Our second most read article of 2019 was this call to prayer for the President.
An “Esther” in the White House, who has worked closely with President Trump and his family, asked for a corporate Esther fast from November 2-5, 2019. The fast was a call for the safety and protection of President Trump and his family. There is great concern over increased threats against them. The timing of this fast was 365 days before the 2020 election.
There is an ongoing need for prayer for the President’s protection, as he faces threats of all kinds. As we enter 2020, we are asking you to add fasting to your prayers. We are offering a helpful booklet on fasting by IFA President David Kubal. No donation necessary, just give us your mailing address and we will send it to you.
An Esther fast refers to the Scripture in Esther 4:16 in which the Jewish people were facing a slaughter. Esther pleaded with her uncle to gather their people together in corporate intercession for protection. They were to abstain from eating or drinking for three days as they prayed and interceded before Esther went before the king.
“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do.”
Continue to fast to see assignments of destruction against President Trump’s life and his family broken. Please begin to pray even now for those who mean to harm our president and his family, that they will be exposed and their plan stopped.
There is power in corporate fasting in one accord.
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God Bless President Trump with good health, protection, discernment in leading our country and glorifying God.
LORD we come to you in the name of JESUS. I claim your word and speak life, victory and triumph for this nation and our PRESIDENT into the Spiritual invisible world. And that victory and triumph is in you the ROCK OF AGES. It is written “you bring to nothing the counsel of the heathen.” Don’t let the wicked prevail in their wicked works. You are the GOD That turns the ways of the wicked upside down, and scatters the plans of the wicked….. Scatter their schemes, their plots and their nets and let them fall into their own traps. Deliver the righteous of this nation that loves you and trust you for our deliverance. Amen!!!!! We love you and cherish you and trust you always.
Amen – Deliver us from the wicked one – put a hedge of protection around our President. Keep all evil and wicked ones far from him. Father let every evil be exposed – the wicked shall perish! Deliver us Father from the corruption taking place.
Amen! …..GOD BLESS stay strong and WORSHIP the LORD in our prayer rooms. LORD set our prayer rooms on fire for this nation.
“The moment they began their shouts and praises, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were defeated.” 2 Chron 20:22
I loved your prayer! I just changed one thing when I wrote it down. You wrote “Don’t let the wicked prevail in their wicked words.” I put instead the wicked will not prevail in Jesus name.
God gave us the authority to stop all evil deeds through prayer when he died on the cross. He gave us grace from darkness and gave us hope to prevail. Thank you Jesus!!!!
Please join our prayer group Monday, Wed., Friday and Sunday at 3:00 eastern or 12:00 Pacific Time. Our phone number is (712)770-5382 pass code 662641#
Our Father in heaven,
I ask for the fortress of God be upon president Trump and the U.S.A.
In the name of Jesus Christ
I am praying in agreement with these prayers for our president!
Jesus, thank YOU, that YOU and The Holy Spirit, are interceding for President Trump & his family, as well as, Vice-President Mike Pence and his family. YOU are faithful; YOU never sleep nor slumber; YOU are a good GOD; YOU are our good shepherd who restores our soul. YOU are an ever present help in time of our need. YOU know what we are going to say/ pray before we even start to do so. YOU ask us to ask of YOU…I (and MANY others) are asking for YOUR protections…like YOU have said that YOU (YOUR angels) encamp round about those who fear/ respect YOU; and, I know that President Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence and Many in their cabinet do so. Thank YOU for YOUR promise to be with them (and all of us). Uphold them with YOUR right hand. Be everything that they need YOU to be; for, YOU are the great ‘I AM’. Amen & thank you, GOD, Jesus & Holy Spirit.
Father in Heaven, I pray that You will protect President Trump, his family, and all of Your children serving in our government. Please give them wisdom and a desire to do Your will. Please restrain the forces of darkness who hate You and Your will, and who are sowing division and hatred in the world. Please also protect Prime Minister Netanyahu and his family from harm. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May every knee bow at the name of Jesus and confess Him as Lord, to Your glory, Amen!
Dear Jesus,
I ask YOU to post warring angels around President Trump, his family Vice President Pence and his family and all those who stand faithfully with him in his administration. A hedge of protection day and night. Let nothing come nigh their dwelling places.
Thank YOU for continuing to allow him to expose the evil corruption that has been plotted against our country and other countries for the lust of power by those who would stop at nothing to accomplish their evil, selfish desires.
I pray also that those who are against YOU and YOUR plan and purpose for America would be led out of the captivity of the devil and have their eyes and hearts opened. Great them a place of repentance while you administer justice for their deeds.
Thank YOU for loving people so much that YOU graciously give opportunities to turn to YOU and be saved.
May it be done according to YOUR WORD, Amen
I agree with every word of the prayer of Rev. Franklin Graham for our President Trump and our country and utter it as my prayer. “Thank you, Father, for men, women and young people who know You, Your Living Word and will follow You. Strengthen them, embolden them, purify their motives to be in line with Yours. In the Name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God” Amen.
This President is prayed for every day. He has done so much good for this Country. in all categories.Trusting God will again give Him to America for our President. Praying and Praying.