The urinals are coming down.
I can’t believe I just typed those words as the first five words of an article I am writing! In our local middle school (in the small Virginia town where Intercessors for America is located), contractors are removing all the urinals from the men’s bathrooms. Why? Because, supposedly, there are too many men without male genitalia who are offended by urinals.
I can’t believe I just typed those last nine words.
And to make matters even worse, the signs on the bathroom doors denoting “male” or “female” will be taken down.
This decision comes in the wake of Loudoun County School Board last week passing Policy 8040 which states:
“LCPS staff shall allow gender-expansive or transgender students to use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their gender identity without any substantiating evidence, regardless of the name and gender recorded in the student’s permanent educational record…staff or students who intentionally and persistently refuse to respect a student’s gender identity by using the wrong name and gender pronoun are in violation of this policy.”
This policy caused much controversy in Loudoun County. Parents have been arrested, teachers have resigned, protests have occurred, recall petitions have been signed, lawsuits have been filed. The school board has even closed board meetings to the general public and restricted the number of speakers in a vain attempt to limit the outrage.
In the midst of this, let’s remember that we are all made in the image of God – male and female. As God declares it in Genesis 1:27 and 31, “It is indeed good.” Unfortunately, some people are not comfortable being a male or female. The pain this gender dysphoria causes them is real and needs to be treated with grace and compassion, with a focus on encouraging them to be all that God desires them to be.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of Americans struggling with gender dysphoria is .3%. One million out of 332 million of America’s inhabitants are transgender.
Watching the news or listening to the debates at school boards would lead you to believe the number is more! Astronomically higher in fact.
Now, because of .3% in Loudoun County:
- 46,000 junior high and high school students were given permission, by the school system, to believe they may not be a male or female as their chromosomes have determined by God’s design.
- 23,000 young women will be required to share a bathroom and locker room with young men.
- Thousands of young women’s positions on teams are now in jeopardy by men who are now allowed to participate in female sports on female teams.
- These school bathrooms may now become the scene of sexual assault and sexual immorality in ways that will mark the lives of these young men and women forever.
- Teachers will have to remember a person’s desired pronouns or other “gender-expansive” terminology (I must confess, I have never heard this term, nor do I know what it means).
This is a form of institutional, systemic discrimination as hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars are now being used to address the desires that go against 99.7% of the student population.
So, what are we to do? God is calling us to focused and steadfast pray!
Please download my new prayer resource: “Praying for Liberty” to guide your personal prayer life in this day. You will see 2 Corinthians 3:17 applied in a way that will help you understand our world today in a new light.
Here are some points to guide your prayers:
Prayer Point #1: Pray that Believers will ENGAGE regardless of the outcome or popularity of their views. Pray that those being called to serve in the public sector will OBEY. The Church needs to support people who sense this calling and are pursuing it. There are hundreds of thousands of Believers ministering in the civil arena but are not recognized or supported by their local church. Churches MUST embrace this new form of ministry that utilizes laws, civil suits, public office, etc. to extend God’s values into our culture. The days of simply focusing on what happens within the four walls of the church are over if we desire to see “His Kingdom come on earth just as it is in heaven.”
Prayer Point #2: Pray that God will raise up Christian lawmakers who have a vision to write legislation that results in the implementation of biblical values. For inspiration and information, please consider utilizing the American Legislative Exchange Council. This is a trusted source of legislative examples that can be adopted and personalized for local groups such as school boards, city councils, etc. The Body of Christ has a place and tremendous potential in this work! God created government and has a design for it. Those called to this arena must seek divine revelation.
Prayer Point #3: Pray about running for public office. The IFA constituency is mature and at a point in their lives when they might have more time than when they were younger. Or, at least pray about supporting those running for office who have biblical values. There is a fabulous discipleship series for lawmakers called Oaks in Office that could be considered as a discipleship tool, as well. Our nation’s first Chief Justice, John Jay, said it well, “We should prefer Christian leaders.”
Dear intercessor, please do not be discouraged as you consider these times. God has chosen YOU at this significant point in history to be alive to make a difference in the challenges we are facing! So whether you are called to pray, to give, or to GO to the frontlines in one capacity or another–take your place to run the race the Lord has set before you. He has a wonderful plan for you. God’s army is in place, and “with God all things are possible!”
Has this been encouraging to you? Please share with a friend!
(Photo Credit: Jonathan Chng/UnSplash).
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Yikes and yikes again. I decree and declare that people will engage more and more in politics and change the demonic agenda of the devil in America. No weapon formed against American school syatem will prosper. Don’t tread on our children. This flop will flip as this is a flop situation and as we mobilize and unite for Christ, he will go before us and destroy the enemy.
A strategic asymmetrical warfare prayer: Believers, lift up Hunter Biden to the mercy of our Lord. His father does not love him and is using him for his own gain. Hunter can save himself and save all of us by coming to the Lord and EXPOSING the criminal activities of the Biden family.
Know that he is hurting. He is covering this pain with drugs. Pray for his deliverance from his addiction and his family’s chains.
I read this, and I STILL don’t believe it! It is wrong on so MANY levels – not fair to girls and young women who have to share restrooms with males, not fair to boys who need access to urinals, and not fair to the parents of these children. A young girl should be able to feel comfortable going into a restroom or a shower, without fear of molestation. Now is the time to pray, and PRAY FERVENTLY! God sees and knows what is happening, and we as a nation need to repent! We as believers need to stand in the gap for these children.
God – please help us! Amen
Yet you are probably okay with a young girl becoming pregnant through said molestation and being forced to carry the pregnancy to term. Am I right?
The winnowing fork is in His hand….
Romans 1:32 “Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”
Dear Lord, I pray that parents will find alternative schools to place their children, private and/or Christian schools. This should be Unacceptable, even to the secular community. It really comes as no surprise, though. These schools who are allowing the no gender bathrooms need to have their funding confiscated. This is insane and absurd. Father, help us to see things from Your perspective and to see Your glory. In Jesus name, amen.
I don’t like the guys in the girls locker room. I don’t like the mandated vaccines. Pray that the Pfizer vaccine will not meet FDA approval on Monday. There are cures and they know this or should know this. Will The Nuremberg code 2.0 happen? We shall see how deep and wide the deep state is. We shall see that the Lord if good! Also, I never liked urinals, it is invasive.
The best thing to do is pull your child from that school. Is there no private school in the area? How about home schooling? I believe God can and will provide an alternative to that school that the parents will be comfortable with. I believe He is not in favor of a child attending this type of school and He will provide.
There will be other avenues for parents or concerned citizens to legally challenge this “secretly paid for decision”. The more I watch and listen to the “posers” on the board, the more I’m convinced some of them are being handed “under the table money”. No one with 10 cents worth of common sense would agree to this insanity.
This school board has basically told the concerned parents of Loudon Co. they have NO input, say or rights when it comes to the children. The board has basically told parents you cannot control your children – they belong to us and we will decide what they will hear, do or be subjected to. This school board has decided that child abuse is okay.
The first thing I would encourage any young girl in Loudon to do is carry mace – at all times. Then I would encourage them to keep 911 on speed dial and in your hand at all times. Then I would ask to go to the restroom during class and when excused, I would go home and use the restroom. If their teachers or board don’t like it, tough luck. Explain that no student should fear for their safety going to a school restroom.
*May God grant increased wisdom, knowledge and boldness to the parents of this county as they intensify their fight. Open more legal avenues for them Lord and give them your favor Father. Remember that these parents are fighting hell itself, so we pray they prepare themselves with God’s armor. And Lord, do whatever is right in your eyes but help the people of Loudon Co. by removing the school board members who have voted for and passed this “pit of hell” decision. Amen.
Thank you for such a good article Dave–though incredible, as you say.
Excellent prayer points, and we are trusting the LORD to continue to awaken and activate the BRIDE in this hour.
Just see the total insanity of this decision! What about the vast majority of boys that want urinals to stay? Do they not matter anymore? As I pray for GOD’S sanity to prevail, I would not sacrifice my children! It is time for Christian retired teachers and others to begin finding buildings, trust GOD for finances and open private schools! Use no public (government) funds! Yes we are salt and light to this sin-filled world but our children need to be protected from the decisions of demon-filled school boards and administrators. We need to also pray for the children who cannot attend private schools as well as the deceived children that hate how they were born. FATHER GOD please be our very present help in this time of trouble. Lead and guide our prayers, words and steps according to YOUR WILL in JESUS Name! Please send laborers to the families that are confused about gender to tell them of ONE in WHOM there is NO confusion in the Name of JESUS! Amen!
Amen, well put, Roberta!
If girls want to identify as boys, why would urinals offend them?
I read the headline twice to be sure I got it right!
For those who respond to God’s calling and commands to step out of your comfort zone,
“Be on your guard;stand firm in the faith; be (men) of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.”
1 Corinthians 15:13
Amen! The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avail much! I pray that strong godly men and women will rise up to run for political offices all over America. I pray that the church of Jesus Christ will wake up, get involved, and stop being silent! Let the body of Christ see, with Your eyes, what is happening and what WILL happen, if we don’t stand up and speak out. We are called to be light, in this world. I pray that You will give a holy boldness to Your people and that You would break the spirit of fear, deception and delusion that is over this country and, even, some in the church! Lord, send mighty Christian warriors into places where You tell them to be. Father, send Your mighty warring angels all over America, to do battle for Your people. Let us see victory after victory, all across our land. Father, lift up a standard against the enemy, who is coming against our children and grandchildren, in Jesus name! Protect them, by Your mighty power!
Amen, and well said! God sees and knows what is going on. He has the victory.
Heavenly Father,
Send now help from heaven, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. help us Lord. Guide the believer to stand and participate and not be afraid. Help the parents to teach what is right and truth to their kids across the our nation. Deliver our kids from lies and deceptions. Thank you Lord for making us in your image, male and female.
Forgive us our trespasses and sins. Help us not to be complacent and accepting, but to stand therefore in righteousness.
In Jesus Name Amen
…..and I can’t believe I am reading this! Yet on the other hand, I can. Our world is fast approaching “The Last Hour”. Oh that we all would be ready.
Not to contribute too much more unpleasantness to an already VERY unpleasant topic … but having taught middle school (for as long as I could stand it, before moving up to high school) and given that the “aim” of middle school boys is NOTORIOUSLY bad, I can fairly accurately predict the next crisis in this battle.
Germany is the reference point, wherein a court recently ruled that “it is a man’s right to stand when …” Short of requiring teachers to monitor bathroom “etiquette” or installing some sort of alarm system to “out” standers (which was done in one European country)… as does EVERYTHING foisted on decent folk by the DEMONIC left, I see some lawsuits in the future of Loudoun County PSS, et al.
YES … we pray, but as did the Mighty Men of King David, the battle need also be met in a manner that these minions of Satan will DIRECTLY understand. ELK (USNA ’68)
Well, this is awful, but not surprising. This is the result of a godless nation. Simplistic statement? Not really. Let’s face facts. The church has been asleep for decades. More concerned with bake sales, movie night, and keeping up with the latest feel good so called Christian author in bible studies instead of getting down in intercessor prayer, studying God’s word, open discussion instead of silencing the fundamentals that believe God’s word is what it says. Our light in a dark world. I judge myself as much as you think I am others. I never ran for school board or any office. I tried to raise my kids thou in the faith but once they went to public school and college that changed them. We all look back now and ask “could I have done more? I saw the signss.” I did speak out thou. I was very on top of things and confronted those liberal teachers, but I was only one person in the sea of so many others that did not speak out. This has been coming for a long time friends. Evil/sin starts off slow and when ignored like a Cancer it grows. How many churches go to antiabortion rallies. Well I’m in NYS. Let me tell you not much. I could not get only a small handful from my at that time church to go to a Prolife rally or stand in front of an abortion mill to pray (which from the COVID plandemic has since closed, no surprise, I found much better). Churches said nothing when homosexual marriage was pushed forth by SCOTUS. Very few anyway. They are afraid of being called what “homophobes”. Well according to scripture Sodomy is a grave sin. Homosexual sex is vile to God and an abomination. God said that. He is what matters and it is a cancer on our society. I believe in my heart abortion and the same sex agenda/marriage movement is what has brought forth God’s judgement on America. Read Romans chapter 1. God has handed America over to reprobates. America needs to repent and not just a little. Homosexuals need Jesus not a new partner every year or less. Transgenders need Jesus to get rid of that confused demon, not a new wardrobe. The answer to abortion is to repent America and go back to God’s design for sex. One man, one woman committed for life. But now the church has allowed the sins of the world in. They don’t confront the sinners in their church who areliving out of wedlock together, getting divorced. My last church the pastor married a woman in the congregation who had not long before divorced her husband who attended there. I confronted him. I was the only one. That church fell apart and that marriage last I heard has caused so much problems dividing family. America has been taken over..and the church has been asleep. The goals of the LGBTQ agenda were to infiltrate the church and accepting of the “gay” lifestyle. Well they won. A handful or more of homosexuals wrote a book in the late 80s how they would change society’s views on homosexuals and especially targeted the church. How many churches now have homosexual pastors or perform same sex marriages?……, which btw are not real marriage as God designed. The church has been silent for decades and now our society has fallen to pieces. I do not believe there is a turning back. I’m sorry, but we are at the end stages of this age. The best thing we can do is yes be vocal about sin, but mostly be vocal about Jesus and share the gospel. We may get some saved. Speak out and declare what God’s word says about issues. You will be hated for it. It’s not easy. I get that. I got reamed this week for being blunt about a certain subject what it truly is. I exposed the word gay for what it really meant. I was looked at as if I was the worst person in the world to tell them what two men do and what it really means to be “gay”. People can’t take it. Such delusion and deception. People do not want truth in this day and age. They want lies covered up with nice words. Gay is used instead of sodomite or lesbian. Transwoman instead of confused mentally ill person who needs deliverance from demons of confusion. Let’s call it what it is. Let’s be blunt. The schools are Satan’s playground. The family unit has been broken up so single mothers need babysitters for their children so they can work. They put them on the conveyor belt of these schools run by antiChrist athiestic liberal marxists and then we are surprised they come out a marxist antiGod, antiAmerica adult? Seriously? Get your child off of that conveyor belt. If you can homeschool do it. Churches open up your buildings so teachers can come in and teach children. Parents if you can’t take your child out for you are a single parent, start getting involved with your school/boards and read what they are teaching them and be vocal. Go to the school board meetings. If everyone who could would take their child out of these schools, the public schools would lose so much money they would have to either stop their evil practices and do what the community wants OR close down. It’s really in your hands. But it will take work and from what I have seen churches are more involved in other stuff not being a light in a dark world. Prayer is important but action has to be part of it. Faith without works is dead. If you pray and God says ok, now go and shine your light, then we all must do it. It may be as simple as start reading what they are teaching your child and going to a monthly board meeting. Some of them are online as my school districts are. Just do something. God bless.
“This kind cometh not out but by prayer and fasting.”
I agree with you it really is part of it. But we also must shine our light, as the body of Christ, in a dark dieing world. It’s gotten to the point now the church has been so silent, that now, it’s become illegal to speak the truth of God’s word. But the courageous will do it and suffer the consequences. Lord make me brave, lead me Lord. Show me what you want me to do and how to pray.
Welcome to the new Eugenics and mind control that makes castration trendy and reality tedious and boring. Next thing we know, these kids will be lining up to get on Carousel. Jesus deliver our children from death peddlers. May the love light truth and the living God. Deliver them and us.
Thank you Dave for keeping us Indy on how to pray.
Informed. Hate auto correct
Jesus, I pray for the evil attacks on our nation’s vulnerable adolescents to cease. That developmental period is a always a difficult transition period for children. Please God help us. I see our children need to have your full armor to walk into their schools and to turn on a computer. Empower us to fight this battle for them as adults. Not only has old-satan taken 60+ million babies from American–it is now our our precious youth under siege.
Lord, let repentance and revival sweep our land. Forgive us. Restore two parent families in our nation. Help our most vulnerable citizens of all ages. Open our hearts and minds. Destroy this latest wok movement with Truth as your Holy Spirit continues to move across our nation. Thank you for your love and protection of America and our 240+ years. Use the people here as your warriors and multiply us. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen
Thank you Jesus for coming! Thank you soooo much for dying on that cross, in our place…oh Poppa, thank you so MUCH, so very very much for giving us Your Spirit, to live inside us, each believer.
Thank you for letting us live now, today, for such a time…
Thank you for this ‘article’, full of truth, compassion, helpful tools and Your Word!!!
Your Spirit, real liberty lives in Your Spirit, for sure.
Oh Poppa, help Daniel receive Your love, his parents love too, and heal his hurts Lord. Comfort Karen and encourage her and his dad in prayer and to find ways to show that love and care to him. The pain is real. So is Your love, power and sound mind.
Poppa cover VA with Your Spirit! Send angels to strengthen your people in this good fight! Let the enemy turn on itself so captives are set free and hurting hearts can receive healing to wholeness…let that love, Your lovetruth spread across our country Lord.
It looks like a mess now Lord, in so many ways we see mess and mayhem with our human eyes but we KNOW and DECLARE to the GLORY of YoUR Name Messiah JEHOVAH JESUS, You are working it ALL together for the good of those called according to your purpose and for the glory of Almighty God.
I share your disgust with the decadence you have reported, but we cannot let it scare us away. It reminded me of a hero who has not only faced up to the spiritual battle in prayer, but also fought in the courtroom as a lawyer – Bob Goff author of “Love Does.”
Bob flew to Uganda and personally faced Witch Dotors (in the court of law) who had mutilated young boys. His courtroom victories inspired a surgeon here in the USA to perform a transgender reversal on one of these victims.
PLease reach out to Bob and have him join IFAPray for a prayer call. His advice would be a blessing and encouragement to the folks in Loudoun and across the country.
Thanks for leading the fight
Father in the name of Jesus i acknowledge my need of your Holy Spirit to pray and exercise gifts of faith through me to pray in and receive miraculous victories over these issues in the spirt realm, move through me and your intercessors to move these mountains today. Father the USA as we have known it all our lives is in serious spiritual trouble. I pray first for the millions who are suffering from gender confusion, Father we have all at one time seen or have had homosexuals in our families or at work or in the neighborhood, Father so many of these are good and kind people, some in the church even, struggling with their Spiritual and Sexual identity, Father we desperately need an anointing from heaven to pray these people and issues through victoriously so that allstruggling with these issues are visted by your Holy Spirit with true undeniable conviction, spiritual truth, and the deep mental emotional and physical healings they need to overcome and embrace their God given sexual identity, Father touch the minds the hormones the spirits of all struggling to find the conviction leading to repentance and freedom you promised that who the Son sets free is freed In Deed! Not freedom to sin but freedom FROM sinful deeds, confusion, and mindsets, freedom from all gender confusion! YOU have given mankind free will hoping they will CHOOSE to serve you, you extend your arms of mercy to ALL waiting patiently for all to come to their senses and realize their need of your love, assistance, and mercy! Father in the meantime while people are exercising their God given right to choose or refuse your law and principals, that period does not negate your spiritual laws. You said through paul: Romans 2:14 14(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law.” Father With your law in Deuteronomy came blessings and cursings (or in other words legal judgments) but even in the midst of your judgments your mercy is available and you welcome sinners with open arms, yet requiring repentance. Father where are YOUR divine blessings and judgments for the “law of conscience” for those who dont know you & your law, or dont want to know you in these issues? Father intervene! we know you are love and love never fails, and we we know you are just and we pray your divine balance of love and justice for all involved and as these issues affect all of us. Father we pray wisdom and discernment for all teachers, school leadership, legislators, parents, and students affected by these issues whether they be the minority who are being protected or the majority who are having their rights affected by accommodating the minority, Father provide whatever wisdom, selfcontrol, discernment, gifts of the spirit, everything necessary to engage everyone affected to overcome in these issues according to YOUR will, YOUR law, not mans. Father in your word the strong are to bear patiently with the weak, the believer to bear patiently with the unbeliever and interact in the world prayerfully with wisdom, discernment and spiritual might without our own sinful compromise yet so many in the church are weak through ignorance and compromise so we see the heathen taking over our nation while christians play church wasting time on tv & facebook instead of in prayer and in your word, and so there are many spiritual layers and issues here that need your conviction, help, divine guidance, and clarity in hearing your voice, speak to your church who are called by your name clearly in every way possible to step up and grow up, repent and seek you for help to pray these issues through to complete victory as you promised we are MORE than conquerors so victory is ours, give us all the direction we need, to fast and pray, to be still and wait quietly and expectantly, to decree, and when to do radical things duch as resign or speak up at school board meetings and may ONLY those whom YOU anoint speak only the words YOU have put into their mouth, let all moral all christian activity opposition be done at the right time, the right way, in the right order, by the right people all orchestrated and cartied out under your YOUR divine direction. we can only look completely to you to do this in your way through your chosen as all eyes are on the church to see if we are self righteous ignorant pharisees or if we truly have the love wisdom and anointing of Christ in speaking up and interacting with these people and these issues, Father the ignorant and vigilante phairsee professing believers give christianity a bad name and open the door for your enemies to blaspheme, & mock you and and persecute the church, Father your word says we do not need to repetitiously or with many words or long prayers to be heard so we know you hear us, your word tells us that as well, we need to only ask and then receive the promise of the holy spirit to pray effectively and to lead us in our walk among the unbelievers and the choices we are forced to make in their presence, i ask again for that grace for each intercessor and believer in each and every part of the uSA being affected by these issues. In Jesus name, thank you
Father as a new school year begins here in Virginia I pray you will open the eyes of parents who are not paying attention to the reality of the situation will have their eyes open to the insanity of this. I pray more will rise up and demand the school board reverse this completely backwards policy.
Since the end of July 2020, our 33 year old son calls himself by a female name and classifies himself as a transgender. The pain is real. Our hearts are broken. It is like having a child that died, but they are still alive. He will not have any conversation with us UNLESS we call him by his new name and consider him/refer to him as a gender that he can never be. Please pray for him – Daniel. When we adopted him, Daniel 1 was the chapter God gave me for his life.
Oh Father of mercy and grace, Your compassion for Your children is without end, it reaches from eternity to eternity. I lift this family who is so very dear to You before Your throne of grace. As Karen has written, the pain is very real, it is not only outside in the land of the “lost” but the enemy has set up camp in the hearts and minds of those we love. Father we lift these prodigals to You and we plead the blood of Jesus over their minds, Father, set these captives free!!! Holy Spirit release Daniel from this web of disillusion and heal those broken places inside like only You can do. Father I pray for Daniels parents today, keep them strong, guard the doors of their lips that only words that will build Daniel up and direct him back to You will proceed from their mouths. Infuse their minds with Spirit led thoughts giving them grace to love and lead Daniel back to You Father. Show them their place of Spiritual authority in his life and direct them how to pray effectively over him. Father , we know You leave the 99 to seek the 1 that is lost. I pray for ALL of those “1’s” in each of our families, You know their names Abba, You hear the cries of the parent heart, You’ve cried for us, Your children to come home since the fall. Have mercy on this generation, You are near to the broken-hearted and You answer our prayers🙏🙏
Thank you for taking time to release that anointed prayers. It touched my heart and I will read and re-read it, agreeing with you, Dawn Beth! GOD BLESS YOU and continue to anoint your intercession!
Father amen in total agreement with Dawn Beth’s every prayer for Daniel, Karin and her family, And everyone who interacts with Daniel in any way, may you protect Daniel from all who would keep him Imprisoned in his current confusion, and may you only release your divine faith hope love discernment, disciplines, wisdom, And spiritual might, over Daniel and his family that will lead all to your promise that tgey are MORE than conquerors in Christ in all these issues, as Christ came to set the captives free and to send the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin who do not realize they are in sin. We Ask believe and receive decree and thank you that our prayers fir Daniel and his family are heard in your court today and your verdicts are good leading all to promised victory in Christ.
Praying in agreement with you Karen for your son Daniel. And, I pray God heals your hearts. In The Name Book, the name Daniel is Hebrew and means God is my Judge, and discerning. The scripture is Psalm 119:42. Every time someone speaks his name, they are speaking prophetically over him. God hastens to perform His Word. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and yours.
Karen i am in total agreement with the prayers here for you, Daniel and your family, and everyone everywhere that comes in contact with Daniel, Father Release your word and your Holy Spirit on this family, Daniel, and all who come in contact with him: John 16:7-11, Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: About sin, because they do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; and about judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
Father send your spirit as promised to convict the world of sin, father the ruler of this sinful world HAS been judged, give us your revelations on how to Set His captives Free. Father i decree that since Your word says the ruler of this world has been judged therefore his human counterpart rulers and minions working for his satanic rebellious kingdom HAVE been judged It is finished in the spirit realm now bring it to pass in the natural realm fir all to see and experience the effects of your word about your Holy Spirit (In John 16:7-12) in Jesus name we receive it all today, send your commands and your word swiftly across the earth today to remain and accomplish all of it. We thank you Jesus! Psalm 147:15 15He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.
Amen Victoria!!! We pray from a place of victory🙌🙌🙌the battle has been one, the enemy’s been defeated in the heaven lies, it’s about time for the earthy bossy to get in line and decree what’s already been done, walk in the authority that has already been given BACK to us and kick this demonic fallen Angel Rick to the curb, we no longer belong to his kingdom and we line ourselves up with what God hates, so satan, we come in the All powerful name of Jesus and we remind you that YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY over us, or working in the lives of those we stand in the gap for!!! We submit our selves to our God, we plead the blood of the Lamb over our nation, this generation that you have bound and deceived and we demand RELEASE in Jesus name!!! We call the Army Angels of Heaven into this battle, Holy Spirit breathe a fresh wind of anointing over the body of Christ and lead us in this battle we face. Our steps are ordered of the Lord and the gates of hell SHALL NOT PREVAIL!! This battle is already won🙌🙌🙌
Karen, God bless you. I come in agreement with the prayer warriors and you, for Daniel. There is such a spirit of deception over this country, more it seems, in some places, than others. Father, you told us whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. So, in the mighty name of Jesus, we bind a spirit of deception and confusion, and strong delusion, that is coming against Daniel. We loose, in Jesus name, Your Word, that says Daniel will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set Daniel FREE. Set Daniel free, Father, as only You can! Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! Lord, show Karen how to pray regarding Daniel. Your Word says to ask for wisdom, and You give it liberally, and with that, good common sense. We ask You to give Karen wisdom, good common sense, discernment and good judgement when speaking to,or praying for, Daniel. Father, give Karen favor with her son, Daniel. Give Karen Your peace, that passes all understanding to guard her heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Lord, we know, that greater are you, who is in us, than he that is in the world! Lord, thank You that You hear and You answer our prayers! Thank You for YOUR mercy, that is new every morning, great is Your faithfulness!
Karen, this scripture came to my heart: Ephesians 3:20. “Now, glory to God, who by His mighty power at work within us, is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.”
“Unfortunately, some people are not comfortable being a male or female. The pain this gender dysphoria causes them is real. . .” As both an intercessor (and supporter of IFA since the 1980s) and a Ph.D. psychologist, I dispute that assertion. Confusion or dissatisfaction in a child regarding their physical sex and transgenderism ARE NOT the same thing, though they are being lumped together as an intentional tool of the overall homosexual program to tear down moral standards regarding sex. Most claimed transgenderism is a form of rebellion, not gender “dysphoria” — for young people, either a form of rebellion against parents (who may be or may have been abusive), or even a form of rebellion of parents against their own parents, now being pushed onto their own children by pushing them into transgenderism — or simply a way of shaking ones fist in the face of God, at whatever age. “Transgender” individuals (not to be confused with young people confused or dissatisfied regarding their sex) are generally not nice people who “need to be treated with grace and compassion.” They are more likely angry, hostile, bitter, aggressive, egocentric, and anti-social — expressing transgenderism as a vehicle for wallowing in their own sense of victimhood.
If you pray aggressively against the monster under your bad — but there is no monster under your bed, and the real threat is something else entirely — your prayer will be ineffective. You’ve got to know your enemy to be effective in intercession against the true nature of that enemy.
Sounds like a laying on the altar call. Only God can change the heart of man. And we trust you Lord. The offensive acts of the enemy is towards our Father, God. It is for His (The Father’s)good pleasures that we were created. So let the drum roll for deliverance and let purpose for their lives be birthed,In the precious name of Jesus! Amen, I will continue to trust in You Lord.