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I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, God of Abraham and Isaac, we pray that You would bless the people and nation of Israel. Restore what has been stolen from Your people. Set the captives free and change the hearts of the leaders of Israel and Hamas, guiding them toward You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As more and more reports confirm the abusive treatment of the hostages in Gaza, it is imperative that we pray for them. IFA compiled a new special report prayer guide with the names and faces of all of the hostages so you can pray for them by name and see their faces. Download HERE and read this excerpt.

After Noah’s flood, there were 70 nations on the earth. God chose to entrust His law and His treasures to one nation, the nation of Israel. He created and chose Israel for the purpose of blessing all the nations on earth.

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The birth of the modern nation of Israel in 1948 demonstrates that God’s promises are true. He scattered the Jewish people and He promised to bring them back – we are living when this long-awaited promise has come true.

If there was ever a time in history to know with clarity how to stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, it is now. Since the unspeakable atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against inhabitants in the south of Israel on October 7th, 2023, the nations have divided along the plumb line of whether they stand with Israel and the Jewish people or they do not. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations worldwide have been well attended, vocal, and vehemently militant. Hamas, and other Iranian backed terrorist organizations in the Middle East, have run a media campaign attempting to seduce the world into believing that there is a moral equivalency for what they call the ‘illegal occupation” of Gaza and the “West Bank” and the demonic attack on October 7th by Hamas terrorists and some Gazan civilians.

If we know God’s word, in some ways these events should not surprise us. After all, He does tell us that the ultimate judgment regarding the nations at the end of days will be their treatment of His people and their treatment of His land. Joel 3 is uncompromising: I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land.

God begins this chapter of Joel telling us that He will bring His people home from the ends of the earth and plant them in the land (v.1) and ends by declaring His intention, oft repeated in His word, that He will cleanse them of their sin and bloodguilt and prosper them in the land where He Himself dwells (v.20-22). The implication in these words is that there will be nations who care for His people and nations who do not- the sheep and goat nations that Jesus referred to in Matthew 25:31-46.

And so, we pray for the faces of this war. We pray for the hostages of Hamas, the leaders of Israel, the leaders of Hamas, and the leaders of the nations who are choosing whether to bless or curse Israel.

I will gather them out of all countries where I have driven them in My anger, in My fury, and in great wrath; I will bring them back to this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely. They shall be My people, and I will be their God; then I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them. . . . Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul (Jeremiah 32:37-39, 41).

To read the rest of this free special report prayer guide, click on the ad above, or click here.

(Photo Credit: Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images)

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Pamela Brunson
February 18, 2024

Did you know that 200 men from Gaza had THE SAME DREAM ABOUT Jesus in the SAME NIGHT! All of these men have become Christians! Pray that their testiminy my win many others to the Lord. Please pass this great news on.,

Susan S.
December 7, 2023

Holy Father,
Please send your angels to free the hostages as you sent your angel to free Peter in Acts 12. Guide them safely back to their loved ones. I ask in the holy and blessed name of your Son, Jesus Yeshua. Amen.

    December 8, 2023

    Praying in agreement, Susan, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

    Heavenly Father, please bring all Your beloved covenant Jewish people to the knowledge of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Messiah.

    Please release Your mighty warrior angels in the performance of Your Word, to bring the remaining Israeli hostages home quickly and safely. Please keep them as the apple of Your eye, hide them in the shadow of Your wings. (Psalm 17:8.)

    In Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

December 7, 2023

Praying for wisdom, discernment, and guidance over the Israeli leaders and Palestinian leaders. And praying holy protection/healing over the hostages and wisdom over world leaders to do what is ordained according to Jesus our LORD..

December 7, 2023


    Amy R
    December 7, 2023

    Not immediately but all his descendants gathered at Babel, God confused their languages and they went off to become the nations mentioned in this article. All the different nations and people groups.

    Ann Cagle
    December 10, 2023

    Oh Heavenly Father,
    I pray for your people in Israel. They must be so afraid, not knowing if a terrorist may have crossed over into their country to kill or kidnap them.
    Lord, help them to look to you for protection and comfort. Please protect them and take away their fear. Oh, comfort them, comfort them. I pray for Benjamin Natenyahu.. Lead and guide him.
    I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
    In Jesus name, Amen

Bob Huseby
December 7, 2023

God has indeed restored his nation of Israel in these last days. We rejoice in that . But what is missing is Jesus the Messiah in it’s government.
Fellow Intercessors pray !!!
Pray for the greatest revival in history for this nation!!!
Pray for Jesus to be spoken from its leaders !!!
We bind the blinding forces that are fighting so diligently to keep JESUS out of ISRAEL!!!


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