I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that you would continue to strengthen the church in Ukraine. Be their refuge, Lord, and comfort them in this difficult time.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

King David writes in Psalm 73, “But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.” Clearly, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine are living out this Psalm, trusting the Lord to guide them through horrific times. As Christians, we can learn from their righteous display of faith.

From CBN. CBN News’ senior international correspondent George Thomas continues to be in the middle of the Ukrainian war zone, sharing videos and images of the troubling, traumatic — and inspiring — events unfolding on the ground….

“The general tone is one of determination, of courage, of a fighting spirit,” Thomas told Faithwire, noting that many of those he has spoken with on the street are in awe of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “Somebody said to me, ‘He hasn’t even shaved, and look at the way he’s rallying the country, rallying the troops … he’s in the trenches.’…”

In addition to stories of ordinary citizens rallying to battle, Thomas is telling some of the other heartwarming, overcomer accounts he’s personally observing in churches and on the streets of Ukraine….

“The pastor of the church, in essence, set the tone for this past Sunday,” Thomas said. “He got up and said, ‘As we worship and come into a time of praise and worship, that all of the songs we sing today, we sing keeping in mind what is going on today in our nation. And as we storm the gates of heaven with our praise … we are in essence storming the gates of heaven for peace as well….’”

While parishioners’ spiritual needs were being met, Thomas said church staff members were working in other areas of the house of worship to help displaced families….

The church was setting up pillows and sheets and assembling clothing and toiletries they had purchased for individuals and families in need. Thomas said five displaced families were already living inside the church….

Please continue to pray for Thomas and all those in Ukraine as the battle forges on.

Are you encouraged? Please share!

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Charles Smith
March 3, 2022

I’m surprised to see only evangelical churches here since almost all Ukrainians are Orthodox or Atheist. Why not report on what the Orthodox Church is doing?

March 3, 2022

King David did not write Psalm 73. Asaph wrote it. When I read what you said it created doubt in my mind about the truth of your ministry. Please correct this.

    Lynn Brady
    March 4, 2022

    Accidental mistakes like about who wrote Psm 73 is not a sin; but a judgemental attitude and spreading division is. This ministry is pure and all in. I have been a part for a very long time.

Pam Eash
March 3, 2022

Continuing to pray for Ukraine and for our fellow Christians in Ukraine: For God to indeed put His hook in Putin’s nose and His bit in Putin’s mouth and lead him back home by the way he came~~before Putin can launch attacks against Odessa and Kiev, before more citizens have to flee or are killed, before any more buildings are destroyed. Please, God, have mercy on the people of Ukraine, on our brothers and sisters in Ukraine…..In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!! Pam Eash

Barbara Janicki
March 3, 2022

God’s church grows under persecution. We have seen that in China and other oppressed countries – Ukraine is no exception. What an inspiration Ukrainian believers are to the world, as they minister in the midst of war to others, even their enemy. May God protect and provide for them, and increase their number as many more are brought to God through this devastating conflict of war. Thank you Lord for Your everpresent Presence, You are with them in this furnace, may they experience Your Presence with them bringing them comfort, peace, hope and joy. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com


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