Border Crisis: A Mission Opportunity
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Border Crisis: A Mission Opportunity
We have prayed very much already about the burgeoning immigration crisis at our southern border. An entire IFA Prayer Guide is devoted to praying about the inhumane ordeals many border migrants have been enduring, and about rising concerns that our seemingly porous borders bring sharp increases in fentanyl trafficking and other crime. The fentanyl problem has created what one Texas sheriff called “a tsunami of death.”
According to The Western Journal, the numbers of illegal border crossings shattered records this year, with 1,853,837 migrants entering the U.S. between October 2021 and August 2022.
Few of us can help but feel a little bit — or a large bit — angry over the failed policies of the government, and about the multitudes who blatantly ignore immigration laws to pretty much invade our nation and take advantage of our land, our housing, and our job market. I must admit to some indignation here myself. I am an immigrant who has jumped through all the hoops the U.S. State Department sets up for those wishing to reside here legally, and I have forked over sizable amounts of money to become a permanent resident and, eventually, a U.S. citizen. And all because I respect a nation’s laws. So, the fact that many immigrants ignore those laws and that the government condones this and even gives them benefits — that does frustrate me.
In my flesh.
But in my spirit, God has convicted me that He does not look at it that way. He sees people who have been created in His image and who are lost, devoid of hope, and in need of salvation. And He loves them. He loves them so much that He became flesh and died on the cross for them. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) — this applies to them as much as to anyone else. Where we might see people capable of harming our national security and of impinging on our way of life, He sees a field ripe unto harvest. He died for the least, the lost, the last, and for those left behind and left out. They qualify.
According to an article by missions group TMS Global, mass migration is one of the most prominent trends in world missions today. We have seen a lot of it recently. During the years that followed the start of a civil war in Syria in 2011, some 6.8 million people were forced from their homes. And last year, the Russian invasion of Ukraine touched off a westward refugee stream that now numbers 6.3 million.
One might argue that those refugees were escaping a war. The immigrants pouring into our land, on the other hand, are entering illegally, and that is different. But is it? An article published by NBC News in 2018 describes the horrible circumstances illegal border-crossers are trying to get away from. Most are from the northern triangle of Central America — El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras — where violence, corruption, intimidation, poverty, crime, and disease are a way of life. I saw a snippet of this during a missions trip to Honduras, where I preached at a neighborhood church in the capital city of Tegucigalpa. My driver rushed me through the area and hastily pulled in through the iron gates of the church compound, which were then shut immediately behind us. The pastor told me over dinner that only a few days before, nine headless bodies had been deposited out in front of the church — the result of a local gang war. Life in the hood, and it happens almost every day.
For the people who caravan to our border and risk rape, mistreatment, torture, trafficking, and even death, the worst circumstances in the U.S. are still better than what they have left behind. So, in many ways, they are war refugees: They are escaping gang wars, drug wars, and an all-out war on their lives and well-being. To be sure, just as the Syrian refugee crisis became a cover for terrorists and Islamic militants sneaking into Europe, and as the Ukrainian refugee crisis brought in crime, human trafficking, and drugs to some areas, these Latin American immigrant waves do include criminals, drug traffickers, gang members, and human traffickers. But I would venture to say that most of the people are simply desperate human beings seeking a better, safer life.
I heard one student of missiology say once that if we cannot or will not go out to the nations to preach the gospel, God will bring the nations here to us. I think that is what might be happening here. For this reason, these millions of illegal immigrants who have crossed the border and are now quietly being distributed all over the country represent a huge opportunity for gospel missions, as well as a test of our Christian faith in action. After all, Jesus gave us the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37) to expand our notion of which “neighbors” we are to love. Not just that, but He also gave us a sobering glimpse of what He will be looking for on the Day of Judgment, when He calls all to account:
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:34–40 NIV).
The epistle of James says something similar: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).
God’s desire is for us, the Body of Christ, to express in word and deed our faith in Him Who died for all, and thus to ensure that these immigrants’ physical, emotional, and, above all, spiritual needs are being met. Doing this is not without risk. An article in SBC Global explains that when helping undocumented immigrants, churches must be wise and understand what they can do legally and what sort of help would constitute breaking the law. I would say that the quiet distribution of so many by our own government creates greater opportunity for believers to help them and love them to Christ without fear of breaking any law.
For our community of intercessors at IFA, this presents an opportunity for fervent prayer. Jesus commanded us to pray for laborers to be sent into the fields, which are ripe unto harvest (Matthew 9:38). Since He is bringing the “fields ripe unto harvest” into our own backyard, let us pray that He will also raise up a multitude of Spanish-speaking ministries to bring the gospel to these millions of lost, desperate, and deeply wounded souls pouring into our border — along with the wisdom and fortitude to combat the criminal and substance abuse elements in its wake.
Father in heaven, we thank You for Your love. That love found us, and You have said that Your desire is that all people might be saved and come to the knowledge of Your truth (1 Timothy 2:4). We pray for the many who have crossed our border, and about their desperate plight. Send forth laborers among this ripe harvest field. Raise up a multitude of ministries with the resources to meet these border-crossers’ physical and emotional needs and to bring them to salvation in Christ, so that they, in turn, being transformed into the image of Christ, will become ambassadors for the gospel. Give law enforcement agencies and government authorities the wisdom and strength to uncover and root out criminal activities and to stop the flow of fentanyl into our country and the resultant increase in drug-related crime. Grant that the people crossing the border would be willing to accept the helping hand of the Church to help resolve this crisis. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Join us on Pray with Others Live to pray with Remco about this issue. And share your thoughts in the comments!
Author Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years’ experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. Born and raised in the Netherlands and having pastored his first church in Amsterdam, he moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs and assists his wife as content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ.
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Too many young men, young women are entering America illegally and not helping their nations. They are being helped because it is hard to believe they swam, walked hundreds of miles without help. This is an invasion of foreign nations to destroy America. America’s young men, women are expected to go to their nations to build schools, etc., fight their battles against invaders. America has homeless people but illegals are put in hotel rooms no charge and given every freebie one could think of. America is bankrupt and not just money but America has lost respect for God. Civility is becoming a lost art.
The church and the government have different roles. The church is tasked with ministering to people regardless of who they are or what they have done. The government is tasked with rewarding righteousness and punishing unrighteousness. the disaster we have on our southern border is lawlessness. God is not a god of lawlessness (that is the other guy). The church’s role is to minister to the hurting while AT THE SAME TIME fighting for an end to illegal immigration. While an argument can be made that we should LEGALLY admit more refugees, there is NO Biblical argument for allowing the lawlessness inherent in illegal immigration.
Father we thank you for You are in control. Lord, You are aware of what is happening at our border, protect and help us to monitor our border and prevent dangerous drugs and persons who wish us and our children harm. Lord we are overwhelmed and we need your help to rectify this situation. All authority is your’s You know exactly what needs to happen. We trust and pray for Your guidance; you have never failed. Your plan is the BEST plan. Lord hear our cry for help and may they come to know you as their Lord and Savior.
This is the first time I have managed to open this prayer bulletin, and it is impressive. As a UK citizen and resident, I do not see the issues at first hand as those who are resident in the US. We have our own immigration issues! However, the comment was made by Brother Andrew of ‘Open Doors’ which stated that either we take the Gospel to them, or they come to us in search of the Gospel. Better we go to them!
This is so true. We must see all of the picture as Christians. Not only do we need to stop criminals terrorists and drug dealers, but we need to consider our calling as Christians to the majority of these people. They are mostly needy and quite desperate. I have done mission work in Mexico with Time for Christ and other nearby countries with Compassion International and have come to know a number of these people. I speak Spanish. Another aspect of the open border that will be a blessing is that we are an increasingly older population here in the USA. Many of the immigrants have babies and children. Who will do our work and serve in our military in the days to come? We need these people who are here for a better life. They mostly love God their family and their country. Take a look at the Latina women who are rising up to run for election in south Texas. This is how they think. They’re mainly hardworking people too. Let’s pray and ask the Lord Jesus what we can do to serve Him in this area of problems and needs. LuvNan 😊❤️🙏
Finally someone in the Christian media is bringing up this subject. Christians so often complain abt the border instead of looking at this as an opportunity to tell these migrants abt Jesus.we dont need anymore mission trips to far away lands we need to go to the border and set up missions right in our own backyard.
So much desperation and wicked, evil behavior international governments with drug smuggling, death, and so on. It’s complete madness! I completely understand the desperation of people yet it’s always been illegal to come across the boarder illegally when others follow government rules and regulations. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. THIS COUNTRY IS SO LOST! Pray for Jesus, through incredible desperation, we need him as a country. It will NEVER get better without him. PLEASE HELP US LORD GOD 🙏 😢!!
Pastor Brommet’s view on the southern border crisis is important for us to hear. God works even through tragic, messy human situations to rescue people and bring them into his Kingdom. He has given us a responsibility and privilege to help some whom he brings into our lives.
I’m sorry, I cannot after being at the border for over a year pray for the migrants. Trump was right, they are hardly sending their best. I do pray for the Americans such as the lady and her daughters I had to protect. And this new batch after the illegitimate crime spree occupied the White House although they are rarely there). They came from a shit hole and thousands were smart enough to turn back when they saw that theirs was better than ours. Truthfully, the Dems only want them for one thing. Did you think votes? Close very close, but no. Birth certificates. I don’t know how but they are quite lucrative.
Dear Rob,
You may not be able to pray for the illegals to prosper, or to attain their goals, but you can and must pray for their souls. You are commanded to do that by our COMMANDER IN CHIEF, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, pray for their hearts to be open to the gospel. Pray for people to give them the gospel. Pray that our Lord will protect us from evil, pray for God’s will to be done. No, we do not like the situation, it is fearful, and in my reading in Ezekiel this week I saw God encouraging Israel to put up the walls around their cities. I is all over the Scriptures, remember Nehemiah who went to build up the walls, with a weapon in one hand and a tool in the other. God is for us if we are for Him. But we have not been for him: 1963 God forbidden to be in schools, and government offices, then 1973 we did nothing to stop the murder of babies in the womb. Until we repent of our wickedness and evil, why should God protect us? Repent America, John Baptist, Jesus, and the disiples all preached, REPENT. AMEN, let us seek God, and see what He will do for us.
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers. Luke 10:12.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10
Heavenly Father, we seek Your will with understanding in these things, cleanse our hands and cleanse our hearts. We know that what is happening within our nation currently includes some with rebellious spirit. We are sober minded as we recall the number of U.S. men and women who gave their lives for the freedoms in this nation. Those who have been wounded and carry the burden of what war has cost. Please remember their families and bring healing. You had Nehemiah rebuild the wall in Jerusalem as it laid in ruins. Please bring the spirit of rebuilding to this nation guided by Your Holy Spirit. You are the God of order, not of chaos, the God of compassion and mercy, yet You discipline. Please show us how and where to serve, continually coming to You in prayer. With thanksgiving we desire to spread the Gospel and hold firm to Your teachings. You remind us in James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Prepare our hearts in all situations to do Your will. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yes people are desperate and we must pray 🙏🏽 for them and help in ways that we possibly could however this idea that GOD will bring nations to us by breaking immigrant laws doesn’t sit right in my spirit when I know “GOD doesn’t tempt people with sin nor can HE be tempted” (James 1:13-15) especially when there is a structure in place to decide if a person can come in legally. People are coming into our country thru human trafficking by cartels – children are being trafficked – people are dying in rivers – heat – malnutrition – I don’t see HOW GOD is involved in this process that’s illegal and dangerous? It’s unfortunate and may the LORD show mercy but GOD doesn’t deliver people “illegally” and we need to stop spiritualizing tragedies especially by calling “good things evil & evil things good”. There is nothing good about breaking laws that protect the citizens.
I agree with you, this doesn’t set right in my spirit either. I do not believe it is God’s plan for American to be destroyed by immigrates bring death and destruction to our Country.
Agree James! 👊🏻🙏🏼
You are correct in stating the tragedy of this migration of people, but due to our administration the plight is with us and we must find ways to be a part of the solution through God’s GRACE. My prayer is that the CHURCH arise and help in ways we can. I am not supporting the crime going on, but we cannot do nothing, as the problem is now with us.
God is not involved in crime and sin, but the problem is here due to an administration, so how can God take what is evil and turn it into something good? Only by His wisdom and His strength can we find a solution for us as a Nation. I do feel the Church will have to rise up and be more visible. The Church did not create the problem but it is here, so what do we do, how do we respond? This is were prayer, seeking the wisdom and counsel of God has to be priority. May the One who is able lead and guide us.
Can we align “illegal” with the Scriptures? Just wondering if God is a part of it.
Father God, please protect us from the dangers of allowing unlimited people into our country. They will be bringing in diseases that we have no natural immunity to yet. They will very quickly fill out hospitals to the point that even those who are critically ill will have to wait months to be seen. They will soon deplete our resources, and cause those who are working to also be depleted of income for their own families. Please Father, help Christians who are being made to feel guilty instead of rational about this issue see clarity. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen
Father forgive us for reacting in anger against people who come here. While it is wrong to be illegal, may we minister salvation to them. Raise up ministries and people who will help those destitute. Give wisdom to the Border Patrol and other leaders to weed out the criminal element, stop drug and sex slavery from coming in. Rescue the children and heal them. I pray our President would raise up and protect our border, but may you work your salvation in many lives during this time.
So you are willing to allow unlimited numbers of illegals to come into America and bring diseases that none of us have an immunity to yet, and allow them to fill out hospitals to overflowing, which will cause even critically ill people to have to wait months. You are willing to pay more and more and more taxes to support unlimited numbers of illegals. You are not being truthful at all, and you are actually asking for harm for America.
Perhaps we should also pray about what is causing the mass migrations – violence. War and gangs, tyrannical an oppressive governments, famine and environmental degradation from both global warming (which developed nations are most guilty of contributing to) – all these drive people to mass migrate, the need to do that superseding any government laws or desires of the well off to protect themselves, all these need prayer, too.
Be very careful then how you walk/live, not as fools but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, for the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand the Lord’s Will. Eph 5:15-17
Faithful Father –
Please forgive us, protect us, guide us, empower us, have mercy on us – do not forsake us – we humbly pray.
God Bless this Missionary family. I have several friends who Godhas opened the doors for their mission to japan and Nexico, Obama shut down the school my grand kids went to and the people who running the school were guided to a Mission inn Mexico.We are blessed.
Pray for this Missi0n that they can help the caravan people because they are being used by the devil and the cartel.
Thank you Jesus for watching over the caravan people and open their eyes to what the devil is leading them into. Put your Angels around them and protect them. God Bless Eveeryone.
This is a confirmation of what the Lord was telling me when the border crisis started. He put on my heart to pray that the church use this as an “opportunity” to share the gospel and pray for more laborers for the harvest. They fields are indeed white and the fruit is ripe. I will continue to pray that willing hearts will heed the call. Lord, they need you and I pray we will go!
So you are willing to allow unlimited numbers of illegals to come into America and bring diseases that none of us have an immunity to yet, and allow them to fill out hospitals to overflowing, which will cause even critically ill people to have to wait months. You are willing to pay more and more and more taxes to support unlimited numbers of illegals. You are not being truthful at all, and you are actually asking for harm for America.
I agree that God uses migration for the spread of the Gospel, both to those entering a land as well as those already there. Most of the Hispanic immigrants already know Jesus, as Catholicism is the majority religion in their homelands. My prayer is that God will give our leaders wisdom in what America’s role should be in helping these countries fight lawlessness in their own lands, wisdom in setting our own laws and that immigrants who do come here will find Jesus if they don’t know him and help build the Kingdom if they do know him.
I have thought this all along. I wonder what is the balance? The criminals are coming with them and many times are taking advantage of the situation. I pray for their salvation. I have felt like we have opened our doors and lied to them. Come here for a great life. But many are facing poverty here as well. Our government put a Bhutanese group (around 50 or so) in WI. They didn’t have vehicles, didn’t speak our language. They barely had housing. My daughter’s church took them in. Helped them with jobs and vehicles. My daughter taught the younger ones English. She said they were the best students she ever had! They came early. Sat with rapt attention and were hungry to learn English. She teaches for Syracuse University and tells me the students she gets cannot write a paragraph. Such a sad statement. I see such a wide variety of people, temperaments. We are not going to get far if we can’t institute law and order. Precious Lord, I agree, bring harvesters into the field. Help us to learn Spanish and other languages You call us to. We need You!!
The responsibility of Christians does not change whether people are immigrants or citizens of the US. We are to love and give them Jesus.
However, that does not mean we should in any way encourage open borders or support this administration in their devious efforts. With these open borders come such crime; human/child trafficking beyond what we know, fentanyl pouring in and poisoning thousands, disease is coming in, terrorists with a plan to kill and much more. Our children are dying from poisonous pills from China and the cartel. We have yet to face the crime and disease coming into this country. And who is spaying for this? We can’t possibly sustain it. Obviously it is all intentionally being done. Biden should be impeached. His first job is to protect the American people. And many may be running from abuse in their countries, but many are not. They heard the welcome call from Biden. They ARE taking advantage of this country.
Yes we can help and pray where we can but this is in “no way” a sign from God that He is providing an opportunity for Christians to minister; we aren’t taking care of our own. So although IFA’s motive is right, I do not agree with the
insinuation that we are looking at it wrong and should be more welcoming and open our doors. God created borders. We are under attack. And it is because we have been given a “criminal” administration. The Church needs to do more than pray and help others; they (we) need to repent, turn from our wicked way — He will heal our land. And they along with their pastors need to get out of their cliques/churches and get involved in helping the country. Contact your local Republican party and offer to help; go to your schools and inquire as to what they are teaching, send information to friends, family and neighbors. We are no longer in a normal election race — we are in the fight of our life for our Freedom — and we are not up against the Democrats. We are up against criminals, and a marxist ideology. You witnessed it in Biden’s last speech on Thursday evening.
If my thoughts offend, I am sorry, but although we must have compassion, we must acknowledge what is really happening and speak up and take a stand. Many prayers
Thank you for this great reminder for the body of Christ..we are to truly use Discernment and trusting the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT..AMEN..
But save your distain & animosity for the corrupt Biden/Marxist government that allowed them the open borders for them to cross into America.
Not those whom have risked all to make the crossing.
Father God, give those of the faithful who making the crossing, and those who are already here, whether they be citizens, or non-citizens alike, the Eyes to see, and the Ears to hear your Holy Spirit, that you Almighty Father Are the leader, and the One in control of not only America, but of All creation.
Whose laws are the ones to be embraced. Not the counterfeit lies and schemes by the evil scoundrels rewriting the laws of the land, and their soldiers, & propagandists attempting to overthrow your Creation,
This sanctuary for the Lost and huddled masses who seek freedom from tyranny, based on Your Commandments, and United States Americas Constitution.
In Jesus Holy, Name we pray,
I agree with Cheri. Our responsibilities as a Christian is to pray for, love and help those that have come across our borders as we’re able. These immigrants began to flood our borders because of the enticements from the present administration and other devilish sources. I live at the border and have heard the painfully sad stories. Bottom line is the church needs to align its mindset to what the Word says. America has been complacent for decades and the only reason it’s beginning to “wake up” some of the believers is because of the pandemic and other man-made viruses, etc., and how they have personally affected us. Let us not be so quick to judge ALL immigrants. None of us have lived in the conditions they have because of their oppressive governments. The cartel and other criminal bullies are out to make a buck regardless of who gets stepped on or killed in the process. There is a deep poverty in these nations because of these situations. Here at the border we hear about the murders and all that goes on in the gang and cartel wars. This nation has turned from God and this is the result of all the happenings in this nation, read the Old Testament. If my people….who are called by my NAME will humble themselves and pray, TURN from their SINS, I will HEAR from Heaven and HEAL their LAND….America. LET US CONSIDER OUR WAYS and honestly talk to God and repent. God is SOVEREIGN and He does what He pleases, whatever it takes to wake up a nation and a people. God bless and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.
I too went through all the hoops and finance to become legal and a citizen; and yes, it annoys me that thousands upon thousands are just flooding in and even being given even some of the rights that I do not have. I saw in the spirit that it is spreading through America like an invading cancerous virus. I know that there are truly those who are desperate and under great persecution but there are so many more who are just using this gaping hole for other nefarious purposes.
Lord God there is a system set in place for those who seek to come into America legally which is being despised and ignored. You, oh Lord know who is in need and those who are bent on evil. I ask you to destroy the plans of the wicked and give grace to those who are in true need. Let truth and discernment be with ICE at the border to enable them to carry out their job in a righteous manner.
We will continue to intercede until we see the physical manifestation of our prayers answered. God is at work even when we don’t see the things we desire to happen yet.
I agreed this is a huge ministry opportunity. Sadly our country has many such ministry opportunities ie: drug addiction, alcoholics, homeless, teens and on and on. The feilds are indeed over flowing and more than ripe for the harvest. It is sad that our leadership has allowed this to happen in such a hap Hazzard way. Ultimately God is in charge and will work this out with the help of those who belong to him.
Yes, I agree that our government is doing their normal horrible job of maintaining the border. Nothing new there. Nothing is going to change, knowing this pathetic Administration.This is, no doubt, what Biden’s handlers have told him to do. No doubt, this is all part of the globalist agenda to destroy America. That said, we have an opportunity to minister to these folks, to provide for their needs, phisically and spiritually. What an opportunity for the Body of Christ to step up and be His hands and feet!. Lord, please, by the guidance of Holy Spirit, give threse people what they need. Show us how to be there for them. In Jesus’ name.
A few years ago while in prayer I saw a picture of our nation filled with The Presence of The Lord and as people were crossing the border becoming filled with His Presence. So thankful we as a nation will be praying this way.
I am sorry but I have no compassion for any of this. Have you ever looked at the videos to watch the people that are coming across with their brand new iPhones brand new shoes brand new clothes all brand names with their little pretty backpacks. These people are not oppressed. They did not walk miles and miles and miles to come here with nothing. They were brought here and transported by a guy named George Soros who is one of the most wicked Satanist is ever lived besides Alastair Crowley.
If I dare to set foot in Mexico or any country for that matter, I would be arrested and put in jail for life with probably torture. There is a reason why we have borders. Can you imagine if someone comes over with a nuclear weapon? We had over 129 different countries come across the border last month alone.
If you think this is about God creating a harvest of people to bring to Jesus, you are sadly mistaken. This is a political demonic attempt by Satan himself to destroy America and all its people and just create havoc on everyone. Please wake up don’t print stuff that’s so ridiculous that it insults my intelligence
Thank you for sharing this..I agree with you..No one is Discerning what is really going on in our country…
Amen, Dolores! I, too, am waiting for the fulfillment of Habakkuk 2:14, a verse I was given to pray several years ago. Truly, the Lord is getting ready to move in His mighty power!
I think there is a balance here…
Remco you shared in this article how you came to America and went through the proper channels, etc to become a US citizen. If everyone coming through our borders we’re doing that in hopes of a better life I would be able to continue to show greater mercy and grace.
Millions are coming into my native state of Texas and are wreaking havoc on farmers lands by breaking and entering into their homes, stealing vehicles etc from them. They spend more time defending their families lives and property than farming now.
Our government and governor of Texas have allowed this atrocity to go on long enough. Our border patrol are under staffed and overwhelmed. Millions of illegals are draining our resources. Etc
And less is reported about crimes being committed on Texans and Americans by illegals than is true!
We have to have laws to protect the people and land, and policies and such that allow proper channels for citizenship WITHOUT allowing open borders for drug cartel, sex trafficking to take place!!!
I agree and understand and support anyone seeking the asylum of a safer country to better their lives but there cannot be lawlessness to get there in our state or nation.
God NOT Government is the answer!
With all this being said this one country the USA cannot sustain its own people let alone a flood of illegal aliens who are coming into this country to do nothing but still kill and destroy and take from the people that are homeless and in their own Wars with drugs and the hood and we aren’t even helping them in a way that we should be there has to be another solution as in maybe those countries they’re coming from need a Revival
This so-called pastor sounds like he wants socialism/communism in America. He thinks he is speaking for God, but he is actually speaking with the hopes of getting a pat on the back from God. God allowed that we won the Revolutionary War in spite of being greatly outnumbered, and without the financial backing of a king. God loves America and does NOT want to see the destruction of her. But perhaps this “pastor” is just one more factor in the evil that is destroying America in order to bring about End Times. That’s what I’m now thinking. I don’t see any other rational answer to his insane proclamations.
As a person who has experienced life for a lot of years, and in many different countries I cannot help but think about the people left in the countries being fled from. What about them, mostly old or young or helpless. What happens to the food chain, health care, safety, just life in general. Surely God has a better plan. What do you think?
I think that Intercessors is being horribly foolish and very cruel to try to guilt us into being okay with something that is going to result in very bad consequences for all citizens of America. I’m very upset with Intercessor right now over this issue. They are shameful while pretending to be very righteous. I have no idea who decided to write this, but they are not only haring Intercessors because I’d bet many will leave now, but they are asking for the harm of our country. This is just unreal.
For years I have prayed for the Harvest coming and to be prepared for the work of the Kingdom work. Recently the Holy Spirit gave me a word about the Harvest. It addressed three areas of movement. The first part was a word of HOPE to the parents, grandparents who have been faithful to raise their children in the admonition of the Lord, but have wandered or left their faith. God is calling them back, the prayers prayed have been heard and He is bringing them back as they leave worthless pursuits. The second part of the Harvest is to those who have rejected the Gospel. “I will cause a great wave that will wash in the PROUD HEARTED, “that in brokenness and repentance they will find their rest.” the third part of the word was to the Churches. Jesus said ” the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. ASK the Lord of the Harvest, therefore to send out workers into the Harvest field.” The article really gave incite into the possibilities and the challenges the border crisis will bring into the churches and was very convicting to me. I realize how much I need His GRACE AND LOVE. I truly believe this is the time of the Holy Spirit to move His people with wisdom, discernment and courageous hearts. He is challenging me not to RETREAT, but to PRESS FORWARD, we will see the Glory of God for It is not in our might, but in His strength that we will see how it will all come together. I trust in His leading and to do the work in my heart to be a part of this GREAT REVIVAL and HARVEST.
My prayer is that because they are leaving such crime ravaged areas, that they will be like a Trojan horse to our existing government and vote for stronger candidates that will not tolerate lawlessness. The church needs to step into her Destiny to love our neighbors and to boldly conquer the Territory rulers and principalities of our cities, Nation, surrounding nations and the world through Sharing the Gospel message. Demonstrating Jesus power and love. We are here to expand His kingdom bottom line.
How can the lawless vote for candidates for the rule of law.
I would hope that even though they are illegal, communities would set up educational facilities to teach English, to teach about our ways and this Nation of laws. I especially see the importance of this as children enter our schools. This will be a strain on communities, but if we want to see them move forward into our communities we must set up learning facilities. I once took care of a teacher as a patient, who shared with me that she had in her class eight different languages represented. How does a teacher teach in this environment? Children, adults, etc. should have basic instruction before being thrown into the bigger picture. Our country can meet this challenge with prayer, love and workers. Could this be the Workers, Jesus spoke of?
Excellent article! May God tenderize our hearts toward these people who are leaving everything in hopes of a better life. May they find it here in Jesus!
We pray for Kingdom good come out of this crisis in Jesus name
All caused by deep state globalists, part of their plan to deliberately destroy America, they are pure evil and don’t care about people. Prayer shiould also target this root cause in addition to the illegal immigrats. God works all things to good. He is reigning and ruling in spite of what we see in the natural.
We are in a time of “irregular warfare”: the economy (inflation), cyber (elections- vote flipping-the machines), and “control the naritive”-ie media! Reference Patel Patriot.
Yes, and Amen! Father, open the eyes of our hearts to see and understand the opportunity this crisis brings to us. Your fields are, indeed, ripe for harvest. Your will be done in the lives of these lost and hurting ones. But, Father, also protect our people from the attacks of the enemy that would harm and destroy this nation. Jesus, thank You for Your precious blood. May we pray, seek Your face and follow Your Spirit as You direct our steps to minister in the fields You have brought here to us. God, bring forth Your Word and Your glory. Thank You. In Your Name, in Your authority we pray. Amen
I do not share sympathy for those who illegally cross our border. Their difficulty is of their own making. My prayers go instead to those Americans who are forced to suffer due to the crimes many of these trespassers commit.
Housing, EBT, medical and disability, and welfare needed for our own citizens is being depleted by illegals Pray they can stay in their own countries . We are being crowded out . Our orchards andbpastures have been replaced with massive numbers of apartment buildings . No gardens , no yards , no freedom .
Diane, I am in agreement with you in prayer! Amen and Amen.