I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for those trapped in transgenderism. Set them free, Lord, and protect us from any who wish us harm. Above all, please comfort the victims of this senseless shooting.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

As voices across America raced to shape the narrative of Monday’s shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, Fox’s Tucker Carlson took the time to explain just how Christianity and transgenderism contradict each other, referring to the latter as the “mirror image” of the former.

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As Tucker explains: “In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you’re not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything, and for that matter, very little personal virtue. … The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself.

“People who believe they are God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not. Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies.”

Watch the full explanation below:

At the end of the video, Tucker concludes by saying that Monday’s “massacre happened because of a deranged and demonic ideology that is infecting this country. … “

As Christians, we should recognize that this ideology is targeting us. Let’s pray for protection, but also for all those who are trapped in the transgender ideology. Let’s pray that they be freed from the lies of the Enemy and that they would instead be overwhelmed by the Spirit and the love of God.

Share your prayers about the transgender movement below.

(Video from Fox News’ YouTube Channel. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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April 12, 2023

Recently, I was in an online exchange with a man I’ve never met, who claimed he is LGB…w/e. (I am a Roman Catholic, faithful to my religion and completely against these dark evils of today.)
Finally, after 2or3 days of “back and forth” via online writings where he was trying to convince me of the “rightness” of his twisted beliefs vs my own Catholic Faith, I had to BLOCK him from ever commenting to me any further. I simply could not take it anymore, especially when he started to denigrate the Blessed Crucifix Itself!!
I had had enough!! It was going TOO FAR.
I pray he gets the help he obviously needs before it’s too late….

Sheila Price
April 2, 2023

Father God, we know that demon possession is the root cause of all the sexual perversions in the world and we come together in agreement to bind the demons, on earth as in heaven. We cast them out and ask Father, that You fill the vacated space with Your Father Love, so that their minds can become clear and they will be able to see and hear Your Truth so they can be free indeed.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Yes and Amen.

Frances Grafton
April 1, 2023

I pray that families will conduct themselves as the first real church, that parents and children from birth up will pray together at least once a week for Faith, For Wisdom, for Understanding and for Protection. That parents will teach children to pray for themselves, for each other…to be a true “family of faith”. Our culture has left that responsibility to our churches too often…
Children can experinece God… Lord sweep across our nation and help them!

al norman
April 1, 2023

I love the prayers but, they’re not graphic enough for the uninitiated to understand.

Dear Load, Let us understand that satan is working in the schools to cause gender disphoria in our grade school children. Please protect them from the Sexual exploits and indoctrination of the school’s minions.

Grant Windholz
March 31, 2023

I pray that the young generation can see the truth of this transgenerational mess that creates mass confusion and negative effects of it through violence, self mutilation, suicide, etc. Please unite with Jesus Christ, he is the only way 🙏!

Antoinette Harmon
March 31, 2023

Father in the name of Jesus, we come before your holy and powerful throne and petition you to send revival in our nation. Father there is no one else who can turn back the tide of evil engulfing America. We pray that you would by your power save transgenders whom you love and died for. We pray that you would brake the stronghold of Satan over their lives. Oh God, have mercy on us.

Ms Mary
March 31, 2023

Lord, bless Tucker and keep him safe. They would like to shut him up. He’s not afraid to speak up.

March 30, 2023

Transgenderism by definition has to refute the existence of God, and the truth of His Word. True Christianity is polar opposite of this.

Betty Beardsley
March 30, 2023

Heavenly Father, We know transgenderism is not of YOU. You created us male and female. Just as Eve was deceived in the garden, these confused people are being deceived also. SO according to Matthew 18:18, we bind this lying deceiving spirit of satan which is causing so much chaos in the lives of these people, and we ask Holy Spirit to make Himself known to these people. I pray the TRUTH will be made known and the love that Jesus showered down upon us when He died on the cross to save us from our sins, sicknesses and diseases, will be made known to them, too. May they know Your love Father and be set free. As the Lord’s Prayer tells us to pray, we pray “deliver us from evil.” Set them free Precious Lord.. Amen

JoLinn Kampstra
March 30, 2023

Beware of how the media is contrasting Christians these days. It’s a set up to marginalize us. Muslims will kill all homosexuals, Christians won’t. Interesting that Carlson focuses on Christians. Just saying…

    Laetitia Aby
    March 30, 2023

    Amen to that too. Curious question indeed. The enemy is attacking gender and sexual identities, confounding the genders to confound the people and the calling or destinies of the true living God for their lives.

Bill Smith
March 30, 2023

How can we get Tucker to bring Jonathan Cahn on his show and talk about his (Cahn’s) book, THE RETURN OF THE GODS? Last night Tucker said all this is a ‘Spiritual’ battle. YES!

    March 30, 2023

    Great idea, Bill! Rabbi Cahn’s book is fascinating, and he’s a very articulate and interesting interview, and Tucker Carlson is right about this being a spiritual battle.

    Maybe we can email Tucker or his producers?

March 30, 2023

Father, please surround our kids with your angels and protect them from the transgender treatment and teaching of gay lesbians lifestyle. Kick out the evil spirit that controls the transgender people. Prayers. Thank you Lord Amen

    March 30, 2023

    Amen. It’s evil . Guard their minds. Open the parents eyes and let them say No Way. Love them as much as you can . parents must learn to say No . Help them be strong God.

March 30, 2023

Is Tucker Carlson a Christian?

    JoLinn Kampstra
    March 30, 2023

    Great question!

    March 30, 2023

    I certainly believe he is a believer b/c of his words over the years.

      March 30, 2023

      He has stated in a speech that he was raised and was Episcopal until recent years.

    Sheila Price
    April 2, 2023

    I don’t know if he is or not, but I have been praying for him and many others on FOX to become a part of The Family of God for some time now.

Raymond Taylor
March 30, 2023

I will always believe that transgenderism is an ideology that is not only flying in the face of logic and reality, but also is waging war against them as well. The mass murders in Nashville, Tennesse are to me the latest example of such a war in which someone was screaming to God “Nobody has the right to say that I am a man or a woman–Except Me!” As far as I am concerned, this is the latest example of moral rebellion and sexual license that started in the sixties, and with not end until every man, woman, and child will be seen as targets for Satan’s dark desires. In Jesus name I pray that God with come and stop this evil before more innocence are sacrifice to such evil, and to give comfort to those victimized by it.

March 30, 2023



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