Pray for a New Kind of Prayer Movement
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Pray for a New Kind of Prayer Movement
Over the past few months, I have been exercised in my spirit to pray for a brand new, enduring, movement of prayer — driven by a clear understanding of the priestly duty of all believers and the power God has invested in prayer.
Movements of prayer – growing masses of people gathering in prayer, stirred by a sudden interest or desperation and spreading over large areas – are often born out of crises. Such was the case with the great revivals in Wales and New England that began with a handful of believers crying out to God about the state of the church and society with great desperation.
And that was also the case with the movements of prayer that erupted during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and especially following the death of George Floyd in May of 2020 while being restrained by Minneapolis police officers. The very city where the international Concert of Prayer movement began 35 years ago suddenly became a focal point once more of united prayer and evangelism. Shortly thereafter, prayer and worship gatherings on the beaches of California began and started spreading from city to city.
A local, national, or global crisis as a catalyst for prayer is in and of itself not a bad thing. Even in the Scriptures, some of the most powerful times of prayer were born out of a sudden, urgent need. In 2 Kings 19 we read how Hezekiah went to the temple, spread out before the Lord threatening letters from Sennacherib, who had laid siege to Jerusalem, and prayed a simple, but urgent prayer. As a result, an angel of the Lord came and defeated the unbeatable Assyrians. Likewise, in Acts 4 the believers gathered to lift their voices in prayer after the first real threat to preaching the Gospel had come.
But as the crisis passes and life begins to regain stability, so does the incentive to unite in desperate prayer. And the movements begin to die down until a new crisis erupts, especially in the U.S. where we have a much greater appetite forentertainment and creature comforts than for the things of God, and a myriad of resources to protect that comfort.
I have traveled to countries where believers have next to nothing – not even enough food for more than one meal a day. For them dependence on God through prayer is a way of life. And oh, the depths of faith and riches of spiritual wisdom I have seen. And how ugly the faith-stifling, spiritual sleep-inducing trappings of material comfort are shown to be.
I have also visited places where being a Christian can cost you your freedom, your family relationships, and even your life. The real threat of persecution produced in Christ-followers a fervency and unity in prayer and following Christ not seen in countries where we are free to worship without consequences. Perhaps it is not surprising that Christianity grows the fastest in countries where it is forbidden. In a recent conversation with a frequent visitor to China, for instance, I learned that, even as churches are shut down and pastors arrested at an alarming rate, some 90,000 Chinese come to Christ every month. The underground church there is remarkably well connected, unified, and steadfastly praying that Christians will soon outnumber communists! Likewise, Iran, which vigorously persecutes Christians, currently has the fastest growing Christian community in the world.
It should come as no surprise then that national prayer leaders who gathered around the turn of the millennium to get a sense of what a revival in America would look like, heard from the Lord that it would come, but only in the wake of hardship. Hardship removes our comforts, stretches our faith, reminds us of our weaknesses, and drives us to desperate and joyful dependence on God. And that is exactly where He wants us.
Over the last three years, hardship has been knocking at the door of the American Church. The pandemic forced many to rethink church due to meeting restrictions. For the sake of a national emergency, we experienced the loss of constitutional freedoms we had taken for granted. We saw the explosion of divisive violence, dirty politics, mass-media censorship, and blurring lines between fake news and real news, falsehood and truth in the media, natural disasters, economic instability, and now the threat of impending war.
In the midst of it all, Americans have been turning away from Christianity in alarming numbers, and as a society we are moving rapidly toward the post-Christian mindset that has characterized Western Europe since the early sixties – one in which Christianity is largely seen as a thing of the past and an impediment to progressive thinking and tolerance.
But do not be dismayed! God is in control. Global trends and world events move under His guidance toward their prophesied conclusion. Rather let us learn to recognize the signs and prepare ourselves by strengthening our bonds as the Body of Christ and rooting ourselves deep in our daily walk with the Lord so we can be prepared, strong, courageous, and can shine the light of His love brightly in a world where love is fading fast.
That is why we need this new kind of prayer movement. We can’t wait until a crisis gets here. We must firmly root ourselves in the understanding that God has invested much in the prayers of His people. They form the conduit through which He blesses others, intervenes in crises, neutralizes the forces of evil as they oppose the work of His Kingdom, opens doors, empowers, and anoints ministry, changes our hearts, draws unbelievers to Him, gives courage and boldness, works miracles, and much more. As a church nationwide we miss so much by asking for so little!
Here are some ways to join me, and others in who God has placed a similar burden, in prayer for a new kind of prayer movement in the U.S.:
- Pray for God to open the eyes of His people in our “comfortable” First World to the unlimited potential of prayer, to rediscover the priesthood of all believers, to get excited about partnership with the Holy Spirit in prayer (Romans 8:26), and to stake our faith on the truth that God has ordained to work mightily through the prayers of His people.
- Pray that out of these convictions, daily practice of unceasing prayer grows that will lead to believers stepping over racial, political, doctrinal, and social divides to cry out to the Lord with one voice.
- Pray for this movement to become a groundswell of enduring prayer that will restore this vital practice to its central place in our hearts, our homes, and our churches.
- Pray for our enduring prayer to unleash an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us, His people, and then throughout the United States to bring unbelieving or backslidden multitudes back into a vibrant relationship with Him.
- Pray for the Twin Cities Prayer Breakfast with Dr. Jason Hubbard scheduled for Saturday, February 19 to set off a movement of consistent 24/7 prayer for spiritual awakening, and for similar initiatives under America Prays to catch on with churches and prayer groups around the nation so that our entire country is covered in around-the-clock prayer for a prolonged period time, “giving Him no rest” (Isaiah 62:7) until revival comes.
Let us prepare for harder times to come and pray for an awakening of fervent, enduring prayer in the American church and beyond, rooted in a clear and powerful understanding that God awaits our prayers and is ready to work in mighty ways through them.
Share your praise in the comments!
(Photo Credit: Unsplash)
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Looking for a prayer movement which will look like something we’ve seen before may not be what our LORD Christ Jesus will do. As I’m sure you know; the English translation of “church” was in both Greek and Aramaic a word which mean “community” rather than an institution which is organized as a corporation and even a part of the federal Dept of Treasury by being a 501(c)(3).
The Jesus Movement was only partially in churches and not church-based. Today, we have so many traditions and doctrines of man within the organizations which are either churches or other ministries relating their identities to Christ Jesus. We might be better off asking what does our Lord and Sovereign Savior have as His plan and how can we serve Him in it. We might want to no longer covet what would bring us a sense of comfort or success – as we would readily recognize it. I’m 73 yrs old and know I don’t tell or suggest to Holy Almighty Creator and Owner of All of All Who Is so very forbearing He’s still calling us all to love Him His Way; and bow to His thoughts seeking always to obey.
Jeremiah 29:11
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
IT IS HAPPENING, FOLKS! My little church was a satellite church; last Fall we were released from the mother church suddenly. God is doing new things with the people in American churches. Sunday we opened as ‘Journey Church’. God raised a younger musician to step into ministry.. His leadership skills and preaching can only come from God. We had baptisms at this launch celebration and a powerful testimony.
Sunday, the most powerful testimony yet at this church was given. This lady veteran had been at our final service when we all first learned of the church’s closing. She stuck with us all during our period of planning a new church. She had been working hard painting all week when I helped with reopening tasks. I didn’t know her story bur that testimony touched me to the core to see how God had rescued her & sent her into this church. My body does not make tears but I cried during her testimony.. I am old and I have dreamed of a church for years that had growth & baptisms which is why I came to this church. God is answering our prayers for America.
Join me as I continue to pray the Holy Spirit will be welcomed in all our churches in America and will empower us to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. America exists because God guided our forefathers just like He is working across America today. Don’t be discouraged. Flash/Bang political changes don’t last but we serve a God who is patient and forgiving –true to His Word when we turn back to Jesus. Thank you Lord! Please move mightily in all sections of our nation. This is your country; we praise YOU. Amen
I wholeheartedly agree with yu !
I believe Gid is doing this as we speak and I encourage us to continue being faithful in our obedience to stand on our watch!
Pray fir strategic ways to communicate and encourage those who are being targeted with distractions and health issues to hinder their effectiveness !
Gid bless and ignite yu movement until we see yu will be done in this nation and all nations !Awakening Now in Jesus Mighty Name !!
Lord please hear our prayers not only for the citizens of the U.S. but for Canadians as well, in Jesus mighty name, amen
I prayed 🙏🏽
A good word and exhortation for prayer. I have prayed Isaiah 62:7 for many years and will continue even more fervently to call upon the Lord for this petition. I have witnessed a stirring of corporate prayer in our church, this is a blessing and I wait to see a greater manifestation of His Glory.
I am praying in agreement as I read words like “enduring” and “vital practice” and “central place in our hearts, our homes, and in our churches.”
I recently sensed God instructing me to pray with fervency and non-judgmental love for our “lost shepherds,” who wander from church trend to church trend and model prayer as only an occasional event or sermon series.
Our greatest example of enduring prayer — lived so convincingly — is Jesus Himself, Who prayed on earth and Who intercedes at the right hand of the Father to this very day.
May we follow Him faithfully!
Great article. Praise the Lord! Our te am are in the UK. We join with you in your intercession. We have similar situations here too and only prayer as in Acts will be effective! Thank you for your prayer updates across the pond. We are in this together as His Ekkelsea.
Lord we ask for the church to encourage corporate prayer . Their is great power when your people pray in unity with the fathers heart! We know your desire is for the church to be a house of prayer as well as worship and teaching . The church needs to go back and emphasize prayer again ! Lord restore the church to your original design Amen
As followed of Jesus we
need to pray. And he call his people in 2 Cr. Chapter 7 Verse 14 . And start if my people. He tell us what to do.
Thank you for this precious article and I encourage IFA Pray Intercessors to join in.
I would like to share a story of the power God’s Unchanging Hand with the account of
the 100-Year Prayer Meeting in Herrnhut Germany (Enduring Prayer) – may we taste a portion here in this Nation….
In 1722, Count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf, troubled by the suffering of Christian exiles from Bohemia and Moravia, allowed them to establish a community on his estate in Germany. The center became known as Herrnhut, meaning “Under the Lord’s Watch.” It grew quickly, and so did its appreciation for the power of prayer.
On August 27, 1727, twenty-four men and twenty-four women covenanted to spend an hour each day in scheduled prayer, praying in sequence around the clock. Soon others joined the prayer chain. More signed on, then others still. Days passed, then months. Unceasing prayer rose to God twenty-four-hours a day as someone—at least one—was engaged in intercessory prayer each hour of every day. The intercessors met weekly for encouragement and to read letters and messages from their brothers in different places, giving them specific needs to pray about. A decade passed, the prayer chain continuing nonstop. Then another decade. It was a prayer meeting that lasted over one hundred years.
Undoubtedly this prayer chain helped birth Protestant missions. Six months into it, Zinzendorf, twenty-seven, suggested the possibility of attempting to reach others for Christ in the West Indies, Greenland, Turkey, and Lapland. Twenty-six Moravians stepped forward the next day to volunteer. The first missionaries, Leonard Dober and David Nitschmann, were commissioned during an unforgettable service on August 18, 1732, during which one hundred hymns were sung. The two men reached the West Indies in December of that year, beginning the “Golden Decade” of Moravian Missions, 1732–1742. During the first two years, twenty-two missionaries perished and two more were imprisoned, but others took their places. In all, seventy Moravian missionaries flowed from the six hundred inhabitants of Herrnhut, a feat unparalleled in missionary history.
By the time William Carey became the “Father of Modern Missions” over three hundred Moravian missionaries had already gone to the ends of the earth. And that’s not all. The Moravian fervor sparked the conversions of John and Charles Wesley and indirectly ignited the Great Awakening that swept through Europe and America, sweeping thousands into the kingdom. The prayer meeting lasted one hundred years. The results will last for eternity.
John Wesley is on board a ship bound for America and observes the Moravians in the midst of life-threatening storms.
“At seven o’clock I went to the Germans. I had long before observed the great seriousness of their behaviour. Of their humility they had given a continual proof, by performing those servile offices for the other passengers, which none of the English would undertake; for which they desired, and would receive no pay, saying, “it was good for their proud hearts,” and “their loving Saviour had done more for them.” And every day had given them occasion of showing a meekness which no injury could move. If they were pushed, struck, or thrown down, they rose again and went away; but no complaint was found in their mouth. There was now an opportunity of trying whether they were delivered from the Spirit of fear, as well as from that of pride, anger, and revenge. In the midst of the psalm wherewith their service began, the sea broke over, split the main-sail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks, as if the great deep had already swallowed us up. A terrible screaming began among the English. The Germans calmly sung on. I asked one of them afterwards, “Was you not afraid?” He answered, “I thank God, no.” I asked, “But were not your women and children afraid?” He replied, mildly, “No; our women and children are not afraid to die.”
From them I went to their crying, trembling neighbours, and pointed out to them the difference in the hour of trial, between him that feareth God, and him that feareth him not. At twelve the wind fell. This was the most glorious day which I have hitherto seen.”
Father, give us such a desire to be in your presence that we would not desert our prayer closets when things look calm. May it be a daily privilege for us to seek your face and a desire to stop Satan’s plans we not even be aware of. May we be faithful.
Made a copy of new kind of prayer movement. I am in a prayer group that need Holy Fire. To concerned about their own postage stamp.
Please pray that we come alive in the spirit. Hitting the mark when the HS speaks.
They may be able to censor free speech but no government can regulate, censor, suppress or stop prayer! We can call upon the name of the Lord God, crying out to our Heavenly Father 24/7 – no matter where we are. How encouraging to be reminded that in China and Iran, more continue to come to Christ, proving what Joseph said in Genesis, that what was meant for evil, and both countries have repressive, tyrannical governments, God uses those conditions for good, to bring more people to saving knowledge of Him! No government can stop people from praying. “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
Our Pastor heard the call to become a House of Prayer for all Nations in 2020. A daily zoom prayer meeting was born of that, and has continued for 1 and 1/2 years, along with Wed. evening prayer and praise, and we are now beginning a 21 day early morning prayer meeting at church. We have been praying scripture back to its Originator, and it has been more than amazing. No doubt our God is at work in a mighty way, and we will witness great and mighty works of Holy Spirit when He says “GO!”
I love this. Samuel understood prayer, not affected by anything around him. He simply prayed.
My heart was touched as I read this article. It brings to light some things I wasn’t fully aware of and what I should be doing about it, more. A lot more! I especially noted how the Church is growing in countries where Christ is persecuted. How fast it is, in China and Iran! Awesome!
Numbers mean nothing to God. He whittles His army down when we think more is better. Gideon’s army is being culled as of now. We are at stage 2. Those focused on their own needs over the King’s advance will be sent home. We have no time for distractions.
You couldn’t have said it better. This is exactly what Derek Prince was called to USA to prepare us for: the spiritual battles we must fight in the authority of Jesus name.
We must enter into the court room of Heaven and cast Satan down by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb
And I’m a Canadian. When you know your country is in a state of lawlessness you see the battle is in the courtroom of heaven and it is up to us to counterattack Satan there in front of the JUDGE of all
I cast all my cares upon the Lord for He cares for me.
Pray Matthew 13:13-15. Pray for a great spiritual reawakening in the U.S. and the world. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of 100’s of millions of people in the U.S. and the world; pray that the Holy Spirit will open their ears so they hear the good news of Jesus Christ; and pray that the Holy Spirit will soften their hearts so that they will repent, confess their sins and serve Jesus and give Jesus all the glory, praise and honor. Pray these things in Jesus name. Amen
Open peoples eyes “so they see their need for God”.
“Less talkin’, more…MUCH more walkin’ !!” Join me here from 4-5p.m. EASTERN time on EVERY Friday afternoon as we join with THIRTY FOUR entities WORLD WIDE, including Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, The Wycliffe Global Alliance and The Seed Co. , to pray for the MILLIONS of Bibleless people STILL waiting for God’s Word. Thanks. If you can’t join me, SIGN UP to host an hour with your CHURCH, Sunday School, Small Group, etc. Share the hosting duties between you. At Wycliffe USA, we have said for YEARS that “PRAYER is our most strategic resource.”
THIS effort is, by FAR, the most impressive attempt yet to “walk the walk”.
Oh Lord, Our God, we look unto You! You are our hope, our protection. We need You like we’ve not needed You before. Lord we shout from the rooftop, You are everlasting and merciful. Let us seek for You while You may be found. Let us sense our duty to call upon Your name once again, like never before, an unceasing powerful consistent prayer for the body of Christ, for the salvation of souls, for the now and the next generation. In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank you Lord Yeshua/Jesus that we have a beautiful means of fellowship with you through prayer! Thank you Lord that you hear and answer each and every prayer. Without prayer we are hollow shells without direction or hope. We pray always in faith believing and our faith and prayers strengthens our relationship with our Father in heaven. It would be a very sad thing if as a child we never uttered a word to our earthly mom or dad. Never asked our parents for guidance. Never told them how much we care. Never spoke of gratitude, etc.
How much more so is need for the conversation and fellowship with our Heavenly Father in order to love and grow spiritually. Thank you Lord for the beautiful gift of prayer fellowship with You! Amen
Thanks for the truth! Let Jesus lead the charge! Pray for salvations and sanctifications not to maintain a selfish immoral lifestyle! Praise God for His discipline to return us to Him and away from our Idols ! May we bear fruit hundredfold for His glory! Thank You Holy Spirit! Amen.
Yes, I agree with this article.
I am an intercessior and I have been praying for the children of God, to pray, cry, worship ‘, fast, day and night, night and day. To Give God no rest.
I will continue and ask God to do what is necessary for the US to repent and turn from their wicked ways, unbelief, denial.
And for revival. For the 🔥 of God to reveal TRUTH , HIS WILL, reveal what HELL will be like.if this is what they choose.
Life is short. Be wise. Seek GOD
This is a great article. We all need to pray as it says in Ephesian 6:18,
“18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. ”
I pray that the revival starts in peoples homes and gets carried into all the churches in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I would also like to add and stress the importance of Israel in God’s plan to the young people and to the newcomers of faith in Jesus Christ.
Glory to God for this article.
I always enjoy reading what you have to share.
Thank you Sheryl! God has opened the door for me to become a regular Contributing Writer for IFA. If you think of it, please pray with me that I may see the news headlines through His eyes, and hear from Him what to put on paper as fuel for the prayer of His saints!
2 Chronicles 7:12-15
“Then the Lord appeared to Solomon in the night and said to him: ‘I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice. When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.”
Too often, we-God’s people- look at ‘heal their land’ without reflecting and obeying God’s statements prefaced by ‘when’, ‘if’, ‘then’, ‘now’ in these familiar verses. Too often, we pass over the actions God is giving us as a prerequisite for Him to hear us: ‘humble themselves’, ‘pray and seek my face’, ‘turn from their wicked ways’.
He is speaking to us, His children who believe in Him as Savior, not the pagan culture!
Praises be to God for His gracious blessings to those who seek His face with a contrite heart!
In Jesus holy name, Amen
I’m hearing of more and more revival events in Florida in California and Oklahoma.
People are seeking the “more” for their lives. The Impossible. THE HOPE that is that great vacuum within that only God can fill.
What still amazes me is how few even know the power of prayer. We bow before our King asking Him to help us understand our way to intercede for those streaming to the altar. Workers, mentors, teachers to follow..