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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank You for using the many talents of Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney to bring beauty from the ashes of Kermit Gosnell’s serial infanticide. Thank You for breaking curses he brought to Pennsylvania and those Roe v. Wade brought to our nation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The podcast Serial Killer follows the investigation into one of Pennsylvania’s biggest drug dealers, Kermit Gosnell, all the way to his conviction as a serial killer of women and children, not just those still in the womb as an abortionist, but those already born.

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I wrote “A Triumph for Life in the NYC Theatre World,” which covered the New York City play based on the sixth and final episode of this podcast. In the article you can read the story of how Phelim McAleer stumbled upon the trial of Gosnell, and how he and his wife, Ann McElhinney, used their skills as journalists to bring this story to light when no one else on the national stage was doing that. Before the play, they wrote a book, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, and they produced a film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer.

The podcast tells how they helped spark a social media outrage at the lack of coverage, while, at the same time, a Philadelphia murder trial of Jody Arias was covered daily. Finally Peggy Noonan talked about Gosnell’s trial on a Sunday morning news program and at last the courtroom was filled with reporters.

The podcast could really be called a six-part audio documentary. It includes interviews with the detectives, members of Gosnell’s staff, prosecutors, Gosnell’s surviving victims, and even recorded phone calls with Gosnell in prison. Also, actors brought court transcripts and the grand jury testimony to life.

The title and format are intended to reach a secular audience, and Serial Killer made its way to number 11 on True Crime Worldwide podcast charts.

That being said, the team covered the horrific story with only enough details to make it clear that Gosnell was running, as McElhinney and McAleer labeled it, “a house of horrors.” One of the arresting detectives pointed out there was no five-second rule if you dropped something on that floor. Cats were everywhere. Unqualified staff, some teenagers, were performing abortions, distributing heavy medications, including anesthesia and… This is where McElhinney, who narrates, would say, “I should warn you that some of the details are distressing.…” Gosnell and some on his staff would allow babies to be born alive before snipping their necks with scissors. Most of the blasphemy and profanity has been bleeped out, and most of that language comes in the first episode, during recorded calls between the detective and the drug dealer buying fake opioid prescriptions from Gosnell.

This is not only a story of Gosnell’s crimes, but how the state allowed him literally to get away with murder because Republican, pro-abortion Governor Tom Ridge forbade inspections of abortion clinics, so Gosnell had 17 years of zero oversight. McElhinney said, “This failure to inspect effectively facilitated Gosnell in his campaign of abuse and murder.” There was a clamor in the Grand Jury room to bring charges against the Department of Health staff, and though that didn’t happen, I believe something major did happen.

I believe when Gosnell was stopped a curse over Pennsylvania was broken. Lori Meed’s article “You Can Awaken Penn’s Holy Seed of a Nation” reports how William Penn’s vision for founding Pennsylvania, much of which was adopted for our nation, is now revived through the Celebration of Penn’s Proclamation for Peace and Unity, which was held on July 1 in Pennsylvania’s capital, Harrisburg.

On the national stage, the first episode of the podcast was released the day before Roe v. Wade was abolished. It arrived just in time to speak into the national debate about what abortion really is.

Last year I tweaked a one-man drama about Gideon that I’ve been performing since 1991. I had been studying Baal and Asherah and put Gideon’s destruction of their worship sites into the sketch for the first time for a church in Mississippi. That’s the state where the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case, which was taken to the Supreme Court, originated. Gideon’s action prevented the people from sacrificing their children to foreign gods. Then, in Texas, I performed the piece again, the Sunday after Roe was abolished, and in the midst of the performance it dawned on me: God could not protect the Hebrew people until they stopped sacrificing children! Now that the national mandate to sacrifice children is gone, God can protect us from our enemies without and within. Let’s pray into that!

And let’s pray that an event like celebrating Penn’s Proclamation is held on a national level!

You can hear Serial Killer on podcast providers and at www.SerialKillerPod.com. Here’s their trailer:

I recorded a prayer for its effectiveness in Mississippi:

Here’s my video review of the NYC play:

Post your praises for broken curses and prayer for this podcast and other creative teams to help our society understand just what abortion is.

Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays and in several musicals. He’s used his gifts to help women who realize what abortion really is after they’ve had one though the short film “This Is My Child.” He and his bride, Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, now have 37 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com. Photo Credit: Canva.

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July 21, 2022

We pray for a great overflowing supply of boldness for all who seek the Truth. God is the Way, the Truth and the Life. By faith, we believe God’s righteousness will overflow and sweep away all wickedness like chaff burning in an unquenchable fire. By faith, may our hearts quicken to repentance for all the evil done to the most vulnerable. May the Lord release His forgiveness for us all. By faith, may our young men and women find God and stand on His promises. By faith, may God grant us to continually walk in His righteousness. To God be all the glory, and honor and might and wisdom and all thanksgiving. Amen

    Susan CC
    July 22, 2022

    I am crying Otilia. I pray your prayer moves the Lord as deeply as it did me. May He bless you in abundance!

TC Price
July 21, 2022

The photograph that accompanies the article, of the baby in the cupped hands, is that an actual baby?

    Rich Swingle
    July 23, 2022

    It’s a stock photo, but I believe it’s a replica of a pre-born baby.

    Rich Swingle
    July 23, 2022

    In one of the podcast episodes (I think it’s six) they share a link to a photo of one of the babies who had his neck snipped. I’ve since forgotten the website, but these are the kinds of images that wake people up.

Santos Garcia Jr.
July 20, 2022

It is a big part of a wider more demonic agenda that is being promoted worldwide. We are ALL being forced by YHVH GOD to LOOK intently at the extent of the travesty of human injustice and evil. Prayerfully consider: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2022/05/21/the-great-awakenings-part-ii-first-the-natural-then-the-spiritual/

ABBA Father, we do thank You for Your Faithful encouragement in holding each of us responsible for how we process and react to what is happening throughout the nations. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will illuminate our hearts and minds, and give us the words to say and actions to commit that WILL break down the many strongholds of darkness in America. We sense that a New Day is Dawning, and pray that Your Holy Will shall reign in the church, our communities, and our nation. To Your Glory, In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

July 20, 2022

Firsr of all, Tom Wolf is a Democrat, pro-abortion liberal. Secondly, we need to pray continually to break this curse of death and deception. While I am grateful that God has brought this darkness to the light, where it can no longer hide,we as intercessors here in Pa. need to be vigilant in our intercession. Satan is working overtime, knowing that he is on a short lead. He is trying to take as many people along with him as he can. We bind the attempts of satan and his minions to steal, kill, and destroy in Pa. and throughout this land, in Jesus’ mighty name. We loose the fruit of Holy Spirit over the lives of each and every person who has fallen under the influence of the wicked one. May this loosing also be applied to anyone and everyone who has been influenced in any way by these broken curses. Thank you, Jesus, for victory over sin and death!

    Susan CC
    July 20, 2022

    Amen to your mighty prayer Brian and may our Mighty God be pleased to honor each point! Amen!

July 20, 2022


Angie Fecteau
July 20, 2022

Praise the Lord for broken curses and mighty protection! Jesus we need you! Holy Spirit come fill us with your joy to overflowing, help us pray, help us love you more so the world will see! Thank you for what your doing in Pennsylvania, a state you have brought me, thank you for what
Your doing to break the bonds with evil raise us up to fight for truth and life I. Jesus name! Father you can do all things and we look to you, you have all we need! God he glorified!!! Have mercy on America and save us and protect us and rescue us! Help be ready for the harvest is white!!! We are yours Jesus! Amen!

    Rich Swingle
    July 23, 2022

    Amen, Angie! Praying for you and your wonderful family as you settle into your new state! Praying the Lord uses each of you powerfully there!

July 20, 2022

There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil.

We thank You Father that You are working with us for You love life and children are a gift from You. We need Your help on how to love the sinner while exposing the sin of innocent blood. We know that every child is a gift from You.

Lord break the ignorance over man’s heart. Show them that taking a life is murder. Raise up an army of people who love life and are willing to stand in this hour for LIFE even at times to their own hurt.

Thank You for bringing down the walls that have been hiding the lefts agenda. Thank You for keeping people safe in states where abortion is legal. We know that innocent blood bring a curse upon the ground. Father there are many in this hour that want nothing to do with the murder of the innocent. Protect those who stand the line! Thank You for the progress of Roe versus Wade.

Monday was my last day at the job I loved because our company has allowed their insurance provider to fund abortion through financial help with transportation and accommodations which they will reimburse some up to $5,000 dollars once they get to the states where abortion is legal and have an abortion.
For some I believe this will seem at first like a vacation. Few understand the emotional turmoil of an abortion. Even those with seared consciences cannot escape the torment of killing the innocent.

I have prayed and wept with beautiful people who can’t forgive themselves for aborting their child no matter how much I share that God forgives they feel condemned. Father change hearts and lives so women everywhere can say, “Gift from God, His choice!” We pray this in Jesus’ name Amen.

    July 20, 2022

    Beautifully written! I applaud your courage, your choice to step out in faith knowing that our Lord has another job or calling for you in this season. If we all, as Americans, united to protect our most innocent, had the courage to stand and leave jobs that incentivize the murder of the most vulnerable of us, the curse would be broken over these businesses. We could, as one, bring them to their knees financially and raise up godly businesses instead. Sadly, too many doubt His provision and rather depend on the dollar (mammon) which never satisfies and does not ultimately bring happiness or a fulfilling life.

    Susan CC
    July 21, 2022

    Thank you for your bold and brave stand Glenda. I pray the Lord will abundantly bless your offering of obedience, just as He did with the loaves and fishes. I pray what you have given up will be returned to you with His Seal of approval…I believe something beautiful is coming your way. To God be the glory!

    2 Corinthians 1:20-21 Now it is God who establishes both us and you in Christ. He anointed us, placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come.

Darlene Estlow
July 19, 2022

Thank you Father that the curse is broken. I pray Satan could not set up his curse in any state that now forbids abortion. Stop the action of the President’s executive order that sets up rules in each state mandating abortions. Touch the citizens of each state where abortion is lifted to a right and involve each citizen to pray against these rulels. We praise your name that you are clearing the way for righteousness over our nation.

Helen P
July 19, 2022

Wonderful article and I praise the Lord for His gifts unto Joyce and Rich Swingle as I continue to pray for the curse reversal in our nation. May each state embrace LIFE and denounce the destruction of Gods precious creation. May they be vindicated as their blood cries out for justice.
Standing in the gap repenting for our sins and iniquities against our Most Holy God, Creator of the Universe and all that is therein

Nancy Davies
July 19, 2022

Thank you thank you thank you for this work and praise Jesus that the curse of baby sacrifice is being exposed. “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered!”

Joy Whipp
July 19, 2022

Thanks for your reporting. I get the feeling from recent “reports” that Roe vs Wade has basically been defeated yet I live in WA State. Hello? Not from where I’m sitting. WA State was one of the first to jump onto the abortion wagon about 50 years ago. At that time I was still naive about such things as we (with our 3 children) had just moved here for work and the stunning reality of what was really coming to this nation had barely dawned on me.

Now I get political flyers from people urging my vote cause they are “pro planned parenthood” as their main qualification. WA State is another story. Thanks for all your work on “ending this horror” but I’m still swimming in it.

    Susan CC
    July 19, 2022

    I was reminded of Psalm 69 when reading your comment Joy. “Thanks for all your work on “ending this horror” but I’m still swimming in it.” At the end of his long and painful appeal for help, David says,

    “… YOUR SALVATION PROTECT ME, O God. I will praise God’s name in song and exalt Him with thanksgiving. And this will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with horns and hooves. The humble will see and rejoice. You who seek God, let your hearts be revived! For the LORD listens to the needy and does not despise His captive people.”

    His salvation is Jesus Christ and You are protected. I praise His Name over each and every life in Washington, saved and unsaved. I pray our exaltation and thanksgiving will please the Lord and He will humble the unsaved so they too can rejoice. I believe.

    Rich Swingle
    July 19, 2022

    Joy, thanks for this reminder! I write from New York City, where more Black babies are aborted than born, and where children can be murdered at nine months, so long as they’re still in the womb. I’m praying with expectancy that the breaking of the national curse will empower those in states like ours to raise our voices with less interference from the enemy of our souls.

Lori Meed
July 19, 2022

Rich, did you know that there is crisis pregnancy called Alpha Care right beside the corner Gisnell clinic. They are trying to expand into his old premises. God make a way – remove every legal or financial block. Bring many more redemptions and turnarounds where death is turned to life. Cleanse and redeem as only You can!

    Susan CC
    July 19, 2022

    Amen, and thank you Lori!

    Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You will multiply Your abundance and favor over Alpha Care. I pray the Power of Creation in their purpose and NO legal or financial blocks. I pray redemptions and turnarounds. I pray life through Your cleansing and redemption on each person involved and each person to be involved. I pray this in the Name of Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus. He is עמנואל, Εμμανουήλ, Immanuel, God with us. Amen

    Rich Swingle
    July 19, 2022

    I already posted this, but it didn’t show up:

    Lord bless you for sharing this! How WONDERFUL!!! Agreeing with you in prayer!

Susan CC
July 19, 2022

“God could not protect the Hebrew people until they stopped sacrificing children! Now that the national mandate to sacrifice children is gone, God can protect us from our enemies without and within. Let’s pray into that!”

Ephesisans 6:10-20….For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places…..

2 Samuel 22:3 My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You save me from violence.

Dear Heavenly Father, the national mandate is gone but the forces of darkness remain. Thank You for Your stronghold and refuge. Thank You for Your Full Armor available to us to secure our stand in this time and against this evil. Our strength is in You and in Your Mighty Power. I pray the chains of darkness will be removed from all who continue to believe in abortion. May each one become Your ambassadors, for Your Glory and for the lives of the unborn. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son and our Savior. Amen

Marsha Bashor
July 19, 2022

Oh God I am so sorry for the sin of abortion in the state of Pennsylvania . Thank you that in one way by finding and abolishing the one man’s abortion clinic, some of the curse has been lifted. But Lord there is still work to be done in PA regarding the abortion laws. I pray a godly man be elected as governor (Doug Mastriano) here in my state, so as to return to your righteous ways, so as to be totally rid of abortion and completely be rid of any curse over PA. Thank you for what you are doing and have done so far!

July 19, 2022

After this couple spoke at the Evansville right to life banquet a few years back I purchased the book on Gosnell.
It actually took me months to read it because it was so appalling.
I would have to stop and pray and at times lay the book aside for as much as a week before there to read another page.
How much more so we have grieved our heavenly Father for the slaughter of 60 million innocent babies.
Father we ask you to awaken the church to be a voice for these children in every single state until we bring an in to this brutal treatment of the most helpless humans on the face of the earth

July 19, 2022

Esther 6:13b And Haman recounted to Zeresh his wife and to all his friends all that had befallen him, and his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, “If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish stock, you will not prevail against him, but you will surely fall before him.”
Applied to abortion (in light of the 6/24/22 Roe downfall): The rule of abortion has begun to fall before the seed of the righteous. Abortion shall not prevail against the righteous. Abortion shall surely fall before the righteous.

July 19, 2022

With Roe vs. Wade being struck down GOD please come back and protect and heal our country from the current evils against our GOD given freedoms. Amen!

Allena Jordan
July 19, 2022

Father of all life, I give praise to You that this one altar of sacrifice to evil spirits was torn down by our Supreme Court and by Mississippi and other states. We give praise to the Almighty, the giver of life. All glory and praise belong to You, Almighty God. Thank You! Amen.

Michael Denman
July 19, 2022

Thank you for your honesty and courage. I can ‘t imagine how these images must have impacted you. Seeing the little mangled and mutilated bodies of real children who were slaughtered like so many cows that are daily sacrificed for dinners in our homes and restaurants must have caused you hot try icicle nightmares. It’s hard to believe that theses butchers perform these ritual killings as part their religious services is beyond my comprehension. Knowing that there are people out there who can kill innocent babies in such a malicious way makes me want to vomit. I see the three little faces of my grandsons ranging in age from one to six laying in those piles of human remains. Everyone of them represents the families that are agonizing over what their little ones suffered through. All of them crying out to God asking why, knowing that there is no acceptable answer and that any explanation of this kind of torture would be nonsensical and inhumane! There is NO REASON THAT ANYONE COULD GIVE TO EXPLAIN THIS KIND OF ABUSE AND TWISTEDNESS.

GOD HAVE MERCY ON OUR LIVES! May we all be moved to act in a rational way to support those leaders who would promote mental health answers and punishments for perpetrators.


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