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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that parents everywhere will make their voices heard. We ask for teachers and school board members to stand for what is right for the children and parents. We ask that Your glory will fill our schools. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Merrick Garland’s got a little list…

At the top are right-wing extremists who’ve been…designated the greatest domestic threat to U.S. security…including perhaps anyone who protested the results of the 2020 election. Then there are police departments…Republican-run states…and state legislatures that pass…pro-life legislation…

Oddly, the list doesn’t seem to extend to the…people who have crossed the southern border…and are now…somewhere in the U.S. without a legal right to be [here]…Nor to those…who have reduced several of the nation’s urban centers to crime-infested wastelands.

But, let’s be fair…Justice has to prioritize…

Which is presumably why the latest names on his roll are…parents who have…challenge[d] local school boards about…what the children are learning.

That wasn’t how the attorney general presented it when he announced the news. Citing a “disturbing trend” in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence…he declared that he was directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation to work with local and state law enforcement…

Decent people everywhere acknowledge that violence is intolerable…

But the letter from the NSBA contained barely any evidence of actual violence. It cited mostly antisocial behavior and threats, and some of the offenses referenced…are, however offensive, constitutionally protected speech.

And, as has been widely noted, when acts of violence occur, they…have been dealt with by…law enforcement…

All this merely underscores what the real objective of the attorney general’s action was…because it was recently spelled out to us by another…member of President Biden’s party, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia.

…Mr. McAuliffe made clear, in a television debate with Republican Glenn Youngkin, the Democrats’ conception of the role that parents should have in their children’s education: none whatever.

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Aside from the jaw-dropping disdain for families, Mr. McAuliffe’s prescription is at odds with Article 26.3 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the sort of grand multilateral pronouncement the Democrats usually fetishize…: “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.”

This flagrant attempt to intimidate parents into handing their children over to the mercies of the state is as sinister as anything the modern progressives who now control the Democratic Party have done.

The message…has been the character of education in totalitarianism systems through history: These are not your children; they are wards of the state, and the state…will determine what they learn and how…

Do you believe parents should have a say in what their children are taught? Share in the comments below, and add a prayer for our schools!

(Excerpt from WSJ Opinion. Article by Gerard Baker. Photo Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images).

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Scott Singletary
October 13, 2021

JESUS Please help us!
For 150 years of our founding, we taught our children to read the Bible! But Dewy the God hater

October 13, 2021

AG Garland, the front man for the federal police state, loves to use his polished verbage as a camouflage for his (their) true intentions. As AG, he has no intention of equally applying the laws of the Constitution or any amendments. Remember that this law piranha believes the Constitution or any established laws are meant to change or forcibly be changed because of their deeply warped belief system. AG Garland lives by the motto “truth is whatever we say it is and as long as we control the narrative, it will remain so”. This man is sold out to globalists, drunk with power and bitterly vengeful because he was never approved as an SC justice. We can easily see why he wasn’t appointed because those in charge of confirming him knew exactly what type of person he is.
Pray for this man. He is bound, shackled and deep in deception. He needs salvation desperately but we must also ask God continually to remove him from his position. And pray for every state bringing lawsuit (s) against him and the feds to have God’s complete favor.

Karen Secrest
October 13, 2021

My prayer partner, who has children in schools, and was President of her PTO fo several years, sums it up: these people don’t want parents who Think and are capable of making life changing decisions. This effort would reduce parent to onlookers. Leave your LIFE to us. We will guide.”

It’s to be noted Clinton and Obama are leading this parade also.

May God, our Father, let the EAST WIND BLOW.
We invoke the prophetic message of Joel 3. Your Spirit is Poured Out…..

    Maynard Beck Sr.
    October 13, 2021

    From “The gagging of God” by D.A. Carson written in the 1990’s
    The National Education Standards and Improvement Council, set up by the Clinton Administration, prescribed what students in grades five through twelve are supposed to know about American history. Not a single one of the thirty-one standards set up mentions the Constitution. Paul Revere is unmentioned: the Gettysburg address is briefly mentioned once. On the other hand, the feminist Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiment receives nine notices. Joseph McCarthy is mentioned nineteen times; there is no mention of the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Robert E. Lee; Harriet Tubman receives six notices. The Klu Klux Klan is mentioned seventeen times; the American Federation of Labor comes up with nine appearances. The role of religion, especially Christianity, in the founding and building of the nation is totally ignored; the grandeur of Mansa Musa (King of Mali in fifteenth-century Africa) is praised, and recommended as a topic for further study. Such standards are linked in the minds of many with “outcome based education” (OBE.)

October 13, 2021

Thank You, our Victorious King, that You are sovereign over the affairs of men. Thank You for equipping Your children to stand strong against the tyranny attempting to take over this nation. Your Spirit gives us the strength of resolve and the courage to trust You in these dreadful days.
Arise, O God, defend Your cause; remember how the foolish scoff at You all the day. Oh let the evil of the wicked come to an end, and may You establish the righteous, You who test the minds and hearts O righteous God. May lying lips be mute, which speaks insolently against the righteous in pride and contempt! Restore us, O God; let Your face shine, that we may be saved! Oh our God, will You not execute judgment on our enemy? For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on YOU! And when we sing and give praise to Your holy name, may You take care of those that are coming against us. For the Lord is our Judge; the Lord is our Lawgiver; the Lord is our King; He will save us! All glory to King Jesus! Amen!

    October 13, 2021

    “This great horde” is an excellent description of what we are watching. Yes! Lord, our eyes are on you alone for we are powerless like so many before us were! Yet, we have faith, hope and joy— not fear because You are with us every single moment. Guide us in this season to do your will. Your Word, we can trust. Amen and Amen!


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