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Kelsey Grammer has seen many trials, but he has come through them with a solid faith in Christ. Praise God that a man like him is in the film industry!

From The Daily Wire. Conservative television and movie star Kelsey Grammer stars in an upcoming movie called the “Jesus Revolution,” a film about a real-life spiritual awakening, something he’s familiar with following a series of tragedies in his life. …

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“Jesus has been a profound influence in my life,” Grammer shared with the outlet. “I am proud to be a part of this film.” …

Grammer is probably best known for his roes as Dr. Frasier Crane. However, unlike the calm, smooth, mild mannered character people saw on their TV screens, Grammer dealt with tremendous loss throughout his life that “nearly destroyed” him and an addiction to alcohol that landed him behind bars.

In 2017, the “Down Periscope” star admitted that as a child he had “spiritual youth,” but after losing one loved one after another, that faith was challenged. …

With one tragedy after another, Kelsey admitted at one point, “I probably lost it [his faith],” The Radio Times noted. “I abandoned the effort to find a reason to be alive.”

The actor said he started drinking to try and escape the pain of his past. …

But through these new emotional difficulties he kept his faith. …

In 2021, Grammer told Fox News, that faith is “something you have to fight for” as he looked back on how far he’s come with his addiction, when he promoted his business the Faith American Brewing Company and talked about his children.

“It’s no accident that it’s called Faith American,” Grammer explained at the time. “My daughter’s name is Faith, but there’s also action in faith. Faith is something you have to fight for.”

“We fought for this beautiful child in our lives, and she’s our first child,” he added. “And the idea of America is still something I’m willing to fight for. So faith in America, we’re still doing it … I’m very proud of it.” …

“As a Christian, we always fail because we can’t become Christ,” Grammer previously shared. “But I can try to at least emulate the best qualities, even if I may fall short.” …

Are you encouraged by Grammer’s faith? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Maggie H
February 28, 2023

The Revolution and the Revival still bring tears to my eyes. God uses imperfect people. We are all
imperfect. Revival is messy. The weak glorify God!

February 28, 2023

He had an alcohol addiction and opened a brewing company? So that others might experience addiction?!

Just because you name it and claim it doesn’t make you a Christian. If he is a Christian this is a case of immaturity, still being on milk.

The apostle Paul tells us to “judge” other believers in love so that we can help them out of their sin. He tells us not to judge non believers as what we/Christians believe is nonsense to them.
I’’m praying for Mr. Grammar that he truly is a follower of Jesus and may gain eternal life.

February 27, 2023

I’m scratching my head about Mr Grammer owning a brewery, if I’ve read this correctly, especially in light of the fact he should know the struggles of addiction to alcohol… Call me judgemental if you want, I call it discerning as I’m called to be as a Christian.. in expecting more Christian behavior and values from someone claiming”faith”.

Bridget Bonczyk
February 26, 2023

Kelsey Grammer was magnanimous in his role as Pastor in “Jesus Revolution.” Very loving, very pragmatic in his relationship with Jesus and with the Jesus people who came to his church from Haight-Ashbury, CA in the movie. You could tell his role was real, not bogus. Saw the movie this evening. Am believing more and more believers and non-believers will fill movie theaters throughout our Nation as “Jesus Revolution” continues to “light” up the screen. Thank You, Sweet Jesus for Holy-Spirit out-pouring in America. You reign Jehovah-rash, “The Lord Our Shepherd.” You are honored and enamored. Be glorified and thank you for filling your children with joy unspeakable. Amen and amen.

Jessica Renshaw
February 26, 2023

A couple of extra quotes:

I understand Kelsey Grammer said it was the most rewarding / meaningful role he has ever played.

“It’s really uplifting. It’s a good movie,” Grammer says. “My wife [Kayte Walsh] and I saw it together. She was just dissolved in tears and said, ‘It’s the best thing you’ve ever done.’ ”

For what it’s worth I thought so, too.

February 26, 2023

I just saw JESUS REVOLUTION today. It was an awesome movie. Kelseyville did a great job as Chuck Smith. I lived through this time. I, myself was a new Christian. We were excited about the Hippies joining our family.


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