Revival in Egypt Too: A Testimony
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Revival in Egypt Too: A Testimony
UPDATE: You’ll be encouraged by this video of deliverances, healings, repentances, and conversions taking place in Egypt. Praise God!
While reporting from Asbury University's outpouring we discovered that it's spilling into local restaurants! We overheard Frankie Cortez tell this story about revival in Egypt at the next table over, and he was gracious enough to share it with you.
Cortez is involved with Promises International.
Post your prayers for Cortez’s ministry around the globe, and for the Lord to continue to bring revival. And please share this story!
Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. He’s performed in more than 45 film projects, and he and his bride Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, have 39 screen children. He’s been praying for revival since 1987 when he heard about the Asbury Revival of 1970. The Swingles live in New York City. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America.
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Can we please see authentic footage from Egypt? The people featured in above videos are neither of Coptic nor Arabic ethnicity which are the two most common groups in Egypt. I doubt the footage of the event is from Egypt.
According to several sources in Egypt, 2 of which are a part of the largest church in Cairo have never heard of this. Sadly, this does not seem true and I would check sources before posting. Sadly, this discredits both ministries. I’m all about Revival all over the world but let’s be honest about it.
I’ve reached out to Frankie to ask if he can send footage and/or photos. If you visit his website ( you can see his events are gathering extremely large crowds. My guess is that he hasn’t updated the site with material from Egypt yet.
Frankie Cortez shared this video he filmed:
He wrote this:
“Many of the churches that participated in this move of God were the Sudanese churches in Egypt.
“We struggled to get many of the Egyptian churches on board; the Sudanese people are viewed as lower class people.
“Jesus used the least of these in Cairo to bring forth this move of God.
“This also took place August of 2022.
“There were Egyptians that did come. It was a bit of a struggle to unite the Egyptian churches due to a few different challenges on the ground.”
Praise God, Most High, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
O Lord please keep this revival fire burning and spreading throughout the country. Thank You , dear Lord. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen, Alleluia
Amen and GLORY to GOD the FATHER and JESUS the CHRIST!
Thank you eternal, almighty, and ever gracious God for this revival in Kentucky. Lord God, let it spread throughout the world and the USA. Lord we are desperate for your touch. We have watched as our country has slipped into darkness. But you can turn all that around. Only You have the power to save. You can make the vilest sinner clean. You open blind eyes. We praise you holy God.
Heavenly Father, you are the Great I Am. You are all powerful and a loving God. Thank you for showing us the power and love you have for the lost that you would bring a new revival across this globe. We ask you to expand this to all nations and give those making it happen the wisdom and resources they need. You are Jehova Jirah our provider, so thank you for sending forth out of your abundance all that they will need!! Amen 🙏
Praise God and praise him in the highest! He is coming back for his Children, we are hearing you Lord, you are being exalted and praised all over the world… Wake up from every corner of the earth. They see your truth everywhere and want to be yours Lord, take them all under your wing…. provide, protect and use us Lord… In Jesus Name…… Amen!
The Spirit and the Bride say come all over the earth! Prepare Your Bride to receive her King. Is. 19 coming to life right before our eyes!
It’s coming to America, He is calling us the Church to be ready, prepare as you awaken the Church to be able to go out and bring in a harvest. Praise God!
May it be, Lord! Let Your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the sea! May Your Name be exalted in all the earth! And may we understand Your ways, and not merely see Your acts. Let us love You Lord, with all our hearts, for then, as Jeremiah said, we will find You. Let us glory only in knowing You!
Praise God for the revival in Egypt. We should pray for Christians in Egypt. It is very difficult to be a Christian in Egypt.
Bless you Lord! You Reign over the flood, and sit King forever! May this be the start of your promise to “fill the whole Earth with your Glory. “
Yes indeed in Matthew 24:14 Jesus said this message of salvation will be preached to all the nation, to all tribe then the end will come.
Indeed it is our duty to take the gospel in every nation
I’m happy to hear about revival in Egypt.
Joining you in praying.
May our God be praised , especially for His greatness on earth and to the servants He uses for His purpose, thank you Fatjer for the Spirit that you have set for us to work for you. In Jesus Christ’s mighty name AMEN!!
Thank you Jesus! Praise your name. We love you, not just for what you are doing, but for who you are. Bless those who are leading the revivals. Refresh them by the Spirit. We pray many many more may come into your kingdom in these last days. Bless all missionaries for your kingdom across the world. Strengthen them and refesh them and bless their work.
Nothing is more amazing than to take notice of hearts changed by the move of the Holy Spirit. May this movement bring real transformation into the lives now touched by God.
Lord Jesus we praise you for this revival! May You continue to part the Red Sea of evil that has overshadowed America and the world . Lead the captives of the darkness all the way to your promised kingdom Lord. Set hearts ablaze with Your Light so they will see Your Truth and be set free. Bless this young man and continue to use him for your glory Lord. Thank you Jesus for hearing the prayers of your children here on earth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Toda raba, thank YOU, amazing Holy Spirit, for Your beautiful Presence in the Nations! May Abba, Father, Yeshua ha Mashiach, and Ruach ha Kodesh receive ALL the glory You each deserve. I love you and am believing in You ,seeing victory, after victory in our days ahead. El Roi, our God Who sees!
Last year, Voice of the Martyrs sent me a calendar. All the names of the restricted countries (from the gospel), are listed for those with a calendar to pray for them. I have ordered 4 more calendars and gave them to Intercessors. I have been crying our for revival, transformation,, a great harvest of souls, Intercessors and much more. It is so good to see the fruit of my labor taking place worldwide! BO YESHUA BO! Rain down upon the lost, church, deliver us, set the captive free! Jesus, You are Amazing! Thank You for the Cross!
Praise God for his mighty power and work in the lives of many in revival around the world. Continued prayer for a revival in the US and in Chile.
God told me during the pandemic that there was a great revival happening in Egypt and throughout the Muslim countries, people were seeing Jesus in visions and in dreams. Frankie’s testimony of the revival in Egypt absolutely brought tears of joy and awe in what God is doing. Praise God in the highest!! America will be saved and we will have revivals throughout our nation like of which we have never seen. Same will happen throughout the world. God is on the move and He cannot be stopped! What a great time to be alive!!
Praise God‼️🕊♥️✝️Jesus♥️😍
Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow!
Praise Him, ALL creatures here below!
Praise Him above, you Heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Amen and Amen!
I watched Bethel Church Prophetic Summit last night and Kris Vallatton spoke. He had some words of knowledge after his teaching. One couple God highlighted to him will be paramount in mission work in Mexico and THE CARTEL WILL BE SAVED!
I broke down crying because a few weeks ago I had prayed for that very thing and just a hour or so before the Bethel service, because of events in my own life lately, I had asked God if He’s even hearing my prayers.
HE IS! Oh how I needed that assurance.
Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our Blessed Redeemer, sing oh earth His wonderful Love proclaim❣
Gracious Heavenly Father,
We, as a society, have become so radically divided, and we desperately need your intervention, Lord. It is You who said we should love one another as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39), and that we are to treat one another as we want to be treated (Luke 6:31). So once again we pray that this nation would turn to You in repentance and faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ. It is through Christ that we can be reconciled with You—and with man. Your Word tells us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, You forgive us” (Ephesians 4:32).
Heavenly Father, we pray for peace on our streets and for compassion for our fellow man. We pray for our law enforcement officers striving to serve in these difficult days, and we pray for the hurting and marginalized communities across this great nation. We pray for Your merciful and healing powers to intervene and help us correct this terrible mess we have allowed to get out of control. Forgive us Father, for our inadequacies and give us strength to forgive those that have done wrong to us. Help us to replace our evil tendencies with your unconditional love and respect for one another as we go through these troubled times. If it be your will, Father, send forth Godly people who are willing to serve in leadership positions to guide us back to that righteous path that Jesus walked. Protect us from the evil one as we struggle to survive in this evil world. We ask this in the holy, righteous name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving!
Lord, we pray for the revival to spread like wildfire across the nation and world!!! We pray for a harvest of at least one billion souls. Amen
I was in the Jesus movement in the sixties it was awesome and this movement is the same let’s keep on praying we need the world to hear our Lord
Revival fire fall!! We NEED an end-times revival in this world. Pour out Holy Spirit without measure on this parched and weary world, Jesus. Thank You and praise You in advance for this wonderful experience!!!
Thank you we will win speaking and praying God’s powerful promises over the nations!
Praying for more outpouring of the Spirit of God upon your ministry. Let there be signs and wonders following, salvation, deliverance and peace of God in Jesus Mighty name.🙏🩸🔥🤲❤️
Fire 🔥 fall Lord. Pour your Spirit out!!!!
Let us continuously be on Fire for you!!!
When I was six, a groups of Asbury students came to our church after a similar revival. At that time, God called me to be a teacher. He called me to attend Asbury as well. I taught for 32 years. God works miracles in our lives every day.