A Prophetic Word Regarding Ukraine
A Prophetic Word Regarding Ukraine
We love the daily devotional commentary offered by Dutch Sheets at Give Him 15. We offer this to you to pray over and consider. Share your thoughts in the comments.
From Give Him 15. There is much confusion and a lot of emotion currently about what is happening in Ukraine. Some are saying that because of evil in Ukraine, past and present, we should side with Russia and Putin…that God is using them to judge Ukraine. Others are including statements regarding the Bidens’ and others’ connections to Ukraine as reasons “God is doing this.” Still others point to liberal media members and government leaders supporting Ukraine as proof that we conservatives and/or believers should oppose them. I saw one post that actually used Zelensky’s past and roles he played as an actor to “prove” he is evil and that Ukraine is being judged.
It is certainly true that God uses difficult times to awaken people. One need look no farther than the prodigal son. God is good. He doesn’t want our pain wasted, and is determined to bring good from it, when allowed to. Again, we can see this in the prodigal’s suffering.
God may indeed use what is occurring in Ukraine to bring repentance and cleansing to them. It could even be a prelude to awakening – hard times sometimes are. He may use the war to expose corruption in their government. But does this mean God is causing the devastation? Did He motivate Putin to destroy Ukrainians, in order to judge or correct an unruly nation? Should we back off in our condemnation of Putin and assume the Ukrainians had it coming, as some are suggesting? Or, should our mindset be that even if God did not “cause” the war, He “allowed” it because of their sin and, therefore, we should ignore what is taking place…watch it with indifference?
These assertions are frightening, to say the least. God loves the people of Ukraine, including unbelievers, and wants to bring a great revival to them, not calamity, starvation, destruction and war. He came to heal and save, not destroy.
And where sin is concerned, Ukraine is certainly no more wicked than America. We have killed more babies, are just as immoral, have blatantly mocked and turned from God, lead the world in exporting pornography and filth, and millions of Americans have voted into office evil, antichrist leaders just as corrupt as any in Ukraine. Why would God rain down horrendous punishment on them and not America?
And judging Ukraine because of its corrupted leaders? Why not Russia instead of Ukraine? Putin, like numerous past Russian leaders, is murderous, evil, and demonized. He cares only about himself and power, not even for his own people. Biden’s weakness, poor decisions, and lack of leadership gave Putin the boldness to satisfy his depraved ambitions.
But God does not want to judge the people of Russia. They, as well as the people of Ukraine, must be loved and prayed for. Most Russians don’t want what Putin wants. They’re oppressed, impoverished, hard-working people, just trying to find food and clothing for their kids. Many of them love God. Some are facing death, torture, or life in prison for protesting Putin’s actions.
What is occurring in Ukraine is not a situation we should allow to be politicized, or turned into fire and brimstone preaching regarding the evils of sin. Jesus didn’t come to condemn sinners – they’re already condemned – but to save them. The war in Ukraine demands compassionate intercession – for peace, for the protection of innocent people, for Holy Spirit to be poured out there, in Russia and all of Europe. And we should be praying for the removal of wicked leaders in both Ukraine and Russia, including Vladimir Putin. God is exposing to the world just how evil he is.
In 2014, a remarkable prophet now in Heaven, Kim Clement, released the following word regarding Putin and Ukraine. Could it be referring to now?
“I’m prophesying right from the beginning. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to make a declaration to the nations of the earth. Now hear me out. The Spirit of God says, ‘Putin, I speak to you now. King Putin, you call yourself. Do you really believe that I raised up a king in the 80s by the name of Ronald Reagan to pull down a curtain and to destroy a wall that divided – for nothing? Did you really think I did that in vain, for you to stand and raise a wall and a curtain again? No, no! Putin, get out of My way! Get out of My way,’ says the Lord! ‘As I hardened the heart of Pharaoh for the benefit of My people, so have I hardened your heart.’
“I’m hearing a sound in my spirit. ‘For the benefit of My people, ecclesia, My church, My holy ones, My elect, and My land of Israel, I have hardened your heart, Mr. Putin. You see, I said I would lift My hand off Russia, off Russia for a season, and I did, and look what is happening. You are unbridled, King Putin. You are unbridled now, but I want you to know what I historically did to kings who took power and abused it. Ultimately, there will be freedom for the sake of My people. Oh troublemaker who would stand and terrorize the world, My world,’ says the Lord, ‘I’ll put My hook in your nose and My bridle in your lips and I will turn you back by the way you came. And those who have survived and escaped will bear much fruit, much fruit,’ says the Lord. ‘That fruit shall be in Ukraine. That fruit shall be in the nations that you have encroached upon to take for your glory. I will cause a remnant to be raised up and bear much fruit for My kingdom,’ says the Lord.”
Pray with me:
Father, we come to You in humility and yet with boldness. You said we could come to Your throne of grace and ask for mercy. We are asking You for mercy to be given to the people of Ukraine. We ask for You to use the evil that is taking place, of course. Bring any possible good from it, just as You did with the prodigal in Scripture. You were pictured by the father, who loved this wayward son, in spite of all his depravity and rebellion. Of course, we ask You to reveal any corruption in Ukraine, just as this is revealing corruption in Russia. But we know Your heart is not to steal, kill and destroy. That is the heart of satan. Your heart is to forgive and redeem.
We pray that You dispatch more and more angels into that conflict. Protect the innocent and save people’s lives. We pray for the Russian soldiers, most of whom probably do not want to be there and have no idea why they are. Please stop this for them, also. Send revival to Russia and Ukraine. Then send it to Eastern Europe. Then send it to all of Europe. Use this conflict, we pray.
And we pray for America. Please give us leaders who know You, honor You, and are part of turning this nation back to You. Send revival to America. And we boldly state what You have said, “America shall be saved!”
Our decree:
We decree that mercy triumphs over judgment, and revival is coming to Ukraine.
How are you praying for Ukraine? Share your thoughts.
Editor’s Note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether and how prophetic words may apply to you personally or to the Body, as well as how to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 Jn 4; 1 Thes 5:1; and Acts 17:11.
(Used with permission from Give Him 15. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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We need a miracle And I ask St Catherines Labore To ask The Virgin Mary The mother of God too help Ukraine and for all people to pray the rosary for the end of the war
I ask God our Father to help protect and keep the people of Ukraine from Russian invaders, in the name of Jesus!
It is difficult not to have bitter feelings toward those who bring
death and destruction to innocent
people, but as christian must think
“what would Jesus do”. I think of our country, America, and the evil and corruption taking place because people have turned their backs on God, a nation who kills
millions of babies thru abortions, who allowed prayer taken out of school, our children being subjected to immoral teaching in our schools
no respect for our flag which stands for freedom for which thousands and thousands of lives were lost to secure. Wake up America and stand up for Jesus. He is the answer for our nation and people for all over the world.
Like many Christians, I presume, I had to wonder within myself, “Lord where is the error here?” I also wondered, concerning the USA, that we were infinitely much more evil than Ukraine, considering that we are a nation of many Bibles and without excuse for what we have become. It is a true miracle that the Lord hasn’t destroyed this nation already, considering that the level of our transgressions have gone far beyond the transgressions of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I pray, “Lord, help us to see our own transgressions through Your Eyes, so that we are better equipped to discern and intercede, through prayer, and according to your will, for all affected in this ungodly conflict.”
I enjoy Give Him 15 too. I like putting my agreement with Dutch when he prays. It is like Matthew 18:19 where two are in agreement it shall be done for them in the Name of Jesus. Thanks for sharing this post.
As the children of Most High, it is our duty to pray God’s Kingdom come and His good will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!
So there is no good or bad side, we must pray God’s- Jesus Kingdom come and His will be done in Ukraine, in Russia, in the USA and all over the World as It is in Heaven! In Jesus powerful, mighty Name we pray!
And do everything that our Lord Jesus Name be glorified!
As Jesus thought us love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us, that we may be the children of our Heavenly Father in Heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous ….. be perfect, therefore, as our Heavenly Father is perfect!
I pray that God’s children would mature and pray the prayers that helps Jesus Kingdom to spread and get stronger and stronger on the Earth as it is in The Heaven!
In Jesus Name! Amen!
Heavenly Father YAHOVAH, Thy will be done on earth as it is being done in Heaven. Father, enable your chosen ones to DO THY WILL, not just say, thy will. Give us the courage to be Doers….In the Power of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT as followers of YESHUA, Our Lord.
Permit me to offer a Word of corretion to you, the Name of Jesus was an intentional translation alteration o f the HEBREW NAME OF YESHUA. by a demented false prphet, Eusiius . We need to correct the errors of the Roman Imperialism which sought and still seeks to destroy the Messianic people the Followers of The Mesiah, YESHUA, (GOD’S SALVATION) with the minor Crusades in Europe who obey the Instructions of Rome against the Messianic Fellowships of YESHUA. Shalom and blessings
Don’t forget the Ukraine president sent the most donations to the Clinton foundation. He is corrupt as this fraudulent regime in DC. When you have Soros & his son, the WEF, the Clinton’s, Marina Abramovic, & Trudeau supporting Ukraine you gotta know something is not right! I don’t believe Putin is the evil guy here. I believe these evil globalists are, they backed him in a spot that he’s been warning the US, the UN, & Nato about for 15 years to keep off his border. I’m praying for the protection of God’s people & the innocent in Both countries- Russia & Ukraine. I’m praying the real evil culprits will be exposed & brought to justice. This is a deflection from the truth coming out about covid, the Durham report, & now the People’s Convoy to DC! Praying that which is hidden will be revealed & for God’s protection over his people in Ukraine & Russia. For many souls to be saved through this horrible situation & for the Lord our God to get the glory!
I’m on this line of thinking too, bad guys vs bad guys. Putin is not part of the Soros/Schwab/Clinton/Gates crowd & doesn’t want to be controlled by them either. I understand he is hitting strategic targets that hurts our corrupt politicians, takes away their funding & is destroying the bio labs where they are manufacturing viruses to hurt people. I hope this is the case. I pray for innocent people everywhere to be freed from the grip of this criminal organization who has taken over world governments.
God is a loving God pray for Ukraine pray for the world. Pray psalm 51 and for PEACE .
Not forgetting Afghanistan, the tyrannical put down of the Canadian truckers, pee-low-see’s insurrection, communistic collectivism through the death and castration of America and our criminal elite using the Ukraine as a perverse playground and piggy bank. What is really going on here? It all feels like a made for TV after school special. Lord open our eyes. Help us focus on you and the deep things that matter to you. Let us stop frenzy if ourselves every time those employing dark group psychology throw chum in the water. Protect the innocent and help us fix our eyes on you and not the grand illusion being played out in front of us.
Who are we to judge? In Russia abortion except to save a woman’s life is prohibited, biblical family values and marriage are honored, sexual immorality and deviant behavior are punished, and children are protected from evil progressive influences. In all these things, Putin’s Russia is more righteous than America. So if God is using Putin to destroy bioweapon labs, defund the global elitist’s money laundering sources in order to thwart their demonic antichrist plans, rescue children from pedophilia and victims from human slavery, stop drug trafficking, and liberate Russian citizens who live in those two provinces to either move to Russia or to remain and be independent provinces from Ukraine, then let us give thanks and glory to God for using Putin to bring about God’s will as he did with Nebuchadnezzar. And let us pray for God’s will to continue to be done, but if Putin goes beyond these “good” actions and harms any innocent lives or uses this war to glorify himself or greedily hoard resources from the world or steal land, then let us pray that God will assuredly hold him accountable and deal severely with him. Let us pray for repentance and revival for Putin and Zelensky and for all the people of Russia and Ukraine, for the exposure of all evil and for truth and righteousness to prevail. Let us pray continually in tongues, for the Spirit of God who searches all the hearts and discerns all things, and knows the loving, righteous heart of God, the Father, that God’s Holy Spirit would pray through us with wisdom according to God’s perfect will commanding His angels through our surrendered tongues to declare His will. This is our calling, to humble our hearts and lend our tongues to God as mighty prayer warriors.
Yes, open our eyes, let us not jump on any bandwagons but rather ask for wisdom.
I agree with Dutch Sheet’s Take 15. Every time I think of the suffering of all of the Ukrainian people and the ones fleeing to Poland as refugees, I cry and there are no words. I mean, my physical heart hurts. They are under stress even on a “good day” if there are any, much like Moldova. I am thankful for the prayer guide that gives me focus to direct my hurt constructively by praying for them both in the Holy Spirit and with the guide’s wisdom. It is empowering. Blessings be upon IFA USA and IFA Ukraine! All of us can send something to help feed these hurting, precious people, even a “widow’s mite”.
I’m praying for both the Ukrainian people and Russian people, (the real victims) and for God to use this situation to bring more to know Him as their Lord and Savior and for his glory. Also for the leaders of both countries to have a change of heart and be more concerned for welfare of their own people than for seeking more power, or to be removed from office. God created all people and desires no one to perish , but will judge the evil in this world.
My spirit identifies with the spirit of this article in that we must hold the people of the Ukraine, their leaders; the people, leaders and the soldiers of Russia and the USA asking God to send revival into these nations and around our world. Father God I pray that You would send a sweeping move of God to envelope Your people around our world opening our eyes and give insight as to how You desire to bring this world to it’s knees and salvation to the masses of people that do not know you. Amen!
We quite concur with this good word and add our prayer for these nations, including America and Canada..
God loves the peacemakers in and of the world. May Putin and Russia find it in their heart to give Ukraine and its people 🕊️ peace.
Putin has his faults, & the Lord God knows all of them, but he can not, & doe’s not abide anyone that harms children. What if our Father in Heaven is using Putin to save his children, remember The Father said if you harm a child, you best tie a rope, with a stone, around your neck, & jump into the sea. Thank you oh God, for All of your Blessings, & may we be under your protection, & guidance, as we pray for thy will to be done.
I believe, all that is happening now is part of God’s plan, & all we need to do is pray, wait, & believe in that plan. United We Stand, Divided We Fall, WWG1WGA, God Bless America, & All Of The Countries Around The World, & May God Bless All Of His Children.
America is the Harlot from Revelation chapter 17 & 18! Also the latter day Babylon spoke of in the prophets of old! Many can’t see it because they know not the will of Yahweh and they seek only guidance from the same bloodline that Yahweh says He hates! He hates Esau for a reason and because this all stems from thousands of years of teaching the bible in unrighteousness, we will soon see that those who seemed to be first in the Kingdom will be last and many will turn out to be tares, not wheat. What is the best way to keep your enemy in the dark? Teach them what their greatest weapon says in ways that twist the truth! Oh so sad that so many are still so blind! Yahweh told me to write this in April 2020, maybe now people might listen, or not, but in the end the truth will always come to light. Most just can’t understand cause they still hold pride in their hand!
PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT TO COVER ALL AND ANYTHING!!! And WITH MIGHTY WEAPON OF PRAISE! It’s the only way to pray when we really don’t know so much!!! 😊
Right on. So true and beautiful. Indeed God is working for good that as many as possible will truly know Jesus and live for Him. May the Lord touch Ukraine, Russia, all of Europe and the United States through the war we are witnessing now !!! In Jesus’s Name amen.
Dear LORD, in the land of the living, You already know that there are believers in Ukraine and also of the innocent people in Russia, and in Ukraine. I pray that these people are Your people who are going through the fire and praying and lifting up their neighbors on both sides of the border. LORD, my request to You is that You will make a way where there is no way and a path where there is no path. You have opened up the way through the Red Sea and You have put the enemy to flight. My trust is in You because You hold the reigns to all the kingdoms of the world. I praise You that You will save multitudes of souls through this war and the forthcoming revival that no one can crush the plans of the LORD. Almighty God, I pray these things before You, in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ. Amen!
Amen! (To all of this) And I add that I agree with the prayer to remove wicked leaders, but we should add & first pray for God to raise up Godly leaders, and THEN remove the wicked. If He merely removes the wicked, the people will have no leader at all & complete chaos will ensue. He is a God of order, so Lord, in Ukraine, Russia AND USA, raise up committed Christians (or at least God-fearing people) to positions of leadership, and then remove the wicked from leadership.
Yes Lord rise up Christian leaders for Ukraine Ley the voices of the Christian be heard!! Let them be courageous and not to fear man Let their voices be united as one in you Oh Lord!!
Bring peace to this nation! Please Lord protect the children.
Let this evil be erased from their land! Let Godly leaders rise up oh Lord!
May this victory be yours! May the world stand in awe in what you’ve done!!!
Take a look at Ezekiel 38. God has a plan. We must trust Him.
Thank you brother and sisters. I will continue to pray for Ukraine for Gods mercy, for believers to be strengthened and for unbelievers to come to salvation. Praise be to God. GOD IS STILL GOD. “BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.”
It’s my understanding Putin, as evil as he is doesn’t belong to the Soros crowd & doesn’t want to be controlled by them either, that he has strategic targets that are hurting the deep state funding money laundering stuff & & destroying the bio labs where they are making theses viruses to control & hurt us. God sometimes uses evil men to do a job. Just another perspective on the situation. Who knows?
Lynn I think like you.
Soros hand is there in this war. A planned, expected war.
I wander what he is after !!!!
for me Putin has planned a great “parade’ to show Russian power to impress who ? but he doesn’t know faith in God will create roots in either sides.
Amen to Ruth. I am taking inventory of my life of how many times I have failed my Lord, putting myself on Gods alter to repent and humble myself before almighty God for I know a loving God chastises his children to bring about good.
Pray the people of the United States will find a way to force this evil administration in office to release our oil . This is the way to stop Putins money domain over the U.S. and other countries
We are and have been praying for the Ukraine and the people. Praying the Lord our God, THE ALMIGHTY will dispatch His mighty warring angels to fight against Russian aggressors. The Lord God ALMIGHTY will use similar methods He used in Egyptian pursuing Pharaoh and his army, bring down the bombing planes, warp their war machines, and on the process HE will be Honored in the sight of the world, praises from His people, and the Russians will come to recognize God’s hand is in it, repent and be saved.
God may indeed use what is occurring in Ukraine to bring repentance and cleansing to them. It could even be a prelude to awakening – hard times sometimes are. But does this mean God is causing the devastation? Did He motivate Putin to destroy Ukraine, in order to judge or correct an unruly nation? Who ae we to judge that the Ukrainians had it coming, as some are suggesting? Our mindset should be that even if God did not “cause” the war, He “allowed” it and will use it to His recurring glory. Therefore, we must not ignore what is taking place…and we must not watch it with indifference, God loves the people of Ukraine, including unbelievers, and wants to bring a great revival to them, not calamity, starvation, destruction and war. And where sin is concerned, Ukraine is certainly no more wicked than America. We are just as immoral, and certainly in no place to pass judgement.
Father, we come to You in humility and boldness. WE come to Your throne of grace and ask for Your mercy to be given to the people of Ukraine. We ask for You to use the wat and invasion that is taking place, to bring glory to Yourself and Your gracious mercy to the Ukraine. Bring any possible good from it, as You did with the prodigal son of scripture. We know Your heart is not to steal, kill and destroy. That is the heart of satan. Your heart is to forgive and redeem.
Believe me America’s turn is coming…..and the rest of the world’s areas that have been so evil!
In these times, much will come and we are just seeing the beginning of it all….such evil governments! America has failed so badly, and many other leaders of many countries too. The world has turned from the history of what has been before and shut minds to faith in God, Seems everyone looks to themselves and not what should be honored. We are sinners and we will see the results of our failure to remember what is meaningful and right. I pray there is a great revival and that many that would not be going to heaven otherwise will learn and come too!!
Father, in Your purpose to create a people from You and for You, You separated and selected as were the cases with Noah, Abraham and Isaac.
As is the case, now, the Ark is open for whoever will enter it.
Drench the earth with Your holy rain, shoot You flaming arrows, stir up an insatiable appetite for Your word and cause Your revival to explode like an atomic bomb, creating an area from which Your revival will go forth, then swing back and go back out with even greater Holy Spirit power.
Decimate strongholds, shatter the altar of baal-zephon so that it could never be recovered, smash his throat so he no longer whispers lies, raise up the Native American and the western Church, cause Ukraine to shine like the sun at noon. Give Your grace to the Russian people who have suffered under oppression for so long and let them be overcome by Your holy revival power. Finally, cause the evil trinity to fail and give the world God fearing leaders one last time!
In Jesus name. Amen.
1) Our Lord Jesus chose to stay the cause of His mission, and refused to deploy 12 legions of angels at He could ask and be given to fight for Him! Now that our bretheren in Ukraine are in the predicament, considering His promise that whatsoever we may ask in His name, He’ll do it for us, we ask for the deployment of those 12 legions of angels to defend and rescue Ukraine for the children of God, and turn the Russians back, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2) Elisha asked and God stroke the Syrian soldiers with blindness and they couldn’t identify him, having come for his arrest! He led them from Judah to Samaria, and sent them back to their land!
– We decree blindness to all Russian soldiers on Ukrainian soil;
– From this day forward they’ll not see what to shoot!
– In frustration and humiliation they’ll be withdrawn!
– they’ll ask for direction and be turned back the way they came, in the name of Jesus, the Mighty Man in battle!
Isaiah 49:25
Father You promised to contend with those who contend with us.
– May You now contend for saints in Ukraine against the Russians, and turn them back the way they came! in the name of Jesus, Commander – in-Chief of Your army!
I am crying out for mercy.
I’ve been hollering Kim Clement for a month. I’m glad someone is listening to him. He was an extraordinary prophet not swayed by his own emotions. I cannot say that for most.
Yes, Kim was a very accurate Prophet who spoke the heart of God. He heard very accurately. So many of his prophecies have come to pass, even after he left this world to be in Glory with Jesus. I have often wished he was hear in this season to speak the word of the Lord. But God took Him for His own purposes. God bless yo.
Good challenging article.
Isaiah 45:7
“I form the light and create darkness, bring prosperity and create disaster; I the Lord do all these things.”
Some translations actually use the word “calamity.”
We serve a Triune God who is so beyond our understanding – we too often try to make Him human.
Not one thing happens on this earth but that He grants that it happens. The enemy cannot do anything unless the Triune God grants it.
My prayer for Ukraine has mainly been for the believers, my sisters and brothers; that the Lord would give each one the wisdom, desire and strength to please Him. I believe such a prayer will give them what they need to share the gospel with those who do not yet know the Triune God.
I also pray that the Triune God will do for each of His children what is best for their eternity with Him.
I pray for the Russians who are being forced to go to fight; that the Lord will give each one what He knows that individual needs.
I confess I probably don’t pray enough for the leadership on either side.
God will also judge America. God said America will come to its knees. God will not be mocked. This will bring repentance, salvation and revival to true believers.
I’m certainly praying for the UkRAINE, pRAYING gOD WOULD SEND HIS holy angels there to help.
I heard a Ukrainian woman on Fox radio news –a woman who is in Ukraine I believe–who was boldly declaring that she was praying that NATO free governments would honor their pledges and help them fight Russia–but she believes God will certainly get Glory for the victory that the Christian people in Ukraine and across the world are praying for! Amen!–Lord we ask for your mercy and deliverance from the attack of this corrupt, power hungry and ungodly man. Putin does not respect the lives of his own countrymen and he has no respect for our God, the Commander of Heaven’s Armies. Lord we ask you to disgrace Putin and those with him who do not respect You or your creation. Humble him, Lord, and Your wonderful Name–The Name of Jesus, be glorified, even as it is in heaven! Please protect and keep all those in Ukraine who put their trust in the precious name of Jesus your son and our coming King. We look to You for our help–we trust Your promises–all of which are “Yes and Amen”. We declare that our faith in You is the victory that overcomes the world. We ask that there will be such a miraculous deliverance in the Ukraine that it will bring revival to Your Church in Ukraine and throughout the world. We love You Lord and we rejoice in You our Savior and our King. Praise His Name forever and forever, Amen!
Just prayiny, have been praying, will continue to Pray. I trust my Lord to bring them through all this victorious.
I am also standing and praying for the people of Ukraine! Freedom and justice must be for all people, Jesus died and was raised from death for all! In the book of Luke 9: 51-56 states, that Jesus came into the world to save and not to destroy. There is a report coming out of Ukraine that Africans are not being allowed to leave the Nation;, that they are being denied access to trains and being pulled off buses, men women and children, if true this should not be!!! In the eyes of God we all one and should be looked upon in that manner regardless of race, nationality or culture! We are all one as Christians, let the body come together as one know that the world may see through us( the body of believers) that there isa God that’s filled with love! Jesus is Lord! 🙏
This morning I found myself praying for Ronald Regan who says he’s an atheist and not fearful of burning in hell…sick! I actually didn’t want to pray for him, but prayed anyway. Lord Jesus, come! So much going on in the world and our nation…so sorry, just needed to vent.
I’m praying in unison with IFA prayers. These prayers speak to my heart and, I believe, to the heart of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
God so loved the World, that He gave His Son and His heart is that non should perish, but many come into the saving knowledge of Jesus. I pray His will be done and His purposes be accomplished. I see Mr Putin as a Nebuchadenzzer who God had to bring to a place of Humility as he lifted His head and gave Praise to the Living God. I know that all things pass through His Hands and He will do what He pleases to accomplish His desired purpose. May we fix our eyes upon Jesus, pray for the Ukraine and Russian people for His will to be done for His Kingdom and the Glory of His Name. May the people rise up and take courage, fight the good fight of faith. May the World hear the voice of His Spirit to turn from our wicked ways , repent and serve the Living God. He is God and reigns, trust in His ways and stay close to Him
It is so easy to pass judgement on the world. As believers we are actually called to judge one another according to the Word, because those who don’t know Christ are already condemned unless they turn to Christ. My prayer is that we also pray for all Christians to stand in love, not fear or anger against those who do not yet know Christ. I pray that our hearts will walk along with the heart of God and not man.
Dear Lord please cleanse the U.S.A., our leaders need a hand of correction as we the people do. Keep us prayerful as we see all that is happening around the world. May we be sympathetic and tender hearted. Raise up people of courage and conviction to confound the worldly wisdom we see in Washington. We need you to send revival and ask in the name of Jesus Christ our soon coming King. Amen
I find it interesting that your article implies that some conservatives say we should not support Ukraine because liberals do or because of possible illegal ties between the administration and Ukraine or other reasons. Contrary, I think this is one instance where most conservatives and liberals are united in standing for Ukraine and the freedom of their people to choose their own government and way of life and against Putin and his war crimes. Actually, conservatives are clamoring for the US to do more to take down
Putin’s reign of terror.
Praying for God to wrap his loving arms of protection around the people of Ukraine and to stop the genocide being perpetrated by Putin.
Thank you heavenly father for being in control no matter what is happening in Ukraine. Draw your people closer to yourself and use them to touch many lives because of this war. Touch the heart of every leader around the entire world so that they can recognize you THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER of all creation, and THE PRINCE OF PEACE.
Draw us closer to you and help us to keep praying and seeking to discern your will for each of our lives.
May we be found faithful in your sight! Vic Bitar
Lord, thank You for upholding the righteous with your right hand. Your arm has not been shortened and we will see what You will do. Thank You for being with the Ukrainians and bringing them victory! Praise the Lord for His mercy and Grace!
Yes Kim Clement was Truly a man of God a”Prophet ” went to several of His Mestings wouldcall out people never metal them their story delieverances,Healings also 1nights disturbance behind stoppedcalled out the demons and ministered to them they had all to disrupt the meeting wS in late 90s 2000 was amazing.Yes this word checks with my spirit and Dutch Sheets also a well know Prophet read several things words books…prayn willed these wordsfulfilled.
Agree with me and pray Psalm 18,
35, 59 and 94. Appropriate the mighty, victorious shed blood and finished work of Jesus Christ to this situation and pray for our allied and U.S. forces for skill and wisdom for the battle and strength and stamina for the duration of war. And praise God for His deliverances and victories. Thank You Jehovah Nissi our Banner of victory!
No one who is sane is “siding” with Putin. But the fact is, Zelenskyy has for years been involved in child sex trafficking, money laundering for the Clintons and George Soros, and he, along with other world leaders including our own want New World Order. Putin is the only leader of a significant country who is against NWO, and he most certainly isn’t involved in child trafficking. Whoever wrote this article needs to learn a LOT more about the facts. In any event, God is in control. I strongly believe that He is allowing all of the horrific things to happen in the world today, including our own stolen election, in order to bring End Times. What we need to focus on is sharing the good news of Salvation before it’s too late for the unsaved.
To be clear, Putin is battling the evil globalists that is NATO – not Ukraine per se. He is trying to prevent NATO from installing NWO military bases in Ukraine under the guise of ‘protection’ and ‘democracy’. I would not get lost in what Kim Clement purportedly ‘prophesized’ years ago – or what the media is ‘telling’ us. Do your own due diligence. Pay attention. Pray without ceasing. Not even a sparrow falls to the ground in the present evil age without the will of God. Maranatha.
Putin’s desire is to control the Black Sea, which would greatly increase Russia’s power. According to my personal “due diligence,” I believe that this war and future ones will decide which humanists (either communists or non-communist globalists) are in charge. Islamists, whose combined military power is already great, will make an agreement with the humanists “in order to achieve world peace.” This will begin the last seven years before Christ’s return.
To me, humanists are the “clay” and islamists are the “iron” mixed together in the feet of Daniel’s statue—the last earthly kingdom—which will eventually be smashed by the “rock” of Christ’s kingdom (Daniel 2:33-35). The same mixture is pictured by the woman Babylon (humanists) who is “riding” a beast (islamists) in Revelation 17:1-14. (Note that the statue had ten toes and the beast had ten horns, all described as “kings.” Ezekiel 38 names most of these nations who will attack Israel in the last days. All those nations are now islamic (not Russian, but mostly in Turkey. See any recent encyclopedia.)
For 3 ½ years, humanists and islamists will seemingly be united, through a time of false lead-ers, wars, famine, and widespread death, which Jesus called the “beginning of birth pangs”
(Mt 24:1-8), then another war—between humanists and islamists (Rev 17:16-17)—will result in an islamist Antichrist. Everyone will be forced to choose between giving themselves to God and being sealed with His name and Spirit, or submitting to the Antichrist and being marked with his name and spirit.
During the last 3 ½ years (the Tribulation) there will be a great turning to God and also great martyrdom. There will be a deep purifying and maturing of God’s people, too (Daniel 12:9).
Diane, I actually completely agree with you. However, I would add that we should also be paying attention to where the Vatican City fits in and how it aligns itself with the “humanists” as we approach the “beginning of birth pains.” The point we should keep in mind, however, is that satan (little ‘s’ intended) is the ‘great deceiver’ and leads many astray in a vast variety of ways. Therefore, we need to pick up the Word of God and search it daily and diligently while remaining alert (1 Peter 5:8).
So true! Obviously, the Pope is aligning himself with the humanists, as will people of all false religions.
I have been asking the Lord if He is hardening Putin’s heart as He did with Pharaoh and I believe that He is after reading Clement’s prophecy.
Perfectly stated. Praying for all involved that God will be glorified through this war. HIS will be done.
Lord expose the Truth to the world! Let Justice and Righteousness come from the roots of this conflict. Let your Glory shine bright for All to see! We stand strong with our eyes on you to use this time we live today reflecting you and yourKingdom to people you put in our path today sharing your Love Peace and Hope! You and only You can change it All in one day. Come Lord Jesus! Work through us Holy Spirit, we surrender all to you. Hallelujah Amen!
Immediately after reading & listening to this GH 15 post on 3/2/22, I was headed to my workout class & to my surprise right in front of me on the back of a large moving truck, in huge, bold letters was one word…CLEMENT! It actually frightened me! I took it as an affirmation of the word spoken spoken by the prophet Kim Clement.
The Lord has given me several insights regarding this Ukranian invasion. First, Putin is an evil man, along the lines of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. God Almighty will deal with Putin one day. Secondly, the Russian soldiers have been deceived into thinking that they were being lead into training maneuvers. How sad. Thirdly, the Ukranian people are not to blame for this mess. They are strong, patriotic people who will protect their homeland with everything within them . The prophetic message from Kim Clement is a reminder to us, that, in spite of the whole situation, God is still completely in control, not Putin. In spite of what we see in the natural, He is still on His throne. What we are witnessing is symptomatic of the End Times that we are in. How we need an End Times revival in this world!
I’m being led to pray for the bride of Christ in all nations. I’m praying Psalm 91, Paul’s Ephesians 1 and 3 prayers as well as tying and binding the attributes of Holy Spirit in collasians 1. I’m praying for God’s kingdom to be made known through His bride. For unity among us. Through all of us comes the answers our world needs. We bring heaven to earth. We reign through Christ. He is our master. He shows us what He wants accomplished on earth.
This is a great commentary. It is hard to believe “Christians” would have some of the opinions stated in this. We need to pray for the people of Ukraine and the leaders of all countries to seek HIS will and direction. My prayer was that G-d would cause the enemy to fall on the wayside as HE did in the Bible.
I just prayed in agreement.
I’ve been having a personal conflict lately reading the book of numbers and the Israelites disobedient to the Lord. The Lord would smite them with a plague or cast them down in death for disobedience and mocking him. This causes a conflict within me reading the Scriptures from the old testament. I know that Moses was a great intercessor for his people..Even though we all deserve to die for our disobedience and rejection of God, I’m so overwhelmingly thankful for Jesus! And praying in accordance with you all for these world conflicts and evil leadership everywhere..
Holy Spirit showed me that it was a correction to the people. If sin kills the soul and they get ETERNAL DEATH OF THEIR SOUL it is better to tell the truth and radically show them how it kills and give them the true penalty and knowledge to save themselves- because they only saw what is of the flesh and death was a penalty.
Many plagues were their own evil words and decrees upon themselves. The death of the Israelites in the wilderness above the age of 20 was their own decree they said over and over again and the Lord said they get what they asked for in Numbers. The kohanite rebellion was an attack on Moses and led by Satan putting pride in these men. They were angry at Moses for not persuading God to let them enter the promise land and then for not bringing the ark with the men when the Israelites decided to go into the promise land anyway and were slaughtered because they went without God and against His decree. The 250 kohans said we have the Holy Spirit on us too and they were going to kill Moses and Aaron remove them by stoning or other method. Our Lord would not allow it. This would have destroyed all that God was planning and He shut it down.
God takes His hand away when one sins and that hardens the hearts but often it is recorded that the Lord says He does it. In reality it is because the Lord knows Satan will attack and man will fall in sin.
As you said this was all before the sacrifice of Jesus who bore all our sins. We thank our merciful Lord for the sacrifice of his own son to save us all in sin! It shows his wonderful heart. He is so good! Nothing but goodness!
I recommend you inquire of Holy Spirit on those verses to reveal the heart of God in all those encounters because it was always to correct them and ultimately mto save the children of Jacob from their own death. Remember with plagues He gave a path to being saved- believing and trusting in Him. The serpent raised up is an example. The harsh death penalties of Leviticus were all to teach the truth of the pathways of sin for their immortal soul.
I am always left with the relief in our salvation through Jesus as well!! Thank you Lord!!! What a good wonderful God we have!!
yes Lord may this and more be done by your righteous right hand for your Glory. May many come to faith in the only one who can save them.
THANK YOU for this very important word. I had politicized the Ukrainian situation and my flesh wanted the Deep State eliminated as ‘supposedly’ it’s roots are in the Ukraine. I have prayed for the Lord to spare all the innocent people but I was still wrong… my heart motive was NOT the Lord’s and was very wrong.
My “Scripture For The Day” was so appropriate… Isaiah 55:8-9, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
My heart is deceitfully wicked… HIS ways and thoughts are ‘galaxies’ higher than mine. I know the scripture well, ‘mercy triumphs over judgment’ and I’ve applied it to so many areas in my life but I didn’t apply it to the Ukraine because I had already judged the situation in my mind and heart and was not open to what the Lord was saying. I have repented and this was a valuable lesson, I hope I never forget it. Thank you again for this very important word. Blessings always.
“And we boldly state what you have said, ‘America shall be saved!'” Where did THAT come from? America has shed much innocent blood. God does not turn His head from that. With Satanist going to the Supreme Court to ask for abortion to be a proceed religious rite for them how is America any different than any other nation that God has judged and destroyed?
That was meant to say “protected religious rite”
Lord please help the peace loving people of Ukraine, from being slaughtered by a ruthless,tyrant. Send some of your ANGELS to help stop this, evil Putin has released on these defenseless,people. Give them the strength to fight off this invasion into their country, they are all russians, yet killing each other. Please Lord end this, before this world is destroyed by hate.
The media consistently lies to us. Those politicians supporting Ukraine are criminals with deep corrupt ties to Ukrainian criminal leaders. We don’t know the truth here on either side. I refuse to fall into the trap of media lies and orchestrated events along with fake reports. The killed millions by telling lies about covid. They lied about our stolen 2020 election. I do not support our illegitimate government in their latest orchestrated lie.
Father God! Expose corruption I. Ukraine as well as corruption in America and bring justice! Protect Your people who stand for righteousness and are standing in the gap for those around the world! Sweep over revival and transform us as you bring in Your Kingdom and You Will as You desire that all may be saved !!! In the Mighty Name of Jesus of Nazareth Amen !!!
Praying for Ukraine & u.s.a. peace and safely
Another prophet spoke by the Spirit many years ago. Ezekiel. In Chapter 38 and 39 God made it clear that he intends to use Russian to lead an attack upon Israel to wipe Israel off the map. However, it is God’s intent to show Israel that He is God and is on their side. He will wipe out the armies of Russia, Turkey, the “istans”, Germany, North Africa who are all specifically named along with others and will send them back devastated, for the specific purpose of making Himself known to Israel. We, I believe, are getting very close to that event. I am looking for the Uppertaker, not the undertaker, though I am now 80 years young.
Kim Clement’s Ministry called House of Destiny does what they call “Current Events” here and there when major work events line up with things Kim prophesied (you can find them on their website, YouTube or their App). House of Destiny did about a 20 minute current events at the beginning of February about Ukraine. It was very encouraging. The prophecy Dutch Sheets mentioned was on this current events but it was actually much longer. His daughter also said that we should not forget about Israel during this time we are praying for Ukraine based on some other things he prophesied. I believe that some sanctions were recently lifted off of Iran so I have been praying for Israel’s protection as well as Ukraine’s. The whole Current Events broadcast is worth the time to watch. And very encouraging God showed us He already knew this was going to happen.
It is my hope that deep consideration of all sides and much prayer will be made before any judgments are made. I have repented much over my lifetime for believing what the news and people told me, even words prophesied by Christians, without going to the Lord to hear directly what he had to say. Oh that we would be open to hearing and weighing all sides and seal our lips concerning judgment until we know that we know what we are speaking and praying are God’s thoughts and words. I present this article for you to consider in prayer. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/03/madman_putin_the_globalists_misinformation_play.html
God bless all who are earnestly praying and seeking the truth.
This was an interesting article, thanks for posting. I believe we aren’t being told everything about what’s going on in Ukraine. I do however believe that Putin is wanting to expand his nation back to what was the Soviet Union. He may not be crazy, but I believe based on some previous actions is past years that he is wanting to rebuild the Soviet Union. One of his demand was that NATO pull troops back to lines that would be on the other side of countries that previously were in the Soviet Union. And Russia invaded the country of Georgia back in 2008 in a similar way. I also agree that the globalists are trying to expand their territory. And this is all at Ukraine’s expense. One prophet I saw named Charlie Shamp was given a dream in Dec 2020 and was told by the Lord to pray for the churches in Russia and Ukraine and that resonates with me. I think there is so much hidden that its going to come down to the churches in different nations praying and working in unity for Gods will to be done.
This is one of the best articles I’ve read or podcasts I’ve listened to on this situation. The author is spot on… plus he used to live in communist controlled Czechoslovakia. Thank you for sharing! I definitely don’t believe a word this fraudulent regime says about Putin & his global cronies… Soros, Clinton’s, WEF, MSM, & Marina Abramovic who all support Ukraine! That should tell you something! I do pray for the innocent Ukrainians caught up in this & the evil Ukrainian officials be exposed who have sold their soul to greed & power. I also pray for Putin & the Russian people.
AMEN to all that was written here and prayed here. And again I say AMEN!!!!
That is wonderful ! Thank you!
You have to be careful of putting God as responsible for this! People hurt people. God doesn’t hurt people! The love of the Father is the REVELATION. Even his discipline is nothing like what our discipline in our minds is even destroying enemies is not as we would destroy our enemies. We The Church must apprehend and no more than anything else! Be careful what you believe and speak. Jesus all ready won the battle. The battle is the Lords. I wars not against people but against principalities powers and governing authorities.
And all things get wisdom and get understanding. Ephesians 3 :10 says the Church will be the ones to manifest the manifold wisdom of God to the world.
Mathew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God in all of his righteousness (his truth, his understanding, his wisdom hear a revelation from the Lord and I will come to you.
We are Blessed to speak blessings of God write from His Throne.
All this is is the serpent showing his head again of another any Christ spirit if you look and see this is the second territory that is going through overthrowing authority from a territory in months.
We can never process anything from our fleshly logical mind it must come from the revelation who Jesus Christ is was in will be for eternity God never changes H it s mind or goes back in His Word. He sent His Word in us and it heals them.
So listen to church to hear with the spirit of the Lord is saying to us and proclaim the truth that sets them free! Praying tongues is the best way you will ever receive the wisdom and truth of we’re going to speaking to the body of Christ. We are to pray with understanding. We have to receive a revelation of prophecy. The prayers of a righteous person person (God‘s righteousness) will availeth much. Rest in worship in the anointing come into the rest into the holy of holies be still and know that He is God He is has a strategy! He is the strategy! Follow through with his process and stick to the plan. We the Bride of Christ , His Holy Priesthood are Blessed to be a Blessing. May receive this in love.
Adding to my comment – that being said, yes absolutely we are to pray for Ukraine and hold up believers in all the world. No this is not judgment. It is possible God cleansing evil and if that is so we may see more of this and may not understand what is really going on.
Is it possible that Putin is in Ukraine to eliminate the bio weapons labs ( think Wuhan) which were put there and funded by the US? Is it possible he is there to take down those participating in human trafficking knowing that Ukraine is the capital of the world for human trafficking? I suggest giving a listen to Johnny Enlow’s interview on Elijah Streams titled “What’s Happening” – it is quite enlightening. And it aligns with information I have heard from other sources who have been very accurate about the goings on in our country and the world.
Thank you so much for your powerful prayers! I appreciate you, them and Dutch!! Revival is coming . I can feel it, Kay Jacobus
My spouse and I went to Russia to minister in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Although we were around believers primarily, we ministered on the streets to those who didn’t know Christ and hungry for the truth of God’s word. We also met many people from the Ukraine. They are in my heart and prayers and forever will be.
I have forwarded this article to Abraham and Diane, missionaries in Ukraine, for encouragement. They send us daily emails of update in their location and continuance of their ministry. Please lift them and their families up in prayer, for they intend to stay and continue in God’s Work. May God Bless You!
Thankyou Dutch fir your wisdom on this situation. So many words going around it becomes confusing. I agree with you on what you have stated. God bless you brother.
Great insights and direction from Dutch Sheets. Thanks for sending.
BFFFAM! Dutch and Kim are the real deal! But God is doing a new thing, as He has so many times before, but never on a scale like today. As we know he always delivers us and the world of our day as in that day in spite of us… THANK YOU Father! He raised up far more than a mere Cyrus, but a David (and His Mighty Men/Women) who have forged alliances with the other Great Kings of our day to bring about a Great Deliverance of the whole world, just as He promised. Because we answered His Wake Up Call of Amos 9:11, and saw what time it was right in the scriptures as Daniel and his team did, we began to fast, pray, repent and besiege the Heavens to align with Him to do His Will as a growing remnant that would rebirth His Apostolic/Prophetic Five-Fold Eccesia in his design – Apostolic Centers and Home Groups bringing us out of the old wineskin foolish shepherd/false prophet system (Zech 11:15-16, Ez 34) which influences the kings of the earth (we are those priests/kings of all seven mountains on all seven continents chained in the pews). But a day He promised to restore His latter house Acts church is come! And when a David is restored to gather Global Israel’s tents (the two houses/camps Ephraim and Judah to make them one again), you will see this King David of our day bringing truth with evidence to the great kings of our day that they might work together to free themselves and their people from this corrupt global Mystery Babylonian system and structure just as we’d prayed and decreed for years – Babylon is Fallen, Fallen! And we are it’s witnesses and His Threshing Battleax to See Our Great Deliverance because of His Great Mercy in spite of us! But we are being restored to who we truly are – and the Eyes of Our Understanding are being opened as we are Ephraim (the ten tribes scattered to the nations after our ancestors got their divorce) despite His Harbingers in that day. We are Awakening and our Identity Crisis is Over! And He never leaves us in such a time as this without a portal through which His Mordecai can Report what’s really going on! Things are not what they seem, nor the picture they’re painting anymore than the DS did in Syria, Lybia and so many places as they did their regime change; but now they’re own playbook is being used against them and has been over the past six years. It had to be done this way to avoid the war, civil wars and every evil they would have executed against the people – even their plandemic which has failed; but too many of us were under their spell and asleep. The books are and will be written about it – the greatest Sting Operation in HIStory – and the greatest book of all books of course prophesied and promised it! So we will know how to pray with understanding! There are many excellent portals He’s raised up! One of the best through which His Anointed bring the truth well ahead of even the Alt media is X22Report.com Praying Medic is another and many more. But for the every day person I commend these to my BFFFAM! Just listen and you will know the Truth – which alone sets us free. His Richest Blessings on You and Yours! ~SELAH PRAISE YHVH!
Amen and excellent reply. Totally agree. Concepts that I’ve not heard before.
I keep going to God’s Throne of Grace crying ,”Mercy, dear Lord, Mercy!”
Sadly the “opinions and judgments “ that seem to be ongoing for some of the Church only proves how far we are from the heart of the Father. HE calls us to stand in the gap and intercede, not to blow a lot of hot air with careless words. Lord, forgive us and revive us!!
Lord, we praise you that you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ring a out your end time harvest. Use all of the arrows from Satan to bring about good. May your will. E do e on earth as it is in heaven. We confess that America has sinned against you. We repent and ask for forgiveness, that you plead the blood of Jesus over us and remove the evil leaders in our land. Bring about righteousness and repentance. We choose YOU, JESUS, as King over our land and the earth. We ask You to step back in America and lead us daily. By your Holy Spirit. Bring down evil and release a might tidal wave of your Holy Spirit over America, Ukraine and the world, in Jesus name. Come Lord Jesus come. Amen.
Thank you for these prophetic words and all prayers for both sides and in deed all of the world to be awaken to God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit!!! Please, I have been praying for God to show me where in the bible it says what you said He said “America shall be saved”???? So many people say USA is NOT in the bible??? I know it is one of the nations!!! and I know what God says about the nations!!!
Thank you Lord, 2 nights ago the Lord lead me to pray for not only Ukraine but also for the Russian soldiers and their people. When I was done I had mixed feelings but the Lord told me these people all have loved ones who worry about them. By reading this article God gave me confirmation to keep praying for both sides that His will shall be done and protection on both sides. God created all men white, black, yellow and red. Like the song Jesus loves all the children of the world!
Thank you Lord for giving wisdom to Dutch Sheets and prophecy to Kim Clement, that by their obedience, we might be enabled to pray more effectively and fervently to your will, your compassion and your redemption.
Cause our eyes to be opened where evil is concerned. Cause our hearts to be moved by your compassion over us and everyone you love. Let us stand, in your presence, with the petitions of mercy and Grace for the unbelievers, that they may be redeemed and able to “say so.”. Amen
I am praying for the Holy Spirit to hover over the Russian soldiers and bring them to a place of bending the knee to Father God in surrender to Him and in surrender to the Ukraine government. In Yeshua’s Name we pray. To God be all glory.
Father I pray and plead with You to bring TRUTH TO ALL across this Earth. I pray a large revival of TRUTH and a return to You in numbers never seen before. In Your holy name … Amen
After reading the other comments I am more confused than ever about this conflict, but I do belong to, trust and serve the One who is not confused about anything and who brings beauty from ashes, brings the dead to life, works all things together for good and knows “the end from the beginning, from ancient times what is still to come.” I don’t have to know fully or understand fully in order to pray to my Heavenly Father, who does know and understand all things. I can pray for His will to be done in Russia and Ukraine, His good and perfect and pleasing will. I can pray for protection for the believers on both sides and for revival, many more to come to faith and the church to grow. I can pray for evil leaders to be removed, which I am desperately praying for here in the U.S. – we have so many evil, corrupt leaders pursuing money and power at the expense of every citizen here. A return to God is our hope and the hope of any nation. I trust God’s Sovereignty, even in times like these, which seem so dark and dangerous. Let me, let us, not fail to be His light right where He has placed us in this world for such a time as this. Lord give me wisdom, discernment, strength and courage to follow You and not be deceived by any false teaching. Your Word is truth, may I not depart from it. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
How about we pray what we know rather than choosing sides and turning on one another based on what we don’t know? We know that the people of this world are hurting, in Ukraine and beyond. We know we have a perfect Father who is good beyond measure. Pray that He will release His people from tyranny and war and bring revival and souls into His kingdom.
Read this Psalm this morning in prayer and it felt appropriate re: the circumstances of Ukraine and important to share on this feed…
Psalm 116:1-19 KJV
[1] … I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. [2] Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. [3] The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. [4] Then called I upon the name of the Lord ; O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. [5] Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. [6] The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. [7] Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. [8] For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. [9] I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. [10] I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted: [11] I said in my haste, All men are liars. [12] What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? [13] I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. [14] I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people. [15] Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. [16] O Lord, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. [17] I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. [18] I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people, [19] In the courts of the LORD’S house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise h ye the LORD. …
I also prayed Psalm 116 for the war in Ukraine! Thank you Lord for leading us to your Word to pray!
Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for Sheets wise, kind words! And sharing Kim’s prophesy! Forgive us believer’s for saying foolish things Lord, way to many of us have let ‘stinkin thinkin’ get a hold of us rather than letting Your Word, the whole unvarnished truth of Your Word by Your Holy Spirit teach us, guide us. Thank You for Your patience with us Poppa…AND thank You for the pastors and their families who are staying in Urkraine to share Your love and truth! Thank You for those college kids who were worshipping while they sheltered as Ukraine’s cities were being shelled! Praise You Jesus! We KNOW Your good plan is the one that counts and will prevail even as ‘king Putin’ is poisoned by that ancient snake. You do not waste our pain. Glory to The LAMB, our Redeemer! May all know the Living God, see You Coming SooN!!!
Amen! We unfortunately are so quick to judge others and declare what we would be doing instead of seeking what God is doing and aligning ourselves with Him – to further His Kingdom as His #1 heart’s desire is that none should perish. God has been impressing my heart to read Matthew 24 – wars and rumors of wars, followed by the many “Then” statements that follow – this is the prelude to what I believe is a global revival. We need to make sure we are doing our part where God has placed us – for such a time & place as this should be in our hearts daily. Thank You God for Your immeasurable love, grace & mercy! – they come in that order. Glory to God!
Yes! Revive us Lord!
This is disturbing.
Side with an evil communist dictator raping a free and sovereign nation with religious freedom?
I wonder if some of our brothers and sisters would be so philosophical about assigning God’s judgments if they were right now without food and heat in a bomb shelter or facing a tank with a rifle.
Zelenskyy’s past as an actor is reason for judgment? Ever heard of Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, or Winston Churchill?
We are in a time of shaking, birth pangs, and certainly judgments, but why do Christians so enjoy God judging?
As the article states, if that is what we want, move up in line, America.
Lord of heaven and earth, we beseech Thee, REPEL the spiritual forces and the Russian armed forces for this illegal, immoral, and imperialist assault on Ukraine.
Lord, break through the Orwellian lies told to his people by Putin, that they were being threatened by Ukraine, and may their military become demoralized and abandon their mission.
Lord, may Russians who are not even aware of what is happening be made aware and voice opposition.
Lord, Zelenskyy stands as a symbol of freedom and courage to the whole world. Keep him alive, and may his stand serve to remove feckless and corrupt leaders in the West and authoritarians the world over.
Lord, reveal all corruption that has taken place in and through Ukraine, both internally and by foreign elites and oligarchs.
Lord, grant Ukrainians personal repentance, and confession of sin for any sins in their nations’ past, including pogroms and antisemitism.
And Lord, we do ask that you judge evil in high places, but that You spare the righteous from the judgment.
Lord, have mercy.
Amen and Amen!! Our God, Yahweh, is the Creator and the Almighty God! He alone is to be praised and He alone is the one we are to look for our salvation! I also pray for the innocent people in both Ukraine and Russia and pray God to protect those innocents in the most terrible time.
Cover the nation under the blood of the lamb and hide your people under angels’ wings. Comfort the people of Ukraine. Give the believers a heart to worship in the midst of their pain. Give wisdom and discernment to Pres. Zylensky and his cabinet. May they fear you, honor you, and be kept for your purposes in their nation. Keep the Russian forces of destruction at bay, confuse their efforts, and no loss of life, esp. innocent life. Dispersal of warring and ministering angels over the nation because the battle belongs to you, Lord..
Let’s calm down folks. There is not enough coherent information here to make sense of what is going on. If you didn’t like Kim Clement – fine. I recommend that everyone weigh each prophetic word they receive to see if God and Wisdom are in it. If you are thinking that Putin is resisting the New World Order – that’s fine too. But we need more information before jumping to a conclusion. Sadly this article tells us nothing, but not knowing does not damage the credibility of IFA. It just means that they, like the rest of us, do not understand what is going on yet.
God bless and restore the hearts of the people of Ukraine and bring them to the realization that they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We bind the enemy in the name of Jesus and stand against the devices of the adversary. The battle has already been won and God’s people are the victors. We thank you Father God for your tender mercy and blessings for the innocent people of Ukraine and Russia and pray for their protection from harm in Jesus’s name Amen.
I am a Polish-American whose family history resounds in my heart. I pray for my brothers and sisters who are suffering with tears.
Complete garbage. This is why there is no repentance yet because of false messages like this. As for why America hasn’t been “judged” yet…what do you call what is going on right now in this country? It’s in shambles. Stay on message. REPENT and get rid of these false prophets who say “Peace, Peace” when there is no peace. This article makes you look utterly foolish. PS: I saw Kim Clement once in person and he’s completely insane. Your credibility just took a big hit here.
This person is wrong.
Lord, do as you will in this Ukraine-Russia situation.
God is using Putin to stop the New World Order for being installed fully in Ukraine, si they can take down Russia and that entire region. The NWO is already taking down the USA and now they want to take down Russia. God is using Putin to oppose them.
May this resolve according to your will, and not according to the emotions of the people. May you, Lord, spare unnecessary suffering, even when we know that sins of nations always translate into suffering for their people. No nation is exempt of sin. We ALL have failed very short of your glory.
May you give discernment to these Christians who pray without knowledge.
In the name of Christ, amen.
Thank you for your comment. The press has done a great job of making Putin look bad. Putin is actually a religious conservative. He does not tolerate the LGBTQ agenda nor abortion. He sees the West as decadent, godless, Sodom-Gomorrah. Global powers are forcing his hand and he intends to retain control of Russia with full force. That military does not mess around, unlike our sissified armed forces. The US is controlled by perverse and corrupt satanic globalists.
Those mighty angels can halt that miserable convoy and the Holy Spirit can give to good men the wisdom to fight this Godless Communist nation of Russia and defeat it.
[email protected]
Certainly describes conditions in these nations accurately, but as far as any human predictions, who knows?
So good and wise. Correction spoken in love. TY for being bold.
Lord thank you for the hearts of young American Evangelists and Believers headed to Poland to love on the refugees fleeing from this battle. Let them be a heavenly contingent for strength and peace and hope for those who need basic necessities and your everlasting peace. Lord we know You are working this out, we don’t understand it all, but have faith through this fire will be freedom for this region. Only You know the hearts of men. This is your plan unfolding. I pray for the safety of these who go to the front lines, risking their lives, to help others suffering or in peril. I ask you to give them heavenly warriors to protect them from the enemy. Give them the resources to comfort these frightened people. We thank you Jesus.
Dear father God you are Mighty and Powerful all knowing oh, you are loved and we lift up this situation in Ukraine and we pray for your protection of the innocent for your protection of the Ukrainian people. Guide them and deliver them from this in Jesus name. We pray Lord that you will be with all people of Russia and soften their hearts soften the hearts of the leaders and we pray that your will will be done in your hand will be on this in thank you Jesus our lord and savior amen
What truth is there to the large number of bio weapons labs in Ukraine? Who is responsible for encroaching on Russia’s door with NATO, and all it’s evil? Who has been doing the bidding of evil in the USA??? NWO is at the door! Should Putin allow them in? Do we really know all the facts? I see a lot of media deception going on. My prayers are for all involved in this nightmare, including opposition of the NWO! May God bless and awaken the masses to the true enemies of all of the people of this world!!!
Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit all things are known by You , please protect the innocent bring them to safety please expose all the evil may justice prevail the Truth will set us free I pray for the salvation of leaders may they choose Your will over their appetites for power may the leaders serve You and their people in peace and love not war . All things are possible with You Lord Nothing is to hard for You Lord . You are returning for a spotless bride help us hear and obey Your will in all the earth in Jesus Your mighty name I pray
Well said!
Thank you, Carolyn! Yes, Lord, awaken your people I pray in the name of Jesus, take off the veil of deception so that they can see who their true enemies are.
Very encouraging
Mat 18:19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. So, we can agree that as Jesus turned the water into wine, we can ask Him to turn Putin’s diesel and gasoline into water to stop the tanks advance onto Kyiv.
May the Lord give the military of Ukraine great courage and skill to resist the Russian invasion, may the Lord confuse the invading force and cause their equipment to breakdown and their weapons to miss targets, may the angels of the Lord and his shield of protection be upon the innocent people of Ukraine, their soldiers and President Zelenskeyy. May Putin have a Damascus Road experience that prompts him to withdraw his forces and peace to be restored.
Why is Biden described in soft terms of weak, etc while he is also evil? And why is Putin outright called evil? Why this discrimination ?
This article was well written…thank you for the spiritual insight… I come into total agreement with the prayer!
Thank you for the opportunity to pray for God’s Mercy here and abroad.
We seek the audience of One and acknowledge our sins before Him.
Our desire is to turn from evil ways and follow Him. Amen?
I agree so much with the writer here. When this happened I didn’t even know how to pray, especially when I heard about the Russian kid soldiers who are hungry and not knowing why they are in the Ukraine. America is as wicked as most nations now, with our exports of wickedness greater than any other. Putin takes stands far more Christian in nature than American leaders! We are as guilty as any other. In this situation we cannot take sides. We can condemn Putin’s invasion, but pray for both Russians and Ukrainians for God’s light and support. May this be a time when God makes His Name shine in multitudes of ways!!
These are the best thoughts I have been exposed to regarding what is happening in Ukraine. Praise the Lord that He is the TRUTH! I have two adopted children from Ukraine that still have family in Ukraine. I also have friends here in Texas that have parents in Kiev and Kharkiv. We visited both cities just before Covid. Great people and a great country that need Jesus just as America. Thank you for this website! I plan to help out monetarily and with much prayer and fasting. All the glory to God!
Praise God. I agree with Dutch Sheets article and prayer. Lord you love people, you give us all a chance to repent so our hearts would come to the knowledge of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over all the wicked leaders in Ukraine, Russia and America. May revival start quickly, In Jesus’ name.
Even as we pray for the Ukraine, the Father shows how grieved He is over the suffering of the Russian people. The single mom trying to find food, clothes and shelter. The Babushke who has remained steadfast even through all the years of totalitarian government.
Father God says to pray a move of Holy Spirit continues in the Ukraine encompassing Russia and Afghanistan that we might be blessed even with a new infilling as Holy Spirit touches ALL in our governing bodies. This is for states as well as federal. Thus we have the circular effect of Hebrew thinking rather than the linear voice of the western world.
Recall the season. Rejoice as we prepare for Passover. The r nemy passes by because of the blood…rejoice He Is Risen
Amen!!! I am total agreement with this prayer!
Praying for the innocent people and even all soldiers who are stuck in this, and volunteer workers in all of this for their safety, and for cru member safety, ( students for Christ and the missions)… and I thank you lord that whatever is evil and illegal is being uncovered , & exposed from this, and that not only that Putin is stopped for the peace in all of Europe, but I pray that ANY corrupt leaders from wherever they abide, are exposed in this agonizing process. I trust in God that this is being done as we speak and I patiently wait, praying for the innocent involved to be saved. Thank you Father God that you have grace for America. I ask this peace prayer and lift it to you and the angels in heaven in the name of Jesus Christ our lord, Amen