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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the Canadian protesters, that you would protect their health, finances, and freedom as they stand up for their rights. Lord, we ask that you would protect us here in America from that same spirit. Remove it from our leadership and give the American people boldness to stand against authoritarianism in the days to come.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Canada’s tyrannical crackdown on the vaccine protests could come to the U.S., and we should be prepared. Freezing bank accounts, labeling opposition as terrorists, monitoring social media accounts for dissenters…all these are tactics our government may be on the verge of using. We need to be vigilant to stand against this kind of authoritarianism in prayer.

From Breitbart: Canada’s Justice Minister, David Lametti, has told Trump supporters who donated to the “Freedom Convoy” to “be worried” about having their bank accounts frozen.

Speaking with CTV News, when Lametti was asked if regular citizens who donated to the “Freedom Convoy” protests in opposition to the vaccine mandates should be worried about having their assets frozen by the government, Lametti singled out pro-Trumpers. The reporter asked:

You just compared people who may have donated to this to the same people who maybe are funding a terrorist. I just want to be clear here, sir. A lot of folks say, ‘Look, I just don’t like your vaccine mandates and I donated to this, now it’s illegal, should I be worried that the bank can freeze my account?’ What’s your answer to that?

“Well, I think if you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions of dollars to this kind of thing, they oughta be worried,” responded Lametti…

The justice minister’s declaration comes after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau evoked emergency powers to quell the protests that have crippled the country in recent weeks in defiance of the government’s vaccine mandates. Among the many measures that Trudeau’s government would be taking, the prime minister’s administration said that people who participate or donate to the protest could have their bank accounts frozen…

Despite the pushback, several Canadian premiers have begun to scale back coronavirus restrictions, with Ontario Premier Doug Ford announcing on Tuesday that “the world is done” with the pandemic while pressing to “move forward.”

How are you praying for these patriots? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Herb Johnston
February 18, 2022

I agree with my brothers and sisters here.. although to me it is unmistakable, that in the face of the satanic evil that is upon us..especially when we look at such creepy leaders such as Trudeau -who are sold out puppets-, that it is inevitable that peaceful protest .standing against evil- or trucker convoys ..or any of it.. is not going to be enough,inevitably.
It is obvious that Trudeau and his ilk, the global satanic forces- are not going to stop..and they’re not going to respond to Godly reason of any sort.
Lord, I pray you would give..*All- of us.. the courage to stand against this evil-. .NO MATTER what it takes – -, as our founding fathers, in America-, gave their lives, their fortunes,and their sacred honor.. in enduring physical abuse, death,and ridicule. May we not shrink from the call to duty.. no matter what the sacrifice.
In Jesus name, Amen

Herb Johnston
February 18, 2022

Well spoken Eduardo.
Thank you.

Renee McMichael
February 18, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray you would not allow these tyrannical government leaders to continue with their abuses of power. I pray you would give courage to the citizens of Canada and the US to stand up to them. Open the eyes of their citizens to banish them from their positions before it is too late.

Susan CC
February 18, 2022

Psalm 37:12-13 The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He sees that his day is coming.
Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by his love; He will exult over you with loud singing.

Dearest Lord, when I read this article I heard, “the Lord laughs.” I believe You do when we, who are the works of Your hands, rise up in such ridiculous ways. May it be Mr. Lametti who worries and as he does, may He realize it is You who are mighty. It is You who will be exulted. I pray he Hears You singing over everyone he is trying to threaten. I pray it pleases You to end this conflict and return common sense to all involved. I thank You for ALWAYS wanting our best. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Sonya Sanders
February 18, 2022

Lord deliver us from evil. Your kingdom, your power, your will be done in our country, our city, our state, and federal government entities. Shield us from the plot and plans of the enemy
In Jesus Name

Rose Rocha
February 18, 2022

Lord, I pray that as your children that we lean on you promise to protect and guide us. Father protect those in Canada that are standing up for righteousness. I pray that no weapon formed against them will prosper. – as your word says. In Jesus Name. Amen.

February 18, 2022

We are now seeing blatant evidence of how a ONE WORLD govt could occur. Between Biden’s brain dead machinations and Treudau s threats and slams against conservatives, we are heading into turbulent times! It’s going to get rough. Free people will not let this country go down into flames while bureaucratic “fat Cats”. (Pelosi and her 57 flavors of ice cream) lick their chops, salivating
at the prospect of complete govt control.

Karen Secrest
February 18, 2022

I would like to see the trucks headed to Canada from California motivate suppliers in every city along the way have their trucks rolling down their main street.
Mr. Trudeau seems to think his illegal power claim is valid in a peaceful protest. Yet he is stopping supply and jobs, business and livelihood for those who simply want to be free to live in Democratic cities rather than the CCP rule Trudeau seems to think is viable.
We in the U.S. are also tired of being told of health dangers t hat cause 100 ships to stay at anchor at a port that is experiencing a political dance event.
Isn’t it amazing that Walmart and Amazon can hire their own container ships and get their goods distributed while other business with less than trillion dollar income have to contend with the fools who believe the ungodly win.
And it has nothing to do with Trump. He is a man among many who speaks the Truth about God. Therein lies the fear of continued exposure. Let God Arise…

February 18, 2022

Father, as people being led by demonic forces get people used to the idea of the Man of Lawlessness and the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation, we ask that You remember how You changed Your Laws of Physics and Your timetables for intercessors like Abraham.
Most High God, we approach Your throne in boldness, asking You to cause every person who sets a trap, plans an evil scheme, waits to waylay, digs a pit, speaks lies, rules in favor of evil and capitalizes on death to be victims of their own devices so that they would turn and be saved.
Place a triple hedge of protection around Your saints and those who understand the fragility of Liberty, who are stepping up to defend her.
Thank You for hearing us! Now, in the name of Jesus, we command fire to incinerate every evil plan, set hearts on Fire for You. We bind evil in the United States of America and lose heaven upon this nation which bares Your covenant to spread the gospel from this city on a hill to the whole world.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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