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All-Girls School Pauses Inclusion of Trans Students

Praise God! Let’s pray that this pause becomes permanent! From Fox News. An elite all-girls school in Nashville has pausedĀ implementation of a policyĀ allowing applications from anyone who identifies as female after backlash from the community. Have you taken your place on the wall?   Last week, in an email to parents, Harpeth Hall School announced … Continued

Russia Plans to Salvage U.S. Drone

Russia plans to recover the U.S. military drone that it allegedly downed recently. Does that drone have any U.S. secrets on it? Can Russia use its technology against us? Let’s pray. From The Daily Wire. Russian officials shared plans to salvage the remains of a U.S. military drone that crashed into the Black Sea on … Continued

Race-Based Reparations Gain Steam in San Francisco

We have previously reported on the push for reparations in California. Now, those reparations seem more likely than ever before. We have to pray. From AP News. Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and … Continued

Gov. Whitmer’s Regret Is Answered Prayer

Are Democrats finally realizing the oppressively futility of many of their COVID policies? We can only hope that policies like these will never be forced upon us again. From The Epoch Times. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer admitted over the weekend that Democrat leadership in the state imposed more COVID-19 lockdown measures than were actually needed. … Continued

Greg Laurie Tells the Rest of the Story Behind Jesus Revolution

Jesus RevolutionĀ grossedĀ more than four of the films up for Best Picture at the Oscars combined, and Jon Erwin is theĀ first filmmaker in cinematic history to achieve four A+ CinemaScores! During their prayer teamā€™sĀ call on March 3Ā Greg Laurie read a letter about worship, prayer, and evangelism that broke out in a theater when the film stopped … Continued

Trust in the Banking System Falters

Moody’s downgraded the banking system rating. Don’t be afraid–pray the faith-filled prayers in IFA’s new prayer guide on the banking crisis. From CNBC. In a harsh blow to an already-reeling sector, Moodyā€™s Investors Service cut its view on the entire banking system to negative from stable. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

OH Sues Transport Company Over Toxic Derailment

Ohio is seeking to hold Norfolk Southern responsible for the toxic train derailment harmed East Palestine. Please keep praying about this crisis. From Daily Caller. Republican Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sued Norfolk Southern on Tuesday over a train derailment that set off a massive chemical disaster that has residents concerned about the well-being of … Continued

Are Christians Targeted by Banks?

Is our banking system biased against believers? We need God’s truth and justice here! From CBN News. ChristianĀ author,Ā preacher, andĀ podcasterĀ Lance Wallnau is reporting thatĀ Bank of America recently froze his ministry’s account. Visit your state page to pray.   In an Instagram post on Friday, Wallnau wrote: “You won’t believe what just happened to me! My own … Continued

Arise and Shine! Your Light Has Come!

2023 opened with a heavenly symphony of thundering tympani and crashing cymbals! Revival continues to break out across the nation, and you can hear the cheers of countless intercessors ā€” as they watch the lies and deceptions be exposed from hidden places within some of the darkest corridors of worldly power. Who is praying on … Continued

Pray for a Millennial and Gen-Z ‘Jesus Revolution’

Can there be a new Jesus Revolution? Can we hope for revival among the millennials and Gen Z, as well as Generation Alpha, which is emerging after them? IFA contributing writer Keith Guinta has written a compelling article that bridges the Asbury outpouring to the movie The Jesus Revolution. My wife and I went to … Continued

Common Sense Prevails on Drag Shows

Praise God for leaders in Florida who want to protect children, not sexualize them! From New York Post. A luxury Miami hotelĀ may be strippedĀ of its liquor license Tuesday after putting on a ā€œsexually explicitā€ Christmas drag performance with children in the audience, FloridaĀ Gov. Ron DeSantisĀ announced. This content is supported by your donations.   The Sunshine … Continued

Russian Fighter Jet Downs a U.S. Drone

These sorts of actions could lead to greater conflict and worse relations. Let’s pray. From CNN. A Russian fighter jetĀ forced down a US Air Force droneĀ over the Black Sea on Tuesday after damaging the propeller of the American MQ-9 Reaper drone, according to the US military. Do you want state prayer alerts? The Reaper drone … Continued


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