Word from a well-placed source tells us that busses are currently heading to Austin, Texas ready to fill the streets with the imported protestors and create their own “CHOP” zone just like Portland. Protests in Austin have been bubbling up with hundreds gathered in Austin, Texas, “for a vigil honoring an AK-47-wielding Black Lives Matter protester gunned down over the weekend,” according to FOX News.Ā These protests are about to grow according to inside information about the coming caravans of outside protestors. Austin intercessors are asking for reinforcements–in prayer.
Interestingly, at a Tuesday evening conference, a word was given to Cindy Jacobs for the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN) and the state of Texas. “Texas, you are My battle-ax. You are My shield,” prophesied Jacobs. “I am pouring out My Spirit upon you to protect the nation. I am pouring out the spirit of a warrior upon TXAPN. Gird your loins, be strong, because I have you on the forefront; you are frontline. You are on the battlefront. The fire of God is coming to Austin!” This was before the knowledge that a coming violent protest wasĀ on the way. But God knew.
Austin, Texas has a uniquely unified Christian community. Pastors often cooperate with one another. Churches come together. A citywide campaign for evangelism outreach was a combined effort this spring for the unified churches in the Austin area. What would seek to come against a spirit of unity, but a spirit of division from the enemy?Ā The enemy is always a counterfeit spirit of God’s truth and move of the Spirit.
As our brothers and sisters in Texas prepare themselves for the arriving mobs, the groundwork of prayer in Austin is being laid. Join them to pray the following: Protection for law enforcement officers on the front lines. The maintaining of unity among pastors and believers. The protection against a further foothold of communism and socialism that has been piped in through the universities. Physical protection for citizens and infrastructure. Pray for the leadership in Austin to maintain law and order and to permit peaceful protests but not violent riots. Pray that the prophesied word about Texas, indeed would be fulfilled–“the Fire of God is coming to Austin!”
Share below how you are lifting up our Austin brothers and sisters in prayer, and if you have a scripture or a word to share.
(Photo of Austin Mayor kneeling for Black Lives Matter (above) by Lauren Comele Morris.)
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“Break Thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man. Seek out his wickedness till Thou find none.
The Lord is King forever and ever. The heathen are perished out of His land.” Psalm 10:15-16.
“Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest. This shall be the portion of their cup.
For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness. His countenance doth behold the upright.” Psalm 11:6-7.
O Lord, let Your Holy Spirit witness to the lawless and the ungodly and bring them to repentance. If they choose to harden their hearts and continue in their rebellious ways, may the above Scriptures be their portion. Amen.
I heard the words “spiritual ambush”, but not in a negative sense. Instead, the forces of evil will be “ambushed” by the power of the Holy Spirit through the intercessors.
I just asked someone I know in Austin exactly what happened. Her response is a link to the paper and a small comment.
It looks like both sides have small groups showing support but nothing news worthy.
Hallelujah!!! Thank you Lord!
COME ON texas you have the reputation of do not “mess with us”. You fly the rattlesnake on your flag DO NOT TREAD ON ME YOUR MOTTO WAS Remember the Alamo”served as the state’s official motto from 1836 to 1845.This former state motto of Texas is displayed on the state seal. Texas revolutionaries cried out “Remember the Alamo”in the battle at San Jacinto, which was an important battle in Texan history.
Lord please strengthen the people of Austin,TX. Give them the strength to defend their city. Be with the police who will help keep the rioters away. Help all the religious people stand together through prayer. Lord please protect them. My prayers are with you, I pray that you stand strong and win against the evil headed your way
Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, we look to You. I ask that You would send Your mighty warring angels to fight this battle in the Heavenlies, as our intercessors fight this battle and stand with those on the ground in Austin. We cover them with The Blood of Jesus, and ask that You would hide them from the enemy.
We forgive and release all those driven by the enemy. Open their eyes Lord, to the Truth of Who You are and Your Great Love for them.
Thank You for the unity of believers Father. Thank You that there is no time or distance in the Spirit Realm. Thank You for The Cross. Help us to hear clearly as You lead.
Thank you so much for sharing. We join with the churches and TXAPN and will pray for that area as well as all the cities being affected. The body MUST unite in prayer and voting!
Glory to God – today’s prayer call was one of the best IFA calls I’ve been on. Exposure to front line ministries like Mr. Guandolo is NEEDED to give understanding to so many who do not fully understand what is going on with Antifa, BLM, etc. And Mrs. Bucklin was awesome too – real life intercessors who are turning the battle – and a lady who is probably someone’s grandmother, still sharp as a tack. Thanks for the resources “Prayer over our Cities” and “Police”, already printed off and will be used. Thank Dave for all you do!
Ephesians 6:12
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Father GOD, Please send the Commander of The LORD’s Army and help us all to hear clearly and to absolutely heed your instruction that the victory may be won. Let us be silent now and hear the whisper of GOD.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
Ecclesiastes 10:10 if the axe is dull and its Edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success.
As a leader in Austin, thanks for your prayers!The organizers of the 2 or 3 groups of protesters argued and video shows them cursing each other. There was confusion in their camp!
I live in Maplewood, MN. Minneapolis is a few miles away. So, many intercessors and people of prayer prayed violently and immediately about all the awful rumors about what the enemy was going to do next in our cities in Minnesota. We heard Antifa say, “they have 30,000 members in each state”. What came up right away in prayer (and we prayed and took authority over) is that the enemy always EXAGGERATES, lies and makes things much much bigger than they really are. But our GOD is so far above…the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof and all the people in it! June 21 and July 4th were suppose to be a terrible destructive time in our cities—but GOD changed that! We agree that Austin Texas is protected and shielded by the LORD. Who can come against? We declare the blood of Jesus over Austin and declare the good plans for Austin in Jesus name. Remove the enemy LORD; foil their plans in Jesus name. Release YOUR worship over your people. That the enemy would be confused and unable to do their wicked plans. Thank YOU JESUS! Hallulejah! The blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus—make much of HIS blood. Thank YOU JESUS. We call these plans null and void. We thank YOU LORD for the victory, victory, victory!!!
Amen! While reading this article, I heard the Holy Spirit say WORSHIP! So I am praying in agreement with your prayer and declare a movement of HOLY Worship to Rise from humbled hearted, children of God. We ARE the Children of the Day and we RISE in authority declaring “HONOR,Righteousness and Justice” as ONE nation united under God! Father I pray their hearts would seek to glorify you, to praise you, to honor you!
Lord may they be filled with your Holy Spirit and overflow with gratitude for all that You are… So that true WORSHIP (pure and holy) would pour out of them! Declaring it will be done in this city and across this nation. May your PRAISE ever be on their lips! In Jesus name
Praying that God firer falls and consume all the protester with God’s love and Holy Slirit. Bus companies refuse to bring radical protesters to destroy Citys
Jeremiah 33:3 – Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know. ISA 54:17 – No weapon formed against the people of Texas shall prosper and every tongue that rises up in judgement against them will fail. This is the heritage of the children of the Lord. Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you must go, I will guide you with mine eye.”
Help our brothers and sisters in Austin and Texas to stand in faith and unity. Give them power in prayer, testimony, and witness to stand like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego… untouched by Your fire.
Any updates on the supposed buses to Austin, Texas?
Blessings, speak life, lift each other up, pray for all including our enemies. Father God we come before you humbly & boldly in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior, & Father we thank you for the blessings you pour out over this Nation, One Nation UNDER GOD, Father we thank you for the Faith covenant our forefathers established with you, Father we thank you for the supernatural wisdom, discernment, understanding, knowledge, & revelation you have Blessed President Trump with, Father we pray that the gift of utterance be bestowed upon President Trump, Father we thank you for equipping us all with the full armor of God, the sword & the shield of FAITH in Jesus name, Father we pray for all the spiritual advisors that have the Presidents ear that nothing comes from them but through you Father God, that any wolves in sheeps clothing be revealed & removed from the Presidents inner circle, Father we thank you for healing the fractured souls across this Great Nation, we thank you for restoring the minds of your children that have been programmed & controlled by evil forces, Father we bind up & block any evil attempting to astral project & do further damage to all of your children, Father we thank you for doing whatever it takes to bring the members of the Judicial, Legislative, Executive Branch, Hollywood, Antifa, BLM, back into the center of the family of God, Lord thank you Father for convicting their hearts & bringing them back into the center of the family of God, Father we thank you for destroying all seeds of the evil one & no other will return in their place, We praise you Father & Glorify your name & we give you all the glory for there is none like you, We Thank You Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior
Pray in tongues whenever possible, magnify the Lord
Father, youāve told us that in this world we have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration, but BE OF GOOD CHEER – take courage. We take our courage in you, youāre our confidence our certainty; we are undaunted for You have overcome the world. You have deprived it of power to harm and you have conquered it for us. (John 16:33)
I speak confusion into the enemies camp. Let them turn on each other. As they cross the border into Texas let the atmosphere of heaven completely disarm that spirit of rebellion and hatred and have them turned back from where theyāve come. Texas is not Portland and it is certainly not Seattle. Our destiny will not be short circuited nor stollen in Jesus name.
I prayed that the Power of God deal with the evil one. That the Lord give us the wisdom, the words to deal with those that mean harm. For the ones coming to promote communism would hear your word and turn from their evil ways and turn to Jesus for the answers. Let us as Christians remember that Our Lord is greater than all the forces that satan can bring forth. Pray for some of our enemies to get saved out of this. Thank you Father for your love and what you are about to do that is so mighty! Amen
Please also help us pray in Mayo, Fl.They have been told that these people are coming to their town on Aug. 15th. This is a small rural town that has already been visited by these people who started videoing the town and starting trouble.Pastors have come together and meeting in prayer with the community as well. We will be praying for Texas as well.
Mayo, Fl. I just prayed for your safety and that God would deal with the enemy in a mighty way. Hold strong to the word and pray for your police and other law enforcements, that they be protected as well. Please keep us updated and let us as a body of Christ pull together in prayer. May God direct your path and show you what to do as well as how to do it. God bless your town.
Father I pray you protect our people from harm. May those things intended for harm be turned into good. May your power fall on us and save many who are lost.
Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN) and the state of Texas, we have your back in fervent prayer as if Austin, Texas were our town and state. We beleive in you and He who is in you. Stand together as we stand together with you.
Thanks for your prayers for us in Austin. God showed up in a mighty way! The DPS and Austin PD did a great job. We intercessors were warned before the weekend and as watchmen, we refused to allow any demonic stronghold enter our city.
Vicky Porterfield,
I am new to this, how would you advise me to refuse to allow any demonic stronghold entrance to my city?
Thank you in advance. feel free to email me directly at [email protected].
Heavenly Father! Help! Please forgive our sins of bowing down to the enemy! We have greatly sinned and ask for forgiveness of our sins! Our nation and our cities have turned against you, we cry out for repentence and forgiveness for Austin Texas! Send angel armies to defeat the enemy as he sending his demons to cause rioting in Austin! We as your children ask that the church would rise up amd make a firewall around the city of Austin!! Hear O Lord forgive O Lord act O Lord forgive O Lord! We plead the blood of Jesus over Austin Texas ! In Jesus name Amen
Thanks, Robin. Before any buses arrived, a group of 10 intercessors went to the site of the murder which happened the previous week. We gave communion to the land and asked the Lord for His forgiveness. We shut the door to any claim the enemy had on our downtown. BTW, the protests were at the same site as the murder. Thank you, Holy Spirit for leading us!
I am praying that the Fire of God will burn any fire that the enemy will try to start in Austin and will quickly overcome any attempt to wreak havoc there! May God arise and the enemy be scattered! May every deceitful plan of Satan be thwarted in the name of Jesus!
Lord Heavenly Father,
Deliver Austin Texas Tempe Arizona from unrest and rioting. Help Lord send now help from your heaven. Send forth your angels. Send now a spirit of peace and unity among the people and the churches of these cities. I pray the Christians will pray and come together in unity to pray and protect. I pray Isaiah 37:35 that as you said: He (the wicked) will go back the way he came, and he will not enter this city,ā declares the LORD. Defend the city (Austin and Tempe) and rescue it for your own sake Lord and for our sake.
Please Lord God deliver us from evil of the spiritual wickedness in high places. Protect those men and women who are police officers and help those who are misguided to believe lies and follow after the cultures of violence and mayhem. In Jesus name Amen.
Thank you for your prayers for us here in Austin. Wee all need to keep praying for a new leader who is HONESTLY fighting for ALL folks rights..not just white republicans..we must listen to God not man especially one who is so self centered as the present so called leader, not.
Leaders come from the most unexpected places. God is creative and will show you who. It is not just one person but a body of believers coming together. Look in the mirror, and you’ll see one of those leaders. It may be that this is what you are meant to do is encourage all to do the right things. will be praying for you and that God can use you in a mighty way. Bless you!
Praying !!!!!
“Fear not, for the battle is not ours – but God’s!”. 2 Chronicles 20:15b. As King Jehoshaphat humbled himself to seek the Lord along with all of Judah, let us stand with our brothers and sisters in Austin who face an onslaught by the enemy. We will stand in faith with them believing that the word prophesied will come to pass. May many repent and turn to God away from lies that have been told to them.
Thank you for that word of God’s for encouragement!
Any updates on this situation in Austin?
The BLM and Antifa efforts were thwarted! They began their march downtown on Friday nite then went to UT on Saturday. They were mmet by a wall of law enforcement officers both in the natural and in the spiritual. We are now praying for the City Council’s tries to defund the police will be reversed.
Thanks, Vicki! Glorious! So encouraging to hear this. May it be so all over our nation.
I have been praying in agreement with the prayers below for God to intervene in the situation in Austin in a supernatural way, and I would MUCH prefer that this crisis be ended by God’s action in the spiritual realm, but I also recognize that God gives men the responsibility to act. I have also been praying for the political leaders and law enforcement officials, who have the God-given authority and responsibility to deal with this in the physical realm.
Lord God, give the mayor of Austin and the Governor of Texas the courage to stand up against these professional agitators. Lord, you have given them the authority and responsibility to protect the citizens of Austin, and it appears that they may be abdicating their responsibility. Father convict their hearts through your Holy Spirit and fill them with courage and resolve to stop this travesty. Give them wisdom to know how to stand up to these so-called “protestors” and to contain the evil that they are perpetrating on the people of our nation. Father, turn the hearts of our government leaders.
Father God, I also pray that you will turn the hearts of the “protestors”. Be with our brothers and sisters in Austin. Give them the wisdom and direction on how to engage demonic powers in the Spirit and on how to approach the “protestors” with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the only way they will ever see the truly just society that they are seeking.
I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus! Amen!
This is a powerful prayer!! Thank you for these words and the spirit which it is delivered!
We had family visiting today in Candle Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. We took time to pray for this situation in Austin Texas. We prayed for unity, and for the intercessors that they would use their weapon of praise and worship.
Agree with God’s powerful WORD. AMEN Isaiah 59:19!!!
When my eyes were opened(1970s)seasoned, Pastor Earl Banning used to say I can only find one error in the bible… the coma in Is59:19b is placed incorrectly it should read:
Stella, as a group of intercessors prayed downtown on Friday afternoon before any protests began, we also asked God to come in with waves of His presence and cleansing. It was terribly hot, about 102, then during our praises and prayers for revival from Ps 85, the thunder crashed louder than I have ever heard. God was speaking! Then the rain came in waves like a flood. About 2.5″ in about 15 minutes. God answered us by signs in the weather.
Thanks for your prayers!
I just finished watching “The Chosen”, episode five, and wondered how hard it would be to set up a large screen and show an episode each evening to Austin’s guests? I’ll bet it’s doable. Who knows? Perhaps the series was created for such a time as this!
Treat those who are lost as you want to be treated. Give them Jesus. They are expecting one thing, but our God and Austin will deliver another. Austin Texas, It’s time to show the love of Jesus to a group of fearless and passionate individuals who are destined to be mighty warriors in His kingdom – if they are introduced to the LIVING GOD!!!. Just imagine what The LORD will do through you as you lay your lives down for His purposes. Your reward will be great!
Check out “Give Him 15” for today’s message. Our God has great things in store. We are living in exciting times! Thank you, Jesus!!!
You can enlarger the telecast through a projector used in home movie settings. Talk to tech folks maybe at Best Buy. But be prepared that these rioters may destroy that projector. Yes we need to show love but also show wisdom in how we approach someone like them. You will need the Holy Spirit to direct your path on this. Good luck and God’s speed.
We stand with “Wisdom, Truth, Justice” our Great God Jehovah, our one true King Jesus and all of heaven’s host; are greater in number with us than those that are against.Protect our law enforcement and worshipers of right/truth. Evil be routed;Proverb28:1 …but the righteous are as bold as a lions.
Thank you heaven for the CROSS: God the Father, Jesus the only son of God, and the Great Holy Ghost’ hearts cry is that ALL receive this free gift: ‘salvation’ which bankrupt heaven.
Open the eyes and hearts of the blind being lead to the day dreadful day of God’s slaughter.
Great prayer! I don’t understand the part about bankrupting Heaven, though.
God bless you, Stella.
God the Father at giving heaven’s greatest treasure; Jesus. God’s only begotten Son to sinful man:) I recently saw a painting by Ron DiCianni(Beyond Words, book) quote: I can only imagine the reaction of any angel, seeing the Lord of all the universe suddenly reduced to a human infant…
Thanks! I love your explanation. God is good.
Prayers for protection. That Law and Order be magnified, Victory over the works of the enemy. That arrests will come quickly upon each and everyone who come to kill, steal and destroy. That no Law Enforcement officers be killed or harmed, cover each with the protective blood of Jesus. That warring angels brood over the city of Austin. That the intercessors be annointed with Holy Spirit discernment, wisdom and power overcoming the evil forces. That Almighty God be magnified and many souls be won to His kingdom, just the opposite of what the enemy wants. The ONE TRUE GOD REIGNS!!ššš
I’m shocked the mayor of Austin Tx kneeled for/to BLM! As Christians we should never kneel before anything or anyone save and except our mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Austin needs our continued prayers as do surrounding cities that can be affected by this invasion of the devil and his followers.
Praying Isaiah 59:19 and in agreement with Texas and Austin intercessors.
Agree with God’s powerful WORD. AMEN Isaiah 59:19!!!
When my eyes were opened(1970s)seasoned, Pastor Earl Banning used to say I can only find one error in the bible… the coma in Is59:19b is placed incorrectly it should read:
Agree with these prayers. And praying in spirit and as led
I am joining you through prayers as requested. May The LZoTD raise up more snd more to intercede on the behalf of Austin and this whole nation. ššš
We stand with Austin, Texas as Our God moves before us to bring defeat to the enemy. We will not stop our prayers until the walls of the city are rebuilt with God’s grace, mercy and love. We hear what the Spirit of God is speaking and preparing us for. May we stand firm and when we do not know what to do we shall stand until the Hand of the Lord moves for His people. We pray for salvation for these groups of protestors and may the Sirit of the Lord set guard over the city and His Glory be over it. Amen
Equip all people PRAYING about Antifa & BLM. This video will give you more insight as to what we are up against, I literally CRIED for the lost souls that are being denied FREE WILL: Mass Activation By Sinister Forces of The Masses LIVE- With Special Gues… https://youtu.be/mMWHI-8DgVM via @YouTube
Please God have mercy one more time. Protction for your remnant. May the weight of your hand be on the enemy of your plans. Give Your police and officials Your wisdom as to plans of the enemy before they think of it. Thwart every attempt to stand against You, Your Spirit, Your will, Your trueth. May Your Spitit draw the red line Jesus. Jesus let your blood speak!! I pray The Spirit of Love will flow towards the enemy, and cause them to yield to You. No bloodshed. No harm to anyone. Lord break the demonic spirit of Marxism, socialism, communism now. For your Glory our King. Mercy Lord, mercy.
Hold back the enemy Lord
Bring forth the Harvest
Bring people to your truth
Help Christians to be tools of your mercy Stop the chaos across the country.
Turn around the evil
Father God push back the enemy, thwart the plans of evil and wicked people, confuse the enemy, let your waring angelic host assist your people as they intercede for people in Austin Tx. God summon your power, show your mercy, display your glory, do miracles, be exalted over the plans of the enemy, dispatch your holy warriors to contend with those who contend with the innocent, You are the Mighty Warrior, Our Victor and Deliver, Show your power Lord God, bring blessing and love and peace to cover all fear, anger and strife in Jesus name
I pray that the Holy Spirit hovers over Austin and each bus and person participating in this. Brood, LORD, Brood! I ask that Your spirit is so thick and heavy that participants will fall under the conviction of the LORD and instead of riots and confusion, there will be a Holy Ghost revival! Permeate the atmosphere, LORD. Draw these people to You. Send out people, angels, and your Spirit to give site to the blind. Send out Your light and Your truth and let them lead then to Your side – to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling places.
Cause people to confess and renounce their send. May their be much weeping. Send Your Spirit of repentance! May many be baptized very soon after arriving! Let your Spirit fall. May the people weep over their sins and laugh under the beauty of Your Holiness. Send awakening and revival. May Your holiness be so strong in Austin that the demons flee. Show Yourself strong, Lord. Show the people Your beauty, love and forgiveness. Raise up a holy army. May they become prayer warriors and evangelists on the spot. Send Your Spirit of JOY! You are so, so good LORD. Thank You for hearing our prayers and pouring Your love out on Austin and those arriving by bus. You are amazing God. Thank you Jesus! It’s in Your name we pray. Amen!!!
WE pray that all the schemes of the enemy will be thwarted! We pray Isaiah 52:12 and Isaiah 54:17. We trust God to protect Austin and the State of Texas and the States of the Union!
Praying that a mighty move of God would come to Austin and any other town or city threatened with protests and violence. Lord, when they come to cause chaos may they feel threatened, and experience such a fear of You, that they will not wish to carry on with their agenda. Cause them to turn around and as they feel guilt and shame, show them the evil in their hearts that would lead them to repent of their sin. This I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen
Iknow people from Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, and I PRAY God’s protection over them all and Holy Spirit anointed courage to speak God’s Truth in Love to defuse the anger and violence that comes with any mob protest,in Jesus’ Name!
Holy Spirit not only hover over this location but fall with Your Holy fire on those who come vibrating to the spirit of lawlessness, hatred, anger, deception, fear, murder, stealing, & destruction to break the chains that bind themso they have a Damscus Rd experience having a come to Jesus moment.
Our Father in Heaven,
Please bind us together in prayer as we form a wall around Austin. Let the enemies’ plans backfire spectacularly! Not one life lost! Instead may many souls be saved! May unity in Christ prevail, and overtake and overshadow the plans of the enemy, Amen.
Praying for disorganization of this mob and that confusion and division would reign in their ranks such that they would be unable to reorganize. For protection of the citizens and for wisdom in action on the part of the government leaders. Standing with you Austin from the Houston area!!
In prayer.
I have been given an outreach by the Lord to law enforcement offices across the nation. Specially designed two sided thank you cards with encouraging words and the Scripture Joshua 1:9..on 7/20 I shipped 1,800 cards to Austin law enforcement officers,on 7/12 to Houston 5,200 and on 7/17 to San Antonio 2,500 and to McAllen 500. May the officers hold fast to the Word and be protected and blessed.
If u wish cards for your area, email me cherry at [email protected]. I have sent out 100,000 across the nation since mid July. I am 82 years old and God is using me! TO HIM ALONE BE THE GLORY
Great idea
Praise God! God bless you for your sweet encouragement to those who stand between us and harm. May God continually encourage, favor, strengthen, and cover you with His wings of protection in Jesus name. Amen.
Thanks Tonyia: I need all the prayer I can get to carry out this assignment and see God use the cards to touch the officers. If you wish to see the card, email me [email protected]. It is a miracle that the cards are accepted by the Police Departments as they are Christian!
Thanks Cherry, the Austin Pol iui ce Chief and his #2 Asst chief are both believers plus others in the force. We are praying for them!
Standing on the word for Austin: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace”. God is faithful.
God will hear his people and Austin will be saved from riots. The hand of the Lord is protecting Praise be to Him.
Father God,
I pray Psalm 2 over the city of Austin, the police, the intercessors. I pray that our God Who laughs will reverse the curse. Please open the hearts of key unbelieving protestors to cry out for You, God, as they encounter Your warrior angels in the streets. In Jesusā Name we trust,
I am laughing around this parade of Protest!!! The enemy hates my laughter!!!! LAUGH with me everyone. Hahahahaha hahahahaha.
Hahahahhahaha I was born and raised in Austin. My city will remain under God!!!!
Lord God we humbly ask that you bring a new birth of pray warriors who will lift up Our nation and the citizens of these cities like Austin. Raise the shields of praying people to ward off the enemy who comes to steal kill and destroy. Let you Word resonate as if flows over the city and people who call on the spirit of God to scatter the enemies. Let those who have ears hear the word of God beaconing them to surrender or let them understand they are defeated. We rejoice in unity for the Victory in our Lord Jesus Christ as we give you Father, the glory and praise forever .. amen!
Dear Heavenly Father,
You said in your word Romans 14:10-12: āFor we will all stand before Godās judgment seat. It is written: āāAs surely as I live,ā says the Lord, āevery knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.ā So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.ā
We bow our knee before you Lord and acknowledge you as sovereign over all. We worship you alone and ask you for your help to restore law and order in America.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will move mightily among the outside protestors. We pray your angel protection around, above, and below the police, citizens of Texas, buildings, and property. We pray that you would be glorified in Texas and America. In God we trust. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Thank you Father for the victory you have given your people at the cross of Christ. No weapon formed against them shall prosper. The enemy is defenseless against the Mighty God who created the universe and sits on His throne to rule and reign over every affair of man. The devil is defenseless against people who do not fear him or believe his lies. We take the authority given to us and command the enemies of God to become confused and directionless in the name of Jesus, causing them to turn away from the plans of the devil and recognize the power of God binding them from doing what they were told to do. We pray, Lord, that you would send your angels to guard and protect your people and those who are ignorant of this plan against them. We pray the power of the Holy Spirit to take control. Thank you for your protection and grace on Austin, Texas. Open up the heavens and cause signs and wonders to take place and turn the hearts of the rebellious toward you to serve you instead of the devil. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Therefore thus says the Lord: Behold, I will plead your case and take vengeance for you. I will dry up her sea, and make her springs dry. Babylon shall become a heap, a dweling place for jackals, an astonishment and a hissing, without, without an inhabitant. God will stop those buses full of people sent by Satan to destroy Austin Texas. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. For He gives His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways And let the angel of the Lord chase him, And let the angel of the Lord pursue them Let the destruction of the buses come upon them, unexpectedly. Jesus has fully destroyed the devil and all his worksthur His death on the cross. Jesus has fully disarmed principalities and powers. That every knee shall bow to Jesus, including those under the earth, which are demons God bless you šā¤ļø Amen
āVengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.āā
Deuteronomy 32:35
Our God and our King, You are the Great I AM and there is none other. You lead us into battle and we fight with the two edged sword you have given us. Teach hands and our total being to battle. We say to the ones who are paid protesters, turn from this wicked way, repent, turn to God and you shall be saved from the wicked one. Now we lift up those brothers and sisters who are in the eye of the storm and we ask for their protection and provision to know You, All Mighty God, are with them. Victory is the Lords. Do all you can then stand. Can anyone of them stand against God? Of course not! This city is the battle ax of God. Stand firm and trust Him for whatever comes this way. We thank You and we praise You our God and King. We are trusting You! Amen and Amen
I stand with the body of Christ in Austin against an onslaught āattemptā of the enemy to disrupt the unity the Lord has already established there. This weapon may be forming but it will not prosper. Lord I ask you to put a hook in their (the enemyās) nose and draw them back from where they have come in Jesus name.
We obviously need new leadership in Texas as Governor Abbott, who is supposedly a Republian is allowing Mayor Adler to have riots in Austin! He’s not stepping in to uphold the law and protect Texas. If Abbott continues to not stand up to the BLM and Antifa fascists, then he needs to step down and let a real patriot run the state.
Steve Adler and Greg Abbott are a disgrace to Texas and America!
Release!! Warring Angels!! In Austin Texas Raise up position yr Intercessors Warriors on the Wall!!!
I decree the Esters !Mordecai Anna Arising We call ft Intercessors to weep between the Porch and Altar In Yeshua name!!!
Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, the battle is not yours but God’s. …verse 22: when they began to sing & praise God set anbushments against the enemies.
Amen & Amen!
God has spoken that into my spirit over & over the past several years. Through all that the enemy has been working on for our harm.
Praise God, He is Mighty and Sovereign and all things are possible for Him!
I pray that we continue to praise Him abundantly all over America! And I believe that just like unified praise delivered Jehosaphat, it will bring God’s Deliverance to us, as he causes the enemy to fight against themselves and He pushes back the darkness from our country. In Jesus name. Amen!
I pray no weapon formed against the police š®āāļø would prosper or prevail. I pray unity keeps the Austin pastors tightly woven together
I pray safety for the good citizens of Austin
Praying for Austin,Tx
It gives me hope that our church isnāt sleeping in this hour, like I feel I am. Iām not sure what to do with myself. Every time I read something like this my heart cries out and I canāt control my reaction. I want to have this for my state Pa. please pray that my heart would be on fire for my beloved and have no turning back. Thank you
Do not be paralyzed Shavonne. Find one thing you can do and do that. Find a praying friend you can partner with to pray and take action for your state. It just takes one to start! Praying for you to have direction and focus! š
You might want to read Cherry Urich’s comment posted August 1 at 8:41 pm. She is sending 2-sided thank you cards to law enforcement personnel. Ask the LORD for something that will help you to see and engage in your assignment to bring light to others. Your prayers for others are important. May you be richly blessed as you are re-energized.
May God bless you. I admire your sweet honesty. I think the paralysis of being overwhelmed has probably come upon us all at times. I know I have had to fight it alot, especially lately.
Take heart that every prayer you pray is not just a little thing but so important. And that God is Sovereign and in control, and
He inhabits our praises!
So as Jehoshaphat did in 2 Chronicles 20…Praise God, for His faithful love endures forever!
Austin, Mo we are praying for you!
May the Christ followers of Austin stand strong and hold up their shields of faith to deflect the attack of the enemy.
Pray and FAST, at least a day and a night. This is a propaganda war in which the media has contributed to the violence. I recommend that the brethren acquire the tract titled “The Poor Revolutionist” from Chick Publications. This tract reveals the futility of serving their communist masters. It’s excellent and has a sinner’s prayer at the end so that they can call on the name of the Lord and be saved.
John and Charles Wesley salted down their home country of England with tracts, and thus played a role in preventing the French Revolution spreading there.
Please do something to help get the Word into the hands of these deceived young people. Thanks.
Brothers and sisters of Austin to The Father:
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
Father God to our brothers and sisters in Austin:
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world. (1John 4:4). Lord I lift up the mayor and the people of Austin to get up off their knees and rise up and stand firm against this evil approaching. Yes amen, āthe fire of God is coming to Austin.ā
The fire of God is in the State of Texas and it burns up all his enemies. No weapon formed against is shall prosper because the greater One lives in us than is in this world. Let the glory of God prevail, and let his enemies be scattered. Living Blood of Jesus have your way in your people. We bind every demonic spirit operating in these mobs, and loose angelic armies against them. Let the prayers of your saints Lord, overwhelm the curses that they would try to bring forth, in the Mighty and glorious name of Jesus.
Amen and amen!
Excellent prayer š for Texas
Thank you prayer warrior āļøš”š”
Father God,
You know how many times I and other intercessors walked the streets of Austin from 1991 through 1999 and 2009 to 2017, praying for Your Presence & Your Revival Fire to swarm and overtake Austin, TX and the University of Texas and the surrounding cities and counties. The March for Jesus marches in the 1990s to the capitol, on the university’s campus, the prayer walks by the campus prayer groups, student prayers, Christian Faculty Network, individual faculty & staff at UT, unified churches and members of the Body of Christ. Intercessors have cried out for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God to be revealed and for major revival to explode across the city and state of Texas. As the people of Israel cried out and moaned for You to intervene on their behalf, honor the prayers of Your people, the parents of students and children who have cried for You to intervene and keep their children safe–all those who have been crying out for more than 30 years for You to lift up Your Mighty Arm and reveal Your Mighty Power, Judgement, and Righteousness so the plans of the enemy can be thwarted and stopped. Let the Habitation of Your Throne be revealed in Austin and Texas, let Psalm 89: 13 through 18 come to pass and continue as ripples across the State of Texas and continue to explode from Texas to the South, North, East, & West, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Cover Your Faithful and Praying Saints by the Power of the Blood of Jesus and the Presence of Your Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen!
Powerful! Thank you so much!
Let God Arise, His Enemies Be Scattered in Jesus’ Name!
Standing in agreement with your powerful statement
Declaring Pslm 83 13-18 over Austin
Amen Amen
Bless you, Sister and All for Standing in Agreement. Turn the UT Football Stadium & Texas stadiums across the state into arenas for powerful intercession and places of Worship for Christ Jesus!
Praise the Lord for all the seeds you and your friends have planted. Those prayers are not null and void but have risen up to the nostrils of God and He in His perfect timing will work a work we have not seen or known. Stand strong and see the glory of God revealed. Faith walks. We rest in Him as we pitition our God day and night. He will not fail us. His perfect will established. Praise the Lord our living God.
Is 40:9 āO Zion, You who bring good tidings, Get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, You who bring good tidings, Lift up your voice with strength, Lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah āBehold your God.ā
Father, your fire is coming and is within your people in Austin. The enemy makes a loud noise but the voice of your blood bought, spirit-filled, anointed are louder! Send your whirlwind and defend the gate in Austin that all flesh may see the glory of the Lord revealed. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
Father God, we call for the Mayor of Austin to RISE UP and get off his knee and reject the LIE of bowing to a false BLM god. Father, we call for Angel Armies to encamp around the city and assist the prayer warriors in the streets bringing shalom and your FIRE. Please protect Alex Jones and his crew at InfoWars as they take to the streets to confront the lies. May your spirit of Peace and Unity guard their mouths, in Jesus’ name.
Our Father, I pray you step into this planned uprising, as You have done according to your Word, to stop it in its tracks. I pray confusion on the organizers. I pray you expose the motives of these so called protesters for all to see their goal of chaos and confusion. I bind these spirits of hate, fear, and division in Jesus name. I also pray you sever the ties of the media with these uprisings. Expose the connection between the two, and how one feeds on the other. Open the eyes of the American people to see the truth. I come against all confusion and deception. Lord, put up an invisible wall between the evil and the innocents.
As a mother of four, I pray Father that You have mercy on my children and their future in America. Save my children and all the believers from the claws of communism and its great deception. May a revival fire burn through our hearts. May the spirit of wisdom, revelation and discernment come upon us. May Your light shine on the eyes of our heart so we can see the truth. May the truth set us free from all the lies of the enemy. May America continue to stand as a shining golden lamp stand as a testimony to glorify our Father in heaven. May we be saved and delivered from evil not because of our righteousness but because of Your mercy, oh Lord! Humble our hearts, forgive our sins and heal this landāfor Christ and His kingdom. Turn our hearts from idol-worshipping. Turn our eyes from worthless things. In Jesusās name, amen.
Amen and Amen ~
So be it Lord. So be it.
Thank you Lord for being our Strong Tower by which we can run into and be safe. Lord, I ask that you would touch hearts of America’s intercessors so that they will pray and stand in the gap according to Isaiah 58:12. Let us be the Repairers of the Breach and the remnant that turns the tide of evil in Texas. We are mighty when we are linked by the spirit of God and by His authority.
Father, in Judges 9 Abimelech made a power grab for the people of Shechem and hired worthless and reckless men to accomplish this, but a man of God prophesied against him and what he said happened and ended the uprising. I pray that the Bride of Christ would arise and as in Judges 9 drop a millstone on the head of the leader(s) of this riotous ungodly movement against your people and this country founded on Your Law and commandments. May we continue to have freedom to worship you. Also, like in Abimelech’s day You sowed a spirit of discord among Abimelech and his followers, may You Lord God Almighty sow a spirit of discord in the enemy’s camp this day also. We ask this in the Name above all other names, your Holy Son Yeshua.
Father, You are the LORD Most High. You are the God of Angel Armies. You have alerted the intercessors to join in prayer against the force of evil that has plotted to create discourse, violence, rebellion, anarchy, and other acts of wickedness within the city of Austin. In Jesusās name, I decree that those who plot evil will not succeed in their wicked schemes and plans. I ask that every act they have planned will fall by the wayside, covered by the blood of Jesus. I ask that You dispatch Your Angel Armies to assist in the cause of righteousness. Strengthen and protect the law enforcement men and women who come against this wave of potential terror and destruction. May those financial backers who have funded this campaign be exposed and removed from their sphere of influence. You are the righteous and just Judge. Your decisions are perfect. Remove the unrighteous judges who support the cause of evil. Remove those politicians who stand against righteousness in the court of law. Rise up, O Lord from Your dwelling place and proclaim that Texas belongs to You and that evil doers will not be successful.
“Fear Not.” Says the Lord.”I AM in the midst of them. They Will Not prevail. Neither will they ascend. Even as the Amalgamite rend and tear, so this army on the way of destruction are amped into that idea: However, the rending and tearing will begin and end with the slave master’s who contend with My chosen ones. Be Bold, Be Strong, I Am has geared you up for this battle which is won on your knees not with guns, but with the shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit. Be it known the Lord of Glory has Come.”
Psalm 32:6-7
For this reason every one of your faithful followers should pray to you while there is a window of opportunity. Certainly when the surging water rises, it will not reach them. You are my hiding place; you protect me from distress. You surround me with shouts of joy from those celebrating deliverance.
What a joy to pray in agreement with the prayers below! May The Lord be glorified!
We not only know but stand boldly before the enemy with the powerful scriptures as quoted in Psalms 91. He will shield and protect his own. God is totally in charge so all you demons listen! The fire of God is coming to Austin. Believers there and around our country are continuing to pray. The hand of God will prevail.
Standing in prayer in California –
Be encouraged. Be a David who ran toward Goliath. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. He is the Lord of angel armies.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,ā Says the LORD.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
Praying for God’s men and women to STOP this craziness! Will pray with our fellowship tonite, binding and loosening, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Draw the line in the sand. Slay this Goliath and let the wicked know the RIGHTEOUS OF GOD stand ready to do battle for Truth and Justice. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self control! A trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. Give them and all of us the spirit of Elijah, Father!
Psalm 91. Amen.
Satan’s followers feel and obey the dictates of their fallen master. They war against Christ the creator and sovereign of earth who is authorized by God to rule. Christ has said “No one goes to the Father who does not not go through me”. As for me, I follow my lord Jesus who prepares me to join with my father God. No matter what.
“When the enemy comes in like a flood I will raise up a standard against it”.
Standing in prayer with the body of Christ in Austin that they are the standard that the Lord is raising up.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree, declare, and pray that the enemy would be exposed and defeated in Austin. I pray that Austin will be where the tide turns in favor of the saints. May Austin be where Gods weight is added to the scale.
Do not be paralyzed Shavonne. Find one thing you can do and do that. Find a praying friend you can partner with to pray and take action for your state. It just takes one to start! Praying for you to have direction and focus! š
I am praying and fasting. For God to intervene for my State Capital, and for all of the state of Texas. I am praying for the United States of America.
Where the above article states “Join them to pray the following:…” that is what I prayed and will continue to pray. Yes Lord, yes! Show up strong and powerful against the forces of the enemy in Austin. May Your presence be felt, witnessed, recognized. Your will be done. You are strong and mighty to deliver! May all creation join to praise Your holy Name!
May the Fire of God consume the Bride of Christ in Austin, for the Best Is Yet To Come! And it build a high and wide wall around the Territory of Austin with His Heavenly Host on its watchtowers. And may He give moment by moment strategies to rob Hell and populate heaven!
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”. James 1:2ā-ā¬4
Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
We claim this protection for Austin. That BLM would be exposed as they serve the darkness of this world. We pray for BLM & all those that would join them in chaos, show them Jesus & save them.
In Jesus precious name, Amen
Lord I lift up this Capitol seat of Texas and I ask you to surround its perimeters from Pflugerville to Manor to Del Valle to Bastrop, Dripping Springs, Georgetown, the Hill Country, New Braunfels, Cedar Hill and all outlying areas to shield your Intercessors from the onslaught of the father of lies and his blind army of destroyers. May the eyes of the evil see the army of the Lord standing completely all around and above them.
Expose the “weird” in Austin that its inhabitants have vowed and voiced to keep. Cause the main stream media to crumble under the truth of your word and the prayers of your “called” by order of your promises that stand faithful and eternal from the beginning of time. Let no one be injured and compel the evidence of your sovereignty in this state be shouted from the news desks of every broadcast medium that uses your spectrum of delivery. Remove the static of fear mongering and hate disguised as justice for You sit on the throne of justice and you will set the record straight. In Austin set the tone for your intention to be revealed in this hour. amen
Thank you Lord that so many have been called to pray for and in and surrounding Austin. May your armies protect and defend in Your mighty name. Father, protect the protectors and their families. Give the leaders Your wisdom. Protect the helpless that live in the area. Stop the evil and the evildoers. Awaken the young people living in Austin that only evil robs, steals, destroys. Thank You Lord for Your might and power and strength and sovereignty. In Jesus name I pray.
I pray that God will destroy the ‘facade’ of BLM and their real agenda just like He did the Egyptians in the Red Sea. Frustrate, agitate and annihilate their plans in the name of Jesus. We stand with our brothers and sisters in Texas. Let your will be done O Lord. Amen
well prayed
11Chronicles 20:13-17 thus says the Lord unto you, be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but God’s.you shall not need to fight the battle.set yourselves. Stand you still & see the salvation of the Lord with you.KJV. we are standing on God’s promises. “I am always with you, I will never leave you or forsake you.we are praying for Austin. Stand proud & strong Austin in the name of Jesus Christ. We are s soldiers in Christ. Pray the blood of Jesus over your citys. Jesus said it is finished. Lets claim our authority over satan .be bold. Cry out to the Lord in the name of Jesus. Satan has already been defeated. Wage war against him & his minions in the mighty precious name of Jesus. Lets fight the good fight. Stay strong. God is will us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Glory be to the name of the Lord. Amen
I also received this scripture verse! The battle is truly the Lordās! Ame
I live in Georgetown now, but was a citizen of Austin since 1970. I’m still connected with Luke 4:18 ministries led by Barbara Bucklin. We are on the front lines praying the fire of God will consume the works of the devil and all will see how Great is our God!
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:(for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might brothers and sisters! The gates of hell SHALL NOT prevail against the body of Christ!! You are in our prayers!!
Thank you.
I agree in Jesusās Name! Amen.
āYet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.ā –Romans 8:37-39 AMP
May this be the Banner over the Bride of Christ in Austin!
No weapon forged against you will prevail and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me. Isaiah 54:17
Just as Elijah prayed in 1Kings 18:37-38 āAnswer me, O Lord, answer me, that this people may know that Thou, O Lord, art God, and that Thou hast turned their heart back again.ā Then the fire of the Lord fell…
Stand strong, steadfast, immovable our brothers and sisters in Christ…1John 4:4 You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. We are linking arms together and standing with you in prayer and fasting. You are not alone. The God of angel armies is going before you.
Austin, God still holds the reigns. Worship God then enter the battle with a spirit of victory. A blanket of peace spread over Austin. Speak His word over your city. Stand back and see the salvation of God.
Praying according to
II Kings 6:16-23.
“And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host (of the Egyptians)…and troubled the host, And took off their chariot wheels, that they drove them heavily: so that (they) said, Let us flee….for the Lord fighteth for them .. (Ex 14:25)
My Father, in the Holy Name of Jesus, we stand together in prayer for Austin Texas. In the name of Jesus, I decree the Most Precious Blood over Austin and the state of Texas. Your Word says that You will be an enemy to our enemies and You will fight all who fight against Your children. As we unite in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Austin, we fear not because You are with us and we know this is Your battle not ours and You have already won. Amen.
As I was joining in the warfare intercession for Austin and Texas, I decreed by the Spirit:”Let their wheels come off as in the days of the chariots of pharaoh at the red sea.” They shall try to arrive in Austin but confusion and fear shall impede them.
I prayed something similar. I prayed for the breakdown of the busses and confusion to reign amongst the rioters and breakdown in their communications. Let the enemies plans be thwarted and overturned, in Jesus Name. Cover Austin in Your blood Lord Jesus.
Yes, this is what I prayed as well. Wheels of the buses come off, confusion reigns in their camp, they are unable to form their plans, to communicate and to accomplish anything they came here to do. We saw that manifesting last night!
Mercy Lord,Mercy! Let God arise and His ennemies be scattered!
āāDonāt be afraid!ā Elisha told him. āFor there are more on our side than on theirs!āā
āā2 Kingsā¬ ā6:16ā¬ āNLTā¬ā¬
May it be so for Austin. We call upon Your Mighty Angels to war on our behalf in Austin! We thank You for the victory!
When I prayed in agreement repeating the words of your written prayer, the Lord touched me pwoerfully! Jolts of power rushed through my body. I wanted you to know, and the other intercessors, your prayers are effective, God is hearing and working! I pray Blessings, peace, strength, power, anointing, renewal, refreshment upon you, all
intercessors, and the body of Christ!
I am praying for your peace and your protection to cover Austin and all of Texas. You are the Great I Am and you can do all things! Let these protests come to nothing. Show up there Lord and show yourself strong.
Father in Heaven,
I love so much that Your ways are not our ways…thank you for always being there, for You are the very air we breathe. Your Holy presence goes before us, hems us in round about, you go before us…girding us with the helmet of salvation, the shield of FAITH, the sword of the spirit, your Holy Word, the belt of truth, our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace- PEACE-we shout unto you Father, even now with a voice of triumph. We shout unto you with a resounding unifying voice of Holy Praise. May all of your blood bought children rise up, rise up at this hour to call down in unity that which masquerades as truth and light-that which has come to call evil good and Good evil, that which would counterfeit truth, justice, mercy and love into a twisted and perverse agenda-designed for wickedness and mansā final demise. Yes, we understand these are the birth pangs….but you have called us to intercede- to thwart these diabolical plans!
Yes, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle,
Yes, we are under attack,
Yes yes yes …..
Oh God, precious Jesus, Holy Spirit, come, come, come…Arise Oh God, May your enemies be scattered, confound the contrary voices of division, disrupt the enemiesā mocking voice of derision! Arise Oh God, and make known the Way of the Lord…get ahold of everyone of the puppets being used in this disgraceful attempt to take over America. Enough! Sayeth the Lord! Enough!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Praying BIG TIME. How long, Lord.We are seeing good called evil&evil called good. Believing God’sjustice over Austin&our nation!
Stand firm.
May the mighty power of Jesus Christ be released! šš
āAfter consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang: āGive thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!ā At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves.ā
āā2 Chroniclesā¬ ā20:21-22ā¬ āNLTā¬ā¬
Seems like Jehoshaphat had a very good strategy!!
I pray God gives wisdom to the law enforcement, that they are able to shut down the roads to keep the buses from coming into the city. I pray God opens the eyes of the protesters to see Gods angelic host and it causes them to flee in fear.
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let the Body of Christ be reminded that You are omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent God. You are the only one that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is with us as we received the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7. We thank you for the unfolding of sins before our eyes.
Father God, we thank you for the Body of Christ in Austin, TX who has a uniquely unified Christian community. Pastors often cooperate with one another. Churches come together. A citywide campaign for evangelism outreach was a combined effort this spring for the unified churches in the Austin area.
Holy Spirit ignite and mobilize the whole America Body of Christ to pray. We ask for Your protection, wisdom and discernment. We ask that the Body of Christ will not get weary and press on fighting on our knees.
Jesus has won the demonic principalities of witchcraft in Calvary 2500 years ago therefore Holy Spirit please unite America in each of the citizens’ heart so that we will not be divided by the sin of racism.
Show us what You want to do with our lives. We thank You that we are Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which You have prepared in advance for us.
Father God, seems to our natural eyes the resources of the ungodly is unlimited. Please father deplete the resources of the ungodly (Antifa, BLM, The Good Club, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, GGE, Open Society Foundation, the Hollywood Elites The Globalist, The Cartels, MSM, CCP, Russia etc) and let it dry up. Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.
Keep us humble and rely our trust on You forever and ever.
May the blood and grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us all from today onward.
We lay an ax to the very root of the source of substance and power of these hateful mobs. We sever their source. We cut off their strength. We command that root to dry up and die. Matt 3:10. May the very fire of God gall on these rioters and burn up hatred and division and expel the fires of hell. We pray Your hedge of protection over Austin. Send angel armies round about Austin and America to protect America and our covenant with our I Am God! We decree unity and peace to Austin and to America in Jesus Name!
When protesters came to St. Bernard, LA I was so proud of our law enforcement. They blocked of a section where protestors were meeting away from Govt Complex and vehicles. They had to park and walk quite a distance to get there and if they became violet police had time to arrest them before damage could be done and before they could get back to their cars. The area was could then be inspected prior to protest to make sure items werent placed any where. Local people stayed away showing them u r not wanted in our Parish and it worked. They left and went to New Orleans before nightfall. Cutos to our law enforcement officers. Follow example if possible it worked because they couldnt stir up anger with no locals there and call your people to prayer.
Stand and fight in the name of Jesus.
The battle belongs to the Lord!
Praying and standing with my brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Heavenly Father,
We speak destruction and disruption to every demonic plan, scheme, and strategy and we pray you will send angels to protect, to support, and to fight on behalf of Austin, Tx in Jesus mighty name! Take every attempt to cause division and destroy it at its root and bring a greater unity out of it as people come together to stand for truth! Raise up bold and courageous believers to pray, to love on people, to help keep things peaceful and to reach hardened hearts and paid protesters with the true Gospel! Send your ministering angels ahead of them and your warring angels to fight for them. And blow, Holy Spirit, Your revival across all of Texas! In Jesusā name I pray. Amen.
Lord God Almighty, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you would surround this city of Austin and your country with your mighty angels. That the evil intent of the Mob would be silenced and many repent and be saved in Jesus’ name. Open the eyes of the blind and your people to see that the evil one is leading the mob. Give repentance to these people and protect our police force, and the people in the City of Austin. May your word prevail and the enemy be stopped. May liberty ring out across our cities, states, and nation, and may the people rise up and follow you. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen
Father, I pray for confusion in the enemyās camp. That You would cause great fear and terror in their hearts. That their plans will fall flat and that all would know that You are the Lord Almighty and You will not be mocked. No power of darkness coming against those that belong to You and fighting this invisible war will win, because we know who wins in the end and in whom we put our trust. Father, protect the people of Austin and our nation. Put a hedge of protection around the leaders and our police officers. Protect them and their families. For your glory and to show that the enemy is no match for You. I beg for forgiveness for our sins, and we trust that when we pray, You hear us. Help us Lord! We turn to You, and You alone in our dark hour of need.
Father God, thank You for our brothers & sisters in Austin Texas & their faithfulness to You to be in a spirit of divine unity. I pray for the spirit of worship rise up in all & just as in Jehoshaphatās battle of the armies coming against him, I pray for the singers to go before the army preparing āthe beauty of the LORDā saying PRAISE THE LORD, FOR HIS MERCY ENDURETH FOREVERā. Just as You told Jehoshaphat in this battle, āYe shall not need to fight in this battle, set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah & Jerusalem (Austin): fear not, nor be dismayed, tomorrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.ā And when they began to sing & praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. Lord we declare the same for all those coming against Austin, the BLM, antifa & every other protestor/rioter groups who brings anger/violence/divisions, they ALL will be ambushed by the LORD & destroyed so no more destruction can be done by them in any place. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Hallelujah!!I stand in agreement in
Jesus Name!!
We are with you Austin! Praying in agreement!
Lord God Almighty hear our prayer. We give You honor and glory and praise For You alone are worthy. Only You can save our nation as we repent on behalf of Americaās sin and iniquity against You. We need Your Holy Spirit to flood our homes, bars, churches, protesters, jails and tset our hearts on Fire with the love of Jesus.
Lord, we pray for Austin, Texas
We pray for the peace of this city and for the protection of the people and property there
We pray for a spirit of grace and truth to permeate the city and a spirit of repentance and holiness to encompass all who go there
Thwart the plans of those who plot evil and make your enemies flee like smoke
In Jesus name, Amen
People of Austin my continuing prayers are with you. I believe what the devil means for evil God will use for good. Be strong in your faith; God has overcome the devil.
Jesus, place a “wall of protection” around Austin, Texas as protestors descend. Cause us to claim for all cities of America the promise that, “You give wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and hold victory in store for the upright, that You are a shield..You guard the course of the just, and protect that way of Your faithful ones.” (Poverbs). Let no other city in America have to deal with a Chaz. Disband, disrupt those who are taking the law into their own hands creating chaos, discord, anarchy. Amen.
I Pray that the prophesied word about Texas, indeed would be fulfilledāāthe Fire of God is coming to Austin!ā The rioters and looters who are to be bussed in or otherwise, the planned intruder protesters, will be dealt with before they harm the Austin citizens property or visitors, in Jesus’ mighty name. Let the Austin pastors come together on this project in unity and discern and be bold about what really is the root of this BLM problem.
Almighty God, we ask that You tear down these violent acts! Your people understand and know the strategies that are being carried out by the enemy which is to tear down little by little, location by location, city by city, institution by institution. But we know that You know every motive, every strategy, every move, every intent of those who wish to do harm. And we ask for Your power to be made known to thwart their every move. Empower Your intercessors to rise up as Your army of warriors to do battle with these forces knowing we have You as our commander. Lord, give us the orders and the power and we WILL defeat the enemy! May the enemy be dumbfounded and astounded by the power of Your warriors! May they experience defeat the minute they enter the city. Like the battle of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-27) – may we raise a great shout to make the enemy force crumble! And Lord, help us be prepared to use the power of prayer to defeat every incident going forward that the enemy will attempt to win. Amen!
For this cause was the Son of God manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
May this Assault on the people and church in Austin be overturned. For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross; Lord destroy the demonic communications and disruptive powers conspiring against your people and lawful authority in Austin. Your will be done, in Jesus name.
Father send your warring Angels to the state of Texas to do battle there. Please confound the plans if the enemy. Thank you that the Churches are in unity. Please protect the people, police, the firemen, children, teen agers and elderly. Dry up the funds of the people who are paying the people on these buses to do this. We need your help Father. Thank you for the coming revival.
Isaiah 41: 10 Fear thou not for i am with the be not dismayed for i am thy God i will strengthen thee yea i will help thee yea I will uphold thee .
God woke me up this morning about 4 something to pray and He gave me Isaiah 50 asked God what are you saying to me, prayed for a while, open up email and saw what coming to Austin then understood what God was saying to intercede for Austin and the pastors and churches there.
Praise the LORD
Jesus Christ !
Dear Lord Jesus, we agree from Centurion, South Africa with the prayers of the intercessors on these pages. We say: Amen and amen. We plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over Austin, Texas. We pray for a mighty intervention by the strength of the Holy Spirit to protect law enforcement and the people of Austin. Amen and amen
Praying that God will prevail and protect the City of Austin, that the violent protestors will be turned back like the Red Sea Miracle.
Father God, we pray for wisdom and discernment during this darkness and for protection from the evil hanging over our nation. We prayer your holy protection over our brothers and sisters in Austen.
Lord let us remember your Word in Romans 8:28…And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Praise God that we can boldly proclaim this knowledge that the power of our Lord can thwart the enemy’s plans and turn it to good. We pray this blessing over all of Austen, all of Texas and our beloved country. We pray that the strong Christian presence in Austen will rise up as strong leaders in this spiritual war, and become an example for the country on how together the enemy will be defeated by the army of God. We boldly pray that this evil will stir a revival and return to our Christian roots. We boldly declare that goodness will triumph because the previous blood of Jesus has already defeated the enemy. Amen
Father, I lift up the great state of Texas and specifically Austin. I ask you to put a hedge of protection around law enforcement officers that will defend the city and I pray that believers in the area will have supernatural ability to know where to position themselves (physically) as they do warfare for their city and for you! I come alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ who are on the front lines there and ask for their protection as well. Father I’m asking for the stamping down of what the enemy means for evil in Austin. Genesis 50:20 says “But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over Austin!
Lynna, God placed the same prayer in my heart at the same time that God will use this evil for good. Praise God. Amen
God is so so good!! Thank you for sharing this!!! Blessings on you ā¤ļø
Father God we agree with Cindy Jacobs prayer over Austin. No weapon against Austin will stand in Jesus name. We lift up the Anarchy filled people to you Lord. They are angry, empty and lacking redemptive love. May their hearts be softened to exact change where needed with the direction of the Holy Spirit. Like Paul, do a dramatic work in them so they can be free in Jesus name.
Father God we pray that You would make the weakest warrior the mightiest warrior, God. We pray that you will be glorified.
We pray that you would strengthen the entire body of Christ in Austin with words of wisdom & with the mantle of Joshua, that they would hold each others arms up in prayer as was done for Moses. And we pray that the joy of the Lord will be their strength.
Austin Believers: weāre with you in your battle cry! In Jesus name, Amen!
In Agreement with all praying. Thanking God for His awakening Bride who are standing in His armor!
Let God be Praised and Glorified! Let the Praises of His people be heard! Be exalted O God above the heavens let Your Glory be over all the earth! Ps.57:11
I am praying for Austin Christians to arise and shine for their light has come!
Lord I pray that a wall of fire be around that city & all of America & its people. I ask for your angel armies to be stationed at the city’s gates that the enemy be turned back. I pray for your people to rise up. Let them enter your courts with thanksgiving & praise for your divine protection & victory at hand. Dismantel the plans of the enemy. May the fear of the Lord fall upon all in the city of Austin & your love permeate their hearts. May they be baptized in your Holy Spirit & be a city transformed for your glory & for your name’s sake. In Jesus name, Amen.
As I was praying right now about this – I was aware of an immense silence falling – and God told me to pray for that silence to fall onto Autin .. that in the silence He will speak and when He speaks the enemy will fall.
As the power of the Lord Almighty and Father God is revealed through the unity of the TXAPN and the unified pastors and believers
in Austin, may a great fear of the Lord Almighty halt all the adversary’s efforts. Trusting that The Lords mighty right hand of power
and protection be raised against the enemy attempting to harm Gods people in Austin . May Mighty signs and wonders be seen
as God’s people faithfully & boldly respond with the unified power of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Gods Holy Servant Jesus!
Father, I decree that soundness of mind will be in great supply amidst all the people of Austin, Texas. I decree that all protests across this nation will come to an end swiftly. That the forever loser will simply run out of steam. I lift up the Name of Jesus over every street in Austin, the paved streets and the alleys and the dirt roads. I declare it is written in the Word of God, At the NAME of JESUS, EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. There is no name above the Name of Jesus.
I decree the end of protesting rioting NOW throughout Austin and that the fuel of anger and rage will be calmed by the debar shalom of the Living God. Let the angel armies arrive ahead of any protesting groups and let the Presence of God so permeate Austin Texas that no one can speak evil or declare curses against Texas or the United States.
Jesus is Lord over Texas, America and the nations of the earth. AMEN.
I pray to you Lord, that your mighty power will put a hedge of protect around them & set your angels above them. I pray that hearts & minds will be turn to you, a great awakening.
I pray for the opposition will turn to you & souls would be saved. Lord please put a heap of coals on satanās plans that all will see your great power & mercy. Amen & Amen
Mighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Father of out Lord Yeshua the Messiah, quench the firey darts of the enemy and lose the Fire of YOUR Holiness in Spirit and Truth throughout Austin and the surrounding communities. Let unity bind believers and chaos destroy destruction. Whose angels appear before the Throne singing Holy,Holy,Holy but Yours? Send your servants and Your Word to fight for Your People in Austin and let Righteousness prevail at the city gates!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that you place a hedge of protection around the city of Austin and its residents. I pray for the safety of its leaders, for law enforcement, and the protesters. I pray for peace in the city, for peace in the streets, and that every evil plan of the enemy will be turned around for your glory. Father, let your Holy Spirit rain down upon all who gather so that hearts filled with hate are transformed into hearts full of your love. Father, I pray, that you alone will be magnified, exalted, lifted up in Austin, Texas and throughout the United States and the world.
“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
“Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.” Psalm 24:7-10
Donna King, we prayed at the same time for the gates.
Praise the living God The mighty God who determines the direction of the flow of the rivers; the God who speaks and mountains turn into valleys. Arise, Oh Lord, and confuse all those who conspire against The City if Austin; confuse whoever pursues and cause them to disappear like the darkness of the night at daybreak. We proclaim that even though the earth gives way, and the mountains fall into the seas, we shall remain firm in You; for You promised never to abandon us.
You are, indeed, a great God; we adore You and glorify Your holy Name. We pray in The Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit; Amen.
I will certainly pray according to how the article recommends.
I stand with you all in prayer praying, believing standing on his words. Isiah 54:17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper ,and every tongue which rises against us in judgement you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the lord and there righteousness is from our lord. Hedge of protection over our nation, cities, families. Mighty pouring of his holy spirit upon our nations. Thanking and praising, singing unto our lord for his grace, mercy, forgiveness, his words of truth we stand on. He is fighting for us. Amen and amen .