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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, you are our provider, and our economy is in your hands. Please continue to bless our nation financially, and provide jobs for your people all around the country. Heal the damage done by the pandemic, and give wisdom to the Biden administration so they enact policies that help, not hurt, the economy going forward.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our economy is seriously struggling and needs our prayers. Inflation has soared, and to lower that inflation, the Fed has to raise interest rates this year, which could cause a recession. The jobs market still has not recovered from the pandemic, and the Biden administration’s policies are stifling economic growth.

From Fox Business: The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly ticked up last week, rising for the first time in a month despite elevated business demand for workers and easing omicron cases nationwide.

Figures released Thursday by the Labor Department show that applications for the week ended Feb. 12 rose to 248,000 from an upwardly revised 225,000 a week earlier, missing the 219,000 forecast by Refinitiv analysts…

“Jobless claims rose unexpectedly in the most recent week, but it’s probably noise given other employment data,” said Robert Frick, corporate economist at the Navy Federal Credit Union. “One noise factor: layoffs shot up in a handful of states. We should expect claims to follow the trend of dropping along with omicron cases in the coming weeks.”

The report shows that roughly 2 million Americans were collecting jobless benefits for the week ending Jan. 29, a modest decrease from the previous week; by comparison, just a little over one year ago, more than 18.9 million Americans were receiving benefits.

Claims have largely moderated as the economy recovers from the pandemic and Americans venture out to travel, shop and eat. Businesses have struggled to keep up with the demand, however, and have reported difficulties in onboarding new employees. Despite the slight uptick in claims, Thursday’s report suggests that companies are making an effort to retain the workers they already have…

The data emphasizes how newly empowered workers are quitting their jobs in favor of better wages, working conditions and hours as businesses lure new workers with higher salaries – a trend dubbed the “Great Resignation.” As a result, Americans’ incomes are rising across the board as employers have ramped up hiring to offset the losses.

The highest inflation in nearly 40 years, however, has eroded the pay gains for many workers.

How are you praying for the employment in the U.S.? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from Fox Business. Photo Credit: Unsplash)

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Herb Johnston
February 18, 2022

And remember Karen, as I’m certain you already know-, those politicians in Authority ..could care less about the cost of living hikes..matching the pay increases

Herb Johnston
February 18, 2022

As soon as corporations,or companies that represent employers- in this article -stand against evil.., then people will be delivered or freed from their shackles. The shackles of the poison vacs and masking. We have been buried in a deluge of oppressive an unnecessary rules from tyrants.. the corporations, empmoyers.. have not had the courage to stand up against them. When American companies and citizens finally stand up against these tyrants- then people will be able to return to work.. People cannot be expected to function normally when being tormented and abused. It goes against the whole grain of purpose of America and what she represents founded in Freedom- found in God’s Word
Lord, I just come before you now praying and believing that instead of these companies, and / or journalistic expressions of acquiescence attempting to pander to a sense of niceness, that Americans would stand against evil, -Lord let this be done in a prayerful- but Bold way ..but let it be acknowledged that the truth is Satan will not be bargained with.. Satan only seeks whom he may devour.

So Lord, as we humble ourselves, and turn from our ways, we pray you would heal our land Lord, 2nd Chronicles 7:14-
but let us not be cowards-Lord let us not be timid . for we must stand against evil.
In Jesus name, Amen

The thinking behind this prayer is reflected in the quote from the above article-,… below..and what I have stated- is the reason why

“Businesses have struggled to keep up with the demand, however, and have reported difficulties in onboarding new employees. Despite the slight uptick in claims, Thursday’s report suggests that companies are making an effort to retain the workers they already have…”

Rose Rocha
February 18, 2022

Father God as in II Chron 7:14
“14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. ”
Show us how to humble ourselves, pray, seek you face and turn for from our wicked way. So you may heal our land- live a comfortable life and be witnesses of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Karen Secrest
February 18, 2022

We’re reminded that statistics can say anything the statistician desires.
In our ‘hood even with pay increase people still have to share housing and hold a second job. This isn’t new! It’s been this way for the 30 years I’ve been involved in the job market. For every raise of 5% cost of living raised up to 10%. We ordinary people call it “planned poverty”. Our government has not been noted for supporting Godly living. Obama are thought $6000. out of pocket for insurance deductibles was equitable. Most hadn’t seen 6k in years. And the beat goes on, laughing all day long at the foolishness of men who feel the masses need their brand of Wisdom..
If those who are called by My Name will turn.



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