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Father God, thank you for Vice President Pence and the good example he is to all of us. Strengthen, direct, and protect him.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Since no one in the mainstream media would ever dare write this, allow me: I’d like to give a round of applause to Vice President Mike Pence. . . .

We’ve always known that the vice president is a religious man. I mean, how could we forget? Since the day he was picked as VP in 2016, the media has never missed an opportunity to mock him for being an evangelical, born-again Christian. . . .

You might be thinking, but wait — isn’t making fun of people for their religious beliefs politically incorrect? For the most part, yes. But there is one major exception.

Religious intolerance is a big no-no in 2020, unless said religion has anything to do with Christianity.

In which case, mocking isn’t just acceptable — it is encouraged. . . .

In February, President Trump appointed Pence to head up the coronavirus task force. The late-night TV show hosts (who try to be funny) and the network news anchors (who are funny by accident), had a field day.

Jimmy Kimmel’s writers came up with this one, “Why is Mike Pence in charge? What is his plan to stop the virus, abstinence?”

Don Lemon’s disgust for Pence’s devout ways was even less subtle. The CNN host panicked over the horrifying idea that the VP would pray over the pandemic. “Is that the person you want in charge of the coronavirus outbreak? Someone who needs to pray on something instead of looking at science? Come on. Let’s be real about it. Let’s be honest about it. Is that the person you want in charge?”

Strangely, I could not find any examples of Lemon doubting Nancy Pelosi’s ability to lead because of all of her “praying” for the president.

But by far the most outrageous of all the questions was this whopper by ABC’s Byron Pitts, who asked the VP, “When you talk to God in your moments alone, do you find yourself worrying at all that people you represent and care deeply about have died and will die who did not need to because of steps the federal government did not take soon enough?”

Can you imagine a member of the mainstream media ever asking a Democrat such a loaded question? Of course you can’t. It is hard to imagine things that would never happen.

The only questions Joe Biden ever received as VP were about his bromance with President Barack Obama. And maybe, “When will you do another BuzzFeed video?”

The double standard is mind-blowing, but the hypocrisy doesn’t seem to faze Pence. That is the remarkable difference between Trump and Pence. Whereas Trump punches back, Pence turns the other cheek. Pence never shoots from the hip. He never loses his temper.

And right now, with the world running low on patience and hope, Pence’s demeanor is not just reassuring — it is admirable.

Mike Pence has been mocked because of his conviction and underestimated because of his good nature. But make no mistake, his faith has not been shaken.

This week, a nurse posted a photo of her and her colleagues. In their blue scrubs and surgical masks they stood atop the helipad of their hospital in Nashville, Tenn.

They were praying.

Part of her caption read, “We could feel God’s presence in the wind. Know that you are all covered in prayer.”

What a comforting thought.

In a world that can seem covered in panic and hate, a powerful uniter survives.

Despite what the noise might have you believe, we are all — Democrats and Republicans — covered in prayer.

(Excerpt from Boston Herald. Commentary by Grace Curley.)

This is what we are all about at Intercessors for America. Prayer. For more than 45 years, we have been calling Christians to pray for the nation. In this crisis, we are doing what we had already been doing.

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April 10, 2020

Father- Thank you for the prayerful leadership that we have in our nation. You are the Living God. Your existence isn’t determined by whether a person believes in You or not. You reign. So, knowing that our leaders seek Your face is such a blessing. Thank You that You are One who hears us when we pray. You invite us to pray and to know You. Bless Mike Pence and his family as they are in the limelight. May You be glorified and not mocked. May You show mercy to those who are mocking Your Name. May their eyes be opened to the truth before they stand before You in person. And we ask that the power of the negative press- the lying press- the mocking press- be diminished. May people truly want the truth. I ask that the power of their words be diminished. Help the church in our nation to begin to stand for truth along with our leaders who seek you. Make us bold and unashamed – able to take every argument captive. Help us to live what we say and to be faithful to You at all costs. May we know You in the power of the resurrection and the fellowship of Your suffering. May all who claim Your Name seek to live godly in Christ Jesus.

April 9, 2020

Praise God for HE is Faithful! Thank You, President Trump & Vice President Pence for your strength & courage. Please know that you are covered in prayer by many. Our entire Bible Study group covers you in prayer regularly. In these very uncertain times GOD STILL HEARS our prayers. We will all stand on Psalm 91, HE will cover you both, your families & our nation with HIS protection. I pray that the main stream media be snuffed out & that the TRUTH be shared to our world. We must believe in…
Isiah 54:17 ~ NO weapon formed against us shall prosper.

God Bless You Both!

Naydean Julch
April 9, 2020

Vice-President Pence, God has anointed and chosen you in this position for such a time as this. Stay faithful and continue to acknowledge our Sovereign Lord in all matters large and small. You are highly respected and a wonderful example to all believers. i have learned and profited from the fine example that you and your wife set.

April 8, 2020

You are a true Christians, covered by the blood of the Lamb of Jesus Christ. MR. Vice President, we are praying for your multiple times in a day. May the Lord continue to strengthen you and make you a Light and Salt in our Nation. We are blessed to have you.

Nancy Connolley
April 8, 2020

I believe that VP Pence was anointed by God and appointed by Donald Trump to be America’s vp “for such a time as this.”

Mary Moses
April 8, 2020

Pres.Trump might not have gone in as a Praying Pres. But he sure is now and will come out stronger as one.
God ordained this, already ordained everything we are going through. Pres.Trump was so often when he was younger was by msny different news media outlets and talk shows ” do you think you will ever run for president?” he had talked about how our economy needs help now,right now, he said we are in very very serious trouble. Then stated this, being President is a greedy job,he knows and knows a lot of how things work. He said that no i don’t want to but if somebody doesn’t fix it now then he would,he said somebody has to fix it but if he had to run to fix this country he would definitely run. He said he loves the American people , and i am not talking about the rich man, i am talking about the ones who work their butts off to provide for their families. He says the ones who can’t work and need help, the ones who need jobs and a lot more he said.he said we were being ripped off and it makes him sick, he said i am talking about the cab drivers, elevator man,the ones that help keep America going, the street workers they are the ones that matter to me, he really does not care about the elite and talks to people that work for a living, not these high political people. Anyway google on Pres.Trump when he was younger and i will say he loves people and cares deeply for us. There were numerous shows, i believe that this was a sign because he was asked all the time and here we are later and look at what he is doing. I also believe that VP Pence is a strong mentor for Pres.Trump and God choose VP Pence also as a Christian leader to guide Pres.Trump and to seek God in helping our country and the spiritual forces in the heavenly realm are very hard at work. There are evil forces at work that are set to bring America down, bring Israel down because once that happens then increase of even more evil and usher in a one world government. I am sure satan is set to take over the world so as to take as many as he can with him. He hates God and all people. But more so Gods children and the reason he comes against us is because like i said he hates God and knows his time is soon to come, he doesn’t know the day or hour, not even Jesus. So let us continue to be the prayer warriors for many things that are happening. Remember Gods Holy WRATH IS JUST AND RIGHTEOUS AND HIS WRATH CAN SAVE THE SOULS OF MANY. THIS IS A AWAKENING FOR PEOPLE TO SEE THEY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THEMSELVES,WE ARE TO GREEDY TO SEE THAT BECAUSE OF SELF CENTEREDNESS. SO LETS CONTINUE IN THIS BATTLE AND STAY WITH IFA.ORG WHILE IT IS HERE, ITS A WAY AS GODS CHILDREN TO COME TOGETHER ALL OVER THE GLOBE AND BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER AND THIS BATTLE IS FOUGHT BY PRAYER. A DISCIPLE ASKED JESUS ONE DAY WHEN HE CAST A DEMON OUT OF A MAN.THEY WERE FEARFUL AND AMAZED AT HIS POWER. THEY ASKED TEACHER HOW DID YOU DO THAT, SO YOU CAN TEACH US. HIS RESPONSE IS STRAIGHT TO THE HEART. THIS CAN ONLY BE DONE BY PRAYER. SEE, THATS A VERY BIG MESSAGE AND LETS KEEP THIS GOING CONTINUALLY GOING UNTIL OUR LORD GOD LIFTS US UP AND TAKES US HOME. TEXAS/LOVEANDHUGS BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

Michael Guidera
April 8, 2020

Pence knows who the true enemy is and does not encourage these demonic forces by engaging inappropriately with the people. He understands Eph. Chapter 6 and knows how the enemy will twist everything if he wavers off the line of truth. At times it can be a very difficult balance to maintain.
Dear Father, fill this man up with Your Spirit and guide him as a warrior against these demonic forces that have set their sites on this administration. Give him strength, peace and rest. Give him divine wisdom in dealing with all the problems set before him. May he understand the Presidents strengths and weaknesses and be a stabilizing force in his life. Give him the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy where he may be aware of the next attack from the enemy. Protect him and his family from all harm. Surround him with Your comfort. I also, pray for discernment over him, so he may understand who he can trust. We thank You Lord for the good work you are doing in this man.

April 8, 2020

I am so grateful for our VP and our President acting the way true Christians should during times of crisis. The response of other Christians in America to COVID-19 was quite shocking. Were American Christians frequenting churches that only taught that the Christian life should be filled with blessings? Were Christians in America thinking that they would never have to go through tough times? Did American Christians not read the full Bible? Were they only cherry picking the “bless me” verses and ignoring the parts that tell us we must not have any gods above God? American Christians initially responded to this virus with panic and fear, rather than trying to reach out to the lost. It was a very sad and shameful display of how caught up in the world American Christians really are. A true Christian knows that if we die we go to Heaven. That is the message we need to spread to others. We need to give hope to the lost in our world. We need to point others to Christ and we need to demonstrate that we really believe the Bible we claim to cherish. Praise God for Pence and Trump. God bless them richly for demonstrating trust in God.

Rebecca Berube
April 8, 2020

Thank you, God Almighty, for Vice President Mike Pence. He is a true servant. Please bless, protect, & encourage him everyday. You are his Rock.
In Christ Jesus’ name,


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