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Prayer for Security of American Airspace

Friend, are you indignant about the multiple invasions of sovereign American airspace that we have seen lately? You should be. It is unconscionable for one nation to presume it can invade the sovereign airspace of another ā€” and then for the invaded nation to do practically nothing about it. Yet, that is exactly the situation … Continued

The Next Jesus Revolution?

As I write this, we are in a season of revival and the signs all reveal this is heavenā€™s time! Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.   We are living on the pages of divine orchestration. As college campuses across the country spontaneously erupt in 24/7 worship meetings not seen since … Continued

Love: The Engine that Powered the Asbury Outpouring

At times, hushed whispers of adoration. At other times, exuberant praise and joyous refrains. Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University, in Wilmore, Kentucky, was host to an extraordinary visitation of the Holy Spirit for upwards of 370 hours ā€” more than 15 days. This was a time of lingering and renewal that most had never experienced. … Continued

Did COVID Come From a Lab? The DOE Thinks So

Even members of the government are now suggesting that COVID came from a lab in Wuhan. This article from the Wall Street Journal illuminates the sad fact that the media and public health agencies were mistaken and caused harm in their COVID coverage. From The Wall Street Journal. The Journal scoop Sunday that the U.S. … Continued

ā€˜Disciple-Makingā€™ Children to Win Battles

Analysis. Biblical testimony abounds of what happened when the children of Israel mixed with the surrounding pagan society: enslavement, poverty, and death. The Israelite elders repeatedly forgot God, and they failed to remember His ways ā€” that is, to teach those ways to their children. The outcome: ā€¦ everyone did whatever he wanted (Judges 21:25 … Continued

The ā€˜Great Awokeningā€™ Is Transforming Science and Medicine

As our country continues to convert to a “woke” ideology in every aspect of life, we must pray that God’s truth would shine through. From The Daily Signal. The ā€œgreat awokeningā€ touches every elite institution in America, mostly radiating out from our compromised system of higher education. One of the most disturbing and illuminating aspects … Continued

Revival in Egypt Too: A Testimony

UPDATE: You’ll be encouraged by this video of deliverances, healings, repentances, and conversions taking place in Egypt. Praise God! While reporting from Asbury University’s outpouring we discovered that it’s spilling into local restaurants! We overheard Frankie Cortez tell this story about revival in Egypt at the next table over, and he was gracious enough to … Continued

ā€˜Election Fraud ā€¦ Does Happen,ā€™ Florida Official Says as His Office Charges More Than 20 People With Election Crimes

Florida has confirmed what we all knew: Election fraud is very real. We need to ensure that our elections are fair and free, just as our Founders intended. From The Daily Signal. Florida Secretary of StateĀ Cord Byrd said the Sunshine Stateā€™s new efforts to prosecute voter fraud are key to election security. Get involved in … Continued

Poll Suggests Christians Are Softening on Abortion Law

In such an important time for the pro-life movement, we needs more Christians to be fighting against abortion, not less. From The Christian Post. An increasing share of Catholics and Protestants say they support less strict abortion laws after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last June returned to the states the power to make their … Continued

Underground Networks Are Distributing Abortion Pills

The abortion pill is the new frontline of the abortion battle. We have to pray that God strikes down all sales and transportation of this pill. From Breitbart. In the sixth months following the Supreme Courtā€™s decision to overturnĀ Roe v. Wade,Ā an ā€œunderground abortion pill networkā€ shipped at least 20,000 packs of abortion pills across the … Continued

Why Was Ivermectin Suppressed?

The pharmaceutical industry worked against our interests, and it will do it again if we do not pray. From The Federalist. A group of doctors isĀ suing the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services for their various attempts at preventing ivermectin from being prescribed to treat Covid-19. Plaintiffs Robert L. … Continued

An Important Insight about Gen Z

Analysis. If you know anything about the younger generation, you know that many of these teens and young adults have a real passion for justice, even if misguided at times. Pray for your fellow intercessor.   Many of them are also highly empathetic, commonly siding with the perceived underdog and outcast. Thatā€™s why so many … Continued


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