I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for America. We ask You to bless this land, to carry us through the 2024 election, and to let Your will be done.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A state leader shared a recent vision with IFA. We are sharing it here for the greater Body of Christ to pray into or add coordinating words. We encourage you to ask the Lord for discernment as you read through, and then if you are led, share a prayer, word, or comment in the section below.

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The Vision:

A sailing ship breaks apart as it sails through an intense storm.

Some of the crew are tearing the ship apart, trying to destroy it, and throwing the pieces into the sea. Soon, thinking that the pieces removed were what was keeping the ship afloat, they jumped overboard, believing that the ship would sink.

Once overboard, the disloyal (former) crew attempts to lash or hold the floating pieces together to make a new vessel. This is very difficult to do. As the frustration mounts, “taskmasters” start whipping the “crew” with crowds, ropes, and chains.

The original ship does not sink: its superstructure is intact and most of its siding is in place. Once the repairs are made, the ship begins sailing much better than before, being lighter in weight and free of the disloyal crew. Its remaining crew are encouraged. They become hopeful, start working well together, and have vision and unity. The ship cuts through the billowing waves, heading forward.

After a while, the ship emerges from the storm into sunny weather and gently rolling seas. A true course is lain for its destination.

However, some of the crew hear cries of anguish and despair from many of the former crew back in the storm. The ship maintains its course but slows down to lower longboats. Moved by compassion, the longboats row back into the storm, rescue the former crew who want to become loyal, and bring them to the ship, still proceeding it its destination.

The ship is America. The storm is the 2024 election and its aftermath.Ā 

The parts being torn off are elements of our society that are not true to our foundations and godly destiny. The disloyal crew are those who believe that the America that exists must be destroyed. The loyal crew believes in the godly foundations and destiny of America. The amount of time between the start of the vision and the ship emerging from the storm is unclear but it is long enough for the loyal crew to learn the necessary lessons but short enough to still rescue the repentant among the disloyal crew. The ship’s destination is America’s godly destiny.

Reflections on the word from the author:

There is hope for America. Her structure is strong. Much of her protection through godly leaders, spiritual warriors, and families is still in place. Her godly destiny remains: given by God and supported by the hosts of Heaven.

But, we must preserve in the purposes that the Lord has apprehended us for: neither denying nor despairing at the fierceness of the storm America is in. (The word “intense” in the vision in no way conveys the chaos and force I actually saw on and about the ship from the storm.).

We shall not abandon America to those seeking to destroy her. We, as God’s servants, shall unite, take courage, be strengthened by the Spirit, repair our ship, and learn how to sail her forward through the storm.

This will take time but the Wind of Holy Spirit is already filling our tattered sails, starting to move us forward. We shall stay on the ship, work together, and arrive into a Light-filled place, aligning our course to fulfill America’s destiny.

And … we shall remember compassion.

Do not be distracted by the dismantling. Although it will seem to be destroying America, the Lord will free His faithful to rebuild America in a way we could not have otherwise, restoring her to His design.

“There is a time for everything. … a time to tear down and a time to build up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 3b; NASB)

If we are faithful and together preserve in the Lord, America shall not only survive, she shall be reformed into His ship to the nations.

Share how you may be praying into this word, or how you may have been given a word that corresponds–add it in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Austin Neill on Unsplash)

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Vicky Payton
October 5, 2024

Lord, You have been speaking to me about ā€˜groaning prayersā€™. About how our groanings so deep are some of the best praying BECAUSE it tends to coincide better w/ how You want us to pray & how this kind of praying makes it so we can pray CONSTANTLY. So Lord, help us to allow our groaning prayers to cry out to You & for what You are directing us to pray, yes, w/out words BUT w/ deep deep cries to You our Father! Lord, You know best what is needed & we cry out for our American brothers & sisters (saved & needing to get saved)! Lord, I CANNOT stop this kind of praying because it feels so much like my praying is going to the very heart of what is needed. I find that I donā€™t run from thinking about the pain ā€” but I let You use my pain to deeply cry out for them! I do love this kind of praying! Thank You for teaching me about it! So Lord, I just ask You for on-going & continual miracles to get for that area (where the hurricane hit) exactly what THEY are crying out for & please comfort all their hearts ā€” both victims & helpers! And Lord, I have never in my life seen this callousness like weā€™re seeing & experiencing from this Biden administration ā€” BUT You know it all – inside & out! Lord, please make a way for Your will to be accomplished in every facet of this disaster & this election. Please let the Biden administration fall into the pit they have dug for us all! Please release the funds from wherever they are hiding them to these people who are in life & death situations! And Lord, right now we bind any evil spiritual forces that are in operation to destroy & we command them to go, in Jesusā€™ name!

    David Engle
    November 14, 2024

    Truly there is no prayer more perfect than those that Holy Spirit prays through us…. yes the groanings reflect the heart of our Father. It is a huge honor to be used of the Lord in this way. The Lord has used this kind of experience in my life, and some that I know, to open the door into His purposes in a given moment or season and provide words of revelation that we so desperately need.
    Amen and Amen

September 27, 2024

Thank you for this vision. It is a lesson and encouragement to keep the Lord God at the helm, rely on the guidance of Holy Spirit in prevailing through prayer for God’s Will personally and throughout our country. In Jesus Name. AMEN

September 27, 2024

Thank you for this vision. It is a lesson and encouragement to keep the Lord God at the helm, rely on the guidance of Holy Spirit in prevailing through prayer for God’s Will personally and throughout our country. In Jesus Name. AMEN

September 25, 2024

Dear Lord, please forgive us for our

complacency. Please forgive our pastors who have fallen asleep and have not put the fire of your Word into our hearts so that we would have your fire in us and know how to fight the devil. You are the One who gives us strength and wisdom and it is all in your Word. People READ YOUR BIBLES AND LISTEN TO GOOD INSTRUCTORS such as John Hagee, and stand up and fight for what is rightfully ours.

Rhode Oyen
September 25, 2024

Father, your will be done, help us all bring glory to you and forgive us, please build in us the faith needed to victoriously get through this election season, you are God and we are your people! In Your Powerful Name, Yeshua!

Roseanne Strom
September 24, 2024

Lord, bring Your Angel Army to our Republic. Reveal and break off the corruption and delusions that have affected our God given land. We repent for all of the sinful decisions that have been made, not relying on You and Your Word. Help us in our repentance to see Your purposes for such a time as this. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

September 24, 2024

Father of us all, we are sorry for our sins, and for taking your grace for granted. You above all deserve our respect and honor. Help us in our weakness and help us to overcome our sins of neglect, and division and idolatry.

May the righteous among us unite in prayer and in the spirit. May the righteous in government act in the interests of all, and may the unrighteousness leaders and evil deviants be forced out of power. By your grace may we live in a world that honors you and receives your will gladly.

Judy Ross
September 24, 2024

I too have had visions of ships. Did anyone here know Christopher Columbusā€˜s primary reason for sailing the ocean was to carry Godā€™s word. I picture ship with Godā€˜s word being carried across the ocean and handled with care. I now picture that same ship killing over in a storm of storms. It is time for all those who will hear let them here. Wake up our friends and family exclamation.

Matthew Winegardner
September 23, 2024

Good blessed and highly favored afternoon to whom this may reach or who may read this! Sometime in August I can’t recall the date, but I was driving to work, and I heard the distress call as the sailors make when their ship is sinking; “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!” I began to pray and seek Him the Lord Jesus Christ and I had felt strongly in my spirit the Lord revealed to me that this indeed was America! Our freedom was under attack.
Late last year sometime in late November I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: “More in 24” More is coming and as soon as read this the scripture where Jesus called Peter out the boat, Peter took a step of faith and onward, but Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and started to sink. Is America sinking?
As America has taken their eyes off Jesus some believe America is sinking. Rise up and pray and repent 2 Chronicles 7:14! Believe, Believe stands for “Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime!”
When we unite and fight and come together in one mind and one accord the Lord’s glory will indeed rest on us and get our eyes on our perfecter and author of our faith the Almighty King Jesus and BELIEVE again we shall rise! A wind is coming and a stirring is happening! And I hear ā€œTake courage! It is I. Donā€™t be afraidā€ (Matthew 14:27) Jesus words!

Greed is drowning America. Our bird is the eagle. 99% of the time an Eagle expires from old age, natural causes. I’ve done research on the Eagle and the other 1% of the time Eagles die from greed. When an eagle swoops down and tries to grab a fish, and that fish is bigger and heavier than the eagle can lift the eagle gets greedy and won’t let its talons go and the fish goes into deeper water and drowns the Eagle. America is drowning at a rate like no other in debt and greed.
Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Things are being shook and whatever can be shaken will be shaken but those who proclaim and take refuge in the Lord and has built their foundation on the solid Rock that will not be shook. Americas foundation thank God was built on Biblical principles, so “we will not be shaken in Jesus Christ mighty name!’

Linda Rice
September 23, 2024

I know America needs God. I’m not sure if God needs America. It is, after all, a worldly kingdom and not eternal. If the Church purifies herself, we will survive. If Trump wins and we hip hop hooray for our own escape, we are not heavenly minded.

Jerry Palmeri
September 22, 2024

wow this is how God plans and takes the evil twisted plans of the wicked and boomerangthem back to victory and restoration. for his namesake and plans of victory. Over 4 years ago I had an extremely vivid and sharply defined dream. I dreampt
my wife and i were invited to an extremely important and crutial meeting. It felt like the white house but it was a large mansion on a big estate. AS we walked up we were escorted through many rooms to the rear where president Trump was at the head of a large table having a very important meeting with officials lawyers patriots and christians .He was discussing discovery and logistics. then I woke up. The discoveries are still going on and the super natural logistics and wisdom will take back all that’s been stolen if we keep up intercession and prayer. Devine intervention will rule we declare and agree

September 22, 2024

I was amazed at a prophetic word given yesterday that there are 2 in trumps organization that have been sowing weeds and tares in the path of Trump since 2020 and are “leaking” all campaign strategy directly to Biden
. Harris.
This is also happening to “bibi” in Israel.
I’m reminded of King David crying Absalom, oh Absal my son
. Such.a heart cry over betrayel of those deemed loyal. We are to pray into cleaning the path but also a return and repentance of the enemy for nothing else is left but judgment and falling into the put they devised for others. This is not a simple task as it involves waking up those who have been deceived and put to sleep to be out of commission. We need to know we still have gained strategy over this season to defeat those whose motto is, ” if it cant be done legally

PSALM 2 is prevalent. Don’t take your eyes of Jesus
We have been likened to the tortoise and the hare. WRONG. Open your eyes and see the Eastern Gate/ Mount. Of Olives..
Praise works

Sing with me ..Blessed be the Name

Ann Shaw
September 22, 2024

Hallelujah and praise the LORD! Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom to discern your truth and courage to obey and walk in your truth. Enable us to hold fast to Jesus and follow Him.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Susan S
September 22, 2024

The vision gives me something to think about. I am considering moving to someplace like Argentina. I am retired and there is a program for which I am eligible there. I love this country but I am old and so tired of fighting and losing. It seems to require a miracle for progressives not to win. If the progressives win this year, I don’t see them losing in my lifetime. While I live in a conservative state, my only other choice seems to be to move to a more conservative part of my state or another rural conservative county in another state. I believe that we are in the end times. Things will go as God has ordained them to be. I am uncertain and need guidance from the Lord.

R Walker
September 22, 2024

Heavenly Father put your loving hands on this land and bless it once more, forgive those who are trying to tear down foundation on which it was built and make it great again. Forgive all of us who have taken our freedoms for granted, have forgotten our Creator who has been with us through every difficulty we have faced, without You we would have surely perished. Lord we pray for courage and strength that only comes through You, may we humble ourselves, and pray , give up our wicked ways, then because You loves us so much, You will save our country and make it great again. God Bless America. Amen.

September 22, 2024

FATHER, Awaken America from her slumber. We must throw off Marxist Communist Socialist agenda of the left. We The People of The Lord’s Remnant want Justice, Law and Order, Freedom and Liberty to speak TRUTH about Mystery of Yeshua HaMashiach, LIFE LIBERTY PERSUTE OF HAPPINESS. 40 million Christians do Not VOTE, occupy until YOU COME. Waken them from their slumber, to come out from her and serve YeHoVaH IN Righteousness IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Allena Jordan
September 22, 2024

Now all who abandon are disloyal. A relative of mine who comes from a battered background wants nothing to do with chaos and “fighting.” This relative lives near a very militant far right wing group gathered in the community. The relative is abandoning the ship for what is believed to be peace in the other direction. Most likely, this person does not believe in abandoning America, just in abandoning the chaos and violence.
To me, this is self-protection misguided by emotions. We must have compassion on those who are faint-hearted, want nothing to do with the chaos, and, therefore, choose the other direction. Honestly, they can’t see the consequences in many cases. Or, they’ve believed the many lies spoken.
Thank you for sharing the dream. Sail on, America. Sail on, Christians. Whether we are “eaten by lions, burned in the fire, or whether God chooses to save us, we will serve the Lord and Him only. We will not bow down to godless ways or worship idols. Thank You, Lord.

    September 22, 2024


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IFA President
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