Are Americans okay with political violence?
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Are Americans okay with political violence?
Former President Trump narrowly escaped a second assassination attempt last Sunday. It was a mere six weeks since the first assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania. You would think this would be the biggest news story in America – and a unifying moment for the country.
Pray for your fellow intercessor.
But it’s not.
Corporate media is basically saying “move along, nothing to see here.” Meanwhile numerous news outlets, anchors and pundits have claimed that it is Trump’s own “incendiary” rhetoric that has caused these attempts.
In other words, he deserved it.
Corporate Media Blames Trump
CNN went so far as to say after the second attempt that Mr. Trump was “inflaming the situation” by claiming people are shooting at him because of the Biden-Harris-Democrat rhetoric that he is an “existential threat to democracy.”
The Media Research Center analyzed ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts over three nights following the second attempt and found that 95% of the coverage was negative for Mr Trump. This attitude can be summed up with CBS Norah O’Donnell’s reporting claiming, “Donald Trump is blaming Democrats for inflaming political rhetoric, but the former President’s own words seem to be increasing the threat of political violence…”.
In other words, it’s President Trump’s fault people are shooting at him. The rhetoric is not dying down.
Just one day after the second attempt, Hillary Clinton called Mr. Trump “a danger to our country and the world”. In less than two hours after this second attempt, House Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) posted on X that MAGA Republicans must be stopped.
Politico wrote that, for Joe Biden it is “routine” to call Trump Hitler. Many Democrats truly believe that Trump is Hitler as evidenced by the very long list of people who call him just that. Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) called for Mr. Trump to be “eliminated”.
With the unrelenting drumbeat from liberals, the president and vice-president, and corporate media claiming democracy will end if Trump is elected and this could be our last election, are we really surprised that people are acting violently to “save democracy?”
Recent polling on American attitudes on political violence is truly disturbing
According to a survey conducted in June (before the first assassination attempt on President Trump on July 13), the Chicago Project on Security and Threats reported that 10% of all U.S. adults, or 26 million people, think it’s okay to use force to prevent Mr. Trump from becoming president.
On the flip side, 7% of adults, or 18 million people, think force is justified to restore Mr. Trump to the presidency.
And 44%, or a staggering 113 million people, may not support political violence, but they do not condemn it.
So only 2 out of 5 Americans are condemning political violence in America. That was 3 months ago.
A new poll released on Wednesday by Scott Rasmussen’s RMG Research and conducted after the second attempt at the West Palm Beach golf course revealed that 1 in 3 Democrats thought America would be better off if Trump had been killed on the golf course. Another 24% of Democrats were uncertain.
Mr. Rasmussen said, “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered.”
Mr. Trump now has full presidential-level Secret Service protection.
An Age of Rage
Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor, claims we are living in an “Age of Rage”. Rage rhetoric in our civil discourse is rising and is “permeating every aspect of our society and politics.”
While each side blames the other for its’ rise, we Christians know who is truly to blame. That would be the author of blinding rage, hatred and deception – Satan, who is the god of this world. His goal it to engulf the whole world in darkness and inflame the people with his hatred.
It is the devil who is our enemy who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1Peter 5:8) He leads the whole world astray. (Revelation 12:9) He is filled with fury. (Revelation 9:12) He wages war against those who keep God’s commands and hold fast to their testimony of Jesus. (Revelation 9:17) He deceives the minds and hearts of people, so they are unable to see the glorious light of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
This Satanic rage is being manifest today – not just in our politics, but in the pro-Hamas protests, the mass shootings, and the rising crime in our streets and neighborhoods. Satan is putting these destructive thoughts into the minds of people.
They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. (Ephesians 4:18)
There’s no way that rational people would speak and act in violence without demonic interference. These poor souls are not evil, but they have been overcome with evil. There is an evil force behind them, coloring their thoughts and speech. Because of Satan’s grip, the “Age of Rage” is increasing rapidly.
If ever there was a time for Christians to remember Ephesians 6:12, it’s now.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Let us pray
Pray for repentance for allowing our politics to devolve into fear, division and insults… and not be about the righteous policies honoring God and strengthening America’s freedoms. Too much of our public debate is about insulting political opponents. Let us pray for a return to discussing the issues that most impact Americans, and not personalities.
Let us pray that the politicians and their voters who have depended on fear and division to gain or retain power will end their destructive discourse and seek God’s will for our nation. Write to your Congressman and other elected officials demanding they refrain from personal attacks and incendiary language
We must remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:44 commanding us to bless our enemies. Pray that we will not turn people we disagree with politically into enemies. Instead, pray for the heart of Jesus to love every political opponent as He does.
Let us pray for wise leaders who will serve the Lord with fear. (Psalm 2) Pray they would seek God’s righteousness and truth in how they conduct their lives. Let us pray that politicians would put forth policies pleasing to God
Let us pray continued protection for President Trump, Senator Vance, Vice-President Harris and Governor Walz. Pray they will not fear the terror of night, or the arrow that flies by day. (Psalm 91: 5) Pray they will acknowledge the Lord who will protect and deliver them. (Psalm 91:14)
Let us pray that God would rebuke those with murderous intentions and break the weapons of the violent.
Let us pray in the powerful name of Jesus to bind the evil spirits, powers and forces unleashing this blinding rage upon the nation and the world. Rebuke the spirits interfering in this election and hardening hearts with hatred, fear and division. Ask for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit on our land.
Pray for the lies to be exposed, for truth to be revealed, and for God to be exalted in our nation. Pray for revival in America.
Add your own prayers in the comments below.
Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Kayle Kaupanger on Unsplash.
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Lord, raise up righteous leaders in America at every level of government and judiciary. For Your Word says ‘Righteousness exalts a Nation but sin is a reproach to every land.’
Give us men and women who follow your precepts to rule over us in truth and honesty because they love Your Word.
We cannot do this except as we pray and confess our own sins and ask for Your Forgiveness. Then You will heal our land.
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and bring us through these hard times. Bring Believers closer to You so we can be the Light and Salt to all nations.
In Christ’s Holy Name we Pray, Amen, So be it!
Dana – I would like permission to share the prayer on FB – it is right to the point of what we need as a nation!
Our Heavenly Father. We pray for our Country who needs to come back
to Judeo-Christian beliefs. We were founded by Christian principles as a
Nation who follows the 10 commandments and reads the Holy Bible.
United We Stand, But Divided We Fall. We are under attack as a Country.
We pray for God to turn our Country around and expose all the evil that
is taking place. Please help us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Americans have always been happy with violence that is why the gun homicide rate is about ten times the highest rate in any civilised country such as UK, Australia, etc. and such crime hardly exists in Japan.
And the judicial system is now at risk. It once held Nixon and his henchmen to account and gave significant penalties. Now we have a convicted felon, alleged rapist, and inciter of insurrection, who undermined the judicial system by obtaining a decision of immunity from a Supreme court that he stacked.
May God in his mercy give time for repentance.
The above comment is a perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. A “conviction” of a man from an extremely biased DOJ and an extremely biased media from a democrat political party with more blood on its hands from both the born & unborn. You seem to ignore the crimes of both Clintons and the entire Biden family. They all are legitimately guilty of horrendous crimes against humanity and for their own monetary benefit. As far as your love of “other civilized” countries you’re free to go. And there was no insurrection. The national guard was requested by President Trump and refused by Pelosi ( a criminal herself with her insider trading). Also, the only deaths on Jan 6th were civilians. You need to do better research. Also, remove the blank from your own eye before casting false and manufactured aspersions on others. Your hatefulness of the truth is extremely unhelpful. Harris is a liar. Trump 2024
Who is deranged? Because Trump lost does not mean it was from a biased DOJ, simply a false statement bc you don’t want to believe that he is guilty. A jury found him guilty of 34 counts of fraud. Democrats blood on hands??? Because you believe the only way to reduce abortions is through laws you demonize those that disagree. You can want abortions reduced and see other more effective ways to reduce abortion than laws. JESUS certainly did not think laws were the only or most effective way to change people. Just a thought, maybe Jesus was right. There was an insurrection, you’d have to be blind to not see it. Your statement about Pelosi and Trump is clearly false. There was violence on Jan 6 from the right, from Trump supporters, that is a fact. Trump has lied for years and now him and Vance both are clearly lying about Springfield, REPUBLICAN mayor and governor asking them to stop. Who is deranged?
Here again your “facts” are flawed. The Biden/Harris DOJ is the first in history to use lawfare to prosecute a political opponent. If Trump was not running for President again there would be no such charges brought at all especially 4 years after he’s out of office. Also, who are you to assume I believe laws are the only way to stop the evils of abortion?? First and foremost it is thru prayer to our Lord & Savior and guidance as to what abortion truly is. You have no right to make false statements about my beliefs. As far as your claim of “insurrection” not a single person of the over 1,200 charged has been charged with insurrection. (APnews1/6/2024).Guess it was a riot like they had in Portland, St.Louis or Kenosha maybe??? As far as Springfield, which I did not bring up, but as long as you did I will say that city is suffering. The traffic accidents and death of a child on a school bus,hit by an illegal, have devastated the town. There are documented 911 calls to the hunting & killing of geese in the parks. Other than that the social services & hospitals are overwhelmed and stretched thin. It’s time to stop identifying as a D or an R and look to policies and the Lord. We all need to ask the Lord to open our hearts and minds to the truth. God already knows who wins this election. My prayers are for all humanity. Shalom
Lord Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus; I pray for a very strong intervention of Your Holy Spirit to penetrate the blinded hearts and minds to reveal the evil which influences them to destruction. I pray for a rebuke of self righteousness, conceitedness, selfishness and any other thing which comes from the spirit of pride which all sin originates from. Be glorified I pray O Lord. Does not Your Word state in Proverbs 15:8 “ The sacrifice of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord ; but the prayers of the righteous is Your delight?” And so we pray and waiting for Your manifestation to be gloried in Jesus name.
Father I repent on behalf of my nation for the hatred that motivates so many. Calm our hearts Father to love and pray for our enemies that you would work in their lives for truth. May I not bow to hatred or violence or name calling, but seek to hear truth.
Psalm 76:1-3 God is known in Judah; His Name is great in Israel. His tabernacle is in Salem; His dwelling place also is in Zion. There He broke the flaming arrows, the shield and the sword and the weapons of war.
Selah and pray with me dear brethren. Jesus is LORD of heaven and earth and God’s land to Israel has not changed!!!
Father God l pray that this America which seems to have forsaken the Christian belief of past generations, can be saved. Only you can take the Veil off the hearts and minds of this people. In the Name of Jesus l pray.
Better is coming simply because Jesus Christ is coming back soon. We blame Politicians for our nations divisions but we need God to guide America back to moral values. Our Nation is being divided by the bais news stations.
I believe all of “we” need to STOP talking & praying like, “those people are so rude, not nice”; when in REALITY, they are EVIL, following satan their father. JOHN 8:44. Jesus Christ our Lord Called exactly what & who they were. NOT to go around yelling about how they’re devils: that’d solve nothing. Rather USE like IFA & others produced articles, books on how to word our prayers, decrees, & the like to THWART the demons, COMMAND them to STOP, CEASE & DESIST! NOW IN THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!!!!!
I am praying Psalm 64 for President Trump every day.
In Jesus’ name,
We need “JESUS “ all of us!!!!!
Jesus didn’t go around worrying about what is, or isn’t!
He stayed in His Father’s Presence, and listened to His Father’s Voice
There’s so much going on, and we try to stay busy and figure out what to say,or do !
Then there’s Mary who sat at JESUS feet focused on Him alone!
Come Lord Jesus come!
We definitely must please God as Christ did, but we were left with commands: make disciples, occupy til I come, have nothing to do with the evil works of darkness, but rather, EXPOSE THEM. Worship the Lord, and Pray, but if all we do is pray, that is just half enough. An African proverb: when you pray, move your feet. Pray that God will use you to reach some who are poisoned with Trump derangement syndrome. It appears a large percentage of Democrats suffer this mental/spiritual illness wanting Trump to be killed. May God have mercy upon us all.
Amen and Amen!!!! Lord please protect President Trump. He is your
servant and is anointed by you. You have saved him from death twice
for such a time as this. You have BIG plans for him and we trust that
you will keep him in your presence at all times. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
In my lifetime of being able to vote, over 50 years the party that has continually to follow satan’s agenda has been the democrats and liberals. They have name called, spread lies about their opponents, and in recent years called for physical violence against everybody who doesn’t agree with their (satan’s) agenda. I know many people are praying for all politicians including democrats. Yet the democrats and liberals seem to be digging in and increasing in their divisive rhetoric. For them the will of the people means nothing and democracy is only achieved through them remaining in power. Let us continue to pray for all politicians to resist satan and his evil plan. Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏
I don’t know what you are talking about with respect to a violent civil war. Isn’t it Trump and Project 2025 that keep saying it will be bloodless if the other side (dems) just concede before the election even happens? I have never seen liberals training with tactical gear, assault weapons and riot gear while flying confederate and maga flags. Try listening to more news sources than news max. The party on the right has strayed from Jesus’s path.
Have you read Project 2025? It has nothing to do with Trump.
I understand. Most Democrats seem cult-indoctrinated and unable to accept anything except their talking points and wild accusations against Republicans. They officially threw God out of the Party in 2016 in Charlotte, NC. They fight for a right to murder children, steal their childhood and groom them for perverse sexual lifestyles, even to the mutilation of their bodies. I’ve many family members caught up in this force for evil. I love the, I pray for them that God will open their blinded eyes and Holy Spirit will draw them to Christ for repentance and salvation. But, so many of them say that theyare Christian… May God have mercy on us all.
Calling names and spreading lies – sounds like Trump and his MAGA followers. In fact Trump does little beyond that. Just listen to his speeches and interviews.
Gary….Calling Trump a “Threat to democracy” is much more dangerous than “Sleepy Joe” comment.
Dearest Heavenly Father: Thank you for sparing Mr. Trump now twice when man’s “protection” was woefully inadequate. We pray Father that you will continue to shine your light into the dark recesses of this world and over our nation. Keep protecting not only the candidates and their families but Israel and your chosen ones. With so much going on right now, as a person my mind and thoughts are reeling, but I know, Father, that you alone ARE IN CONTROL. That you are not afraid, that you neither slumber nor sleep and that YOUR WILL will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. I pray your will over our nation, our elections, our lives and I am so grateful for you. I exalt you, my dear Savior. I pray you will heal our land and change hearts to come back to you, Our only Hope. We give you all Honor, Glory, Power, and PRAISE for you alone are worthy to be praised. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen
There is NEVER justification to kill no matter any amount of mistruth. However when laws have been broken to steal an election and and nothing has been done to correct it and the media continues to withhold truth and even law enforcement and those appointed to hear evidence refuse to hear and make truth known, then some limited form of violence may be the only way to bring justice to bear. Killing can never be condoned,, NEVER. “The only way for Evil to prevail is for good men to sit by and do nothing”. Unfortunately, THAT is exactly what is happening in these days. I don’t know what the answer is to overcome this problem?
Limited form of violence?!? What does that look like??? I’m an NRA instructor and teach how to stop a violent threat against someone who would maime or kill myself or a family member or another innocent victim which doesn’t mean ‘shoot them in the leg’!!! Violence must be met with equal or overwhelming violence!!! We live in a fallen world and this is the reality of things! Cover yourself with prayer but carry a BIG Stick!!!
Lord please open our hearts and minds and have us seek repentance and heal our nation. Amen.
There is such a barrage of hate and lies coming from one side of politics in particular, that it can be nothing less than the gates of Hell being opened, to snuff out all vestiges of Christianity in the U.S.A..
Lord God let your righteousness prevail in that great land. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Yes, but some of the disgusting rhetoric is coming from the Democrats as well.
Let me correct that for you with the obvious truth. ALL of the hateful, disgusting, death loving, God hating, freedom hating rhetoric is coming from the liberal Democrats
It’s all from the Democrat side and the liberal media has painted Trump as the second coming of Hitler so that people are actually tryin to assassinate him!