Report Quantifies Learning Loss from Shutdowns

The politicized shutdowns of the pandemic have had real consequences. We should pray that our students are able to succeed. From The Center Square. A new federal report shows that the nationwide shutdown of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic led to historic learning losses for students. Do you want state prayer alerts?   The Department of Education … Continued

Biden Admin’s Coordinated Censorship

Officials in the Biden administration met with Facebook and Twitter in order to censor what they deemed “disinformation.” From Daily Caller. Dozens of federal officials across multiple agencies within the Biden administration communicated extensively with social media companies to coordinate censorship of information, according to internal documents released by Republican Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of … Continued

Today’s Biggest Threats to Religious Liberty

Kristen Waggoner, the new head of Alliance Defending Freedom, shares what she believes to be the biggest threats to religious freedom today. From The Christian Post. The Alliance Defending Freedom, a prominent law firm that has successfully argued religious liberty cases before the United States Supreme Court, announced that it will have a new president … Continued

We Need God

Analysis. Three simple words. We. Need. God. But those words say it all. America has sunk too deep to recover on its own. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   We have sunk too deep in into a moral morass, too deep into cultural confusion, too deep into a spiritual stupor. Only God can turn the … Continued

Movie Star Changed by Christ

Shia LaBeouf is a changed man. And it looks as though the spiritual prep for his latest movie role deserves a lot of the credit. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   Playing the lead in the upcoming biopic “Padre Pio” appears to have guided the actor toward a new commitment to Christianity. … Continued

Faithful in This Time and Place

Even as the headlines seem bleak and the situation seems dire, God calls us to be faithful. We should pray for strength, courage, and faith. From The Christian Post. Perhaps the strongest antidote for optimism or for misplaced faith in our fellow man is watching the news. Of course, much of the media we consume … Continued

Thoughts on 50 Years of Ministry

“The world is yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully consecrated to Him.” – Challenge spoken to a discouraged D.L. Moody in Dublin, Ireland by Henry Varley in 1867. Find out when your state prays.   I’ve kept these words on … Continued

Border Patrol Apprehends Terror Suspects

Increasing numbers of terrorists are crossing our borders, according to the Border Patrol. Pray that these criminals will be caught. From Fox News. A new report released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows that Border Patrol agents apprehended ten people on a U.S. terror watch list in the month of July. Get prayer updates from … Continued

Fed Veterans Affairs to Offer Abortions

The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to offer abortions to veterans, even in states that have banned the procedure. From Air Force Times. The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to offer abortion access to veterans and eligible dependents in cases of rape, incest and pregnancies that endanger the life or health of a woman, arguing the change is needed … Continued

Taliban’s Surprising New Target

Analysis. I haven’t been able to shake it out of my mind. Last week I wrote an article for IFA focused on the ongoing danger to Afghan Christians one year after the rapid return of the deadly Taliban — a resurgence made possible by the disastrous withdrawal of U.S. forces. Our brothers and sisters in … Continued


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