As The Epoch Times reported, thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday in a number of cities to protest against human rights abuses, a lack of freedom, and a worsening economic situation in the communist-ruled country.
Videos uploaded to social media appear to show demonstrations in a number of towns and cities, including the capital, Havana, on Sunday. Protesters, chanting in Spanish, said they “weren’t afraid” of the regime led by Miguel Diaz Canel, and said they wanted access to COVID-19 vaccines and an end to the regime.
It comes amid reports of gas, electricity, and vaccine shortages across the Caribbean island nation. Some analysts noted online that Sunday’s demonstrations are the first time that so many had protested the government since the Maleconazo uprising in 1994, which prompted a number of Cubans to leave the country by boat to the U.S.
Shouts of “down with the dictatorship,” “freedom,” and “homeland and life” were also heard during the demonstrations, according to footage uploaded online. . . .
The Liberty Daily also reported, you have to give the White House credit. When they latch onto a narrative, they stick with it regardless of how obviously false it is. Case-in-point: The spin they’re putting on the Cuban protests happening right now.
They demand freedom. They are sick of long bread lines and inadequate socialized medicine. They want their government to stop being Communist. But to the White House, the cries against socialized medicine are actually demands for more vaccines. No, really. . . .
The Cuban people are starving and oppressed. The White House narrative that they’re concerned about Covid-19 and vaccines is a bald-faced lie. The Cuban people are protesting the very policies the White House wants to implement because they’ve seen them in action.
Why do you think the White House is trying to change the narrative of what is going on in Cuba? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for Cuba in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times and The Liberty Daily. Article written by Jack Phillips and J.D. Rucker. Photo by Istock)
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This administration does not want the freedom loving Cubans coming in to the United States! It has nothing to do with Covid, period! This administration knows that these people would recognize, in a moment, what’s going on in this country and they would stand and they would vote against them! The Cubans know what Socialism/Marxism/Communism looks like!! They would not agree with it, so, this administration will not allow them in! It is disgraceful! This administration is trying to “sell” to our country, what the Cuban people are trying to flee from!! May God help Americans wake up and speak up, and may God have mercy on the brave Cubans and set them free!
If we don’t speak out and share with others this is what America will look like and it is sooner than you think.
If we don’t speak out to our leaders this is what America will look like and it is sooner than you think.
Father we ask that You would help the people of Cuba. Give them increased numbers and courage in their fight against the ungodly communist, SOCIALIST government. Bring leaders forth within their people that will unite the masses against the tyranny they have experienced. Send Your angels to assist them in battle. We pray for confusion and disarray to settle over the government leaders. We ask for other nations of the world to not stand idly by but to assist the people of Cuba. Bring revival to the Cuban people. In Your name we pray amen.
Beautiful prayer, MN, and I pray in agreement with you.
I only wish this had happened when our wonderful President, Donald Trump, was in office; I’ll bet he would have helped these courageous Cuban people in their fight for freedom.
“For you were called to freedom, brothers.” Galations 5:13
God Almighty, Your word spoken is much more powerful than we realize, and it’s a dangerous weapon to Satan (because Satan knows the power of God’s Word)
“Is not My word like a fire?’ says the Lord, ‘And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?’” (Jeremiah 23:29)
You love to hear our voices praying Your Word back to You. So we stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters in Cuba, and pray Your Word back to You…
“Rescues them from the clutches of the powerful. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth. Job 5:15 – 16
“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; uphold the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.” Psalm 82:3-4
“He has brought back their wickedness upon them And will destroy them in their evil; The LORD our God will destroy them.” Psalm 94:23
Lord God, You are Elohim, the Strong One, we thank you that you will rescue your people and give them hope; you will defend them, and uphold them.
And for those who are oppressing your people, You will shut the mouths of injustice, and bring back their wickedness upon them and destroy their evil.
You are El Elyon, the Most Exalted High God, so we praise you for fighting for Your sons and daughters in Cuba. Let your power work mightily that the people of Cuba will see that greater is he that is in them, in Jesus name. Amen.
Creator,Father God, let communism fall in Cuba and wake up people in our country. In your name I ask this. Amen
First of all, I pray fervently for the brave, long-suffering people in Cuba who are taking a stand against communist oppression. Please protect them, Lord, and may their cause be successful. I pray that they are crying out to you for guidance and provision. Regarding our White House, it is no surprise. They are fearful that if this uprising is successful in Cuba, what will happen here? What I have sensed all along since the socialistic take over, is that civil war is a real possibility at any given time. Lord, let your holy will be done here in America, as well as in Cuba.
Please help the people of Cuba and open our eyes to the evils of socialism. Please forgive our current administration as they seek to spin truth to fit a narrative that aligns itself with their goals. It’s all about power and the seduction of its benefits. Please Lord, give us all eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts that desire to obey. Strengthen and encourage us as we fight against the forces of evil. Remind us of the Power of Jesus Christ and that the victory has already been won! We love You and Trust only in You. Thank You for Your sustaining love and provision for us. We sense the urgency to share the gospel of Christ. Grant us boldness and courage for the moments of our days. In Jesus Name we pray!
Heavenly Father I pray that you would be in the midst with the people of Cuba, protect, bless and give them perseverance to protest against an evil regime. LORD Jesus Christ Almighty Please take the blinders off of America make people here see that that’s where our country is headed if we don’t STOP it now. The same power that rose JESUS CHRIST from the dead lives in each and everyone of us with the authority of our LORD and Savior let us all unite in prayer to defeat this evil in our very nation I ask and pray this in powerful name of Jesus Christ almighty name amen 🙏🏽
The White House has done nothing but change the narrative regarding most issues. But we serve the God of Truth and He will prevail, “so we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
When I read this, I was reminded of Truth. El ‘Emet is God of Truth in Hebrew. This is one name of God that expresses His faithfulness. These elated words, ’emet, ’amen, ’emunah carry similar meaning and are part of several related names of God. The word ’amen is where we get our word “Amen.” Jesus used it to indicate assurance and certainty at the end of some statements (Matt. 5:18, 26). Jesus is Himself the Amen (Rev. 3:14; 19:11; and see 2 Cor. 1:20). Interestingly, Rev. 3:14 goes on to call Him faithful and true, which captures the underlying meaning of “Amen.” Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth.
Galatians 6:9;
It is wonderful that the Cuban people are fighting against their oppression! I pray that the Hosts of Heaven fight with them and for them. Also, China and other fully communist countries to include the current US regime. This is a worldwide fight against the powers of evil and the powers of righteousness. May we not pull back or faint. YHVH wins this battle. His Spirit is to be poured out upon all flesh. Hasten that day! Evil is being defeated worldwide. We must seek His face and pray for each other. The current false regime in the White House is totally evil and corrupt. They are out to destroy all of us and bring their suppression and evil to the whole world.
Lord I pray for the people of Cuba and ask that You equip them for this battle. Send warring Angels ahead of them preparing the way. Place the full Armor of the Lord upon them and set the captives free. Lord for those of faith in Jesus Christ guide them in prayer and give them Your battle strategy to fight against the evil and oppression. Lord Thy will be done over these precious children and may Repentance and Revival break forth and many Souls be saved. To You be the Glory O Lord. Amen