A task force set up by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., this week released a broad array of policy recommendations for the party’s convention platform — part of an effort to find common ground between the party’s center and its left flank.
The initiative represents an effort to bring together the more radical elements of the party – those who had supported Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist – along with Biden’s more centrist candidacy. The task force’s mission, according to a statement, is to address six key areas: climate change, criminal justice reform, the economy, education, health care and immigration.
Notably, a number of hot-button issues for the left, including “Medicare-for-All,” defunding the police, the Green New Deal and abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are not explicitly mentioned in the recommendations. But the document does move in the direction of those outcomes.
“Though the end result is not what I or my supporters would have written alone, the task forces have created a good policy blueprint that will move this country in a much-needed progressive direction,” Sanders said in a statement.
Biden, meanwhile, said it was a “bold, transformative platform for our party and for our country.”
“And I am deeply grateful to Senator Sanders for working together to unite our party, and deliver real, lasting change for generations to come,” he said. . . .
While there is no “Medicare-for-All,” which was one of Sanders’ signature proposals, it does call for the establishment of a “high-quality public option plan…without deductibles” administered by the government, not private companies, with no co-pays, allowing people to enroll in Medicare at 60 instead of 65.
“Democrats will also make available on the marketplace a platinum-level, federally administered health insurance option with low fees and no deductibles, so that everyone will have access to this high-quality, low-cost plan. Low income Americans will be automatically enrolled in this federally administered option at zero cost to them,” the document reads. . . .
Significantly, it would also ban for-profit private charter schools, and also opposes private school vouchers. It would also reinstate Obama-era Title IX protections for transgender students.
For colleges, it calls for grants for historically black colleges and universities, and calls for making community colleges tuition free. On student debt, it would forgive up to 50G in student debt for those in public services, cancel loans for public servants teachers or disabled students. It would also forgive all undergraduate tuition related debt from two and four year colleges for debt holders earning up to 125,000, with phase outs.
Separately, the climate change task force – co-chaired by progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and former Secretary of State John Kerry – calls for a faster timetable to achieve net-zero carbon emissions than Biden has previously advocated for, instead of the Ocasio-Cortez-championed Green New Deal to overhaul environmental policy, which also was not included in the recommendations. . . .
The list of recommendations will go to the Democratic National Convention’s (DNC’s) platform committee to consider.
While it doesn’t go as far as the party’s hard-left would like, it was called out by Republicans as bowing to the socialist wing.
“This is not a unity group, this is surrendering to the socialists,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.
(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Adam Shaw and Allie Raffa.)
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Why do you assume all Christians are republicans? I know many that are not including myself. This does not mean I support abortion or other ungodly policies. I do however have a valid different view on politics than seemingly you do. You make it exclusive in the way you word prayer requests. The Bible teaches to pray for our leaders and those in authority not for a particular political party!
Almighty God Hesl our Land!! Partnering with Sanders says it all. So confirms what we were seeing all along. The Democratic agenda does not represent Christian values nor free enterprise. Praying for Dems to recognize the negative impact this will create on our
country this duo will create if elected. Been to Germany and talked to people. Social governments do not support your preferred choice of products.
Full store shelves and choice will no longer be part of our shopping experience. Be certain the government will determine your choices (if even available to purchase…)
Father God, thank you for all that the Democratic plan are debunked by their next move. I prayed that the resume of Biden will be viewed by all American from both parties. I pray that Democratic party supporters will vote for P Trump this Nov 2020 too just because they are normal people who understand about how America works … by abiding in the Constitution.
Please help Representative who are currently undermining the Constitution such as AOC Ilhan Omar etc … to step down willingly in order to help P Trump do his job smoothly in the next 4 years.
Thank You Father,
God of heaven and Earth, you are Almighty God, Truth and Righeousness exalt a Godly Nation!
JOB 4 8-9 8Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. 9By the blast of God they perish,in your word by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed. Father God I thank you that the righteous stand up and speak your Truth! You have seen their wickedness, they plot and plan but Almighty God laughs at them! for he know their day is coming! We thank you President Trump and Vice president Pence stand for the Word of God!
To God be the Glory for All the Great & Mighty things HE has done & Is still doing! God does not sleep nor slumber, HIS will will be done. Let us not look to the left or the right but keep our lives grounded deep in God’s Word. The Church,the bride is awakened & aware of the times at hand, let us be prepared & ready, keeping our eyes & heart set upon our Glorious Savior! Be not afraid for the Lord Thy God is with us. Reach out to those around you & tell them Jesus is coming! Prepare for our Bridegroom will be coming like a thief in the night. Stay focused, share the Love of Christ to everyone. In Jesus Name!Amen
Lord, God the Almighty we come in humility depending solely upon You. We know there are many more angelic beings with us than than with them. Greater is He who is with us than he who is in the world. You turned water into wine. walked on water, healed every kind of disease, parted the Red Sea, caused the walls of Jericho to crumble, now we ask You to turn the agenda of this democratic socialist party to confusion. Please open the eyes of believers and unbelievers throughout our land to see what is at stake. Cause people to rise up and back our president in this upcoming election. Intervene on our behalf. May Your name be glorified. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen
Job 4:25
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come into me.
Socialist Communism. Eg. SoCom
This is not unity . It is a plan to destroy America.. take God from the planet.. and enact the New World Order. Time for folks to wake up. This party does not represent what is good.. and the things they are hiding .. should be brought to light so that people can decide from the truth what they support period. Father, forgive us and we ask that you show us your mercy . Forgive us for not speaking up .. forgive us for allowing them to push us in the corner with silent voices. Father lift us up in your name to stand firm in your word .. to promote the principals that stand true to this nation and to REJECT the policy of the enemy .. the enemy is not a party Lord and we know this . We reject the ways of Satan and his allies and we look to you alone . In Jesus Name. Oh Lord save our land. Amen .
Lord, I ask that policies that oppose your will will not be passed. I pray that the Democrats will not win in the fall. I ask that you expose socialism for what it is–a plan from the enemy to bring poverty and despair to our country. I cancel all assignments of the enemy to bring destruction to our nation, in Jesus’ mighty name! This cooperation between Biden and Sanders will fail, in Jesus’ name! Send angels to stand guard around our nation at this time, Lord!
Psalm 58 [The Living Bible The WAY]
JUSTICE? YOU HIGH and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes! 3. These men are born sinners, lying from their earliest words! 4,5. They are poisonous as deadly snakes, cobras that close their ears to the most expert of charmers. 6. O GOD, break off their fangs. Tear out the teeth of these young lions, LORD. 7. Let them disappear like water into thirsty ground. Make their weapons useless in their hands. 8. Let them be as snails that dissolve into slime; and as those who die at birth who never see the sun. 9. God will sweep away both old and young. He will destroy them more quickly than a cooking pot can feel the blazing fire of thorns beneath it. 10. The godly shall rejoice in the triumph of right; they shall walk the blood –stained fields of slaughtered, wicked men. 11. Then at last everyone will know that good is rewarded and that there is a GOD who judges justly here on earth.
We are praying a victorious WIN! for President Trump and V.P. Pence and an overwhelming majority of conservatives in the Senate and House of Congress!!!
It is apparent that the government does represent the people anymore. I propose that all laws passed must be approved by the people by a 2/3 vote.
Father, we recognize Your hand working hard for our nation created by Your Providence but our enemy is in chaos and turmoil not getting his desired end for Your creation. Thank You that angel armies are being dispatched to quell the enemy. Send many more strategic angels to speak to the church that does not vote to ACT NOW to register and vote the biblical values they know are Truth…aligned with Jesus our sovereign savior.
Dear Lord God. We are all so sick already in mid July of the arguments and rhetoric and insane ideas of the Left We are all overwhelmed.
Please help us to hang on and endure to November.
Don’t let us get so depressed that we can’t hear Your still small voice. Experience Your peace that passes all understanding. Know Your wisdom. Feel Your comfort
Please God of the Angel Armies bless us with all that You are. The Great I Am. Amen
I pray for your will to be done Father in Jesus name. There is nothing new under the sun.