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Citing Florida’s economic policies and living standards, Wall Street executives are requesting transfers from New York to Florida.

Many analysts state that bankers’ desire to move out of New York is creating a headache for recruiters as investment firms attempt to reopen their offices.

Fox Business reports:

Job headhunters say banks such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs have what is being described as a waiting list of executives looking to move to the Sunshine State primarily because of its lower cost of living, but also because of other quality of life issues including a lower crime rate. Manhattan, where both firms are located, is dealing with a spike in crime and homelessness. Under Mayor Bill de Blasio crime statistics have risen in most categories with the New York Police Department reporting a 39.6% rise in grand larceny thefts last week for the four weeks ending June 6. 

“The JP Morgan recruiter from Florida just told me he’s getting so much demand from employees in the northeast to move to Florida they’re not even considering external candidates for those jobs,” one financial services executive told Fox Business. “I hear the same thing is happening at Goldman and elsewhere.”

Since COVID-19 and the lockdown-induced recession, several top Wall Street firms began eyeing a transition to Florida. For instance, Goldman Sachs is considering the establishment of an office in Miami for its asset management operations.

Florida is one of only a few states in the nation with an economy that exceeds its pre-COVID size. Indeed, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was among the first governors to rescind his state’s COVID-19 lockdowns; in August, DeSantis stated that “we will never do any of these lockdowns again, and I hear people say they’ll shut down the country, and honestly, I cringe.”

In contrast, New York is experiencing the slowest economic recovery in the United States. Likewise, New York City’s murder rate jumped by 39% as it rerouted $1 billion away from the New York City Police Department last year.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo by Getty Images.)
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July 14, 2021

Thank the Lord for the faithful, who know the Truth.
Thank the Lord for His faithfulness!
Praise His holy name!

Amber Guillen
July 14, 2021

Thank God for the best governor in modern times, Ron DeSantis! May he and his family be surrounded by favor and protection of the Almighty King.

July 13, 2021


As man seeks to control and protect power structures and wealth, You laugh for all they do will be of no value. Prov. 19:21 reminds us that, “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless The Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” Isaiah 14:24 “The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying,’Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand,”. Thank You, Lord for Your character, for Your faithfulness, for making a way for us through Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Help us to lean on You and seek to join You in all You are doing. We love You and trust in You! Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come soon! In Your Name we pray!

Karen Secrest
July 13, 2021

I’m standing on he Word of God. He says lawlessness Will increase as the cows of Bashan continue to deman even their spouse bring them food and wine so they can enjoy their lifestyle. However, Amos prophesied that these cows would be among those captured by the enemy and sent into slavery. Moving to Florida or outer space isn’t going to change that. It’s too late for some who have embraced the enemy. Others can still wholeheartedly Repent and change direction.J.P.Morgan heads the gang that believes they have everything under control. They have control of the Fed…thus the economy. However God the Father reminds us that the gold and silver and cattle on a thousand hills are is.


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