After reading Dave Kubal’s article There was a Spiritual Quid Pro Quo, my heart was grieved over the abuse of America’s power, prominence, and position that we have received from the Lord.
Ongoing investigations reveal that American officials have been withholding financial aid to other countries unless they agreed to promote abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda to their citizens. It was OUR country that was blackmailing and bullying to spread immorality.
While we have no idea how far reaching these seeds were sown or grown, as a nation we are responsible for the wicked harvest that is the result.
Now that this evil has been exposed, we are responsible to act.
We also need to repent for the unjust impeachment of President Trump. This action was not because of his actions (despite the claims of the Democrats), but to cover up crimes and immoral actions of our government leaders who used their positions to force the above immorality and corruption upon our nation and other nations.
Before we enter 2020, we need to repent and cleanse our land.
We invite you to join us for a National Day of Repentance for our nation over what has transpired to uproot those seeds and call on the Lord to forgive us.
Will you join us TODAY Monday, December 30 for a day of fasting and repentance of the evil that has been committed as we forced other countries to embrace and spread immorality and evil in exchange for financial assistance?
We also need to repent for the spirit of pride and rebellion that has been allowed to rule our nation and shake its fist in defiance as our president was impeached by a completely partisan vote. In the end it isn’t just President Trump they wish to remove. It is God.
How do we pray?
- We need to first humble ourselves and repent.
- We need to ask forgiveness for those we led astray as abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda were forced into other nations.
- We need to repent and be cleansed of the blood on our hands from the abortions traded for aid.
- We need to pray that the seeds of immorality and corruption that were spread would wither and die.
- We need to pray that those who perpetuated this evil will be revealed, removed from their positions and prosecuted.
- We need to cancel any partnership or alliance with the demonic realm, whether that is through an organization, a country, or an individual, and that all such partnerships will be brought to light and cancelled.
- Most importantly, we need to pray for revival in our land.
Father God we humble ourselves before and repent as a nation. Lord God we have sinned. We have used the prominent position and blessings you have given us as a weapon to force immorality and murder upon other countries. Lord we repent. We ask for your forgiveness.
We ask that those seeds be uprooted from other countries and our own. We speak to them now and say, “Wither and die along with any ongoing harvest.” In their place we speak revival. We ask that you would cleanse our land and the blight we have put on other nations in which this evil was perpetuated.
Lord, we ask that those who have been involved in these heinous crimes to be revealed, removed from their positions and prosecuted. Lord that they will be stopped from any ongoing actions. We also ask that they will have a Damascus Road encounter with you and that the hardness of their heart will be turned to a heart of flesh tender to your Word.
Lord we ask you to save us. We ask for your help. We repent that we have been asleep and allowed such corruption because we were not praying for our leaders as You commanded. Lord we thank you for our president and His stand for you. We ask that you would deliver him and deliver us from those who are intent on removing You from our nation.
Lord, please heal and cleanse our land.
Karen Hardin is an intercessor, author, minister, and literary agent. Her work has appeared on USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information, you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com.
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Just a thought, I wonder why the name of Jesus was not mentioned in your Prayer for the Nation.
Father God Forgive me and forgive us as a nation we humble ourselves now forgive us for all the immorality and innocent blood shed . Forgive us for all that has been done that’s not of You forgive this nation of all wickedness in the government , church, schools ,in every system tear down the strongholds and stop rebuke the powers and principalities over our government cities and states of this nation now in every area we repent and ask you to heal this nation let us come together in unity and pray your will on earth for this nation. For our leaders for our Presdident whom you chose to lead protect him and his family let your truth prevail as it is in Heaven let us be about your agenda forgive us Father the nation need you you rule and reign in all nations . But come Rule and Reighn in America. We give you all praise honor and Glory. We ask you to expose these men and women that the enemy operating through prosecute them bring Devine Justice give them a Damascus change we send them to your feet to Deal with them now, release your spirit of Prayer and intercession upon us and our nation let us Roar with you Jesus in the 20 s release the spirit of repentance upon this nation now you roar Lion of Judah in 2020 in this nation in Jesus name.. Amen we Thankyou and praise You release your angel of war to do battle now against all demonic forces in operation dismantle and stop them now bc you already triumphed and won the Victory so they must bow now and flee in Jesus name … Glory to God Ruler of all Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords hallelujah you Reign !!!💞👃👼👄💦✨2020 pey👄The year of the mouth and supernatural vision it’s time to speak what the Father says And see through his eyes 20/20 Glory to God !!!
Father God Forgive me and forgive us as a nation we humble ourselves now forgive us for all the immorality and innocent blood shed . Forgive us for all that has been done that’s not of You forgive this nation of all wickedness in the government , church, schools ,in every system tear down the strongholds and stop rebuke the powers and principalities over our government cities and states of this nation now in every area we repent and ask you to heal this nation let us come together in unity and pray your will on earth for this nation. For our leaders for our Presdident whom you chose to lead protect him and his family let your truth prevail as it is in Heaven let us be about your agenda forgive us Father the nation need you you rule and reign in all nations . But come Rule and Reighn in America. We give you all praise honor and Glory. We ask you to expose these men and women that the enemy operating through prosecute them bring Devine Justice five them a Damascus change we send them to your feet to Deal with them now, release your spirit of Prayer and intercession upon us and our nation let us Roar with you in the 20 s release the spirit of repentance upon this nation now you roar in 2020 in this nation in Jesus name.. Amen we Thankyou and praise You release your angel of war to do battle now against all demonic forces in operation dismantle and stop them now bc you already triumphed and won the Victory so they must bow now and flee in Jesus name … Glory to God Ruler of all Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords hallelujah you Reign !!!💞👃👼👄💦✨2020 pey👄The year of the mouth and supernatural vision it’s time to speak what the Father says And see through his eyes 20/20 Glory to God !!!
Praying and fasting in agreement.
oh Lord God we thank you that what your word says is true; your children called by your name, Christians, must be the ones that repent and take responsibility for this horrible crime–this blood that’s been spilled all over the world the blood of babies. Father God we pray that this terrible news will activate the church. Bring us all to the place of repentance and wanting to be aware and awake and prayerful. God we plead for revival in this country, deep heartfelt revival especially among the churches. We can’t go to church just on Sunday morning but we must go to prayer everyday pleading with you for these kinds of things to be brought to light. What has been done in the dark is shouted from the housetops and Lord God that it can be stopped.
O Father, We are aghast at learning this news. Thank You for giving us this intercessional intelligence so we can corporately repent of this evil. Our hearts are humbled before You as we seek Your face to turn from our wicked ways and ask for our nation to be cleansed from rebellion against You. We ask that You would hear our prayer and deliver us from evil. Bring us back to You; O God, bring US(A) back to You. We have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly, and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Daniel 9:5. Open shame belongs to us, O Lord, to our leaders and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. To the Lord our God belong compassion and forgiveness because we have rebelled against You. Daniel 9:8,9. O our God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the (country) which is called by Your name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merits of our own, but on account of Your great compassion. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord listen and take action! For your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name. Daniel 9:18,19
We pray that Your Light would reveal evil, corruption, and every thing opposed to You. Create in us clean hearts and renew a right spirit in our land that we may return to the true foundation of God and the cornerstone, which is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In whose Name we come before You.
Lord, we feel helpless at the horrible news that this.pro quo has been done. BUT, WE KNOW that YOU can and ARE sending ambushments against these evils, no matter how far reaching they are. YOU WILL take these evils DOWN. And You will protect President Trump and Vice President Pence. Show the world that YOU are in control. And give us a little glimpse to give us hope. For now, we CHOOSE to trust You in it all. Thank You,ALMIGHTY Father. The blood of Jesus is covering all of us who are praying. Thank You, Jesus, thank You, Holy Spirit.