians 3:18-21 is scripture I believe He wants His children to lay hold of . verse 3 He wants us to know the length, breadth, height, and depth of His love for us….Why was David able to defeat Goliath….Because He knew His God..

Josephine McInnis
February 5, 2022

2 chronicles 7: 12-14
Please pray the Scriptures and confidence that God will hear and heal our nation we as gods people must turn to him and seek space and ask forgiveness for our sins please join me in prayer in this prayer

Linda Fox
February 5, 2022

Thank you for this article and prayer point. We must always make sure that the information we receive lines up with what the Bible says. This seems to line up with end times teachings.

Joanne DeBord
February 5, 2022

Thank you! What a great article. This is so important, to realize and keep in mind that this is a spiritual fight. I appreciate the information and helpful links.

Ronda Orchard
February 5, 2022

Lord, I humbly come before you this day of Shabbat and I ask you to remove from deceived hearts the strong delusion that masquerades as the truth.

Your word, breathed onto us, brings peace and restitution over what has been stolen from us. The truth is stifled behind the masks of reprobates and I pray you rip it off, revealing the liar.
Your word declares that the truth will set us free. So let your light shine that the darkness cannot run from it anymore. Amen.

February 5, 2022

Father God, through Christ we are able to stand firm. Through Christ and the Holy Spirit, we will be overcomers confident in the victory Christ has already attained. Lord, enable us this day to do what You have called us to do with joy and assurance that be are Yours! Let no weapon forged against us prosper and tear down any strongholds that may hinder our path. We love You and await Your soon return with patience and great joy. Maranatha, Lord Jesus! In Your name we pray!

Hollaye Vladimiroff
February 5, 2022

Thank you for this, I appreciate your honesty, so manyspiritual leaders are hiding behind their pulpits, God Bless You! It is shameful what has happened to the people in this country, so many have been scared but many do not have God in their lives. It is beyond me to think someone would put a mass vaccine into their bodies without knowing what is in it. Have they lost touch with their bodies, the body is the temple of God. Also, they have lost their individuality.

Mickey Reynolds
February 5, 2022

This makes really great sense.
Praying for deliverance for the hypnotized and a banner f protection over those who see the Truth

Deborah Rackliff
February 5, 2022

I’ve been serving the lord for 44 years sometimes I get up and the Lord speaks a word to me that I really don’t know what it is I know he’s trying to show me something. It doesn’t happen very often I woke up the other morning went to the kitchen sink and the Lord said necromancy I looked it up but this thing that stood out to me it’s black magic it’s sorcery I’m an intercessor he shows me things to come against I shared it with my prayer group we meet every week. The Bible says the holy spirit will show us things to come he will show us what to stand against!

    Deborah Rackliff
    February 5, 2022

    We can also cast down every thought every imagination every high thing that would try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring those into captivity to The obedience of Christ

Barbara Janicki
February 5, 2022

This is exactly what we have been subjected to starting in March of 2020. Told to stay home, we were isolated from each other with the TV for company, running “death numbers” 24/7, to be sure we stayed scared, least we should venture out and talk to someone outside of our home, compare notes and exchange ideas. The total censorship of any dissenting ideas (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) has been a real red flag from the beginning. We have been lied to about many things, but it is up to us to pursue the truth. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” This is true both spiritually and literally in our oppressive, cancel culture of today. Praying for truthtellers to speak out in all areas, vaccines, elections, COVID numbers etc. “When we fight, we fight on our knees” – prayer is our weapon and our calling at this time. “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Linda k Rice
February 5, 2022

This is the way it works in families also. Lies, lies, lies come out of dangerous situations. This is why dying to self is so important. Lies have no power.

Vicky Sullivan
February 5, 2022

Praying everyday that eyes will be opened and ears unclogged. We have been in a state of false security. ā€˜Maskingā€™ the need for GOD.

February 5, 2022

We used to just call this “propaganda.” No need to even add psycho-babble to the discussion. It’s communist propaganda, authored by the current movers of communism, the “Democratic” Party.

Melissa Bolger
February 5, 2022

I have been praying against the deception and lies. It almost is like their is a veil over peoples faces and no opposing opinions are allowed to be spoken. This does explain it. Keep praying. Truth will prevail over lies!

Susan Peterson
February 5, 2022

I believe you totally missed the repent prayer. This nation is under judgment from God for the sins. Abortion sodomy, ect. we will see the judgement of God if there is no repentance.

    February 5, 2022

    Agreed, but in fairness and in their defense, they do mention that in an earlier article. God bless!

February 5, 2022

Exactly what I have been feeling in my spirit. This is training for when the antichrist comes on the scene. People will already be so deceived and brainwashed that they will easily believe him.

Harry Golata
February 5, 2022

Correction: Using Isaiah 8:20 to see if Psalm 107:32 is being utilized

Daisy Bailey
February 5, 2022

Excellent! The effectual fervent prayer of righteous people will avail much. It will activate the angels to fight and destroy this lying stronghold as we put on our armory and take the sword of the Spirit and pray.

Bo Ehrig
February 5, 2022

Great article, thank you.
I have called this another way.
PRS or Problem Reaction Solution
Create the Problem
Create the desired Reaction
Give the desired Solution
I have seen this played out for years in different countries. Perhaps perfected by the Naziā€™s.
But now for the first time we see this played out on a global scale.
Yes and all orchestrated by evil demonic spiritual forces.
This is happening now and Jesus our Messiah is the answer. Pray !

    February 5, 2022

    David Icke’s book, The Biggest Secret and others that he has written, describe very interesting things about the world…..

Anita Malaro
February 5, 2022

Thank You, Father for Your Faithfulness & Holy Spirit power alive & well working in us! Jesus our Standard & Living Hope giving us the victory as we speak of His Word that has given us the victory, America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø one nation under God. Jesus our Shield, Source, & Strength rule & reign in our nation & let the enemies be scattered!

    Cheryl Venable
    February 5, 2022

    The territorial spirit behind the mass hypnosis has a name. LEVIATHAN. Judgement begins in the house of God. The CHURCH is responsible for this by not teaching that demons are real. A great amount of Jesusā€™ ministry was centered around driving demons out.

Harry Golata
February 5, 2022

Its happening in churches as congregants are biblically illiterate snd do mot apply Isaiah 8:2 to see if Psalm 107:32 is being utilized, I have found in churches I’ve been in that another spirit is in most pulpits . Laodicea is here

February 5, 2022


This is scary as is Stockholm syndrome etc used by sociopaths! I believe this lines up with what you are saying! I pray the eyes of the world are opened and on God/Yeshua(Jesus) our Everything!

    February 5, 2022

    Wow, Liz, your post is so spot-on! The Communist Cloward Piven Strategy is EXACTLY what is happening today, instigated by Obama and being carried out by Soros-backed Democrats across the country and old Weather Underground felons teaching in our Universities.

    Frankly, it’s a page out of Satan’s playbook, if you ask me.

    Very helpful link, Liz; thank you and God bless!

Megan Mieles
February 5, 2022

Thank you Father for teaching us how to pray. Use your remnant to bring forth spiritual cleansing over this nation and all nations. We bind every spirit that sets itself up against you , in Jesus name. Thank you for listening to the prayers of your children. Give us mercy and strength and perseverance in Jesus name. Amen!

February 5, 2022

Obama used hypnosis all the time with phrases like ā€œfair shareā€ and ā€œlet me be clear, as well as referring to his American audience as ā€œthe folksā€ to pretend he was one of us. Biden does the same thing, as well as his spokespeoplr. Hillary, Obama, Biden, news media and Jenn Saki say ā€œumā€ while they speak to public all the time whenever theyā€™re lying. They have ā€œtellsā€ if you take notice.

    Dalen fuller
    February 5, 2022

    I say if their lips are moving they are lying.

Bob huseby
February 5, 2022

As we study th referenced verses in this article they again expose th apostle Paulā€™s great passion. And that is to educate th believers of th spiritual assault we face every day!! Intercession is offensive warfare in this battle our countries are facing. As Satans forces gain momentum we must increase our vigilance!!!! Stand strong Brothers and Sisters !!

Rosalind Laird
February 5, 2022

Father deliver us from evil. Thank you for teaching us how to pray, for revealing this practice of the enemy to control us through fear.
Fear of pandemic, fear of global warming.
Lord you didnā€™t give us a spirit of fear but one of love and a sound mind. Fill us with your wisdom and understanding that we might walk in the truth, protected by your armor and led by your Holy Spirit
Thank you Lord Jesus
In your name I pray.

Katrina Bray
February 5, 2022

What a blessing your emails are !
I have forwarded them to all my siblings and friends to join in and support your great work !
Thank you ,

February 5, 2022

Yes and AMEN!

Ruth Morse
February 5, 2022

Mass Hypnosis: I didn’t realize there was such a thing as mass hypnosis but I see it clearly as far back as the Revolutionary War that freed America from England. History reported that 1/3 of the people were Tories (Loyalists to the crown) 1/3 were apathetic (didn’t care either way) & 1/3 wanted freedom from England. That’s where we are worldwide now & I see the blinders are being removed from eyes. I am among the 1/3 who recognized from the start, that lockdowns & mask mandates, etc. were control mechanisms by tyrannical governments.

Elizabeth Enns
February 5, 2022

Thank you for writing and publishing this. It is so true and the persuadable need to hear it. God help us to guard ourselves and remain in truth.

Georgia Hanson
February 5, 2022

This goes right along with what I was feeling. I had a Facebook ministry.
( not an official ministry) I just ministered and shared with others, what God shared with me. I prayed for people and just loved Facebook, UNTIL, I started seeing plastered all over Facebook “Joe Biden projected President” I realized they were trying to brainwash people into accepting the lie that he won. I also hated that they would censor anyone who spoke the truth.
Then the way I felt after being on Facebook. I had a very heavy feeling that made me feel depressed, and I am not a person who normally gets depressed. I knew in my spirit, that Facebook was not the same as when I first opened my account. I stopped watching the news when I caught myself calling the news anchor a liar (out loud) I listen to the prophets for current events. I listen to the new for weather only.
Giving up Facebook was very hard. Not only because of the ministry, but because that’s the only way many of my friends and family communicate. But, since giving it up, I have so much more peace and time.
Thanks for this article.
Sincerely, ,
Georgia Hanson

    February 5, 2022

    šŸ™ Amen ā€¦. I had the exact experience!! I also knew it was the Lord leading but it was hard to give all that upā€¦.. at the time ā€¦. But the peace now is amazing and my trust in the Lord is SO much stronger!! Watching the Glorious unfolding of the Lords plans now ā€¦ God Bless You šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ™

    Salem Zahn
    February 5, 2022

    I got away from Facebook too and feel relieved from being caught up in that web. Anything that is referred to a web or net has an underlying reason for the titles! Snares are snares any way you look at them! Freedom from a snare does bring liberation … yes it does!

February 5, 2022

God recently instructed my fellow prayer warrior to fast and pray for 10 days. Since we know that God sends out His messages to MANY believers, we are convinced that many people are praying and fasting (and have been for a while) and that is why we are seeing breaks in the demonic control as the TRUTH is becoming more apparent. That doesn’t mean that the fight is over. O, No! It means that God has been working and is still working in ways we can’t see but will become apparent and we must remain faithful to speak the truth and pray. The enemy isn’t more powerful than God but he isn’t stupid either.

Zari Malsawma
February 5, 2022

Great article & prayer guide – i’ll be sharing it too!

Carole Ann Neve
February 5, 2022

People need to see this message. It is what is happening during the pandemic.

Church Mom
February 5, 2022

Very good insight (revelation of truth) in this article! Deception is the number one real enemy of Faith, and without faith it is impossible to see God. Jesus said, Will I find faith when I return to the earth? These are the end times so let’s each one of us examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Remember we must KEEP THE FAITH until the end!

Sinner man Eric Clapton is smarter than many Christians who wanted, demanded and stood in line to take the Covid jab. They were deceived by evil spiritual forces who propagated fear and anxiety. They are manipulate, brain-washed, hypnotized and controlled by Hellavision (evil spirits of main-stream-media). This is why we do NOT want a television in our home! Many years ago awoken by the evils of tv and how witches cast spells on movies, shows and on all commercials Christians would not own one, but that has changed, oh how it is changed. Hellavision is the tool Satan is using to hypnotize folks and sad to say many Christians have been deceived into taking the shots infused with aborted baby fetus of the worst sort – Infanticide, Satan rituals, evil chants and spells cast on the shots.

So sad to see how many are deceived by main-stream-media. I agree we must fast and pray, read the Bible (KJV is the only trusted translation) and keep speaking the truth in love. I join my prayers with others who are aware of Satan’s devices. God Bless you David for such a powerful article!

Mark Waterman
February 5, 2022

America has 3142 counties. Take charge of your county, Break the indoctrination and the mass Hypnosis, Fast and pray for the churches for the schools for your city politicians.. The Lord has given us the authority and the power to bring down those strong holds (Luke 10:17-19.). And pray about your prayer life.

Thank you so much Dave/IFA team,, powerful article.

Dodie Gallagher
February 5, 2022

Please thank Eric Clapton for his revealing article regarding mass hypnosis. God revealed this to him through the Holy Spirit. He is a wise and humble man. I have always admired his talent and enjoyed his music. I didn’t know this was happening until I read what he revealed, then all the things that have been happening in the USA and around the world made perfect sense. What a revelation. God Bless him.

Amy Austin TUPE
February 5, 2022

John and Paula Sanford called it archetype, I believe. It is a thought thay takes hold of a territory controlled by a wicked archangel. A way he uses to control the people to cooperate with him. Like in the holocaust. We observed this in the area we were evangelizing. A certain two idols controlled everything even the marital relations (weak man, strong woman). We were instructed to overcome by praises mostly children and youth praised God over a period of years until open heavens was attained.

Jessica Renshaw
February 5, 2022

In the last days, “God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (2 Thessalonians 2:11; context is whole chapter, 2 Thessalonians 2)

Delusion is something falsely or delusively believed or propagated deception.

In two cases I know of, “delusion” manifested as particles of “dust” before a person’s eyes. Apparently we can brush this dust aside as we pray for such an individual to be delivered from deception..

Something else I think characterizes the delusion of these last days is that those deluded are convinced that it is everyone else who is deluded. Those who perpetrate conspiracy accuse others of holding conspiracy theories. Those who lie and hate and are racist accuse others of being the liars and haters and racists. Those who are bringing down this nation blame the destruction on those actually trying to preserve the nation.

Heinz Giesbrecht
February 4, 2022

As an intercession warrior I pray in the hills every day and I am aware of “mass formation”… The Lord taught me something interesting about the resulting hypnotization of people… He said hypnosis is like fog, it blinds and disoriented… and that cold fog describes the isolation of these people…
He asked me: how does the fog dissolve…? Fog is usually an old stagnant cold air mass in a lower level… Dry and warm air / wind dissolves these foggy air masses and if it is still blowing in turbulently this accelerates the process of dissolution…!
As a former pilot, I understand this image that the Holy Spirit is using here… Warm air is to fog what light is to darkness, it can no longer exist… So let’s pray for this warm turbulent wind and the natural consequence is that people begin to see again…

    Susan CC
    February 4, 2022

    Dear Heavenly Father, You have pitched a tent for the sun. Like a bridegroom emerging from his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course, it rises at one end of the heavens and runs its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth. I pray in Your warmth, this fog of the enemy will dissipate. I agree with Heinz and say Amen!

    Psalm 19:4-6

      Timothy Birmingham
      February 5, 2022

      “… He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world…” 1 John 4:4


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