Salvation Has Come to the House of Israel!

For many years now I have had a specific assignment from the Lord to pray for the salvation of the Jews—that they would return to the land and to the Lord. People that pray for Israel receive a special blessing (see Gen. 12:3). Pray for your fellow intercessor Little did I know that I would … Continued

A Triumph for Life in the NYC Theatre World!

When JJ Abrams announced plans to produce an Off-Broadway comedy about abortion, Phelim McAleer and his wife, Ann McElhinney, were spurred to respond. Their play, Oh Gosnell: The Truth About Abortion overcame significant obstacles to open on the same night as Abrams’ play. The Gosnell play’s limited run ends tomorrow, May 15. Let the IFA … Continued

Praise! Senate Votes Against Codifying Roe

Following the leaked SCOTUS draft, democrats scrambled to codify Roe. This attempt was just recently blocked by the Senate. From The Epoch Times. The Senate voted on May 11 to filibuster the Democratic-sponsored Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which would have codified the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion ruling into federal law as the Supreme Court appears intent … Continued

More Americans Rent as Housing Prices Rise

Experts are saying that the rising cost of homes across the nation has created a growing class of renters. From Breitbart. Major investors are buying more housing because they expect to gain from rising rents and escalating house prices, creating a growing class of renters in America. Join others crying out to the Lord day … Continued

Republicans Fight Against Disinformation Board

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced that Republicans are working to end the recently created Disinformation Governance Board. From Breitbart. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced on Tuesday that Republicans have introduced legislation to end President Joe Biden’s Ministry of Truth, better known as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board…. Pray … Continued

Wikipedia Censorship?

Wikipedia recently deleted Republican Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette’s page, stating that she is not a notable person. From The Epoch Times. Wikipedia editors deleted a page for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette after arguing she is not a notable person. Let the IFA community know how to pray for you Barnette’s page was later restored, but could … Continued

Putin Justifies Invasion of Ukraine

As Russia celebrated the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, Putin united his country in support of the invasion of Ukraine. From The Wall Street Journal. Russian President Vladimir Putin used the annual commemoration of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II as an occasion to voice his justifications for the Kremlin’s attack on Ukraine, … Continued

Jordan’s King to Meet With Biden About Israel

Amid continued tension in Israel, Jordan’s King Abdullah II prepares to meet with Biden to work on “promoting the peace process.” From Haaretz. U.S. President Joe Biden is set to meet with Jordan’s King Abdullah II later this week, a source familiar with the meeting said on Monday, with Middle East regional issues expected to … Continued

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Attacked

Following the controversial leaked Supreme Court decision, several pro-life pregnancy centers across the country have been attacked. From The Daily Wire. Pro-life pregnancy centers across the nation are reporting attacks as abortion supporters react to news that the monumental Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade may be overturned. Let the IFA community know how to pray for … Continued

Luhansk Struggles Against Russian Onslaught

As the Russian’s continue attacking eastern Ukraine, the region of Luhansk suffers, lacking water, power, and waste management. From The Wall Street Journal. The 26 people who live with four dogs and a cat in the basement of a funeral parlor in Severodonetsk, hiding from battles between Russian and Ukrainian forces that rage nearby, haven’t … Continued

Biden Plans to Cede U.S. Health Authority to WHO

Many intercessors have reached out to IFA to encourage us to warn you about upcoming events in Washington and at the World Health Organization. While anyone attending sporting events, movies, dining out, etc may feel that the pandemic is over, President Biden seems to be gearing the world up for more intense pressure to vaccinate. … Continued

“We’re on the Brink of a Dramatic Change”

“Now is a time when things are shifting. There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it,” President Biden declared, as he addressed a crowd of CEOs at the Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting on … Continued


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