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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, bless this institute and help our nation to turn back to You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

My heartfelt thanks to you for joining me as I begin this next chapter of my life. The outpouring of support has been tremendous.

We accomplished much during the last four years and delivered on our promise to the American people with an ambitious agenda to give greater opportunity to low-income families and revitalize underserved communities. But there is still much more to be done and that’s why I established the American Cornerstone Institute (ACI). The purpose of ACI can be summed up in four words:

Faith. Liberty. Community. Life.

These ideas are the cornerstones of American greatness. . . .

But today it seems like we have neglected these four cornerstones, how much we have endured with them, and how much we have accomplished because of them. Faith. Liberty. Community. Life. . . .

ACI will work to counter these disheartening trends and bring these core American ideas out of the shadows and back to the center of our daily lives. ACI will focus on grassroots efforts that will work to restore faith, liberty, community, and life to the privileged place in our thinking and policy-making that they deserve. . . .

ACI will always be guided by those four cornerstones:

  • Faith: Without faith and trust in God, we will never succeed as a nation. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, but too many Americans have turned away from them. We must fight for these values so that they may once again guide the country and its people.
  • Liberty: As Lincoln rightly noted, our nation was “conceived in Liberty” on that hot July day in 1776. And every day since, Americans have cherished the liberty given to us by God and emphasized by the Founding Fathers. We fought wars, both foreign and domestic, to retain it. Individuals and groups always work better when free to pursue their own interests. We must fight back against modern day forces that seek to infringe on our God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Community: Community, including what Tocqueville called the “mediating institutions” between the people and the government, is the bedrock of the American way of life. But our communities are breaking down. ACI will work rebuild our communities, which can provide so much meaning to so many. Part of that will include rebuilding our political communities. Americans have forgotten there is much more that brings us together than tears us apart. We will work to bring everyone—regardless of background or belief—together to find commonsense solutions.
  • Life: I believe all life is precious. Whether it is an unborn child inside its mother’s womb or a homeless individual struggling with addiction on the street, every life matters. ACI will always advocate for life and solutions that help those at each stage of life to the dignity and respect each of us deserves.

ACI will focus on a diverse set of issues that influence important policy discussions. We will engage with local governments and work with communities to find solutions to our nation’s problems. But we will always be mindful of these values. . . .

We cannot solve our problems without dialogue and discourse, and ACI is committed to being the platform to bring people together again. . . .

ACI will be bringing commonsense policy back to Washington and bringing commonsense solutions to our communities across the United States.

This will not be an easy mission, but it is a mission that the American Cornerstone Institute welcomes with open arms. We are confident that we will succeed. As the bible says, “whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”

Faith. Liberty. Community. Life. When those four words fill our hearts and minds like they did the generations before us, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. . . .

ACI hopes to build on these great gifts that our forefathers bequeathed us, and we are grateful that you have joined us in this mission. . . .

Thank you again for joining me in this worthy endeavor.

(Excerpt from American Cornerstone Institute. Article by Ben Carson.)

Are you encouraged by this new institute Ben Carsen has started? Share in the comments below!

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Rosemary Costa
March 31, 2022

God Bless you Dr.Carson for putting words into action. I will 🙏🏻 & donate to help you spread the good word of our lord Jesus Christ & for all people to return to sane thinking.

Anita Langenbacher
March 30, 2022

Before I make donations, I would like to view the Curriculum developed by ACI.
How might I do this?

Arthur Bentley
January 28, 2022

I agree and would like to share this in my community. Are there any fliers or brochures that we can purchase?

Ilene Shaheed
January 12, 2022

I misplaced your return envelope, I will be mailing my Pledge of Support and my check to the address on the back of my pledge. I don’t need a financial report. I hope they will forward my package to the right PO address. Thanks

January 7, 2022

I need the address of the Institute, my check will be enclosed.

Margaret Hess
April 13, 2021

Dr Carson, thank you for being the vehicle through whom God has chosen to bless us. I have watched your work with Carson
Scholars and reading rooms and have appreciate your work at HUD. God has blessed so many through you. There has been no raising of dust or tripping over ego. May God continue to use you as the zoysia plug that weeds out our sin and arrogance and returns us to a Nation Under God.

February 19, 2021

Dr. Carson, I live in a HUD community in Washington state, and can only thank you for your huge part in that housing endeavor. Without it I’d be living with children or other. In this era of our lives we desperately need an organization with the values of ACI, and I look forward to hearing more about it and how I can help in this crucial time to keep our America free. You are and have been in my prayers, and may God be with us in the coming days. God bless you!

Dennis Hostetter
February 18, 2021


February 17, 2021

Thank you Dr Carson for your determination and integrity. This looks to be a promising organization / institute and our nation at all levels can use the core values that would be at work within this institute. If this can help bring much needed change to many of our present government officials to help them find a moral compass, then God knows we most certainly need that… considering what is and has been evident in their abysmal conduct and attitude.
I will most certainly support an institute like this. Thank you for the great example you set for the people of this nation sir and for your unwavering service to our nation and to President Trump.

Robin Bragdon
February 17, 2021

Father I ask that you would bless Dr Carson’s efforts to contribute his God given gifts to our country. Use he and his wife, his family and this organization in a mighty way. May you get all glory from it. In Jesus name

Deborah Roberts
February 17, 2021

I very impressed and encouraged by the foundational core and mission of this institute. I pray for God’s protection, wisdom, and guidance for Ben Carson and all those working with him in the American Cornerstone Institute.
God bless you!

Shirley Gue
February 17, 2021

praise The Lord for this answer to all of our prayers for our nation. As we link our shields of faith together with men and servants of God of this same fabric of Christ, then I know with prayer, fasting, seeking God’s face, humility, and repentance for all our wicked ways God will Make America Great Again. In Jesus’name, for His honor, glory, and fame. We pray these things. Amen.

Danny NC.
February 17, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, please bless this new organization and guide their efforts. Let us all find ways to get involved in such efforts and May we all support each other in these dark times. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.

February 17, 2021

God bless you Ben Carson. I pray for God’s hand of wisdom, protection, and the leading of the Holy Spirit for this Institute in Jesus name, Amen.

Karen Knee
February 17, 2021

I pray that he garners much success in his new endeavors. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Carson. He is a good man and was always loyal to President Trump. He did not do a cut and run as many in the administration did. To those that left, shame on you. Our president did nothing illegal. He did not insite a riot and the Democrats made a disgrace of themselves. I hope and pray that people’s eyes will become wide open the spiritual battle that this is. It is good vs. evil and we in the church must fight to stamp out all evil. The church has to wake up to it’s responsibility to change the world for Christ!

Rolanda Shrader
February 17, 2021

Abba Father when You call You equip your children. Thank you for Your servant Ben Carson and others. Give them Your wisdom and strategies from Your throne room to make this successful to benefit all in need. In Jesus Name.

Mary Burnett Burt
February 17, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You this morning thanking You for giving Ben Carson the knowledge and faith to come to You in honoring You and our country in this bold and very needed effort. Bless him and it as he goes forth with this tremendous effort. May he continue to have great courage in taking Your name forward and we the same over our great nation that You have blessed us with. It is in Your holy and blessed name I pray this.

Susan CC
February 17, 2021

I am encouraged. Far too long we have been the silent majority. I believe “we must fight for our (Judeo-Christian)values so that they may once again guide the country and its people. And I also believe “we must fight back against modern day forces that seek to infringe on our God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

I pray Father, Your armor would be perfectly fitted on each of as we take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Show us how to fight this day, and the next, and in every day to come…in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, for our good and Your Glory. Amen

Ephesians 6:11

Sherry Mallory
February 17, 2021

Father bless and anoint this Institute and founder Ben Carson. Cause this to be a beacon of light and hope. Guard and protect this Godly mission. In the name of Jesus

February 17, 2021

I pray for the success of your endeavors. No doubt God is leading you in this effort. May He be blessed as well as all those you seek to minister. May your efforts bring many more to an understanding of Faith and Life through a belief in Jesus Christ. May your efforts multiply hearts seeking the Way, the Truth, and the Life! May God continue to richly Bless you in the gifts He has given.


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