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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to highlight Truth to our hearts and minds. We also ask You to strengthen platforms that protect truth and privacy, and raise up more like them.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Below is an excerpt from DJHJ Media regarding Google and YouTube’s latest censorship project. You may want to know that  DuckDuckGo.com is a good alternative to Google, and Rumble for watching uncensored video content.

On Thursday, Google and their video platform YouTube announced the Democratic Party’s latest agenda by creating a policy that will censor ads and demonetize user content in the spirit of a communist Chinese dictator. This time around, the tech tyrant platforms are going to prohibit any content that differs from the Democratic Politburo’s non science “consensus” on climate change.

…I wrote a piece about how Project Veritas got CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester to admit that the…network intentionally puts out propaganda, citing…a pre-determined agenda when reporting on COVID-19 and Climate Change

“I think there’s a COVID fatigue,” Chester said. “So…They’ve already announced in our office that once the public is…open to it — we’re going to start focusing mainly on climate.”

The action Google and YouTube are taking will affect anyone who wants to run content or ads on either platform that refers to climate change as a hoax or a scam or that man is causing it…

I’ve said many times that the…progressives in our society, have corrupted science to the core. Any people who claim to be scientists and want you to judge their “science” by a consensus are scammers. Water does not boil at 212 degrees F because of a consensus of scientists who say it does and climate change is not caused by humanity because a consensus of government gravy-train recipient scientists say it…

This new policy coincides with the Democratic Party’s push to pass items found in the Green New Deal… The Big Tech companies…timing of their new policies always seem to coincide with the Democratic Party’s agendas…

“In recent years, we’ve heard directly from a growing number of our advertising and publisher partners who have expressed concerns about ads that run alongside or promote inaccurate claims about climate change,” Google Ads said

I know for a fact that Google could write an algorithm so that any of those imaginary advertising and publisher partners would never see a skeptical ad or content about climate change near their own content.

For years now, the progressives…have been pushing social media tech tyrants to silence any opposition to their non scientific consensus…

Google has said that they will be able to differentiate content that is skeptical of climate change as being a fact and content that reports on the claim, meaning skeptics of the claim. This proves my point that they can single out any content they want. If they can differentiate through automation between two types of posted content, then they can capture that same content and not place it near their imaginary partner’s content…

Public debates on climate policy, the varying impacts of climate change, or new research will be eligible for advertisements and monetization. In other words, Google and YouTube will allow a one-sided view of the topic while acting like they are allowing real debate…

Does this censorship and promotion of an agenda bother you? Share in the comments below!

(Excerpt from DJHJ Media. Article by Rich Welsh. Photo Credit: Sean Gallup/Getty Images).

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William Donahue
October 15, 2021

God is still in Control amen

Ingrid Farrell
October 14, 2021

Dear Father, strengthen the backbones of my brothers and sisters. Just stop using Google Facebook and YouTube. Those platforms have made it clear they are not planning to change. Use DuckDuckGo, rumble, Vimeo. What is used grows. Why would you even risk opening the doors of platforms that state they are Actively trying to change your mind to meet their agenda.

Christine from Michigan
October 14, 2021

In 1970 the Climate Change Experts (CCE) said there would be a new ice age by the year 2000? It’s 20 years past that and nothing looks like an ice age to me. In 1988 CCE said by 2018 the Maldive Islands would be under water – they’re still there, and what’s more, the Netherlands have been below sea level for hundreds of years and they’re still there. In 1989 UN environmental experts told the AP “Rising seas could obliterate nations by 2000″and part of NYC would be submerged and Britain was supposed to be like Siberia. None of that has happened. Folks, this is doctrine of demons.
God told us to go forth and populate the earth. He never said anything about limiting our offspring for fear of overpopulation.
Rebuke evil. Wash your brains with the water of the Word of God. Renew your thinking and transform it to what is Good and Holy and Acceptable to God.
Do not buckle under to tyranny in any form. Stand for truth, righteousness and justice. Truth never changes.

Darlene Estlow
October 14, 2021

Father, may your intercessors not grow weary of praying as things seem to get worse. Our hope is in you and what you are doing. Keep us active in prayer that we may enjoy your work and the answers to our prayers.

October 14, 2021

In the United States, people spend 2 hours and 3 minutes on social media each day.
The average Christian spends only 1 minute a day in prayer… and the average Pastor only spends 5 minutes.

Father God, forgive us, we have become thoroughly corrupt. Please listen to the prayers and petitions of your people—pull us back to You. Have Mercy!
Ezekiel 33:7 ” Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.”

October 14, 2021

Why the big push for climate change?? You cannot change what God has put into place. Lord, I thank You for the freedoms we still have left and thank You for the liberty and freedom of choosing our leaders. I pray also that we can keep that freedom and liberty. Open other’s eyes to the truth of the matter also. In Jesus name.

October 14, 2021

Real science NEVER censors information and discussion.

Curtis Guhl
October 14, 2021

Thank you Father for giving us the liberty to choose our leaders. Allow us to keep that liberty. Climate change mandates are obviously wrong with a constitution which allows liberty for all. .

Lydia B. Miller
October 14, 2021

In Jesus name, the net working of Big Tech shall be broken up, and the power of the enemy behind this be
We bind all forces of evil in Jesus name.
Father you have the power to block their evil agenda.
I pray God would raise up a group of leaders who will use their God given authority to take down this evil force that is destroying America.
We pray Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey and the evil networking people would come face to face with a living God. Call them to repentance, and or remove them from their evil position!

Sandy Stephens
October 14, 2021

Get off Facebook and UTube


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