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Thank You, Lord, for Gov. Abbott's stand for freedom. We ask You to bless Texas. We also ask that more governors across the U.S. will lift up freedom by banning vaccine mandates.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On Monday, Texas GOP governor Greg Abbott, who had already banned vaccine mandates from governmental entities, went further, issuing an executive order entirely banning vaccine mandates in the state by employers, including private employers…:

No entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer, who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience, based on a religious belief, or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforce this prohibition…

He also pointed out that he had previously issued executive orders to bar “governmental entities and certain others from imposing COVID- 19 vaccine mandates or requiring vaccine passports,” but in “yet another instance of federal overreach, the Biden Administration is now bullying many private entities into imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates, causing workplace disruptions.”…

“Abbott also called on the Texas state Legislature to pass a law with the same effect. The executive order would be rescinded upon the passage of such legislation, the governor’s office said,” CNN reported

In September, President Biden attacked Abbott and Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis…

Biden started by boasting, “We’ve made enormous progress against the virus through the summer….That’s why the actions I proposed on vaccines last week are so critical…”

He continued, “…The governors of Florida and Texas are doing everything they can to undermine the life-saving requirements that I’ve proposed.”

Are you encouraged that Texans’ liberties are being upheld? Share in the comments below, and add a prayer that more governors will become part of this movement!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Hank Berrien. Photo Credit: Tom Pennington/Getty Images).

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October 14, 2021

Yes, this is very encouraging. First of all, may God continue to bless Governor Abbott. I thank and praise You that he has the vision to know right from wrong, and that he has the courage and integrity to display his convictions. Please continue to use Gov. Abbott, and I pray that he will be a shining example to all the politicians in this nation to resist and stand against the evil agenda of the radicals socialists. May his actions withstand all of the pushback efforts of the liberals to override his mandates. Thank You, Lord, for this man of faith. Please, raise up more leaders who have the courage and integrity to stand up for what is right in these evil days. In Jesus’ name.

October 14, 2021

Lord we ask that you ignite a fire in the hearts of all the governors of this nation to fight on behalf of the people who believe in freedom to continue to treat our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit and be able to follow God’s leading in the choices HE wants us to make, not the government. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Rolanda Shrader
October 13, 2021

His mercy and grace working through the hands of governor Abbott. Thank you LORD!

October 13, 2021

Praise God for Governor Abbott for standing up for the people of Texas and not allowing vaccine mandates that would infringe on their Constitutional freedoms. God bless Governor Abbott.

October 13, 2021

Isn’t this just as intrusive as the Biden vaccine mandate? I’m confused why we’re lauding government overreach. Shouldn’t a company have the right to choose who it employs, and to have certain expectations of those employees?

    October 13, 2021

    Hi, Thomas, we do need to ask questions, for sure!

    I certainly don’t have all the answers, but it does seem to me that the actual government overreach is on the part of President Biden, the CDC, etc, in mandating, strongly suggesting, or bullying people into accepting an experimental product, which – according to the Nuremberg Code – must NEVER BE FORCED on anyone, but only be accepted in a fully voluntary manner!

    The complete data is not in yet, but it does appear that these experimental products mess with our God-given immune function, and render recipients actually more vulnerable to further infection, and to life-changing complications.

    None of these vaccines has been approved by the FDA, although one that is not yet available apparently has been approved.

    They have not been FDA-approved, at least in part, because (Warp Speed, remember…) none have undergone any long term human safety studies; these are currently being conducted on recipients.
    None of these vaccines is safe: they have been the cause of at least 15,000 deaths over the past 10 months, according to CDC data.
    In addition, none of these vaccines either prevents a person from being sickened by any COVID variants, nor does it prevent COVID transmission by a vaccinated person.

    This whole thing just seems to me to be a charade. And, with the survival rate for COVID still being well over 90% (overall, well over 99%), none of the mandates make any sense – at least to me.

    I am often reminded of Isaiah’s warning in chapter 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.”

    Indeed, let us all ask for wisdom from God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach. And seek His truth, which He promises will set us free.

    So, I join with others in thanking God that Governor Abbott, exercising his authority under the separation of powers, removed what many see as a lethal threat to Texans. Individuals can still decide for themselves what to do about vaccines, but NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED to take any product into their body, particularly not a product with the record these have.

    Meanwhile, we can rejoice in the Lord always!

      Laura K
      October 14, 2021

      Good response and very clear.

      Lord I agree with what has been written by Cynthia and I pray that people will not be bludgeoned into doing those things that are against their beliefs and consciences.

      We thank you for the medical profession for the many good things that happen but, we look to You our physician and healer in all things first.

      October 14, 2021

      Thank you, Cynthia for your thoughtful, grace filled response. Yes, everyone should have the choice. Neither companies nor governments should impart their will over the individual’s right to choose. Lord, we thank You for raising up courageous leaders who are taking a stand! Please bring many more to get involved and to stand firm on their convictions through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I pray for the salvation of those who remain blinded by the evil one. Reveal Truth and bring many to receive the Lord Jesus! In Your Name, we pray!

Mark Boorman
October 13, 2021

I am greatly encouraged by Gov. Abbott’s strong and courageous stand for the citizens of Texas.

I’m praying that Gov. Lee will take a similar stance and action in Tennessee where I live and work.

May we rise up to bless our Lord and not bow down to spirits of fear, division and oppression!

Karen Secrest
October 13, 2021

I want to sing, shout, hop about. Now..let 5he ungodly go back to the hole they dug for others. Psalm 7-8.
Let the Word of the Lord cover each and every person in Texas

The Blood of the lamb delivers us out of 5he hand of the enemy. ( DEREK PRINCE REMINDER OF THE WORD.)

Gloria Robles
October 13, 2021

As both a Texan and someone who’s family was being pressured to be vaxxed or lose work, I am so thankful for Gov. Abbott. I pray that he would continue to work for the people and that God would continue to give him the courage to stand. I am thankful for those who pray for their leaders. Elections are so important, I pray that more people would realize that who your governor will be is as equally important as who’s in the white house. Your vote for governor is the difference between an Abbott/DeSantis type governor or a Newsom type governor. Who would you rather have? I’m really praying that people will come out and vote and not be discouraged by what happened this past election. I’m also praying for more leaders to be encouraged and emboldened by their moves and do the same.

October 13, 2021

Thank YOU FATHER GOD for Governor Abbott! Please protect him and his family from all hurt, harm and danger, and the federal government in JESUS Name! The comment by biden that progress has been made due to the vaccine is a lie! Just like every word out of his mouth! The vaccine is killing and causing difficulties in many people’s bodies, but of course that is not discussed, or reported! FATHER GOD please protect us Americans from this federal imposition into our lives. Strengthen YOUR people to stand for what they believe, and to trust that YOU Will Take Of Us according to YOUR Riches in Glory by CHRIST JESUS! We thank and praise YOU FATHER in the Name of JESUS! Amen!

October 13, 2021

I pray Gov. Abbott is walking closely with our Lord and is surrounded with men and women grounded in God’s Word and prayer. May Texas thrive as God continues to throw off shackles that bind! The culture of death and fear are being beheaded. Gov Abbott may have his name upfront and the legislature is doing good work yet we give God the glory and praise! Light overcomes darkness and it cannot hide. Lord, give these leaders strength of faith and conviction as they push back against the evil of this day. May the Church rise up! Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus, Amen

Maria Fillyaw
October 13, 2021

dear Lord we know you are in control of all things everywhere and we pray in Jesus name That You Will Open the Eyes of those that are blind in help we the people to support our governor in Banning vaccine mandates. in Jesus name we pray all this amen


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