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Lord God, we look to You, Jehovah Jireh, for our provision in these very uncertain financial times. Help us live like we believe Your Word.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Almost three-fourths of Americans say the coronavirus has hurt their wallets, according to a nationwide poll released Tuesday that shows the pandemic’s impact deepening and cutting across all income levels.

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The poll of 1,005 Americans, conducted March 24-29 by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and the Financial Times, showed roughly the same impact on the upper middle class as the lower rungs of the economy. Of those who make more than $100,000 a year, 71% said the shutdown of businesses across the country has hurt their incomes, while the share for those making $50,000 a year or less was 74%.

Of the nearly three-quarters of respondents who have felt an economic blow, 24% of them described it as “very significant,” the poll showed.

Almost half polled — 48% — said they would have no income at all if they were to lose their employment as a result of the emergency and its response. . . .

The widespread bad news comes at a time when 10% of those polled said they knew someone who had contracted the coronavirus, which had infected 378,000 Americans and killed almost 12,000 as of Tuesday, according to a Johns Hopkins University tracker.

Despite these grim numbers, two-thirds of survey respondents said they consider the health repercussions of the coronavirus a bigger issue than the economic impact. On the other hand, more people see the worldwide economic slowdown as the biggest threat to the U.S. economy, replacing the cost of healthcare, which had been number one in earlier surveys.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times.)

How has the economic results of coronavirus affected you? Leave a comment so intercessors can pray for you.

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Jolette May
April 9, 2020

Good morning, and thank you for your emails. I teach high schhool film studies/analysis in Las Vegas. Our city has been decimated as we rely almost exclusively on tourism for our economy. Transitioning to e-learning has been difficult for many, as the tech divide has finally become apparent to those who weren’t aware. Additionally, most of our student, and families, rely on school breakfasts and lunches as their, sometimes, sole source of food. The district has checked out chromebooks to students, and continues to give out food on a daily basis. Not only do we have students without tech, and the internet, but teachers as well. Many of us simply cannot afford our jobs. I am supremely grateful for my job, my students, and our principal’s leadership and pray God will continue to grant him wisdom, and get him and his family saved. I am also grateful for this Holy Pause and know, and pray, that if we do this right, when we come out on the Other Side, into the new “New”, the potentials are endless. I’ll admit that I use my phone for virtually everything, including teaching and daily Bible Studies. Recently, however, the Lord showed me that, as a society, technology has become our golden calf. Tech is a great tool, just like a shovel, but if we don’t turn our hearts back to our First Love, that shovel will be used to dig our spiritual graves. Please pray for our schools. Pray that we no longer have to surreptitiously bring God into our classrooms, but bring Him in loud, proud, and in our collective faces. I am blessed that I have so much hope and faith right now. I just pray that during the In-Between, we turn to God, realign our priorities, learn to love again, return to the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution under God. I pray the sheeple will awaken and have eyes to see and ears to hear what is the Truth of “the man behind the curtain” and the God Who IS the Way, the Truth, and tge Light. May His Light fill our hearts and hearths. Amen.

Laura Anderson
April 8, 2020

Dear Lord, When we become overwhelmed at the temporary condition of our pocketbooks and the national economy please help us to magnify you, our permanent protector and provider. These seemingly uncertain times are of no surprise to you. You are in control. We love you Lord and we are so grateful to have such a good, good Father. I lift this prayer up to you in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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